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A system, process, or policy that people use to make decisions or do their work is faulty/

Organizational causes 

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is a popular and often-used technique that helps people answer the
question of why the problem occurred in the first place. / TRUE 

Tangible, material items failed in some way/Physical causes

People did something wrong, or did not do something that was needed./ Human causes
__________ is the process of capturing the useful information by inspecting, cleansing,
transforming and modeling data./ Data analysis 

  It combines a relaxed, informal approach to problem solving with
lateral thinking.
cause and effect diagram
  examines why something happened or might happen by
organizing potential causes into smaller categories.
PARETO analysis
  a technique that can be used for business decision-making, but it
also has applications in many different fields from economics to quality control. It is based on
the 80-20 rule.
  Judgment and analysis at this stage stunts idea generation and
limit creativity.
SWOT analysis
  is designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at
the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, initiatives, or within its industry.
cause and effect diagram
  It is often referred to as a fishbone diagram or Ishikawa diagram.
SWOT analysis
  is a framework used to evaluate a company's competitive
position and to develop strategic planning.
Gantt chart
  is one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities
(tasks or events) displayed against time.
PERT CPM and Graphs
  is a network diagram used to represent a project’s timeline.
Scatter Grams
  is a graphic representation of points referencing two variables.
Combines multiple quantities into a single quantity, called the product./ Multiplication 

Removing one quantity from another to find the difference between the two./ Subtraction
Splitting a quantity into a smaller value, called the quotient./ Division
The most basic operation of arithmetic./ Addition
How much is the principal amount?
What is the interest rate?
How much time (in years) will the loan charge you an interest?
How much is the annual interest?
How much is the interest for 3 months?
How much will you pay at the end of the loan period?
An office with at least one computer must have a _________ to make hard copies of files and
documents./  Printer 

Content providers and Learning Management System providers are using a vast number of
automated solutions to create new courses and learning materials, reducing the cost and
development time required in the conventional process./ automation and adaptive learning
Encouraging innovation and creativity through access to different business technology tools is a
useful strategy to increase productivity and efficiency./ TRUE 

Having the latest technology allows your company to stay competitive and provide the best
quality service or products as possible./  industry efficient
It helps showing the presentations on a bigger screen thus grabbing everybody’s attention./
It is the use of computers to store or retrieve data and information./ Information Technology
It refers to the use of computer systems, software and networks for processing and distribution
of data and communicating information in the organization./ Office Technology 

Small discrepancies in an organization can bring about large amounts of uncertainty./

computational accuracy 

The new millennium has seen a sudden upsurge in the online streaming space, with YouTube
becoming the second popular search engine after Google./ video-based training

The team hired must not only fit the bill but also stay focused and be efficient./  TRUE 

The widespread adoption of mobile phones as well as other mobile devices such as tablets, e-
readers, etc. is encouraging organizations to leverage ____________ for their workforce
training./ mobile learning
This is one of the best ways of replicating a document and maintaining a hard copy especially if
it is hand-written./ Copier
Which is correct? i. Preventive maintenance is proactive. ii. Corrective maintenance is often but
not always reactive./ both i and ii are correct 

_________ copy these images created on paper and convert them to electronic format so that
they can be stored on a computer or emailed./ Scanner
__________ bring the social interaction part of traditional classroom training into the eLearning
world./ virtual environment and avatars 
Elaborate the following Customer Service Skills.

1. Communication
2. Empathy
3. Patience
4. Technical Knowledge

1. Communication - it is important to be clear in every thing that we say to be able to

understand each other so that we can easily solve the problem and we need to be
responsive everytime they are talking.
2. Empathy -in empathy we need to consider the emotions or feeling of others  so that we
can interact with them accordingly.
3. Patience - we need to be professional in our job they may be annoying in a way that they
repeatedly ask questions but we need to always be patient to be able to bring positive
vibe and get our job done.
4. Technical Knowledge - in a job it is our duty to know the technical things in our area to
be able to respond in our customer inquires. We can easy solve any problem if we have
technical knowledge.
Enumerate the 7 Tips for More Effective Communication with Clients

1. Keep it simple and to the point

2. Be positive
3. Listen Actively
4. Avoid interrupting
5. Checking Understanding regularly
6. Use visuals
7. Add an Extra Delight
A type of nonverbal communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to words, are used
to express or convey the information. Such behavior includes facial expressions, body
posture, gestures, eye movement, touch and the use of space. /Body Language 

The manner, pose, or posture in which one stands./ Stance 

The way a person holds and positions their body./ Posture 


1. Keep a track of your work record

2. work even harder
3. Find the flaws
Break down each project into more manageable chunks, giving yourself little milestones to
make the work more manageable./ Take one step at a time 

Give yourself ample time to complete each project and allow contingencies for any inevitable
obstacles./ Create a schedule
It means negotiating each day’s circumstances while ensuring you have enough time for non-
negotiables like sleep and self-care./ Time-efficiency 
Maximizing of the supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a
person or organization in order to function effectively, with minimum wasted (natural) resource
expenses./ Resource-efficiency
Sleeping and eating well, taking lots of breaks and enjoying lots of exercise to reduce stress./
Boost your productivity 
Switch off your phone during busier times and avoid checking social media./ Iron out any
The value of work delivered by an individual, team or organization./ Quality of Work 
A complaint is when a customer brings a problem to the attention of the organization and
expects some redress, probably over and above simply supplying the original product or service
that was the cause of the complaint./ TRUE
A ________ is a detail of the requirements, specifications, the various guidelines and
characteristics to be able to meet its quality by the product in order to meet the purpose of the
product, process or the service./ quality standard
Describe the duties, responsibilities, working conditions, and activities of a particular job. Job
descriptions vary in terms of the level of detail provided./ job description
Detail the knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to a job, including the education, experience,
specialized training, personal traits, and manual dexterity required. The job specification is
important for several reasons./ job specification 
Don’t offer the complainant a gift straight away./ TRUE
Giving actionable advice is incredibly important if you are going to give negative feedback./
The information gathered during a job analysis can be used as input for the organization’s
___________ system. The job evaluation determines the worth of a particular job to the
organization./ job evaluation
The process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and responsibilities
of a specific job./ job analysis
You should always focus on positive information and justify your feedback, but do not mention if
it’s negative./  FALSE
__________ in the workplace is extremely important: workplaces need effective communication
to succeed and thrive./ constructive feedback
A word document file can be attached to an e-mail message?/ Yes
How do you close a window on your desktop?/ Use the mouse to press the button with the "X" in it
at the top right corner of the screen 
How do you make text in a word document bold?/ Highlight the text using the mouse and click
the "B" on the toolbar at the top of the screen
How do you open a program such a microsoft word when there are no icons on the desktop?/
Click the start button and select the program from the menu
How do you properly shut down a computer?/ Go to the "Start" button and select "Shut Down."
How do you properly turn off a computer?/ From the Start menu, select shut down and press the
power button on monitor.
How do you rename a file saved on your computer?/ Right click on the file name and choose
"Rename File." Type the new file name. 
How do you save a document to a flash drive when you are working in Microsoft Word?/ Click
"File" at the top of the screen and select "Save As." Select the flash drive, type a file name and click
How do you select text to copy or delete in a word document?/ Place the cursor at the beginning
of the text you wish to highlight, press the left mouse button and drag the mouse across the text.
Select the email address from the choices below./
There are two types of memory on the motherboard of a computer. One is known as RAM which
stands for Random Access Memory. This is also known as what type of memory?/ Short term
There is a device on the motherboard which controls the flow or transfer of data from the
computer to a peripheral device and vice versa. What is the name for this device?/ Basic
To copy text, you:/ All of the above are correct
What application allows you to gain access to the internet/ All of the above 
What application allows you to gain access to the world wide web?/ Internet Explorer
What are some common uses for a computer?/ All of the above
What are the four parts of the information processing cycle?/ Input, output, processing, and
What are the two steps in starting a computer?/ Pressing the power buttons on both the computer
and the monitor 
What is the keyboard shortcut for copy and paste?/ Crtl + C then Crtl + V 
What is the term used for the intangible set of instructions that tell the computer what to do?/
Which mouse button do you use more often?/ Left
Which of the following devices are known as input devices?/ Keyboard, microphone, joystick 
Which of the following devices can be classified as hardware devices?/ Printer, scanner, mouse
Which of the following tasks should be completed to help maintain your computer system?/ All of
the above 
Which of these are examples of search engines?/ Yahoo! and Google
Which two websites are search engines?/ Bing and Google
Which two websites offer free email service?/ Google and Yahoo
Which type of business software can be used to create a presentation using text, graphics,
animation, audio and video?/ PowerPoint
Which type of software combines several software applications into one program? An example
of this type of software would be AppleWorks./ Integrated Software 

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