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New in version 2020.

Connect to and Prepare Data
 Find and use partner-built connectors
 Connect to PostgreSQL 12 using a new JDBC connector
Design Views and Analyze Data
 Build maps with multiple data layers: marks layers for maps
 Enhancements to dynamic parameters: refreshable parameter ranges
 More models supported for predictive modeling functions
 Extend date ranges into the future
 Get notified when features won't animate in a browser
Prepare, Author, and View Data on Tableau Online and Tableau Server
 Create highlight actions in Tableau Online and Tableau Server
 Create fixed sets in Tableau Online or Tableau Server
 Apply filters to worksheets in Tableau Online or Tableau Server
 Add labels to your marks in Tableau Online or Tableau Server
 Refine date ranges with Ask Data
 See vizzes as stacked bar charts with Ask Data
 Edit synonyms for field values with Ask Data
 Image download improvements
 Use Salesforce data sources for web authoring
Collaborate and Explore on Tableau Online and Tableau Server
 New ways to see and manage custom views
 Organize items in a collection (limited preview)
 Tableau Catalog updates - part of the Data Management Add-on
Install and Deploy Tableau
 Turn off Web Page objects in Tableau Desktop
 CPU requirement update

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