Less Is More

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Less is more

There aren’t magical potions to live happily with less stuff. Least in a society in which
consumerism is looming around the corner. But if you consider that being minimalistic
is perhaps too excessive, you can profit from this movement by using only the
principles of minimalism and by focusing on what is important, we will discover a
different point of view in approaching situations.
A clear example of this is a common issue that most of us have to face once. There’s
nothing worse than finding yourself in a crossroad when you have to buy a birthday
present. “When this happens”, my English language teacher exclaimed once, “Don’t
gift stuff instead, gift moments”. This was the most valuable minimalistic piece of
advice I have ever heard. Objects can disappear with time but memories last forever,
especially if they are shared with people you love.
Being minimalistic is not only the disposal of stuff. According to Joshua Fields Millburn
and Ryan Nicodemus, two of the most famous minimalists in recent years,
“Minimalism is a tool used to rid yourself of life’s excess in favour of focusing on
what’s important so you can find happiness, fulfilment and freedom”. So materials are
just a point to consider. Giving priority to our spare time is also a key when seeking for
happiness too. Some surveys -made on teenagers- have shown that the amount of
time they spread checking e-mails, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. is the same
amount of time they can deliver in any kind of activity like playing an instrument or
learning a foreign language. If you are like most adolescents, consuming priceless time
in front of a screen -minimalists advice that- you should start being aware of it and
evoke your energies into something more productive.
Believe it or not, minimalism is not something as tough as most people expect. To be
honest, we as a society should learn not to judge a book by its cover. So next time
wear your “minimalistic glasses” and take advantage of its resources by applying them
into your daily routine.

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