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Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

Shopee 48 48% 1
Lazada 25 25% 2
Facebook marketplace 19 19% 3
Other 8 8% 4
Total 100 100%

Table 1.6 shows the different online shop platform. The table shows that forty-eight percent (48%) of the
respondents mostly used Shopee as an online shop. The second platform that is mostly used is Lazada
which is twenty-five (25%) and the third one is the Facebook Market place which has a nineteen percent
(19%). The remaining respondents chose the other platforms to use in online shopping/selling.

Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 1 “What factors do you consider to

attract customers to purchase from you despite of the situation today?”
Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Pricing 42 42% 1
Brand name 23 23% 2
Reputation/Advertising 15 15% 3
Packaging 10 10% 4
Quality 10 10% 4
Total 100 100%

The table shows that the most factor that attract the customer to purchase is the price of the product which
has a seventy-two (72%) of respondents. The next one is the brand name of the product which has a
twenty-three percent (23%), the advertising which has a fifteen percent (15%), packaging which has ten
percent (10%) and the quality of the product that also has a ten (10%) of respondents. This implies that
most of the respondent prefer to purchase a product base on its price and the quality of the product is the
least factor they think when purchasing.

Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 2 “What do you think are the effects of
online selling in the direct market?”
Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Consumers are likely 40 40% 1
going to rely more and
more heavily on
reviews and not product
details that are
emphasized by the
brands themselves.
It provides customers 22 22% 2
with more choices; they
can select from many
vendors and from more
Consumers tend to 20 20% 3
purchase online than to
go into physical stores.
Physical store tend to 7 7% 4
close and pivot to
online store since sales
in physical store are
Online selling platform 1 1% 5
provides more
convenient selling
process especially
during pandemic, it
helps sellers to have an
effective and safe
selling experience.
Total 100 100%

The table shows that forty 40% of the respondents rely more on the reviews of the product; 22% of the
respondents chose that online selling provide more choices and they can easily select the product they
want unlike the direct market; 20% of the respondents tend to purchase online than go to physical store;
7% of the respondents says that physical store tend to close and pivot to online store since sales in
physical store are decreasing. One of the respondent says that online selling platform provides more
convenient selling process especially during pandemic, it helps sellers to have an effective and safe
selling experience.

Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 3 “As a seller, do you think online

platform is a threat to traditional/direct markets?
Frequency Percentage (%) Rank
Yes, traditional marketing tries to 76 76% 1
maximize the value per
transactions; here customer
attraction is big target. But in online
marketing, the marketers are trying
to form relationship with customers
and they are looking for long term
value maximization.
In traditional marketing middlemen 19 19% 2
are supposed to provide pace and
time utilities to the ultimate
customer, but advancement of
information technology is turning
intermediation in to
My answer is “No” I believe that 1 1%
big brands or direct markets gives
other people an opportunity to
stand-up on their own. They’re
giving people a chance to survive in
this community especially as we’re
experiencing COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s also a good strategy in both
parties because they can predict and
know what will be the trend or will
be a flop to everyone.
It depends. 1 1% 3
No, because people have had free 1 1% 3
No, because it is a matter of 1 1% 3
competition and marketing strategy.
No, 1 1% 3
TOTAL 100 100%
Table # displays the response to question number three (3). It is shown that seventy-six (76)
respondents selected the first option with a percentage of (76%), nineteen (19) opted for the
second alternative with a percentage of nineteen (19%) and the other five (5) options had one
(1) responder with a percentage of one (1% each). Most respondents thus think that the internet
platform poses to the traditional/direct market.
Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 4 “As an online seller, what are the
advantages and disadvantages you encounter in online selling?”
Advantages Frequency Percentage Rank

Easy access to market. 54 54% 1

Selling online can remove the 14 14% 3

need for expensive retail
premises and customer-facing
Allows you to invest in better 16 16% 2
marketing and customer
experience on your e-
commerce site.
Expanding your market 16 16% 2
beyond local customers very
TOTAL 100 100%

Table # displays the response to questions number four (4). It showed that fifty-four (54)
respondents opted for the first option with a percentage of fifty-four (54%), sixteen (16%)
respondents selected the second and third options with percentage of sixteen (16%), fourteen
(14) respondents chose the second option with a percentage of fourteen (14%). Therefore, most
respondents thus think that internet sales have benefits.

Disadvantage Frequenc Percentage (%) Rank

The reputation of your 24 24% 2
business could be fatally
damaged if you don’t invest in
the latest security systems to
protect your website and
transaction processes.
Website costs 18 18% 4
Advertising costs 19 19% 3
Customer trust 39 39% 1
TOTAL 100 100%

Table # displays the response to questions number four (4). It showed that thirty-nine (39)
respondents opted for the fist option with a percentage of thirty-nine (39%), twenty-four (24)
respondents selected the second option with a percentage of twenty-four (24%), nineteen (19)
respondents chose the third option with a percentage of nineteen (19%), and lastly eighteen
(18) chose the last option with a percentage of eighteen (18%). Therefore, most respondents
believe that the internet sales have downside.

Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 5 “As an online seller, what factor

influences the majority of sales in online selling than in direct market?”

Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

Direct market 48 48 1
experiences the shift
away of consumer's way
of purchasing physically
to virtually. (Consumer's
Discounts and sales 46 46 2
mostly happen in online
shops. (Discounts and
Direct market only has 6 6 3
limited hours. (Time
TOTAL 100 100

Table # shows the answer of the respondents in question number five (5). The table shows that
forty-eight (48) respondents opted the first option with a percentage of forty-eight (48%),
forty-six (46) chose the second option with a percentage of forty-six (46%), and six (6) chose
the last option with a percentage of six (6%). Therefore, most respondents believe that the
factors impact the majority sale in the internet market versus direct markets.

Table 13 – Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 9 “As a seller, what do you

think is the best way for businesses to cope up with the situation today?”

Choices Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

A. Re-invent the 67 67% 1

business/Pivot to
more of an
online or
business model
B. Temporatily shut 4 4% 3
down the

C. Make profit with 29 29% 2

what is in the
market trend

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 13 shows the answer of the respondents in question number nine (9). The table shows that
there are sixty-seven (67) respondents who responded to letter A with a percentage of sixty-seven (67%),
four (4) who responded letter B with a percentage of four (4%) , and twenty-nine (29) who responded to
letter C with a percentage of twenty-nine (29%). Therefore, most of the respondents believed that the best
way for businesses to cope up with the situation today is to re-invent the business/pivot to more of an
obline or alternative business model.

Table 14 - Distribution of Respondents in Question Number 10 “As a seller, do you think

online businesses affect the sales in direct market?”u

Choices Frequency Percentage (%) Rank

YES, because online 80 80% 1

selling became the new
norm and consumers find
online selling more
NO, consumers still 2 2% 3
prefer physical shopping
than virtually.

MAYBE, some 18 18% 2

consumers are
comfortable both with
physical and virtual

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 14 shows the answer of the respondents in question number ten (10). The table shows that
there are eigthy (80) respondents who responded “yes” with a percentage of eighty (80%). Two (2) who
responded “no” with a percentage of two (2%), and eighteen (18) who responded “maybe” with a
percentage of eighteen (18%). This means that online business affect the sales in direct market as online
selling became the new norm and consumers find online selling more convenient.

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