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Adjectives of comparison

Base (basic): the normal form

Comparative: one over the other
Superlative: one is the best (super)

EXAMPLE: Yaqeen is better than Charles in drawing, but John is the best.

Type of Example/s Basic form Comparative Superlative

“Good” good good better best
“Bad” bad bad worse worst
One syllable cute, hot, cute cuter cutest
adjectives fat, etc.
Two syllable angry, hungry hungrier hungriest
adjectives funny,
that end with hungry, etc.
Two syllable clever, tangled more tangled most tangled
adjectives tangled,
that do not eager, etc.
end with “y”
Three or amazing, horrible more horrible most horrible
more syllable horrible,
adjectives colorful, etc.
Little little little less least
Much much much more most
Far far far further/farther furthest/farthest
1. Lenah is (tall) than Arya. (taller = one syllable; just add –er)

2. Sir Tamer is one of the (amazing) soccer players I saw. (most amazing =
more than two syllables; automatically add “most”)

3. Kuk has a (beautiful) Korean grocery shop than Seo. (more beautiful =
more than two syllables; automatically add “more”)

4. Filiz’s plan is (crazy) than Sumeyye’s. (crazier = two syllable ends with ‘y’ =
turn ‘y’ to ‘i’ and add “er”)
EXERCISE: Rewrite the sentences with the correct comparative adjective.

1. Mysha’s house is _____________ (big) than yours. BIGGER

2. This flower is _____________ (beautiful) than that one. MORE


3. This is the _____________ (interesting) book I have ever read. MOST


4. Non-smokers usually live _____________ (long) than smokers. LONGER

5. Which is the _____________ (dangerous) animal in the world? MOST


6. A holiday by the sea is _____________ (good) than a holiday in the

mountains. BETTER

7. It is strange but often a Coke is _____________ (expensive) than iced tea.


8. Who is the _____________ (rich) woman on earth? RICHEST

9. The weather this summer is even _____________ (bad) than last summer.

10. Sid was the _____________ (clever) player of them all. MOST CLEVER

Kuk: 10
Sumeyye: 10
Lenah: 9
Seo: 9
Mysha: 10
Filiz: 10
Sid: 8
Yaqeen: 10
Hyeono: 9

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