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Compound Sentences

I. Thế nào là một câu ghép (Compound Sentence)

Một câu ghép bao gồm hai hoặc nhiều mệnh đề độc lập (Independent clauses). Có các cách khác
nhau để nối các câu đơn với nhau tạo thành một câu ghép:
- Sử dụng các liên từ (coordinator)
- Sử dụng các trạng từ liên kết (conjunctive adverbs)
II. Câu ghép với các liên từ nối (Compound sentences with coordinators)
Independent clause, + coordinator + independent clause

Có 7 loại Coordinators: FAN BOYS (Viết tắt)

Đưa ra nguyên nhân
For Japanest people live longer than other most nationalities, for they eat healthful diets.
Bổ sung một ý tương tự (ngang bằng với vế trước)
And They eat a lot of fish and vegetables, and they eat lightly.
Đưa ra một ý phủ định (ngang bằng với vế trước)
Nor They do not eat a lot of red meat, nor do they eat many dairy products.
Đưa ra một ý mang nghĩa trái ngược
But Diet is one factor how long people live, but it is not the only factor.
Đưa ra một khả năng (lựa chọn) khác
Or However, people should limit the amount of animal fat in their diets, or they risk getting
heart disease.
Đưa ra một ý trái ngược và mang tính bất ngờ, không mong đợi
Yet Cigarette smoking is a factor in longevity, yet Japanese and other long-lived Asians
have a very high rate of tobacco use.
Đưa ra hê ̣ quả hoặc kết quả dự đoán
So Doctors say that stress is another longevity factor, so try to avoid stress if you wish to
live a longer life.

Chuyển các câu đơn sau thành câu ghép, sử dụng các Coordinators:
Example: Nuclear accidents can happen. Nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
 Nuclear accidents can happen, so nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
1. The accident at the nuclear power plant at Three Mile Island in the United States created fears
about the safety of this energy source. The disaster at Chernobyl in the former Soviet Union
confirmed them.
2. Solar heating systems are economical to operate. The cost of installation is very high.
3. Energy needs are not going to decrease. Energy sources are not going to increase.

4. Burning fossil fuels causes serious damage to our planet. We need to develop other sources of
5. Ecologists know that burning fossil fuels causes holes in the ozone layer. People continue to do
6. Developing nations especially will continue this harmful practice. They do not have the money to
develop "clean" energy sources.
7. All nations of the world must take action. Our children and grandchildren will suffer the

III. Câu ghép với các trạng từ liên kết (conjunctive adverbs)
Independent clause; + conjunctive adverb, + independent clause

Bổ sung ý tương tự (ngang bằng với vế trước)

also (bên cạnh đó) Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations; also/
besides/ furthermore/ in addition/ moreover, they prepare students
besides (bên cạnh đó)
to transfer to a four-year college or university.
furthermore (hơn nữa)
in addition (ngoài ra)
moreover (hơn nữa)

as well (ngoài ra cũng) Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations; they
prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university as well.

too (cũng) Community colleges offer preparation for many occupations; they
prepare students to transfer to a four-year college or university, too.
Bổ sung một ý mang tính chất bất ngờ, trái với mong muốn
however (tuy nhiên) The cost of attending a community college is low; however/
nevertheless/ nonetheless/ still, many students need financial aid.
nevertheless (tuy
nonetheless (tuy thế
still (mặc dù vâ ̣y, tuy
Bổ sung ý mang nghĩa đối lâ ̣p
on the other hand (mặt Tuition at a community college is low; on the other hand/ in contrast,
khác) tuition at private schools is high.
in contrast (ngược lại)
Đưa ra một khả năng (lựa chọn) khác
otherwise (nếu không Students must take final exams; otherwise, they will receive a grade of
thì) Incomplete.
Đưa ra kết quả trông đợi (dự đoán)
accordingly (kết quả Native and nonnative English speakers have different needs;
là) accordingly/ as a result/ consequently/ hence/ therefore/ thus,
most schools provide separate English classes for each group.
as a result
Đưa ra ví dụ
for example (ví dụ) Most colleges now have a writing requirement for graduation; for
example/ for instance, students at my college must pass a writing test
for instance
before they register for their final semester.

I. Hãy viết lại các câu 2, 4, 5, 7 ở bài tâ ̣p phần II bằng cách sử dụng Conjunctive
Example: Nuclear accidents can happen. Nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
 Nuclear accidents can happen; therefore, nuclear power plants must have strict safety controls.
II. Hãy viết tiếp vế còn lại của các câu ghép sau dựa vào các Conjunctive adverbs đã
Example: The college campus is located in the center of the city; therefore, it is very easy to get
there by public transportation.
1. According to the authority, many people from European countries want to travel around Asia;

2. Students must pay their tuition and fees before they register for classes; otherwise,

3. Scientists predict that intelligent life exists somewhere in the universe; however,____________

4. Brian did not spend much time on his studing all the semester; consequently,_________

5. My roommate scored high on the English placement test; as a result,____________________


6. Tuition and fees increase every year; for example,___________________________________


7. The population in developed countries is decreasing remarkably; in contrast,________________


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