Independent Reading Response Form1234 YOUR FULL NAME (I-R&W)

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Intermediate: Reading & Writing

Independent Reading response

Section 1:

Name: Nguyen Ngoc Author

Phuong Thao

Student Number S3914327 Article Title Who smokes and why

Date: June 9,2021 Publication date June 3,2021

NOTE: The news story
must be from the last

Stars (delete the ✰✰✰✰✰ Link to text

extra stars ho-smokes-and-why/

Complete each section about the reading text.

Section 2: Write a summary of the text. This reading text explains the reason why more poor
people smoke leading to asthma and lung disease than
Think about what, who, where, when and why rich people. According to experts, poor people smoke
more than rich people due to they have more economic
when you write.
pressures or many difficulties in their life and they are less
aware of programs that encourage people to cut down on
Write approximately 65 words. smoking. Because of this, the increasing cases of asthma
and lung diseases are mostly among the poor. The impact
of the current covid epidemic puts more pressure on the
poor than the rich.

Section 3: I am very impressed with the article because of its

● What is your opinion about the story you usefulness and authenticity. it gives very real reasons for
read about? the fact that more poor people get sick than rich people. In
Vietnam, the number of smokers leading to lung or heart
● How does the story relate to your life or to
diseases is also very high and the majority are poor.
your country? Because the economic condition of my country is not
● Are you going to use this website again? good, it also affects the living conditions of each family,
Why? Why not? especially the poor. To reduce that situation, the
government of my country has donated food and given its
Give reasons for your answers. best support so those poor families can rise in life to
Write at least 130 words. lighten the burden on their shoulders. Such a good article,
one thing I am sure of is that I will come back to this
website to be able to update the latest information and
support my reading skills better.

Section 4: ❏ Found a quiet place to read.

Which strategies did you use before you read ❏ Used the headline and pictures to predict what the
the text? topic was about.
❏ Thought about what I knew about the topic already.
❏ Thought of vocabulary about the topic that might be in
the article.
❏ ____________________________

Which strategies did you use while you were ❏ Concentrated on reading.
Intermediate: Reading & Writing

reading the text? ❏ Checked my

❏ Paid attention to keywords.
❏ Asked ‘Wh’ questions about the text.
❏ Stopped reading sometimes to think about how much
I understood so far.
❏ Re-read sections to check I understood.
❏ Read to the end to find more information to help me
understand difficult parts.
❏ Summarised parts of the text and the main ideas (by
writing or in my mind)
❏ ____________________________

Section 5: New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three): Write an example sentence in your
own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words

1.Asthma Asthma is the result of too much smoking.

2.Racism Racism has hurt so many people.

3.Low-income Low income is a problem that many poor people feel worried about in their

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