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Factors Influencing the Students’ Level of

Self-Confidence in using the English


The Researchers:

Canoza, Angelica B.

Canlas, Janice F.

David, Marie Camela C.

Garcia, Althea S.

DelRosario, Von Mark M.

Jaymie E. Corpuz

Research Guide

St. Nicholas Senior High School

Chapter 1


The term "English" is derived from Anglisc, the speech of

the Angles—one of the three Germanic tribes that invaded England
during the fifth century. The English language is the
primary language of several countries, including Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and many of its former
colonies, and the United States, and the second language in a
number of multilingual countries, including India, Singapore, and
the Philippines.

It's an official language in several African countries as

well, such as Liberia, Nigeria, and South Africa, but is spoken
worldwide in more than 100. It's learned around the world by
children in school as a foreign language and often becomes a
common denominator between people of different nationalities when
they meet while traveling, doing business, or in other contexts.

An English language is an Indo European language belonging

to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and
the United State and most of the commonwealth countries.

Public Speaking requires the same skills used in ordinary

conversation. Most people who communicate well in daily talk can
learn to communicate just as well in public speaking. By the same
token, training in public speaking can make you a more adept
communicator in a variety of situations, such as conversations,
classroom discussions, business meeting, and interviews. Despite
their similarities public speaking and everyday conversation are
not identical.

Confidence is being in the state that makes you feel that
you can achieve what you want in life. That you have the
capabilities, the will and the way to live your life according to
your own values and beliefs without stopping to think what others
will say or think about you.

It is the state that makes you a leader of your own self and
not a follower to others. Where you will acknowledge your own
success and will stop comparing yourself to others.

Review of Related Literature

This part includes all the related studies that will be used
in this research.

The use of L1 in the English classroom has been and will

remain an issue that everyone has an opinion about, either
against or for it. Various studies have shown that students first
language play an important part in the learning of target
language (Lightbown&Spada, 2013; Rivers, 2011), however, there is
another school of thought that believes that massive exposure to
target language is required in order to maximize the learning
process for the learner (Rawan, 2016).

Internal factor here means that the factor inside the

students themselves plays an important role in learning English.
According to Felix (1977) as cited in Leontiev& James(1981: 133)
there are some characteristics of students, such as age,
motivation, behaviour, etc. External factor are the factors
outside the students that influence them in learning. Felix
(1977)as cited in Leontiev & James (1981:190)stated that,

“The number of students in the classroom would play a significant

Self- confidence is essentially an attitude which allows us to

have a positive and realistic perception of ourselves and our
abilities. According to Nowak (2004), public speaking means that
the way one expresses or communicates his or her opinions to the
general public. Factors Affecting Student’s English learning
achievement: Study at the second grade of

The result of her study was found out two factors were
found: internal and external factors, high external and low
internal. Data are to assist in drawing conclusions. While
drawing conclusions logically follows reduction and display of
data. Conclusions would be in the form of propositions, and once
they have been drawn, they need to be verified.

Self-confidence is similar to self-efficacy in that it tends to

focus on the individual’s future performance; however, it seems
to be based on prior performance, and so in a sense, it also
focuses on the past. This is likely the most used term for these
related concepts outside of psychological research, but there is
still some confusion about what exactly self-confidence is. One
of the most cited sources about self-confidence refers to it as
simply believing in oneself (Bénabou&Tirole, 2002). Another
popular article defines self-confidence as an individual’s
expectations of performance and self-evaluations of abilities and
prior performance (Lenney, 1977).

Another way in which self-confidence affects language learning is

self-confidence student’s tendency to communication. Macintyre

et. al. (1998) saw the significance of self confidence in their
model of ”Willingness to communicate” in a foreign language
(cited in Brown, 2000). Brown(2000) also believed that self-
confidence factors have important roles in one’s tendency to
communicate. It’s clear that there is a close relationship
between language learning and communication. Students who have
tendency toward communication can be more successful in their
language learning. Long (1981) claimed” that interaction in which
communication problems are negotiated between participants
promote comprehension and production, ultimately facilitating L2
development” (cited in Kumara, (2005), p. 34). Subsequent studies
have shown that learners who maintained high levels of
interaction and communication in the L2, progressed at a faster
rate than learners who interacted and communicated little in the
classroom (seliger, 1983). These studies and several interactions
create learning opportunities and it constitute learning itself.

Theoretical Framework

According to Krashen, the study of the structure of the

language can have general educational advantages and values that
high schools and colleges may want to include in their language
programs. Any benefit, however, will greatly depend on the
learner being already familiar with the language. It should also
be clear that analysing the language, formulating rules, setting
irregularities apart, and teaching complex facts about the target
language is not language teaching, but rather is "language
appreciation" or linguistics, which does not lead to
communicative proficiency.

This is a subtle point. In effect, both teachers and
students are deceiving themselves. They believe that it is the
subject matter itself, the study of grammar, that is responsible
for the students’ progress, but in reality their progress is
coming from the medium and not the message. Any subject matter
that held their interest would do just as well.

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a

humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be
successful or happy.”

-Norman Vincent Peale

“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder,

spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human
– E.E. Cummings
”Motivation can influence for students' attitude and their doing
in their learning in all aspects. Learners have pleasure to learn
English learning when they receive internal motivation which
predicted by perceived English language ability and
independence,” (Zhou in Mei, 2013).

“This finding agrees with the work of who state that the learning
abilities of students are largely dependent on the type of
education that they have been exposed to previously. Hence,
students who are taught in rural high schools where local
languages are used as medium of instruction would experience
challenges when they arrive a different learning environment
which attempts to use a different language.” Souriyavongsa et al.

”The majority of English teachers are not well-trained; for
instance, they use the native language when teaching, so they
cannot perform well to attract the interest of the students.”
Souriyavongsa et al. (2013)

“Most of them claimed that they are least confident in oral

communication skill because of their low vocabulary and grammar
knowledge, as well as their pronunciation.” Souriyavongsa et al.

Perception is closely related to attitudes. In other words,

a person interprets the stimuli into something meaningful to him
or her, based on prior experiences. However, what an individual
interprets or perceives may be substantially different from

Therefore, their perceptions are needed in order to find out

what factors affect their speaking. Perception which comes from a
person self is called self-perception. And the way in which
people see themselves is called self-perception. Self-perception
comes from your own experiences.

Conceptual Framework

This study seeks to know what are the Factors Influencing
the Students’ level of self-confidence in using English language.
In this study, it includes the students’ profile: Junior High
School graduated, and kind of books that they are reading that
will use in assessing the skills of the student in using the
English language. The students will also answer the provided
questionnaire of this study. The respondents of this study are
the Grade 11 students of St. Nicholas Senior High School of
Cabanatuan City, Inc.

1. Sex Factors Influencing

2. Socio-Economics the Student level of
a. Monthly Income self-confidence in
3. Types of Junior High using the English
School (Private, language

Figure 1

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to know the Factors Influencing the Students’
Level of Self-Confidence in using the English Language.

Specifically it seeks to answer the following:

1. How may the respondents be characterized in terms of the


a) sex
b) Socio economics
c) Monthly Income
d) Types of Junior High School

2. To whom are they comfortable to speak English with?

3. What is the respondents’ Level of Confidence in Using the

English Language as perceived by themselves?

4. Materials often read.

 Books (Novels, Pocketbooks)

 Textbooks
 Magazines
 Newspapers
Others, please specify _______

5. Is there a significant relationship between the selected

profile variables and the respondents’ Level of Confidence in
using the English Language?

Hypothesis of the Study

HO-There is no significant relationship between profile variables

of the students and their level of confidence in using the
English language.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally:

Self-confidence. Is the belief in oneself and abilities, it

describes an internal state made up of what we think and feel
about ourselves. This state is changeable according to the
situation we are currently in and our responses to events going
on around us.

English Language. Is a language originally the language of the

people of England. Today, English is the main language of the
United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada,
Australia, New Zealand and more than fifty other countries.

Self-efficacy. Refers to an individual’s belief in his or her

capacity to execute behaviours, reflects confidence in the
ability to exert control over one’s own motivation, behaviour and
social environment.

Influence. The capacity to have an effect on the character,

development, of behaviour of someone or something, or the effect

Significance of the Study

The aim of this study is to enhance the educational growth

of the student. The result of this study will bring sense of
awareness among students about their individual self-esteem.
Teachers will get ideas on how to improve teaching and learning
process. They may integrate activities in the curriculum that
will boost one’s self-efficacy. They can capitalize on the strong
point of their students, therefore giving the students the chance
to gain confidence and improve speaking skills knowledge.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Factors influencing the student

level of self-confidence in using the English language of the
Grade 11 students in St. Nicholas Senior High School of
Cabanatuan City INC.
The descriptive method of research was employed using
question as the major source data.

Chapter II


Research Design

The Research design used in this study was Descriptive

Research Method, also known as survey or narrative approach. This
technique was used for descriptive reporting with the help of
questionnaire to identify individual differences that cannot be

The researcher used the Stratified Random Sampling

Technique, where the subject are divided into group based on
homogeneity in order to avoid the possibility of drawing samples
whose members come only from one stratum. (Pagoso& Montana, 2000)

The general procedures used in these types of research are

gathering data, classification, interpretation and evaluation.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the Grade 11 Senior High

School students of St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan
City Inc.

To determine the appropriate size of sample from a specific

population, researchers will use convenience sampling: is
selecting a group of individuals who are conveniently available
for study.

Research Site

This study was conducted in St. Nicholas Senior High School
Diocesan Pastoral Centre (Old CIC Campus) Del Pilar St.,
Cabanatuan City 3100 Philippines. The respondents were the Grade
11 Students in St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan City

Materials and Instruments

To determine the distribution of the respondents as to their

profile, frequency and percentage were used.

1. Frequency and percentage was used for the profile of the


Percentage Formula: % = x 100


% = Percentage N = Total Number of Respondents

f = frequency 100 = Constant Value

2. Weighted Mean

∑ fx


WM = weighted mean

∑ fx = sum of f and x

N = Total Number of Respondents

3. Chi-square - is a statistical method assessing the goodness

of fit between observed values and those expected theoretically.

Chi square is used to determine whether there is a significant

association between the two variables. Chi square is employed to

test the difference between an actual sample and another

hypothetical or previously established distribution such as that

which maybe expected due to change or probability. Chi square can

also be used to test the differences between two or more actual


The formula is as follows:

x 2= ∑ ¿ ¿

Where: x 2 = Chi Square fe = expected frequency

f 0 = observed frequency ∑ = summation

The sampling that the researchers used is selecting a group of
individuals who are conveniently available for study. The
researchers chose this type of sampling to site the factors that
affects the level of confidence of the respondents in using the
English language. The researchers used materials such as
checklists and demographic profile to measure the level of
confidence of the respondents in using the English language.

The respondents had three options to choose from for a specific

answer following the three scale of:

3- Always- If you always do those things that are mention in the


2- Sometimes- If you just did this once in a week or did this in

some of the times.

1-Never- If you didn’t do those things in every situation.

The following instruments were used in this study:

The study which is a survey research for the collection of

relevant data and information uses a comprehensive questionnaire.
It was designed to identify the Factors influencing students’
level of self-confidence in using English language. The responses

to each item were evaluated according to Likert’s Scale as shown

Point Score Range Interval Verbal Interpretation

1 2.33-3.00 Always
2 1.65-2.32 Sometimes
3 0.97-1.64 Never

Data Collection

Descriptive method will be used in this research, also known

as survey or narrative approach where in an individual is asked
to respond on a set of questions. Grade 11 Senior High School
students will be required to answer the questionnaire. After
doing so, the gathered data will be tabulated and recorded and
will further be used for the advancement of the research. The
respondents will be assured that the data gathered will highly



This chapter presents data, discussion, interpretations and
implication of findings in the form of tables and textual

1. Profile of the Respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage
Female 27 45%
Male 33 55%
Total 60 100%

Table 1: Gender of student-respondents

The table shows that there are 27 respondents or 45% female which
is less than to the male respondents that has 33 respondents or
Type of Junior High Frequency Percentage
Public 49 81.67%
Private 11 18.33%
Total 60 100%

Table 2: Types of Junior High School

The table shows that there are 49 respondents or 81.67% who are
graduated from public school which is greater than the private
school with only 11 respondents or 18.33%.

Monthly Allowance of Frequency Percentage


10,000 and above 7 11.67%
5,000-10,000 22 36.67%
Below 5,000 31 51.67%
Total 60 100%

Table 3: Monthly Allowance of Guardian

The table shows that there are 7 respondents or 11.67% that their
parents have a monthly allowance of 10,000 above, in 5,000-10,000
there are 22 respondents or 36.67% and in 5,000 there are 31
respondents or 51, 67%.

Number of Language that Frequency Percentage Rank

student-respondents can
1 9 15% 3
2 34 56.67% 1
3 or more 17 28.33% 2
Total 60 100%

Table 4: Number of Language that student-respondents can speak

The table shows there are 9 respondents or 15% that can speak
only 1 language, 34 respondents or 56.67% that can speak 2
language and 17 respondents or 28.33% that can speak 3 or more

Language that are Frequency Percentage

usually use
English 3 5%
Filipino 57 95%
Others 0 0%
Total 60 100%

Table 5: Language that student-respondents usually use

The table shows that there are 3 respondents or 5% who can use
English, 57 respondents or 95% who can use Filipino language and
0 respondents who choose others.

Best way to learn Frequency Percentage Rank

English language
Watching TV 25 41.67% 2
Social Media 5 8.33% 3
Reading Books 30 50% 1
Total 60 100%

Table 6: Best way to learn English Language

The table shows that there are 25 respondents or 41.67% who can
learn language by watching TV there are 5 respondents or 8.33%
who can learn language in social media there are 30 respondents
or 50% who can learn language.

Materials often Frequency Percentage Rank

Books 35 58.33% 1
Textbooks 12 20% 2
Magazine 6 10% 4
Newspaper 7 11.67% 3
Total 60 100%

Table 7: Materials often read of student-respondents

The table shows that there are 35 respondents or 58.33% who are
reading books, 12 respondents or 20% who are reading textbooks, 6
respondents or 10% who are reading magazines and 7 respondents or
11.67% who are reading newspaper.

Comfortable to Frequency Percentage

speak English
Family 13 21.67%
Friends 47 78.33%
Total 60 100%

Table 8: Where did the student-respondents comfortable to speak

English Language

The table shows that there are 13 respondents or 21.67% who are
comfortable to speak English with their family, 47 respondents or
78.33% who are comfortable to speak English with their friends.

Comfortable to Frequency Percentage Rank

use English
Through Chat 39 65% 1
Making Videos 3 5% 3
Personal 18 30% 2
Total 60 100%

Table 9: Where did the students-respondents comfortable to use

English language

The table shows that there are 39 respondents or 65% who are
comfortable to use English language through chat, 3 respondents
or 5% who are comfortable to use English language while making a
videos, 18 respondents or 30% who are comfortable to use English
language in personal.

Have a relative/Friends Frequency Percentage

from another country

Yes 39 65%
No 21 35%
Total 60 100%

Table 10: The student-respondents have a relative/Friends from

another country

The shows that there are 39 respondents or 65% who has their
relative/friends in other country, and 21 respondents or 35% who
doesn’t have a relative/friends in other country.

They helping you improve Frequency Percentage

your English speaking
Yes 38 63.33%
No 22 36.67%
Total 60 100%

Table 11: The relatives of student-respondents in other country

are helping them to improve their English speaking skills

The table shows that there are 38 respondents or 63.33% that

their relative/friends are helping them to improve their English
speaking skills, 22 respondents or 36.67% that their

relative/friends in other country are not helping them to
improve their English speaking skills.

Place that you always Frequency Percentage Rank

use English as a
School 46 76.67% 1
In your house 14 23.33% 2
Market 1 1.67% 3
Total 60 100%

Table 12: Place that student-respondents always used the English


The table shows that there are 46 respondents or 76.67% who are
using English language in school, 14 respondents or 23.33% who
are using English language in their home, 1 respondents or 1.67%
who are using English language in market.

When they usually Frequency Percentage Rank

used the English
Every time 5 8.33% 3
Whenever I want 30 50% 1
When someone asked 25 41.67% 2
me in English
Total 60 100%

Table 13: When the student-respondents usually used the English


The table shows that there are 5 respondents or 8.33% who are
usually use the English language everytime, 30 respondents or 50%
who are usually use the English language whenever they want, 325
respondents or 41.67% who are usually use English language when
someone asked them in English.

Using English Always Sometime Never Percentage Interpretation

1. I feel awkward 9 49 2 2.11% Sometimes
when I converse in
2. I’m happy and 13 45 2 2.20% Sometimes
satisfied with my
English speaking
3. I’m peaking in 10 43 7 2.05% Sometimes
front of the class
using the English
4. I have a hard 9 46 5 2.06% Sometimes

time in speaking
5. I learn English 26 32 2 2.04% Sometimes
through reading or
6. I’m having a 13 37 12 2.08% Sometimes
conversation with
a foreigner using
English language..
7. There is a time 12 39 10 2.06% Sometimes
that I acknowledge
8.English language 28 26 7 2.40% Always
is very useful to
all Filipino
9. I’m writing an 16 39 8 2.43% Sometimes
essay using
English language.
Total 2.18% Sometimes

Table 14: Respondents’ Level of Confidence in Using the English


Table shows the respondents’ level of confidence, with an

overall weighted mean of 2.18% and interpreted as sometimes. The
highest mean assessment was on English language is very useful to
all Filipino citizen with a weighted mean of 2.40% and
interpreted as always. The lowest mean assessment was on I learn

English through reading or listening activity with 2.04% as
weighted mean and interpreted as sometimes.

Table 15

Using English Language and its relation to the Gender of every


3 2 1
fo=3 fo=25 fo=5 33
fe=5.5 fe=23.65 fe=3.85
fo=7 fo=18 fo=2 27
Female fe=4.5 fe=19.35 fe=3.15
Total 10 43 7 60


X 2 = 1.83
Df =(c-1)(r-1)


Df =2
X 2 =(DF =2, a=.05)= 5.99
X 2 =1.83<5.99- not significant

The obtained F-value of 1.83 is less than 5.99, the minimum value
for significance at the .05 level; therefore, it is not
significant .Hence the hypothesis of no-significant difference is
accepted. ccc


Junior High OF THE CLASS Total
School 3 2 1
fo=5 fo=39 fo=5 49
fe=8.17 fe=35.12 fe=5.72
fo=5 fo=4 fo=2 11
Private fe=1.83 fe=7.88 fe=1.28
Total 10 43 7 60

Using English Language and its relation to the Types of Junior

High School of every student-respondents

X 2 = 9.56
Df = (c-1)(r-1)

= (3-1)(2-1)

Df =2
X 2 = (DF=2, a=.05) = 5.99

X 2 = 9.56 > 5.99- significant

The obtained F-value of 9.56 is greater than 5.99, the minimum

value for significance at the .05 level; therefore, it is
significant. Hence the hypothesis of no-significant difference is
not accepted. There is significant difference between the
selected profile variables and the respondents’ Level of
Confidence in using the English Language.

Chapter IV


The study is all about the “Factors Influencing the Students Level
of Self-Confidence in using the English Language”. The

respondents of this study were the 60 Grade 11 students of St.
Nicholas Senior high school during the school year 2019-2020.

Summary of the findings

The following were the summary of the findings of the study based
on the questions provided under the statement of the problem.

Gender of student-respondents
The table shows that there are 27 respondents or 45% female which
is less than to the male respondents that has 33 respondents or

Types of Junior High School

The table shows that there are 49 respondents or 81.67% who are
graduated from public school which is greater than the private
school with only 11 respondents or 18.33%.

Monthly Allowance of Guardian

The table shows that there are 7 respondents or 11.67% that
they’re parents have a monthly allowance of 10,000 above, in
5,000-10,000 there are 22 respondents or 36.67% and in 5,000
there are 31 respondents or 51, 67%.

Number of Language that student-respondents can speak

The table shows there are 9 respondents or 15% that can speak
only 1 language, 34 respondents or 56.67% that can speak 2
language and 17 respondents or 28.33% that can speak 3 or more

Language that the student-respondents usually use
The table shows that there are 3 respondents or 5% who can use
English, 57 respondents or 95% who can use Filipino language and
0 respondents who choose others.

Best way to learn English Language

The table shows that there are 25 respondents or 41.67% who can
learn language by watching TV there are 5 respondents or 8.33%
who can learn language in social media there are 30 respondents
or 50% who can learn language.

Materials often read of student-respondents

The table shows that there are 35 respondents or 58.33% who are
reading books, 12 respondents or 20% who are reading textbooks, 6
respondents or 10% who are reading magazines and 7 respondents or
11.67% who are reading newspaper.

Where did the student-respondents comfortable to speak English

The table shows that there are 13 respondents or 21.67% who are
comfortable to speak English with their family, 47 respondents or
78.33% who are comfortable to speak English with their friends.
Where did the students-respondents comfortable to use English
The table shows that there are 39 respondents or 65% who are
comfortable to use English language through chat, 3 respondents
or 5% who are comfortable to use English language while making a
videos, 18 respondents or 30% who are comfortable to use English
language in personal.

The student-respondents have relatives/Friends from another
The shows that there are 39 respondents or 65% who has their
relative/friends in other country, and 21 respondents or 35% who
doesn’t have a relative/friends in other country.

The relatives of student-respondents in other country are helping

them to improve their English speaking skills
The table shows that there are 38 respondents or 63.33% that
there relative/friends helping them to improve their English
speaking skills, 22 respondents or 36.67% that there
relative/friends in other country are not helping them to
improve their English speaking skills.

Place that student-respondents always used the English language

The table shows that there are 46 respondents or 76.67% who are
using English language in school, 14 respondents or 23.33%who are
using English language in their home, 1 respondents or 1.67% who
are using English language in market.

When the student-respondents usually used the English language

The table shows that there are 5 respondents or 8.33% who are
usually use the English language every time, 30 respondents or
50% who are usually use the English language whenever i want,325
respondents or 41.67% who are usually use the English language
when someone asked me in English.

Respondents’ Level of Confidence in Using the English Language

Table shows the respondents’ level of confidence, with an overall
weighted mean of 2.18% and interpreted as sometimes. The highest
mean assessment was on English language is very useful to all
Filipino citizen with a weighted mean of 2.40% and interpreted as
always. The lowest mean assessment was on I learn English through
reading or listening activity with 2.04% as weighted mean and
interpreted as sometimes.

After the data collection, analysis and interpretation, the
following conclusions were drawn:
1. Findings revealed that the Grade 11 students admitted that
books are the one that they are often read. They are
2. Findings revealed that the Grade 11 students are usually
used English in school.
3. Findings also revealed that the materials that Grade 11
students often used to learn English language is reading
books, they can learn language in reading a books.

The following were recommended by the researcher for further
1. School must add some books (story books, pocket books)
that are based on the learning of the students.
2. Teachers should practice the students in using the English
language to improve student’s speaking skills.

3. Parents should practice their children to used English in
their homes by watching, reading, or giving more time for
4. Accept a bit of awkwardness while speaking as you learn
new skills, meet new people and make believe yourself.




General Instruction: Read each item carefully and answer the
following question appropriately. (We will make sure that all of
your answer will be kept confidentially)

Direction: Please put a check mark on the appropriate box that

describe you the best.

Name: _______________________________(Optional)

Profile of the respondents

Sex: Female Male

Type of Junior High School

Public Private

Parent’s Monthly Salary

10,000 and above


Below 5,000

1. How many languages can you speak?

1 2 3 or more

2. What language do you often use?

English Filipino
Others please specify_____________.

3. What is the best way to learn the English language?

Watching T.V Reading Books

Social Media Others please specify_____________.

4. What are the materials you often read?
Books (Novels, Pocket books) Textbook Magazines

5. To whom are you comfortable to speak English with?

Family Friends Others: please specify_____________.

6. Where are you comfortable to use English?

Through chats Personal

Making videos Others please specify: ____________.

7. Do you have a relative/friend from another country?

Yes No

8. If yes, are they helping you improve your English speaking


Yes No

9. In what place you always use English as a language?

School Market

In your house Others, please specify:____________.

10. When do you usually use the English language?

Every time When someone asked me in English

Whenever I want Others, please specify:_______________.

Direction: Please complete the questionnaire below by putting a
check mark on the appropriate rating scale to reflect your
immediate response in each given statement.

Always Sometimes Never

(3) (2) (1)
1. I feel awkward when I converse
in English.
2. I’m happy and satisfied with
my English speaking skills.
3. Speaking in front of the class
using the English language.
4. I have a hard time in speaking
5. I learn English through
reading or listening activity.
6. Talking to an English speaking
7. There is a times that I
acknowledge myself.
8. English language is very
useful to all Filipino
9. Writing an essay using English

Appendix D


Angelica B. Canoza
Kapt. Pepe, Cabanatuan City
(0975) 320 1320


Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : September 19,2001
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Mother’s Name : Jocelyn B. Canoza
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Name : Antonio B. Canoza
Occupation : Delivery Boy

St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan City
Del Pilar St., Cabanatuan City
SY 2018-Present

San Josef National High School

San Josef Sur, Cabanatuan city
SY 2014-2018
Lazaro Francisco Integrated School
Zulueta, Cabanatuan City
SY 2008-2014

Janice F. Canlas
Brgy. Sumacab Sur Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


Age : 17 years old

Date of Birth : October 04, 2002
Place of Birth : Sumacab Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Baptist
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Mother’s Name : Imelda F. Canlas
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Name : Jimmy R. Canlas
Occupation : Vendor

St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan City
Del Pilar St., Cabanatuan City
SY 2018-Present

San Josef National High School

San Josef Sur, Cabanatuan city
SY 2014-2018
Sumacab Elementary School
Sumacab Norte, Cabanatuan City
SY 2008-2014

Althea S. Garcia
Brgy: Talipapa Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija


Age : 17 years old

Date of Birth : June 01, 2002
Place of Birth : Talipapa Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Mother’s Name : Ma.Lea S. Garcia
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Name : Adrian M. Garcia
Occupation : Tricycle Driver

St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan City
Del Pilar St., Cabanatuan City
SY 2018-Present

Marcian del Rosario Memorial National High School

Pamaldan, Cabanatuan city
SY 2014-2018
Talipapa Elementary School
Talipapa, Cabanatuan City
SY 2008-2014

Marie Camela C. David

Sitio Bacao Brgy. Donya Josefa Palayan City, Nueva Ecija



Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : December 10, 2001
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Mother’s Name : Marilyn David
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Name : Cirilo David
Occupation : School Utility Worker

St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan City
Del Pilar St., Cabanatuan City
SY 2018-Present

Maligaya National High School

Maligaya ,Palayan City
SY 2014-2018
Kalikasan Elementary School
Sitio Bacao,Palayan City
SY 2008-2014

Marie Camela C. David

Sitio Bacao Brgy. Donya Josefa Palayan City, Nueva Ecija


Age : 18 years old

Date of Birth : December 10, 2001
Place of Birth : Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic
Gender : Female
Civil Status : Single
Mother’s Name : Marilyn David
Occupation : Housewife
Father’s Name : Cirilo David
Occupation : School Utility Worker

St. Nicholas Senior High School of Cabanatuan City
Del Pilar St., Cabanatuan City
SY 2018-Present

Maligaya National High School

Maligaya ,Palayan City
SY 2014-2018
Kalikasan Elementary School
Sitio Bacao,Palayan City
SY 2008-2014


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