Learning Plan in Speech 10

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Learning Plan in Speech 10

First Quarter – Verbal Communication (Nature and Environment)

Prepared by: John Michael L. Martinez
Vision: Moncada Catholic School is a catholic Christ-centered learning institution which nurtures total formation of the community.
Mission: Imbued with the Holy Spirit and animated by St. Dominic’s passion for truth and compassion for humanity, we commit ourselves to the transformation
of the human person thru academic excellence, productive learning and genuine service to life, neighbor and country.
Lesson 1

 Understand what language is.
 Recognize the importance of communication.
 Demonstrate the interpersonal communication.
 Illustrate the cycle of communication.

Make a list of your different “selves” or the different roles that you have (or play) in your life. You can also cite details that define your identity.


Activity No. 1
Which role represents the “real” you?

Process Questions
1. Why we should know ourselves?
2. What are the roles you play that you want to possess for the rest of your life?
3. Why we must communicate with one another?
Activity No. 2 (Collaborative Skills)
Go over the following list of abstract terms:
loyalty trust friendship love

Honesty hope justice failure

Try to define the term by describing a personal experience or citing a common situation that will make its abstract meaning clear in concrete terms.

Process Questions:
1.How to interpret an abstract meaning?
2. Why an abstract should define on its concrete meaning?


Activity No. 3
Check which five subjects below you would to talk about. Share your thoughts with a partner.

_____ My strangest experience

_____ My goal in life
_____ My best friend
_____ What I’d like most to happen this year?
_____ The person I admire most
_____ If I could have just one wish
_____ My favourite dish
_____ If I could change one thing in this school.

Process Questions:
1. How communication process works?
2. How to decode the words?

Using a slogan, change the misconception in some culture, deaf people, have been mistakenly described as “dumb”or “mute”

Activity No. 4
Complete the pairs of incomplete statements by adding a word or phrase.
A. My favourite scenic spot is...
B. I think the most serious problem in our country today is...
C. If I could order lunch right now, I’d get....
D. I support...
E. My favourite breed of dog is...

Process questions
1. How many statements were not identical to what you might have said but provided a thought with which you could identify?
2. Which responses were quite unlike anything you might have said?
3. Why were these responses strange to you?
Lesson 2

 Use and adjust stress, intonation, phrasing, pacing, and tone when speaking.
 Describe the effects of stress, pitch, and phrasing on interpersonal communication.
 Understand the importance of delivering an organized message by using jargon and technical language sparingly.
 Improve conversational skills.
 Observe social courtesy in providing constructive feedback.


Differentiate a fact and subjective statements.

Activity No. 1 (Discussion)

1. Verbal communication
2. Details when you organize messages and clarify their meaning.

Process Questions:
1. What is verbal communication?
2. What are the details when you organize messages and clarify their meaning?

Activity no. 2
What do you think are the most interesting topics that teens, like you, would like to talk about or discuss in a group?
Process Question
1. What is the important message for each topic you listed?


Activity no. 3
1. Write what the underlined jargon means in each sentence.
a. These food supplement is all nat.
b.BTW, the registration starts at 7:00.
c. What they’re doing is NOOB.
d. I can’t talk right now, PAW.
e. What an awesome bonus.
f. Bye, CYA.
g. FYI, we met at the book fair, right?
h. I think, they’re BFF.
i. I’m busy TTYL.
j. My father had a high BP last night.

Process Questions
1. What is a jargon?
2. How to identify jargons?

Activity No. 4
Revise the following sentences to avoid wordiness and make them more concise.
Study the example.

Wordy: The passenger who was in the front seat enjoying nature.
Revised: The passenger in the front seat was enjoying nature.

a. There is a prize in every box of chocolate cereal.

Revised: ___________________________________________________________
b. There are two security guards at the gate.
Revised: ___________________________________________________________

b. By the time she got home, Anne was very tired.

Revised: ___________________________________________________________

c. She was also really hungry.

Revised: ___________________________________________________________

d. Trouble is caused when people disobey natural laws.

Revised: ___________________________________________________________

Process Questions
1. How to revise wordy statements?
2. What are the things to remember in revising wordy statements?

Activity no. 5 (Collaborative Skills)
Pair up with a classmate and engage in a lively conversation. Choose one from the topics below.
1. Daily Life
2. Education
3. Music and Entertainment
4. Sports and Recreation

Process Questions
1. In a lively conversation, is it important to give a hint on what your listener need to know?
2. Does your classmate use simple sentences? Why?
Lesson 3

 Display a good and improved voice.
 Adjust stress, intonation, phrasing, pacing, and tone when speaking based on purpose and meaning.
 Exhibit improved and articulate speech in an interpersonal communication.
 Employ verbal and nonverbal techniques in speech.


How do you acquire such voice? The following techniques will improve your speaking voice:
 On your diaphragm or stomach, place your hands, with fingertips touching across your body below the ribcage.
 Breath out making the sound “huff”

Activity no. 1
Read the following compound words putting the accent on the syllables in capital letters.

1. MAKE-up KIT 11. UNderSTAND

5. PHOto FINish 15. oVERLOOK
6. PEAnut BUTter 16. OUT NUMber
7. PEACEMAker 17. DO withOUT
10. DRUGSTORE 20. COME Across
Process Questions
1. How to differentiate the two accented syllables?
2. What primary stress entails?
3. What secondary stress shows?

Activity no. 2
Read the following sentences stressing the underlined words or phrases. Your classmates will evaluate whether you have stressed the words correctly.
1. People use nature because it’s valuable.
2. However, people lose nature because it’s free.
3. The pollination of bees is free.
4. Nature is valuable but it’s on the brink of human destruction.
5. So we need to save nature before it’s too late.

Process Questions
1. How to pronounce words with proper stress?
2. How to evaluate word or phrase stress?


Activity no. 3
Describe the effects of stress and pitch on interpersonal communication as you perform the following exercises.
1. Read each sentences aloud, placing the stress on the words in bold letters.
a. Drop that idea!
b. Don’t open this drawer.
c. Look at that tree.

2. Read each set of sentences aloud noting the stress on the highlighted word.
a. What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
b. I don’t think you care ?
I don’t think you care ?
I don’t think you care ?
I don’t think you care ?
I don’t think you care ?

Process Questions
1. How to pronounce words with proper stress?
2. How to evaluate word or phrase stress?


Activity no. 4
Evaluate your understanding by considering the following questions for discussion.

1. What effect did the use of stress have on the meanings of your messages?
2. How did the use of stress and pitch help you control the connotative meaning of your messages?
3. How effective were you in using varied pitch to communicate simple messages through hand gestures?

Activity no. 5
Recite in full voice the following tongue twisters:

1. How much would could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
2. Seven silly seamen sailing southward.
3. He sawed six slick, slender, slippery silver saplings.
4. Willie was wound Winnie Wash in her wash waist.
5. Useless Ursie urging Uncle Urlie utterly undid his ugly ulsters.

Activity no. 6
Study the illustration below that describes the message we communicate to others based on the kind of pitch, pace, and pause we use as speaker.




Content Varied

Process Questions
1. Give examples of statements to show the contrast between statements
2. How to use pace and pauses?

 Use and adjust stress, intonation, phrasing, pacing, and tone when speaking.
 Enhance the quality of verbal and nonverbal techniques employed in giving and receiving feedback.
 Observe tact and courtesy in giving and receiving feedback.
 Display improved listening strategies when participating in communication tasks.


Examine the following statements.

Negative criticism: Positive criticism:

Corina always submits her work late. By providing a summary of Corina’s late submission issues while
giving a solution for the issue s and complimenting her on her
team attitude.

Activity no. 1
Check which of the following feedback are positive:
___ 1. Keep moving or walk around the room as you speak so that everyone can see and hear you.
___ 2. You have a bad habit of playing with your hair during your presentation.
___ 3. You didn’t give time for questions nor did you provide the Web address or any information.
___ 4. I have some questions and I would like to know the Web Address.
___ 5. How can we encourage people to sign up for a subscription?
___ 6. You let potential customer just walk away.
___ 7. I cannot follow your example. Can you make it clearer?
___ 8. I do not entertain questions that are out of the topic.
___ 9. You cannot blame me. I only followed the script.
___ 10. You have a very good question.
Process Questions
1. What is feedback?
2. How to classify positive to negative criticism?


Activity no. 2 (Collaborative skills)

Get into groups and brainstorm on the following:
1. Risks involved in offering/giving feedback.
2. Reasons why one might be reluctant in giving negative feedback.

Process Questions
1. Why do people withdraw from giving negative/positive feedback?
2. What are the possible effects if you don’t give feedback?


Activity no. 3
Pair up with a classmate and take turns in doing the following: asking for, receiving, and giving feedback verbally to each other as you discuss your likes and

1. Describe how you felt about the experience after each of you has given and received feedback.
2. Next, discuss with your partner what you learned about giving and receiving feedback from this brief exchange.

Process Questions
1. How might the conversation be different if the feedback was being given to anybody?
2. What are the practical ways to give feedback?

Activity no. 4 (Collaborative skills)

Do the following active listening activity in triads:

1. In 1 minute, you will need to listen to two persons who will tell you a story. As a listener, give them 50% of your attention. You can choose where to give the
other 50% of your attention. You can opt to focus on the noise and scenes around you.
2. You do not need to figure out what you are trying to prove this time. You just need to concentrate on your story.
3. Think of your room or any favourite part of your house. Describe it in detail to your partner by using elaborate adjectives. Make him or her picture himself or
herself there. Describe placement or positioning of furniture, decorations, mood, colors, etc.

Process Questions
1. Why we should 100% of our attention to the speaker? Explain.
2. What are the possible effects if half of our intention is in anybody or something else? Explain.
Lesson 5


 Use and adjust stress, intonation, phrasing, pacing, and tone when speaking.
 Enhance the quality of verbal and nonverbal techniques employed in communication tasks.
 Identify various communication barriers and avoid them in social interactions.
 Use clear language to avoid communication barrier.


Why communication is easy to many people? But why there are times when communication becomes complex, difficult, and frustrating because of certain
barriers that we encounter?

Activity no. 1
Using a clear language avoids misunderstanding. Underline the statement that is clear in each pair of statements below.

1. The meeting will start at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.

The meeting will start about 10:00 a.m. tomorrow.

2. Maybe he could help with the setup beforehand.

He could help with setup beforehand.

3. You likely mention a few more details about the meeting.

You mention a few more details about the meeting.

4. Do you have an agenda for the meeting?

Do you have anything to say for the meeting?

5. Could you arrive 10 minutes early to set the projector?

Could you arrive a little bit early to set the projector?

6. I sprayed the ants in their private places.

I sprayed the ants in their hiding places.

7. My cousin Rey hugged my brother Troy, even though Troy doesn’t like Rey very much.
My cousin Rey hugged my brother Troy, even though Troy didn’t like Rey very much.

8. I came to the realization that oil and water just don’t mix.
I realized that oil and water just don’t mix.

9. I disagree with the proposal.

I agree to disagree with the proposal.

10. I am up in the air whether I take the trip or not

I am undecided whether I take the trip or not.


Activity no. 2
A. Pair up with a classmate and make things or create scenes as you follow these instructions.
1. One plays the role of the speaker and the other serves as the listener. You and your partner have an identical set of objects each.
2. The speaker creates something with his or her materials and then has to give the listener instructions so that he or she can do the same with his or hers.

B Pair up with a classmate and recreate a picture.

1. The speaker describes a picture to the listener so that he or she can reproduce it.
2. The listener will draw the described picture using paper and pencil or a digicam to take photos using toys which speaker can then describe.

C. Work in pairs. Each must have a picture. Take turns at telling what to do to add extra details on the picture.

Process Questions
1. How to avoid communication barriers?
2. What are things to remember in communication?


Activity no. 3
Identify the communication barrier in the following conversations.

MANAGER: How does it go now?
TECHNICIAN: Well the PAL gets off to MOA for an OK the I’ll get the GM on A300.
A. Jargon
B. Complicated message
C. Language
The correct answer: ___________________________________________________________________
Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

CASHIER: Well... I didn’t show up because I took my dog to the animal doctor.
BOSS: But that was Wednesday evening. I’m talking about Friday morning!
A. Failure to recognize emotions
B. Poor communication skills
C. Poor listening skills
The correct answer: ___________________________________________________________________
Why? ______________________________________________________________________________

Process Question
1. How do you know that you are communicating effectively?

 Use and adjust stress, intonation, phrasing, pacing, and tone when speaking.
 Enhance the quality of verbal and nonverbal techniques employed in an oral presentation.
 Demonstrate the listening principles of a good communication.
 Observe good listening etiquette for better and interactive listening.
 Evaluate one’s own listening habits for improvement or reinforcement.


How good are at listening? Take a cloze listening test as your teacher reads the radio advertisement.

Activity no. 1
Check which of the following bad habits on listening need to eliminate or minimize:
___ 1. I always butt in or try to finish the other person’s sentences.
___ 2. I quickly jump to conclusion.
___ 3. I often give advice even when not asked or requested.
___ 4. I strive to be open minded.
___ 5. I write everything when I take down notes.
___ 6. I always fail to give any response afterward, even if I say I will.
___ 7. I am not patient, and I easily get annoyed.
___ 8. I lose my temper and overact.
___ 9. I always like to talk about my own experiences or anything about my preferences.
___ 10. I do not pay attention to what the speaker is saying.

Process Questions
1. What practice listening process?
2. Why there is a need for eliminating bad habits in listening process?

Activity no. 2
Volunteer to come in front of the class and be ready to answer questions. Note that your classmates will ask you various questions, although not personal ones.

Process Questions
1. Why you should be ready to different questions?
2. Why you listen first before butting in to the speaker?


Activity no. 3
Pair up and take turns being the communicator and the listener. See to it that both participants can serve as communicator.
1. Each one should speak for at least two to three minutes while the other listens.
2. Your goal is to describe your job duties to each other.
3. After you have completed this exercise, join a group and discuss the following.
 How were you able concentrate on what the other person was saying?
 How were you not distracted?

Process Questions
1. Is there a possibility that the communicator can be the listener and vice versa?
2. Why do you say so? Explain its concept.

Activity no. 4
Evaluate your listening by taking the self-check test below.
Yes No
Did I find myself “rehearsing of listening”
Did I usually agree with others’ interpretation of what was said?
Did I feel that a message was poorly communicated by a speaker?
Did I find it difficult to satisfy the speaker and the group with my summary of
what was said?
Moncada Catholic School Inc.
Pob. 4, Moncada, Tarlac

Prepared by:

Checked by:
School Principal

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