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Tele: 6300 (Mil) Garrison Engineer Guwahati

a x : 0361 26423994
Military Engineer Services
Email PO: Satgaon, Dist. Kamrup
Guwahati - 781027

2010/Projn/151 BH/ 8 /E2 Aug 2021

cWE Shllong
Spread Eagle Falls
Shillong 793011



Engineer appreciation alongwith Part I and Il for the subject work is fwd herewith fo
your vetting and futher necessary action pl.

(Ajay D Deshpande)
Garrison Engineer
Encls: (As above)

dnu Ialuie UI lEpalis ityunGu.

Ation Guwahat
Name of WK Provn ot mechanize laundry alongwith eqpts and accessories at
51 Base Hosp under GE Guwahati

S Items
No Details
Scope of work
including size and nature of Provn of mechanize
laundry alongwith eqpts
and accessories at 151
Base Hosp under GE
2 Type of constructions proposed | Authorised
3 Preparatory works required-site surveys. and
development and time required for the same. -NA

4 (a) Brief
description of original Permanent
accommodation- Permanent, semi-permanent or
(b) Approximate area of buildings involved. 198.00 Sqm (Approximate)
5 Are any special items of works involved including -No-
those which depart from approved SoA?

any repairs/additions/alternations required?
brief of
so, description buildings to be repaired
and nature of repairs required.

7 What external services are required? Does any | As per AE Part I

service exist? If so, extent thereof. attached.

8 Does the site involve any unduly high -No-

expenditure on any service(s)?

88 weeks from the date of

9 9 Feasible target date of completionrelease of wk.
10 Time required for completion of various phases As per Sr No 9 above.
of works under normal circumstances

11 Details of budgetary requirements/projects To be decided by the CFA

based on annual cash outflow
12 Special measures if any tequired for completn9 NA
the project by the target date

13 Is any consultancy department or outside NA

required? if so, details thereof

14 Requirement of supervisory staff Present staff is adequate

15 Any other eng1neeringtechnical/management NA

aspects of the project which required to be
highighted while planning sanctoning or

implementing the project

Station Clo 99 APO (Ajay Deshpande)

Date 0 Aug 2021 Major
Garrison Engineer
e Station: Guwahati
and accessories at 151 Base
Work: Provn of
mechanized laundry alongwith eqpts
Name of Guwahati
Hosp under Remarks
Items Cost
S No Cost of Land
Site Clearance 37,800.00
Surveys and Soil Investigation 48,400.00
Building by new construction 4,457,000.00
(b) Air-conditioning & Refrigeration
(c) Laundary Plant 4,165,200.00
Furniture @ 5% OF Bldg cost 222,850.00
Special item of Work
5 External Services
Road, Path and culverts 55,400.00
(b) Water Supply
Electric Supply 964,700.00
(d) Sewage Disposal
(e) Area of drainage
() Security Fencing and Gate
Rain Water Harvesting@ 1% of Bldg cost
Arboriculture1% of bldg cost
Total 9,951,350.00
9 Contingencies@ 3% on Item (1 to 7) 298,540.50
10 Total 10,249,890.50
Say Rs 102.50 lakhs
(0) Time required for overall completion ofwork 88 weeks from date of release
(ii) Any variation of specification, quantities and size in respect of external services

Station (Ajay Deshpande)

Date Major
Garrison Engineer
Station Guwahati DRAFT AE PART -I| (BLDG WORK)
Name of Work: Provn of mechanized laundry
SNo alongwith eqpts and accessories at 151 Base
Description of Work Hosp under GE Ou Amount
Auth Brief Rate
| Specifn
C) (d) ( e ) ( L (9) (h) Group-Vii)
8526 00
Rate (PA
2(a) 1.Buildingfor Laundry Service 13087.00
2591226.00 Basic
SOA 2003 Permanent 198.00 Sqm Rate-2010)
1715 00
HOSP Pile Foundation
127 00
1863 00
RCC Framed superstructure
294 00
APP roof treatment
172 00
Seismic Zone V
Plinth area 198.00 Sqm 342.00
Sloped roof
External surface
Weather coat in

Total 13087 00

MV@72% 1865682.72
GRAND TOTAL 4456908. 72
4457000.00 Clo to AE PtI
Say Rs

AGE B/R Basistha

UTHTUTH of mechanized tau


12cm &Ldeep Suran

founi M&LE
accessories at a
Provn of mechanized laundry alongwith eqpts and

Brief specification of work UNIT TY RATE AMOUNT

Sqm 19.00
ath 1M&L Surtace excavation n exc(not exceeding) 30 cm deep and averaging 604
1147 60 SSR-2020
12cm deep and getting out in softloose soil 3001
in trenches, n exc 1 5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in depth; for Cum 95 383.70 3002
2 M&LExcavatng 1131.92
foundation, etc or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. n 3006
exc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out in softloose
well Cum 0.60
3 M&L Returning. filing in, including spreading. levelling, watering and 139.10 83.4
ramming in layers not exc 25 cm. in sofl loose soil 3009
4 M&L Removing excavated soils n exc. 50m and depositing where directed at Cum 4.60 320.40 1473.84 3029
a level n exc. 1.5 mabove the starting point
5 M&L Sand filing under floors or in foundations including watering and Cum 0.95 1974.30 1875.59 3019
M&L Hardcore of broken stonl or boulders gauge n exc. 63 mm, deposited, Cum 85 2070.80 5901.78 3042
spread and levelled in layers n exc. 15 cm thick, watered and rammed to a
true surface
7 M&L PCC 14:8 typeD-2 in 40 mm graded course aggregate as in foundation Cum 1.00 5483.90 5483.90 4025
8 M&L Cement concrete in sub floor type D- 2, 1:4:8 (40mm graded Sqm 19.00 412.10 7829.90 13035
aggregate) 75mmth
9 M&L PCC 12:4 type BO in lintels upto 1.5m clear span, cills, steps, seismic Cum 0.35 9259.40 3240.79 4029
and other similar bands, plinth courses, string courses, lacing courses,
parapets and railings upto 60 cm in height, copings, kneelers, apex stones,
bed plates, water troughs and the like including weathering, slightly rounded
or chamfered angles and throating, as directed

10 M&L Brickwork with subclass 'B' bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m Cum 1.90 4875.00 9262.50 5004
mean radius built in CM 16
2934.93 14001
11 M&L Rendering 10mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces Sqm 15.50 189.35
in CM 16 15001
12 M&L preparation of new plastersurface of walls etc and applying two coats Sqm 11.00 873.40
79.40 15006
of cement base paint over a coat of primer complete all as specified and 15010
directed 13098
13 M&LMachine pressed precast conctete coloured interlocking paver block Sqgm 19.00 741.60
any shape and size confirming to IS 15658-2006 of 60 mm thickness, M-35
Grade with grey cement and pigment
55330.00 PI
Sub-Total 55400.00
Clo to AE

Say Rs


Station 151 Base Hospital Guwahati
Name of Work Provn of mechanized
laundry alongwith eqpts and accessories at 151 Base Hosp under GE GUWana
Ser No Qty Unit Rate Amount Remarks
Description of work Auth Brief specification of work
2421 00 3011
90.0 Sqm 26.90
15 cm in soft/ loose soil.
1(b) Site clearance and SOA 1. Surface dressing n exc

devp 2009
8059.50 3003
45.0 Curn
exceeding 1.5 m deep and
2. Rough excavation not 19512 00 3033
softloose soil Cum 433 60
getting out in exc 1.5km but n exc 5km 45.0
excavated material 7744 50 3017
3. Removing
directed soil. Cum 172.10
and depositing where n exc 25 cm thick ,well 45.0 3018
in layers
4.Spreaading and levelling
as required
ramming incl watering Total
Clo to AE
Say Rs 37800.00

AGE B/R Basistha
Station: Guwahati
Name of Work: Provn of Mech
Laundry along with Eqpts and accessories at 151
Base Hosp under GE Guwahat1

Brief speficiation
AU Qty Rate
2 3 Amount Remarks
Supplying. laying, commissioning & testing LT 6
core, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed underground
cable 1100 volts grade of size 9
Sqmm 3.5
120 RM 220 1344 00 295680 00 ED-367
aluminium conductor all as per IS 7098 duty, armoured
with multi-stranded
(Part-1) 1998, laid in trenches, ducts, pipes, or on poles,
etc. complete all as specified and as directed
2 Supplying, laying, commissioning & testing LT underground cable 1100 volts
|Sqmm 3.5 core, XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed heavy grade of size 185 RM 260 1873.00 486980 00 ED-369
duty, armoured with multi-stranded
aluminium conductor all as per IS 7098 (Part-1) 1998, laid in trenches, ducts, pipes, or on
etc. complete all as specified and as directed poles
3. Supply, install, test and commission LT Panel board, TPN 415 Volts, 50 Hz, out door cubical Each
type floor mounted CPRI approved factory made, double door dust and vermin proof 96210.00 96210 00 RA Att

fabricated out of CRCA sheet not less than 3.15 mm IP-54 Job
thick with 2mm thick for internal
compartment duly powder coated fixed on angie iron pedestal made out of 50x50x6 mm with cable|
chamber for individual feeders for incomning and outgoing connections, one set of LED indicator|
o lamp RYB with switch and fuse and the panel board shall be provided with proper ventillation
including suitable size of cable alley aluminium bus bar suitable for carrying of current 400 Amps
with suitable connectionsfrom going to main bus bar shall be caried outwith TPN
MCCB out co:ections
aluminium bus bars suitable rating and from main bus bar to out MCCB's
intake point) will be carried out with TPN aluminium bus bar per McCB rating duly insulated
and colour coded heat shrinkable sieeve and sha!l be rigidly mounted on suitable size of bridge
irieulator incuding necessary PCC founcaticn of minimum 0.35 m height positioied and fixed with
suitable nut, bolts, washers elc to the MC pedestal all as specified and directed comprising of the
(a) MCCB 315 Amps 4 Pole 50 Hz 415 V with thermal magnectic release having rupturing capacity
36 KA 1Nos (Incoming).
b) MCCB 200 Amps 4 Pole 50 Hz 415 V with thermal magnectic release having rupturing capacity
25 KA 2Nos (Outgoing)
(c) MCCB 160 Amps 4 Pole 50 Hz 415 V with thermal magnectic release having rupturing capacity
25 KA 1No (Outgoing)
(d) 3Ph digital multi function meter model A, class 1, 5A with relay Vega Series 1Nos

e) Indicating tamp 240 volts LED type set of three.

Station Guwanat at 151 Base Hosp
under GE Guwahatu Amount Remarks
wth Eqpts and accessones
AU Qty Rate
Provn of MMach LauNtry akong
Wo Briet Description of
SLDes Auth
No of
lndustnai washing machine capacity
60 Kg Dry weight
Each 343159 00 343159 00 RA Att

tnstaliatkvn and testing of

Supy. BCH. auto stop, auto
d r open Heavy duty pulley
Motor ABB. Panel
r t aing) singile stainless steel body complete all
a s specified
reversetmad. auto temprature cotrol,Al

and directed by Engr-an-Charge (Make SR Sons. Textile cleaner) 60 EACH 274527 00 549054 00 RA Att
Instalation and testng t ndustrial Hydro
extractor capacity Kg Dry weight.
Supoly. outer & inner drum made of stainless
DC inectin break systemuto belancing
Tmpete ai as specitied and diractad by Engr-n-Charge
Make- SR Sons Tetie caaner) 388913.00 777826 00 RA Att
3 Sueoy. instaiation and testing
of Industrial Drying Tumbler machine capacity 60 Kg EACH 2
Motor ASS Panel BCH auto stop. auto reversing (Electrc Heating System).
basket stainiess steel & outer body powder coated complete all a s
tenoerature control, Inner
S R Sons, Textile cleaner)
Seched and directed by Engr-in-Charge (Make RA Att
S . nstaikation and testing ot Calendanng Machine (Double Roller) of size 12" x
Heavy duty complete al as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge (Make- SR
EACH 1235372 00 1235372 0o
Sons Textie deaner)
5 Supply. instaliation and testing of Calendanng Machine (Single Roler) ofsize 12" x 17" EACH 1 526177 00 526177 00 RA Att
Heavy duty compiete al as specihied and directed by Engr-in-Charge (Make SR
Sons Textile ceaner)
8 Suppy. Instalilation and testing of Vaccum Finishing Table with electnc steam iron of size EACH 38129 00 114387 00 RA Att
1250 x 750 mm32" x52) complete all a s specfied and directed by Engr-in-Charge (Make -

SR Sons Texte ceaner)

17 Suroy only washroom troley with carrying capacity 100 kg made of stainless steel EACH 27453 00 54906 00o RA Att
COmpiete a as seified and directed by Engr-in-Charge
(Make SR Sons Texte ceaner)
Suppey ony Dry Linen Troliey with carrying capacty 50 Kg (40 x30 x34) made of EACH 25590 00 213520 00 RA Att
steel compiete all as specified and directed
by Engr-in-Charge
Make SR Sons
Textile cleaner)
Supply onty Wet Linen Troley with carrying capacity 50 Kg (40"x30"x34") made of
Stainiess steel compiete ail as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge
EACH 8 26690 00
21352000 RA At

(Make SR Sons. Textie cleaner)

|10. Supply only Rolling Table Small of size 1150 x 750mm
steel complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge.
made of
stainless EACHT RA Att
18302.00 54906.00
SR Sons, Textile cleaner) (Make
|11. Supply only Rolling Table large of sIze 350 x 750mm (90"x30"x34") made of stainless
steel complete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge 24402 00 24402.00

Sons, Textile cleaner) (Make SR

| 12. Supply and fixing of industrial air compressor of capacity2 HP
capacity 120 Ltrs having pressure range of 8kg/cm2 incl all electrical single phase, Tank
| Each 57956.00 57956.00 RA Att
as specified and directed. (Make- SR Sons, Textile cleaner) complete all

Total Rs. 4165185.00

Say Rs. 4165200.00

(Janmefay Kumar)
Nb Súb/JE E/M
Offg AGE E/M Guwahati
Name of Work: Provn of Mech Laundy along with Eqpts
and accessories at 151 Base Hosp under GE Guwahati
Item No.
2 3
Market Rate as per Price List 225000.00 180000.00 255000.00 5 Z
Add Transport& Installation 810000.00 345000.00 8
Charges 10%
25000.00 18000.00
22500.00 17500.00 17500.00
18000.00 25500.00 81000.000
247500.00 34500.00 2500.00
Add GST 18% 198000.00 280500.00 1800.00 1750.00 1750.00
44550.00 891000.00 379500.00
35640.00 50490.00o 160380.00o 27500.00 19800.00 19250.00
Total 19250.000
292050.00 68310.00 4950.00 3564.00 3465.000
Add CP 17.5% 233640.00 330990.00 1051380.00 447810.00 3465.00
51108.75 40887.00 32450.00 23364.00 22715.00 22715.00
Grand Total 57923.255 183991.50 78366.75
343158.75 5678.75 4088.70
Say Rs. 274527.00 388913.25 1235371.50 3975.13 3975.13
343159.00 274527.00 388913.00 1235372.000 526176.75 38128.755 27452.70 26690.13 26690.13
526177.00 38129.00 27453.00 26690.00 26690.00
Item No.
10 11 12
Market Rate as per Price List
12000.00 16000.00 38000.00
Transport &Installation
Charges 10%
1200.000 1600.00b 3800.00
13200.00 17600.00 41800.00
Add: GST 18%
2376.00 3168.00 7524.00
15576.00 20768.00 49324.00
Add CP 175%
Grand Total
2725.80 3634.40 8631.70
18301.80 24402.40 57955.70
Say Rs. 18302.00 24402.00 57956.00

JE E/M Ofg AGE EM Guwahati

Name pf Work : Provn of Mech Laundry along with Eapts and accessories at 151 Base Hosp under GE Guwahati
Item No.3
(A)¥ MS Sheet front/ back 1.5 1 1 =
1.5 SqMtr
Top/bottom 0.35 1
side 0.35 SqMtr
1.5 0.35 1
Partition for 0.525 SqMtr
compartment 1.5 0.35 1
out door shade 0.525 SqMtr
1.5 1
Total 1.5
4.4 SqMtr
Or@24 Kg/ SqMtr 105.6 Kg
Add wastage 5%
5.28 Kg
Total Wt
2. 110.88 Kg Rs 65.00 Rs. 7207.20
Angle iron 40x40x5mm horizontal member 1.5
Vertical member 6 RM
1 4 RM
vertical member
1.4 RM
11.4 RM
3. Fabrication charges of iron items Or @3 Kg/ Mtr 34.2 Kg Rs. 55.00 Rs. 1881.00
4.Painting LS 145.08 Kg Rs. 15.00 Rs.
5. Hinges for each compartment 1584 2176.20
6. Locking arrengement for each compartment LS Rs 1580.00
7. Bus bar LS Rs. 500.00
8. Insulator for Bus Bars Kg Rs 500.00
Rs 150.00 = Rs.
9. Fbrication of Bus bar incl heat
shrink sleeves
LS 2250.00
10. Foundation of PCC LS
Rs 300.00
11. Cable gland for LS Rs 200.00
incoming & out going 2 Nos
= Rs
12. GI Nut bolts washers, earth
strip for connection @Rs 100.00 = Rs. 500.00
1 Kg 200.00
13. Bus bar insulation etc.
@Rs 65.00 Rs.
14. Cable lugs for 1 incoming & 65 00
Outgoing cables. LS Rs.
15. Neoprene gasket for all doors Rs 100.00 Rs. 150 00
16. Pedestal arrnagement
= Rs. 200.00
17. Power wiring including interconnections LS Rs 250.00
= Rs. 500.00
Add 4% transportation Rs 550.00
Total (A) Rs. 19009.40
Rs. 760.38
18 Multi function Energy
meter with
19 CTs and Indication Lampss
relay 1No0s 1 Each @Rs. 8200.00 Rs.
1 Sets
Rs. 2250.00 Rs
20. Control Wiring 2250.000
LS Rs.
21. 4 Pole MCCB 315 Amps, 0 Hz 415 V with
rupturirtg capacity 36 KA. 500.00
18160 Rs t8160.00
22. 4 Pole MCCB 200 Amps. 50 Hz 415 V with
rupturing capacity 25 KA. 2 12916 Rs. 25832.00
23. 4 Pole MCCB 160 Amps, 50 Hz 415 V with
rupturing capacity 25 KA. 10756 Rs. 10756.00
Total (B) 65698.0o
Total A+B= 85467.78
Installation, testing & commissioning 2000.00
Add 10% CP
Grand Total

Say Rs. 96210.00

JE E/M Offg AGE É/M Guwahati

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