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Industrial hygiene: A global perspective

The practice of industrial hygiene (or as some would call it, Global Sourcing. This voluntary G S Swaminathan
occupational hygiene) has grown significantly around the practice encompasses many labor and Brakes India Limited,
world. I describe briefly some world trends and provide you discrimination issues, including safe Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
with an update on where we are as a profession and where working conditions.
we are headed. My brief review is limited to the major regions For correspondence:
and countries of the world. Some might ask, “Why is this worth In practical terms, there is a move to Prof. Swaminathan G S,
knowing?” I think the Asian economic crisis should make a management systems approach to Corporate HSE Head,
it clear that we are all affected by what happens in remote safety and health stressing continuous (First Industrial
parts of the world. Additionally, the growth and activities of improvement or at least common Hygiene Specialist
the safety and health profession outside are important to the standards for performance across recruited in Public
success of the profession overall. the world. This bodes well for those sector (BHEL) in
dealing with a myriad of complex
Advisory Editorial
There are several world trends that are affecting our regulations in different parts of the
Member - IJOEM,
profession. First, world economics in conjunction with GATT world. Brakes India Limited,
are pushing global manufacturing. Global manufacturing Chennai - 600 050,
means production of products in areas of economic advantage Finally, most of us are no longer in Tamil Nadu, India.
with regional or worldwide distribution. As a result, more professional isolation when it comes E‑mail: swaminathan.
U.S.‑based professionals will deal with international issues to ideas and performance in safety
even if only limited to requirements for exports. It also means and health. With the advent of the
that the growth of our profession outside the United States, World Wide Web, cross‑fertilization is
with some ideas and concepts such as the “Green Movement” available to our profession, no matter
and “Sustainable Development” being imported here from where it may be practiced. This means
Europe and other places. an essentially free flow of information
around the world that will speed the
Another trend is the change in workers’ compensation progress of our profession. In other
systems and the regulatory climate. Workers’ compensation, words, someone in an underdeveloped
which is a driver for our profession, is being privatized in country will have access to the latest
many regions of the world (such as South America) and will ideas and developments while we will
continue to move in this direction. This means that there will be able to benefit from best practices
be additional economic incentives for companies to reduce around the world.
worker injuries and illness. This is because most government
programs do not effectively penalize those with the highest IH in the World Scene
injury and illness rates. The English‑speaking countries tend Access this article online
(with exceptions) to have the greatest Website:
A trend to reduce government has been apparent in most of number of industrial hygienists DOI:
the developed world. This trend will spread to the developing and most developed professional
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world as well, driven by the economics of competition in a practices. This includes the United
world scene. This trend will decrease government programs States, Canada, United Kingdom,
and promote consulting because governments will not be able Ireland, South Africa, and Australia.
to actively establish and enforce worker safety and health with Others with relatively large or growing
limited resources (e.g. this is likely in Mexico). Pressure to practices in IH include Brazil, Finland,
provide economic justification for safety and health measures Sweden, France, Germany, Italy,
and programs will also increase, as companies on a worldwide Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Spain,
basis continue to endlessly cycle through hiring downsizing, Switzerland, Thailand, and Taiwan.
restructuring, and outsourcing to gain economic advantage.
All those mentioned, with the
The growth of global standards (or standardization) and exception of Sweden and Taiwan,
information sharing will continue at an ever‑increasing pace. are currently members of the
We have already seen approaches to this such as the recently International Occupational Hygiene
established SA 8000 from the Partnership for Responsible Association (IOHA). Of this listing,

Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - December 2014 - Volume 18 - Issue 3 103
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Swaminathan: Industrial hygiene: A global perspective

the United States, Japan, the Netherlands, Australia, moving to a mandated management systems approach while
Finland, Canada, South Africa, and Sweden (proposed) trying to establish the professional resources to carry this out.
currently have some form of certification or licensing
for the practice of industrial hygiene. Interestingly, even The second most populous country after China is India. India,
though the largest number of hygienists tend to reside in similar to China, is just beginning to recognize the economic
English‑speaking countries, it is clear that world‑class costs of occupational injuries and illnesses. India has a
experts reside even in the developing countries, however, relatively young profession with probably only approximately
in smaller numbers. 100 persons practicing industrial hygiene. Some recent
developments suggest an increasing growth in IH, including
The transition that is taking place is the movement from a the establishment of a couple of graduate programs of study.
physician‑dominated treatment model to a greater emphasis Obviously, both India and China represent the greatest growth
on prevention in most of the industrially developing countries potential for the profession.
of the world. This trend, combined with the import of safety
and health practices from multinationals, is creating the In closing, I have touched upon the growth of the profession of
demand for IH. A brief summary of the growth of the profession industrial hygiene around the world, emphasizing general trends
on a regional basis follows. rather than specifics in the various countries. There are many
sources for more information. These include the International
The United States has the largest and most active industrial Affairs Committee of AIHA (, NIOSH (www.cdc.
hygiene practice in the world. Estimates are that there are gov/niosh), the World Health Organization (, and
approximately 15,000 industrial hygienists in the United others. I would recommend that you check out the web page for
States; half of them certified in IH. The United States also the Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (www.
has the most academic programs at all levels. More than 100 as a starting point. It has links to these and a number
schools offer degrees in industrial hygiene or in a closely of other interesting sites. It is a small world with a lot to learn
related field. Canada probably has the second largest number from others.
of industrial hygienists—over 600.

What is probably most significant is the proposal by China Cite this article as: Swaminathan GS. Industrial hygiene: A global
perspective. Indian J Occup Environ Med 2014;18:103-4.
to leapfrog its development in safety and health by quickly

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