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Submitted by:
Group -4

Anup Pampari 1811118

Aashni Chandran 1811076
Tulsi Kumar Bade 1811155
Raghul Karthik M 1811177
Suman Paul 1811426
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................... 4
MANAGEMENT DECISION PROBLEM (MDP) ..................................................................................... 4
MANAGEMENT RESEARCH PROBLEM (MRP) .................................................................................... 4
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 5
Industry Overview: ......................................................................................................................... 5
Competitive Landscape: ................................................................................................................. 6
Distribution Channels:.................................................................................................................... 7
FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 7
Objective:........................................................................................................................................ 7
Structure of Discussion: ................................................................................................................. 8
Chocolate Category Insights: ......................................................................................................... 8
Tasting Exercise: ............................................................................................................................. 9
Other Key Insights: ....................................................................................................................... 10
DEPTH INTERVIEW............................................................................................................................ 10
Consumer Insights: ....................................................................................................................... 10
Consumer Insights across Competitors: ...................................................................................... 11
BRAND CONCEPT MAPPING ............................................................................................................. 12
BRAND – AMUL ............................................................................................................................ 13
AMUL CHOCOLATES ..................................................................................................................... 15
BLIND TEST........................................................................................................................................ 17
Methodology followed:................................................................................................................ 17
QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................... 19
DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 19
CLUSTER ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 22
REGRESSION ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 24
FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR CHOCOLATE CATEGORY ............................................................................. 26
AMUL CONSUMERS .......................................................................................................................... 29
.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Discriminant Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 33
Brand Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 38
Importance Performance Matrix ..................................................................................................... 39
Factor Analysis.................................................................................................................................. 40
Competitor Mapping ........................................................................................................................ 41
New Concept Testing ........................................................................................................................... 41
Concept 1: Increase Availability....................................................................................................... 41
Concept 2: Introduce Gift Packs....................................................................................................... 43
Concept 3: Launch Indigenous Flavours .......................................................................................... 43
Concept 4: Sugarless Variants .......................................................................................................... 43
Strategy Canvas .................................................................................................................................... 43
Amul Dark Chocolate: ...................................................................................................................... 44
Amul Milk Chocolate: ....................................................................................................................... 46
FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................ 47
Reference:............................................................................................................................................. 49
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................................. 50
Survey Questionnaire ....................................................................................................................... 50
Focus Group Discussion Questionnaire: .......................................................................................... 65
Brand Concept Mapping .................................................................................................................. 66
Amul has a market share of 0.9% in India. Our aim is to increase brand awareness, sales and market
share of Amul chocolates


MRP Components Information

Situation in which chocolates are
Current customer segments
purchased & Consumed
To understand consumer Behaviour Consumer preference while Order of preference with respect to
in chocolate Industry making purchase decision premium, price, availability etc.
Perception of major Brand that comes to consumer mind
chocolate brands while considering purchase of chocolates
Customer purchase journey; how did
consumer come across Amul chocolates?
Customer awareness about Effectiveness of current marketing
Amul brand communication of Amul chocolates, is
To understand brand awareness of Amul chocolates part of customer
Amul chocolates and perception consideration set
among existing category customer Brand perception and associations of
Amul chocolates
Brand perception
Brand attributes that differentiate Amul
from other chocolates
Brand Positioning Understanding POPs and PODs of Amul
Are customers satisfied with value
proposition of Amul? What trigger the
purchase of Amul chocolates?
Understanding customer loyalty with Net
Increasing repurchase from promoter score
existing customers Is availability of Amul chocolates a
constraint for repurchase? How many
Investigate possibilities of increasing Amul exclusive stores are available; are
sales of Amul Chocolates Amul chocolates available in other retail
stores as well
Brand penetration and marketing reach
of Amul chocolates
Attracting new customers
Understanding purchase barriers
and increasing brand
patronage Customer’s perceived value in terms of
offered quantity (size), quality, product
assortment and value for money
To test Amul chocolates for taste by blind
Develop and test concepts to test and comparison of Amul chocolate
increase perceived attractiveness with competitor on different metrics like
and purchase intention for Amul taste, texture etc
chocolates Product taste testing


Anand Milk Union Limited or Amul is an Indian cooperative dairy company, based at Anand, Gujarat.
Set up in 1948, it is managed by Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd. (GCMMF) and
currently owned by 3.6 million farmers. Amul is the largest food production company in India with
products ranging from milk, cheese, lassi, ice-cream, chocolates. Amul diversified its product portfolio
since the 1990s. For the scope of the project, more focus will be on Chocolate industry & Amul
chocolates to understand the market, distribution channels & current market standing of players.

Industry Overview:

Chocolate Industry - Sales in INR Billion

120 111
100 88

80 75




2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Chocolate Industry is growing at 12% in 2018. Customer preference is shifting towards premium
chocolates, which is showing a rise in sales. Chocolate pouches & bags records the highest growth of
22% in 2018. The popularity of premium chocolates is increasing due to improving the lifestyle of
consumers, growing influence of international cuisines & premium chocolates considered as a giftable
option. Major players like Mondelez India are focussing towards premium products with customers
ready to pay a higher price for premium chocolates.

Variety in terms of flavours, ingredients are becoming new trends in Indian chocolate industry & the
consumers appreciate those changes. In addition to Fruit & Nut, other ingredients like cashew,
caramel, almonds-based chocolates available in affordable price points are attracting more chocolate
lovers. Some of the new flavours like coffee, cinnamon is providing fresh taste from traditional flavours
like strawberry, orange, etc.

With growing health-conscious customers, customers are choosing dark chocolates (low sugar
content) as a substitute for milk & other high sugar content. Companies like Mondelez & Amul are
producing dark chocolates with the expectation that future trend shift towards dark chocolates.
Competitive Landscape:

Company Shares in Chocolate Industry - 2018

0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0%

Mondelez India Foods

Nestle India 10.9%

Ferrero India 9.20%

Hershey India 2.40%

Mars International 2.30%

Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing 0.90%

Others 20.50%

Brand Share of chocolates- 2018

30.0% 27.3%
25.0% 22.30%
10.0% 7.3% 8.5%
5.5% 6.0%
4.0% 4.2%
5.0% 2.4% 3.4%
0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 0.7% 0.8% 0.9% 1.2% 1.6% 1.7%

Mondelez India is the market leader with 54% market share in 2018. In the case of the product,
Mondelez’s Dairy Milk holds the maximum market share of 27.3%. Amul chocolate market share is
around 1%. Many new players are entering the market like CAMPCO & Foreign players like Ferrero are
investing heavily on the Indian market since the steady growth of the chocolate industry expected

With Amul chocolate focussing on dark chocolate, its’ competitor Bournville market share is around
0.7%. Though Bournville is the famous dark chocolate brand, the market is in the nascent stage. There
is an opportunity for companies to gain significant market share by new products which cater to the
need of the customers.
Distribution Channels:

Non-store Retailing Store Retailing -

- 0% 100%

Internet Retailing - Grocery Retailers -

0% 100%

Modern Grocery Traditional Grocery

Retailers - 14.5% Retailers - 85.5 %

Convenience Stores Independent Small

- 0.2% Grocers - 68.9%

Forecourt Retailers
- 0.3% Food/Drink
specialists - 6.4%

Hypermarkets - Other Grocery

5.6% Retailers - 10.1%

Supermarkets -

In chocolate Industry, Store Retailing channel plays a vital role in sales. Internet Retailing is close to
0%, which clearly explains chocolates are impulsive buying. Independent small groceries account for
70% of the total sales in India. Modern retailers like hypermarkets & supermarkets are slowly gaining
traction and increasing its’ share while the traditional is going down consistently.


Objective: Focus group discussion is conducted to understand important attributes with regards to
chocolate consumption in general, brand perceptions of various chocolates brands, perception of
Amul chocolates, likes and dislikes about Amul chocolates.
Group Composition: We have conducted the discussion with 8 PGP students from IIM Bangalore who
have consumed Amul chocolates. Group was a mix of 4 male and 4 female participants, and the
discussion lasted approximately 40 minutes.

Structure of Discussion: We have constructed the moderator’s outline with reference to our MRPs
sequenced in the following steps:

1) Chocolate category discussion

2) Amul brand perception
3) Amul chocolate perception
4) Tasting exercise with the participants
5) Feedback after tasting
6) Discussion on advertisements and feedback on the advertisement has shown

Depending on the nature of the question, we went around the group for a few questions and let the
group answer for others. Below section highlights the key insights obtained from the discussion.

Chocolate Category Insights:

Likes and dislikes: Participants generally liked chocolates when they have an optimum level of
sweetness, have fruits & nuts, and melts in the mouth easily. They dislike the chocolates when they
are too sweet, hard, too chewy and bitter with high amounts of cocoa.

Triggers for Consumption: Participants mentioned that they eat chocolates when under stress, when
hungry, after meal snack and because they generally like sweet foods. Group was distributed evenly
within these triggers for consumption.

Buying Behaviour: Majority of the group said they purchase smaller chocolates for self- consumption
and bigger and premium chocolates for gifting and they generally do not spend more than Rs. 40-60
for self-consumption.

Brand Preference: Cadbury is a clear favourite in chocolates for all the participants; they have also
mentioned other brands like Galaxy, Mars, and Nestle (Kit-kat) when asked about other brands they
prefer. If their preferred brand is not available in the store, only half the group said they would buy
other brands; others are very loyal to their preferred brands.

Amul Brand Perception:

Participants strongly associated Amul with dairy products with high quality and trust as its value
proposition. They were very quick to recall the taglines utterly butterly delicious, Taste of India and
Amul girl mascot used in advertisements. Participants also mentioned Amul is their first preference
when it comes to dairy products, and the availability of Amul products is high in North India compared
to the south.

Amul Chocolate Perception:

Taste and Experience: All participants felt Amul chocolates have high sugar content, which makes them
too sweet. Even the dark chocolates have higher sugar content compared to other dark chocolates.
Most participants felt Amul chocolates are chewy and do not melt easily in the mouth, which is one
of the prime attributes which people look for in chocolate. Participants also said that Amul chocolates
leave small crumbs while breaking the chocolate which they did not like.
Variant Awareness: Out of 10 variants of chocolates across 3 categories (milk chocolate, dark
chocolate, and tropical flavours), participants were aware of only 5 variants – dark chocolates, bitter
dark chocolates, orange flavoured, fruit n nut and tropical flavours.

Packaging: While half the group felt packaging gave a premium appeal, the other half said the
packaging is not very attractive. We have observed that there is an influence of variant awareness in
this response.

Size and Pricing: The group unanimously agreed that Amul chocolates are economical and offer more
size for the same price compared to other chocolate brands like Cadbury. Amul chocolates are
generally available in INR 25-30 range, and the next size is priced above INR 100. Participants felt that
a size offered in a mid-range between these two price points would be preferred.

Availability: Most of the participants were not aware of Amul chocolates before coming to IIMB. They
did not generally find Amul chocolates in retail and kirana stores. In certain stores where Amul
chocolates were available, visibility was low. They were not placed in places where it is easy to notice
for people.

Amul Chocolates for Gifting: Participants were generally hesitant in considering Amul chocolates for
gifting in general. However, 1 participant had gifted a chocominis version earlier because it was found
to be good value for money and was a pack of small chocolates. One other participant said she would
consider Amul chocolate for gifting because she felt the packaging is premium, offers a size which is
giftable, and is unique.

Tasting Exercise:
Given the low awareness of Amul chocolates among consumers, we thought all the participants would
not have tried many variants of Amul chocolates. To take feedback on different variants, we have
asked the participants to taste the chocolates and have discussed on various attributes of those
chocolates. We have done this exercise for Milk chocolate, Fruit n Nut dark chocolate, Almond bar and
Bindaaz (wafer based) chocolates, which are representative of Amul chocolate portfolio.

Feedback after Tasting:


Value for money

Pack size

Advertisements: None of the participants have watched any Amul chocolate advertisement in any
form (TV, print media, or online) till now. Hence we have shown them an advertisement for dark
chocolates (AMUL Advertisement: to get their

After the tasting exercise, participants liked the Dark chocolate fruit n nut version and had some value
perception in their minds, but when they watched the advertisement, they felt the advertisement is
visually appealing with good graphics, but the values and benefits are not communicated.

Other Key Insights:

• Participants do not perceive Amul as a chocolate brand, people associate Amul with dairy
products majorly
• With chocolates available across many variants and price points, positioning of Amul
chocolates is not clear
• Participants are emotionally attached to their current favourite brands of chocolates and are
not willing to replace them easily. Amul has to offer something unique to grab their attention
and compete with the existing brands.


Number of one on one interviews conducted: 4

Average interview time: 25mins
Respondent profile: Occasional customers- IIMB students
Age: 24-27years
Male: 2, Female: 2
Consumer Insights:
1. Most of the consumers prefer milk chocolates over dark chocolates but consider dark chocolate
as a healthy alternative when they are hungry compared to milk chocolates and other snacks.
Happiness and stress were the values which had highest pull drivers serving emotional benefits
2. Most consumers consider chocolate as impulse buying product and prefer buying in nearby kirana
stores or supermarkets. But Amul chocolates are available mostly in Amul stores.
3. Consumers prefer buying milkshakes and ice cream even in Amul stores. And also do not feel like
buying chocolates immediately after consuming ice cream or milkshakes due to guilt of extra
calorie consumption.
4. While buying chocolates, taste is the most important parameter followed by the melting nature
or the feel of the chocolate. Respondents affirmed that Amul chocolates were too sugary and
chewy. Variants like fruit and nut, orange flavoured, camel milk were favourites among other Amul
5. Amul chocolates are considered to be inexpensive compared to other chocolates. It is available
either in small size (price -20 to 30) or large size (price-100 to 120) and the mid-size packs (price -
50 to 60) are not available.
6. Lack of awareness about Amul chocolates and its offerings such as tropical flavours, dark chocolate
variants among most consumers.
Ladder of Amul Chocolates:


Taste Value for money Healthy lifestyle

Texture healthy alternative Happiness

Quantity Experimentation

Variety Beginner’s choice

Packaging Giftable



Brand association

Healthy lifestyle Happiness

Experiment Healthy Value for Beginner’s

ation alternative money

Taste Texture Quantity Variety Packaging Price Availability Brand

Consumer Insights across Competitors:

Observed Metrics Amul chocolates Cadbury

Taste Too sugary- even in case of dark perfect mixture of cocoa and sugar
chocolates. content
Texture Hard and chewy- takes longer time Soft and melts easily
to melt
Observed Metrics Amul chocolates Cadbury
Quantity Available in small or large packs Available in all size packs from small,
only medium to large
Variety Large no of variants in dark Large no of variants in milk
chocolates compared to less chocolate compared to less no of
variants in milk chocolate variants in dark chocolate
Packaging Different colourful letters and Premium - gold inner packaging and
attractive rigid outer pack silky outside packaging
Price Relatively cheaper- value for Expensive
Availability Amul stores Kirana stores, supermarket
Awareness No promotions in stores or any Emotionally attached to the brand
other channels and no offer packs due to ads and promotions in
different stores
Type of customer Experimental Safe and loyal
Brand association Value for money Ease of availability and premium


Brand Concept Mapping exercise was carried out to determine the following:

• To understand the perception of AMUL brand & Amul Chocolates in the mind of consumers
• Positioning of AMUL brand & Amul Chocolate is in line with customer’s brand perception

• AMUL's primary focus is on dairy products and has high SKU assortment.
• Customers associate themselves AMUL tagline 'The Taste of India'.
AMUL craters to every Indian taste bud.

• The dark varieties of AMUL Chocolates are preferred over the others
• AMUL Chocolates have Low Awareness and Low availability

Respondents Profile for Brand Concept Mapping:

AMUL 20 Respondents
Elicitation Stage
AMUL Chocolates 20 Respondents

AMUL 16 Respondents
Mapping Stage
AMUL Chocolates 16 Respondents

Demographics • Gender- 75% Male and 25%

• Occupation- Students
• Age- 24-29 Years
Behavioral • Regular Consumers of Amul Chocolates 7-8 times a week

Stages of Brand Concept Mapping:

1. Elicitation:
Salient associations for the brand are determined during this stage. The responded are asked open ended
questions such as what comes to their mind when they think of ‘AMUL/ AMUL Chocolates’. Brand associations
which occur more than 50% are selected for the next step.
The shortlisted associations are displayed in Annexure 1.
2. Mapping:
The participants were asked to map their associations with ‘AMUL/ AMUL Chocolates’ based on the
shortlisted brand attributes and show the strength of association (single, double or triple line).
Brand Concepts maps displayed in Annexure 2.
3. Aggregation:
The brand maps are aggregated, and the following information tabulated:


Indicative Table:

Ratio of
Frequency Frequency 1st
Brand No. of Subordinate Superordinate
of of 1st order
Attributes interconnection Connection connection
mention Mention Mention
Amul Girl 9 15 8 88.89% 1 12
Catchy ads 9 9 5 55.56% 4 4
Dairy Products
(Milk, Butter) 9 11 8 88.89% 0 8
Gujarat 7 6 2 28.57% 5 1
Tag lines 6 4 2 33.33% 4 3
Value for
Money 6 4 4 66.67% 2 0
Good quality 6 9 3 50.00% 3 6
Ice creams 6 6 5 83.33% 0 5
Childhood 6 4 2 33.33% 3 1
Desi 6 4 4 66.67% 0 4
Reliable 6 5 2 33.33% 4 1
Trust 6 1 4 66.67% 0 1
Cooperative 4 5 1 25.00% 2 3
Healthy 5 4 1 20.00% 2 3
Tasty 4 2 1 25.00% 2 0
Following are determined using Aggregation steps for BCM:

• Core brand Associations

• First order brand associations
• Core brand association links
• Non-core brand association links
• Number of connecting lines

Point of Inflection.
Sudden increase in
the change of slope

1 1
6 5 4 3 2 1
No.of Inter Connections

Aggregated Brand Map:

Indicative Table:
Ratio of
Brand Frequency No. of 1st order Subordinate Superordinate
of 1st
Attributes of mention interconnection Mention Connection connection
Dark Chocolate 9 21 8 88.89% 1 17
Too Sweet 9 4 4 44.44% 0 2
Low Availability 8 7 4 50.00% 5 1
packaging 7 5 4 57.14% 3 2
Low Awareness 7 7 2 28.57% 5 2
Good for Gifting 6 6 1 16.67% 4 1
Tasty 6 9 1 16.67% 6 3
Economical 6 5 5 83.33% 1 4
advertisements 6 3 5 83.33% 1 3
Fruit & Nut 6 5 1 16.67% 4 1
Amul Store 6 10 4 66.67% 1 9
Good packaging 6 8 4 66.67% 1 7
Hard texture 5 3 3 60.00% 1 1
Good Variety 5 3 2 40.00% 2 1
Orange flavour 4 2 2 50.00% 2 0
Bitter Dark
Chocolate 4 5 1 25.00% 3 1
large packs 4 3 1 25.00% 3 0
Value for Money 4 4 0 0.00% 4 0
Desi 3 7 1 33.33% 3 4
Healthy 2 2 1 50.00% 1 1
Impulse Buying 2 2 0 0.00% 2 0
Tasteless 2 2 0 0.00% 2 0
milk Chocolate 2 2 2 100.00% 0 2
Not giftable 1 0 1 100.00% 0 0
Pure 1 0 1 100.00% 0 0
Camel Milk 1 1 0 0.00% 1 0
Low Variety 1 1 0 0.00% 1 0

Following are determined using Aggregation steps for BCM:

• Core brand Associations

• First order brand associations
• Core brand association links
• Non-core brand association links
• Number of connecting lines
Point of Inflection. 5

Sudden increase in

the change of slope

2 2 2

1 1

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
No. of Inter Connections

Aggregated Brand Map:

Key Insights:

Amul Brand:

• People associate positively with Amul Brand. The Amul Girl and Tagline is very popular.
• There is high awareness about Amul products and ad campaigns are highly effective
• Amul serves as the benchmark for trust and quality. Products are value for money.
• The branding as a cooperative of Gujrati farmers plays well and people associate it as a social
enterprise rather than corporate.
Amul Chocolate:

• The awareness level of Amul chocolates is very low and respondents hardly recall watching any
• The availability of Amul chocolates is also low and availability is low. Most of the respondents
had learnt about AMUL Chocolates only after coming to Campus.
However, respondents seem to love the dark chocolate variants, the taste, good/ premium packaging,
large packs and consider it for gifting. The fruit n nut variant is immensely popular.

Objective: To understand how consumers perceive the various attributes of Amul chocolates without
having any biases about the brand and comparing it with a competitor’s product on different

Methodology followed:
Screening and Participant Composition: We wanted neutral participants who are not aware of the
project we are working on. Hence, we have selected 5 PGP1 students, 4 of them are regular consumers
of dark chocolate and 1 person is not a regular consumer.

Process: We have selected Amul dark chocolate 55% cocoa and Cadbury Bournville 50% cocoa for this
exercise. This exercise is performed separately with each of the 5 participants. Before the start of
activity, each participant is blind folded and following sequence of steps are followed

1) Asked the participant to smell both Amul and Cadbury chocolates and took feedback about
the same
2) Asked the participant to take a tiny bite and asked about taste, texture and feel of both
3) Asked participant to take one normal sized bite and asked likes and dislikes on attributes of
taste, feel, hardness / chewiness and overall rating for both the chocolates
4) Gave two cubes of Amul chocolates and equivalent size of Cadbury and took the same
feedback as mentioned in point 3

Above mentioned sequence of steps are followed for all 5 participants by interchanging the order of
Amul and Cadbury chocolates for tasting. Between transitioning between chocolates, we have given
them water and other non-sweet snacks to neutralise the tastes. Results from the exercise are as
shown below

The most common answers for Amul after the tests are as follows:

Smell: The participants were asked to smell the product given to them these are some of the responses
“smells like milk Chocolate, might have Nuts and Raisins, has fruity smell”

Tiny Bite: After having a small bite these were some of the responses “Taste changes from Sweet to
bitter, lot bitter “.

First Bite: Responses after first bite “has fruity flavour, hard and has sensation of having particles,
Nuts and raisins may be present”

Like: Some of the reason for liking the product “Not Sticky, optimum bitter and sweet”

Dislikes: Some of the reason for disliking the product “Hard to break, texture not smooth, has

Aftertaste: Responses for after taste included “too Sweet, not Smooth, some hard particles may be
present, bitterness has decreased”

Like: Some of the reason for liking the product “Not Sticky sensation in mouth”

Dislikes: Some of the reason for disliking the product “too Sweet for dark chocolate, sensation of
presence hard particles”
The most common answers for Bournville after the tests are as follows:

Smell: The participants were asked to smell the product given to them these are some of the responses
“smells like milk chocolate, might have nuts “

Tiny Bite: After having a small bite these were some of the responses “Sweet, little bitter, has soft

First Bite: Responses after first bite” might be Bournville, has smooth sensation, optimum bitterness,
little sticky in mouth”

Likes: Reason for liking the product included “optimum bitterness and sweetness, taste, softness of
the product”

Dislikes: Reasons for dislikes were “product is sweet, it has bitterness”

Aftertaste: Responses for after taste included “product is smooth, bitter, but bitterness has

Likes: Reason for liking the product included “optimum bitterness and sweetness, taste, bitterness has

Dislikes: Reasons for dislikes were “product has bitterness”

To sum up the common responses were that Amul was on sweeter side after taking couple of bites.
On the other Bournville was smooth.

These are the ratings given by candidates attended the test:

Chocolate Bournville Rating Amul Rating

Candidate Number After First Bite After Taste After First Bite After Taste
Candidate 1 9.5 9.5 9 8
Candidate 2 9 8 6 7
Candidate 3 8.5 8.5 5.5 5.5
Candidate 4 6 6 8 6
Candidate 5 6 6 6 6
Average Rating 7.8 7.6 6.9 6.5


On conducting an online survey on the brand Amul chocolates by designing a questionnaire as given
in Appendix, we received 180 responses out of which we have filtered the data to 142 complete
responses. We have used this data for all our further analysis. Below is the descriptive analysis of our
sample data set:

The following graphs show the age and gender distribution of the respondents who filled in the survey.
As most of respondents were from IIM Bangalore the respondents lie in the age group of 21-25, and
are students.

Male Female Student Employed Not employed <20 years 21-25 years
26-30years 31-35 years
1% 9%




Category need:
We tested for the category need, if maximum number of consumers still prefer chocolates and to
identify consumers for further analysis in different types of chocolates. Among 142 respondents, 92%
responded saying that they consume chocolate on different frequency for different reasons and 8%
responded saying that they do not consume chocolates.



Frequency of Consumption and Purchase:

Respondents were asked for the frequency of purchase and consumption of chocolates in daily or
weekly basis. We can see that higher percentage of respondents purchase and consume several times
in a week. And we can also observe that majority of respondents, purchase and consume in the same
period of time. The purchase frequency may be high since cholates are impulse buying products and
most people may prefer buying small portions, which we could observe from our FGD. Hence, Amul
need to produce smaller packs of chocolates for frequent and daily consumption, not just larger packs.

11% 21% 8%
25% 9%
7% 17%
25% 24% 21% 15%

Dont eat chocolates

More than once a day
Less than once every two weeks
once a day More than once a day
several times a week Once a day
once a week Once a week
once every two weeks Once every two weeks
Less than once every two weeks several times a week

Chocolate Preferences and Overall Rating:

Respondents were asked to name their favorite chocolates. Cadbury Dairy milk topped the chart with
28% respondents naming it as their favorite chocolate. This was followed by Ferrero Rocher with 17%
and KitKat with 15%. Amul chocolates was preferred by 7%, only ahead of mars and galaxy.
Similarly, rating of each brand compared to other brands were asked to the respondents. Cadbury Dairy
milk topped the charts with overall rating of 4.25 followed by Ferrero Rochers, temptation and
Bourneville. Amul chocolates was given 3.69 compared to galaxy and mars.

2% 28%
8% 3
7% 17% 2
4 4 4 4 4
14% 4 4
3 3

Cadbury diary milk ferro

kitkat amul chocolates 0



Cadbury diary milk

amul chocolates

snickers temptation
galaxy Mars
Place of Purchase - Chocolate Category:
From this survey, we observe that 30% people purchase from supermarkets and 27% in kirana stores
and only 11% from Amul exclusive stores. Around 9% are purchasing from online we observe it may
be high end cholates which have discounts.


11% 30%



Supermarket Kirana store Bakery or confectioneries Amul exclusive Store Online

Chocolate Variants Preferences:

Respondents were asked what they look for in chocolate before buying. Each variant was rated out of
5. Dark chocolates were preferred over other variants of milk chocolates. Low sugar content of
chocolates was preferred compared to sugarless and high sugar content. Fruit and nut is preferred
over fruity flavors, Nuts and caramel flavors.

3 3 3 3
3 3
3 3


Fruit & Nut


Low sugar
Dark chocolate

WafferHigh sweetness
Scenario’s when Chocolates are Consumed:

Respondents were asked what occasions they like to prefer chocolates. We could see there was no

16% 15% After meals For snacking

Late night While traveling
Studying or reading a book While watching tv
17% 18%


significant difference among the time or situation of consumption. As maximum number of

consumers have opted for snacking, Amul chocolates can position it as a healthy snack consumed
during study breaks, evenings or even travelling


Customer segmentation using factors responsible for chocolate consumption:

We asked respondents to rank the importance of attributes while purchasing chocolates and
performed cluster analysis on the responses. We observe 4 different type of non- heterogenous
clusters which shows 4 segments of customers

From the cluster analysis, we segmented the group as follows:

Cluster 1: Value for money - This segment gives equal importance to all attributes including taste
related, packaging, brand and availability.
Cluster 2: Brand conscious – This segment prefers brand over other attributes. But expects value for
money with respect to price, taste and texture. They are not conscious of calorie consumption
indicating taste over health.
Cluster 3: Non-consumer of chocolates – Who might prefer other sweet foods or who may not want
sugary food at all.
Cluster 4: Taste conscious - Gives important to product attributes like taste, melting sensation,
chewiness or smoothness. Purchase of chocolates depends on availability for this segment of

Amul chocolates can target the cluster 1 segment, as they are more health conscious and they believe
in value for money in the product they consume. Being bigger size bar at comparatively low price and
also dark chocolate and low sugar variants, can attract this segment with a little improvement in the
chewiness of the chocolate.
Final Cluster Centers

Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 Cluster 4

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 4 0 1
consumption? - Price (Pocket Friendliness)

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 4 0 1
consumption? - Size (Quantity)

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 4 0 5
consumption? - Smoothness - Melting Sensation

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 4 0 1
consumption? - Brand image

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 3 0 4
consumption? - Packaging

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 5 4 0 5
consumption? - Availability

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 3 0 5
consumption? - Chewiness (Hard)

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 5 5 0 5
consumption? - Taste

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 3 0 3
consumption? - Variety/ Flavors

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 2 0 1
consumption? - Calories

factors are important for you with respect to chocolate 4 3 0 1
consumption? - Impact of advertisements
Linear regression between rating of favorite chocolate and various features:

Dependent variable is overall rating of the favorite band. Independent variables are features like price,
packaging etc. From the above regression analysis,

Overall rating = 0.79 + 0.221* Fruit Flavors – 0.339* High sweetness - 0.321* Sugarless variants +
0.339* Smoothness + 1.172* Taste + 0.329* Calories

Overall rating is positively affected by the fruit flavor, better taste, smoothness and calories factor.
Consumer deter away from high sweetness and sugarless variants. This implies consumer prefer mid-
level sugar variants.


Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) .079 .260 .302 .763

What flavors do you

look for in chocolates? .221 .098 .245 2.250 .026
- Fruit Flavors
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates? .212 .146 .227 1.456 .148
- Nuts
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates? -.101 .088 -.110 -1.153 .251
- Caramel
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates?
-.050 .082 -.051 -.607 .545
- High cocoa (dark
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates? -.083 .080 -.086 -1.041 .300
- Wafer
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates? -.217 .081 -.215 -2.681 .008
- High Sweetness
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates? .210 .135 .203 1.559 .122
- Low sugar
What flavors do you
look for in chocolates? -.321 .123 -.311 -2.606 .010
- Sugarless variants
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on
.165 .122 .168 1.346 .181
each of the following
factors. - Price (Pocket
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on
-.092 .137 -.089 -.669 .505
each of the following
factors. - Size
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on
.339 .156 .308 2.171 .032
each of the following
factors. - Smoothness -
Melting Sensation
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on -.077 .180 -.071 -.429 .669
each of the following
factors. - Brand image
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on .208 .189 .187 1.098 .275
each of the following
factors. - Packaging
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on -.177 .123 -.168 -1.439 .153
each of the following
factors. - Availability
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on
-.024 .179 -.021 -.132 .895
each of the following
factors. - Chewiness
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on 1.172 .183 1.062 6.415 .000
each of the following
factors. - Taste
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on
-.067 .122 -.060 -.547 .585
each of the following
factors. - Variety/
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on .329 .157 .277 2.099 .038
each of the following
factors. - Calories
Rate your favorite
brand chosen in the
previous question on
.138 .154 .115 .893 .374
each of the following
factors. -
Advertisements impact

a. Dependent Variable: What is the overall rating of your favorite chocolate on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being
the highest)


From factor analysis, there are two factor components derived which explains approx. 75% of overall

Factor 1 is heavily loaded by variables like price, Size, Brand Image, Calories, Impact of advertisements
Factor 2 is heavily loaded by variables like smoothness, packaging, availability, chewiness, taste and
Rotated Component Matrixa


1 2

factors are important
for you with respect to
.880 .263
consumption? - Price
(Pocket Friendliness)

factors are important
for you with respect to
.879 .286
consumption? - Size

factors are important
for you with respect to
chocolate .398 .690
consumption? -
Smoothness - Melting

factors are important
for you with respect to
.837 .347
consumption? - Brand

factors are important
for you with respect to
.424 .787
consumption? -

factors are important
for you with respect to .421 .808
consumption? -

factors are important
for you with respect to
.097 .876
consumption? -
Chewiness (Hard)

factors are important
for you with respect to .448 .744
consumption? - Taste

factors are important
for you with respect to
.503 .677
consumption? -
Variety/ Flavors

factors are important
for you with respect to
.638 .401
consumption? -

factors are important
for you with respect to
.747 .349
consumption? - Impact
of advertisements

Extraction Method: Principal Component

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser

a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

Total Variance Explained

Extraction Sums of Squared

Initial Eigenvalues Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings

Comp % of Cumulati % of Cumulati % of Cumulati

onent Total Variance ve % Total Variance ve % Total Variance ve %

7.131 64.830 64.830 7.131 64.830 64.830 4.190 38.090 38.090

1.138 10.348 75.178 1.138 10.348 75.178 4.080 37.088 75.178

3 .947 8.608 83.785

4 .360 3.275 87.061

5 .329 2.992 90.053

6 .269 2.442 92.495

7 .232 2.113 94.608

8 .189 1.721 96.330

9 .160 1.454 97.784

10 .134 1.218 99.002

11 .110 .998 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

In this part of the report we will be delving deep in to the questions regarding MRP 2 i.e. about Amul
chocolate consumers and we will be reporting our insights.

From the 142 people who have filled the questionnaire, around 92% have mentioned that they
consume chocolates. From these chocolates consumers around 84.8% were aware of Amul
chocolates. In the below marketing funnel, we can see that around 65.9% of the chocolate consumers
i.e around 87 have eaten Amul chocolates.
Market Funnelling

From the 87 respondents who have tried Amul chocolates, 31 people have tried only dark chocolates,
25 people have tried milk chocolate, and rest 31 have tried both the variants. We observe that because
Amul as various flavours in dark chocolates that may be the prime reason that most of people have
tried dark chocolates when compared to milk chocolates.

Around 40 respondents of 87 have mentioned that they consume Amul less than once in two weeks.
When we compare with the overall chocolate consumption frequency only 9% have mentioned that
they consume less than once every two weeks, but for Amul chocolate consumers it is around 50%, it
clearly highlights Amul needs to increase consumption frequency or repeat buy rate among
Place of purchase shows that around 47 people that is around 55% buy from Amul exclusive stores.
This was expected since most of respondents were from IIM Bangalore. When we compare with in
general chocolate purchase habits, around 27% buy from kirana stores (Traditional Stores) and around
30% from supermarket (Modern Trade), and around 23% buy from Baker or confectionaries. This
implies that if Amul needs to improve sales they need to improve their distribution in locations of
Baker or Confectionaries where they are falling behind by a little margin. When compared to total
chocolates purchase points Amul has better presence in Online, we observe that if they position
themselves in gift giving packs they may have more sales, since most of the chocolates for self-
consumption are on impulse purchasing.

We tried to understand how respondents’ rate Amul chocolates to their favourite or other chocolates
they have consumed. When we compare this results and other qualitative results in milk chocolates
category most of them mentioned dairy milk as their main favourite and rate 4.06 when compared to
Amul Milk chocolate 3.58. They have mentioned other milk chocolates as well but we have considered
Dairy milk for ease of comparison. But one thing which we observed is in people who consume only
dark chocolates, around 90% have mentioned that the other dark chocolate they have consumed is
Cadbury Bournville. When we compare the rating from the survey it very marginally ahead of
Bournville. So we observe that in the category of dark chocolates Amul has only few competitors and
it is only falling marginally behind them.

We have calculated Net Promoter Score to understand brand loyalty of Amul chocolates, by asking
how willing are they to recommend Amul Chocolates to others, and tabulated the results in the below
image. When we did the same calculations for those who have consumed only dark chocolates, we
got an NPS of 43.48% this shows that the loyalty among those who only consume dark chocolates is
very good. This may also imply that when consumer eat other versions of Amul chocolates like Milk
or Wafer Variants there perception of the brand is decreasing.

From our respondents who have mentioned they were aware of Amul Chocolates but who never tried
Amul Chocolates, we have tried to find out the reasons behind it. We could find that the prime reasons
were that they are loyal towards other brands, other opted that they don’t perceive Amul as chocolate
brand. So to promote sales Amul needs to not only places themselves as chocolate brand among
consumers but also should work towards brand switching.

Similarly, we also tried to find the out the reason among the respondents who chose they stopped
consumption of Amul chocolates the reason they have mention that it was too hard to melt in mouth
and other reason was because that they did not like the taste. In our research we found that dark
chocolate has greater content or portion of cocoa than milk fat so it may be the reason that it has
higher melting point and might me taking more time to melt when compared to conventional
Discriminant Analysis
We have conducted discriminat analysis for two groups of people, one who have consumed only dark
choalates and the other gorup consisting of those who have consumed only milk choalates.

On first case we have conducted for we have consider variables such as price, size, brand and taste at
overall macro level analysis. In the second case we have considered only indgridents to see if we can
differentiate between the group.

Case 1:

Group 1 consists of 25 respondents belonging to those who have tried onlt milk choaltes and second
group cosnsiteing of 31 belonging to those who have tried only dark choalate.

On the first look we can say that price, size and brand are important to separate the groups. When we
look at the second group consisting of dark chocolate consumers the price is rated at 3.57 which might
reflect that they are not price conscious and are ready to pay higher price, Similar in the case of size
and brand they may not be conscious as long as they get best taste or quality.
Group Statistics
Valid N (listwise)
Final Mean Std. Deviation Unweighted Weighted
1.0 Price 4.20 .645 25 25.000
Size 4.28 .458 25 25.000
Melting 4.44 .712 25 25.000
Brand 4.28 .542 25 25.000
Packing 4.20 .500 25 25.000
Availability 4.68 .557 25 25.000
Chewiness 4.24 1.012 25 25.000
Taste 4.80 .408 25 25.000
Flavours 4.08 1.038 25 25.000
Calories 3.60 1.291 25 25.000
Ads 3.24 1.128 25 25.000
2.0 Price 3.06 1.526 31 31.000
Size 2.87 1.384 31 31.000
Melting 4.42 .620 31 31.000
Brand 3.16 1.485 31 31.000
Packing 4.13 .806 31 31.000
Availability 4.81 .477 31 31.000
Chewiness 4.48 .890 31 31.000
Taste 4.74 .682 31 31.000
Flavours 3.90 1.165 31 31.000
Calories 3.16 1.828 31 31.000
Ads 3.23 1.746 31 31.000
Total Price 3.57 1.333 56 56.000
Size 3.50 1.279 56 56.000
Melting 4.43 .657 56 56.000
Brand 3.66 1.283 56 56.000
Packing 4.16 .682 56 56.000
Availability 4.75 .513 56 56.000
Chewiness 4.38 .945 56 56.000
Taste 4.77 .572 56 56.000
Flavours 3.98 1.104 56 56.000
Calories 3.36 1.612 56 56.000
Ads 3.23 1.489 56 56.000

When we look at the individual variables again the same three variables that is price, size and brand
are significant.
Tests of Equality of Group Means
Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
Price .817 12.064 1 54 .001
Size .695 23.730 1 54 .000
Melting 1.000 .013 1 54 .908
Brand .809 12.771 1 54 .001
Packing .997 .148 1 54 .702
Availability .985 .837 1 54 .364
Chewiness .983 .920 1 54 .342
Taste .997 .140 1 54 .709
Flavours .994 .351 1 54 .556
Calories .981 1.026 1 54 .316
Ads 1.000 .001 1 54 .972
When we look at the eigen value and Wilks lambda we are getting good results so we can continue
to draw inference. The results can be seen in the below tables. The amount of variance that this
model can explain can be observed from canonical correlation which is equalling to 0.743. The Wilks
Lambda is around 0.448, which as chi square coefficient of 38.996, and is significant at that variable
Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % Correlation
1 1.235a 100.0 100.0 .743
a. First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.

Wilks' Lambda
Test of Function(s) Wilks' Lambda Chi-square df Sig.
1 .448 38.996 11 .000

The structure matrix is indicating that size, brand and price are the three variable in decreasing
order that contribute to weights of discriminant function.

Structure Matrix
Size .597
Brand .438
Price .425
Calories .124
Chewiness -.117
Availability -.112
Flavours .073
Packing .047
Taste .046
Melting .014
Ads .004

The cross validated table below explain that cross validated cases are correctly grouped by 82.1%,
which is 25 % greater than occurring by chance of 50%.
Classification Results
Predicted Group
Final 1.0 2.0 Total
Original Count 1.0 24 1 25
2.0 5 26 31
% 1.0 96.0 4.0 100.0
2.0 16.1 83.9 100.0
Cross-validated Count 1.0 21 4 25
2.0 6 25 31
% 1.0 84.0 16.0 100.0
2.0 19.4 80.6 100.0
a. 89.3% of original grouped cases correctly classified.
b. Cross validation is done only for those cases in the analysis. In cross
validation, each case is classified by the functions derived from all cases
other than that case.
c. 82.1% of cross-validated grouped cases correctly classified.
Case 2:
Similar analysis was done for ingredients such as flavours, such as fruit and nut variant, cocoa
content, sugarless variant and so on.
Of all the variants sugarless variant is the only variable which is significant among all the variables.

Tests of Equality of Group Means

Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.
Fruit Flavours .944 3.233 1 54 .078
Nuts .942 3.304 1 54 .075
Fruit & Nut .926 4.337 1 54 .042
Caramel 1.000 .015 1 54 .903
High cocoa (dark
.974 1.440 1 54 .235
Wafer .956 2.459 1 54 .123
High Sweetness .957 2.434 1 54 .125
Low sugar .974 1.440 1 54 .235
Sugarless variants .868 8.221 1 54 .006

Eigen value shows that it is low, and Wilks Lambda is high. But the Chi Square coefficient has a value
of 25.3349 and is significant. But because of the low eigen value and high Wilks lambda we need to
be very cautious to make any further interpretation. But on inferring from structure matrix it shows
that sugarless variant contributes to most of the model. So, we may say that dark chocolate
consumers are health conscious as well.
Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % Correlation
1 .669 100.0 100.0 .633
a. First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.
Wilks' Lambda
Test of Function(s) Wilks' Lambda Chi-square df Sig.
1 .599 25.349 9 .003

Structure Matrix
Sugarless variants .477
Fruit &amp; Nut -.347
Nuts -.302
Fruit Flavours -.299
Wafer -.261
High Sweetness .260
Low sugar .200
High cocoa (dark
What flavours do you
look for in chocolates? - -.020

Amul Wafer Results:

In our group discussion we wanted to get review about the wafer variant of Amul from participants.
Since the awareness of the wafer was very low we conducted a taste test. Our participants
unanimously said that the taste was too sweet and described it has sugar bar. They also mentioned
that the package cover was also confusing. So to test the following results we have also a created a
couple of questions about wafer. They rated the wafer to be round 2.77. This shows that the wafer is
not a successful variant.
Brand Analysis
Perception of Users:
Overall satisfaction of Amul Chocolates is very highly dependent on taste, variety, price,
chewiness, calories and gifting. This is in lines with the observation we received during depth
interview and focus group discussion.
We ran a regression with the overall rating for Amul chocolates as independent variable and attribute
ratings as the dependent variable. The most significant attribute which affects the overall satisfaction
• Taste: In line with findings of qualitative as well as quantitative research questions for snacks category where
consumers said that taste has the highest impact on the overall satisfaction. The average rating is 3.96.
• Price: It too conform to our findings in quantitative research. Amul is considered pocket friendly and
overall satisfaction is significantly dependent on it.
• Gifting: The exotic foreign cocoa chocolates and large pack size have greatly impact gift ability.
Overall satisfaction is also dependent on it.
• Calorie: It is negatively related to the overall satisfaction as it was pointed out in FGD. People are
becoming increasingly health conscious.
• Variety: Amul has a large assortment of chocolates specially in dark chocolate segment. Higher the
variety higher is overall satisfaction which is in lines with qualitative analysis. People like to try out
new varieties.
• Chewiness-Hard: Higher the cocoa longer it takes to melt. Hence dark chocolates are chewy leading
to higher overall satisfaction.
The lack of advertising and availability are not significant for overall rating and are dominated by other
Importance Performance Matrix

4.0 Size Price
Importance of Attributes

3.0 Brand Image
2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00
0.5 Availability Taste

Performance of Attributes
While brand image and availability are important factors in terms of purchase of chocolates Amul
Chocolates rank very low. This implies that although Amul Chocolates as a brand is known availability
and advertising are very low. This inhibits brand penetration. We can also conclude that it is highly
rated on price, taste and portion size. The distribution and ad campaigns must be revamped to
increase penetration and tap onto the potential.

Factor Analysis
Factor analysis was carried out to remove multicollinearity in different attributes that customers rated
for Amul Chocolates. The result of factor analysis is shown below:
Rotated Component Matrixa
Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor
Price- Pocket Friendly -.126 .320 .739
Pack Size -.106 .818 .319
Smoothness .073 .823 .372
Brand Image .743 -.330 .213
Packaging .108 .294 .834
Availability .808 -.113 -.005
Chewiness-Hard .190 .215 .720
Taste .108 .854 .341
Variety .727 .196 -.130
Calories .734 .282 .273
Gifting .825 -.186 .143
Advertisement .802 .387 -.076
Competitor Mapping
Smoothness/ Low Nuttiness

Pocket Friendly
Amul Chocolates is more pocket friendly than Cadbury but less than snickers. It is at par with Nestle.
However, Amul chocolate is considered smoother due to the lack of nut varieties. Nestle is
considered smothered due to popularity of Milky Bar. Ferrero Rocher and Snickers are more on the
crunchy side. Cadbury had a whole assortment of chocolates ranging from milk chocolates, nuts,
wafers etc.

New Concept Testing

With the insights we have obtained from qualitative analysis, we have designed certain
concepts to test their appeal and willingness to buy if the concept is implemented in our
Concept 1: Increase Availability
Multiple respondents have indicated in our qualitative analysis that Amul chocolates are not
easily available in the outlets they generally purchase chocolates. This is one of the
important aspects to be addressed by Amul to increase their sales and market share
Question asked: How likely are you to buy Amul chocolates if they are available in stores
near you?
We have asked the appeal of the idea on a 5-point scale from highly appealing to highly
unappealing, similarly willingness to buy on a 5-point scale from Extremely likely to
Extremely Unlikely. These responses are then translated to a score from 1 to 5 where 5 is
the favourable score.
To test the significance of the responses obtained, we have performed one sample t-test on
willingness to buy with a test value of 3, results obtained are as shown below
t-test results for Willingness to buy

Test shows that results are significant with a sample mean of 3.9535
Similarly, one sample t-test is performed for appeal of the idea, with a test value of 3,
results obtained are as shown below

t-test results for overall appeal of the idea

Test results suggest that appeal of the idea is also significant. Hence it can be concluded that
increasing availability of Amul chocolates is both appealing and has willingness to buy and
may results in increase of sales of Amul chocolates.
Concept 2: Introduce Gift Packs
Amul currently does not have gift packs like Cadbury celebrations and temptations, hence
we wanted to test the perception of consumers about gifting Amul chocolates
Question asked: Amul plans to introduce gift packs in the lines of Cadbury celebrations, how
likely are you to buy them?
We have performed similar hypothesis test as concept 1 for both appeal of the idea and
willingness to buy and the results obtained indicate that they are significant
Mean Appeal of the idea = 3.91
Mean willingness to buy = 4.01
Concept 3: Launch Indigenous Flavours
With growing interest in indigenous flavours in consumers, we have presented the concept
of introducing new indigenous flavours to test to test their interest in the same for existing
Amul consumers
Question asked: Amul is introducing new unique indigenous flavours like coconut, coccum
fruit etc. how likely are you to buy them?
Hypothesis test conducted for this concept also indicate that results are significant for both
appeal of the idea and willingness to buy
Mean Appeal of the idea = 3.78
Mean willingness to buy = 3.91
Concept 4: Sugarless Variants
For the health-conscious consumers who were not aware of Amul sugarless variants of
chocolates, we have presented Amul’s sugarless variant of chocolate which already exists in
the market to understand their interest of this category of people. From the survey we
understood there are a smaller number of health-conscious customers, hence the responses
for this concept question were less
Question asked: Amul has sugarless dark chocolates which have the richness of cocoa with
added antioxidant – how likely are you to buy them?
Mean Appeal of the idea = 4
Mean willingness to buy = 4
Although the size of this category is less in the surveyed sample, this can be a good product
for market at large because the share of health-conscious consumers is increasing.

Strategy Canvas
From our qualitative analysis we have understood that dynamics for dark chocolate and milk
chocolate category are very different, they have different preference, appeal people from
different psychographics and the competing brands also differ. Hence, we have constructed
separate strategy canvas for dark and milk chocolates for Amul.
Amul Dark Chocolate:
We have mapped the attributes of Amul and Cadbury Bournville which is Amul’s primary competitor
in dark chocolate category, obtained from quantitative analysis.

Price Pack Size Brand Image Packaging Availablity Variety Gifting Advertising

Amul Dark Bournville

It can be observed that Amul dark chocolates perform better than Bournville in price, pack size and
variety and perform lesser than Bournville on brand image, availability and advertising attributes.
Based on the above comparison, we have identified attributes which can be raised and reduced as
shown below

Price Pack Size Brand Image Packaging Availablity Variety Gifting Advertising

Amul Dark Bournville Amul Dark - Aspiration

The dotted line shown in the above graph is our recommendation. Below are the changes

• Brand Image: Amul is not perceived as a “Chocolate brand” by majority of the

consumers. Hence Amul has to put huge efforts to bring that brand image for its
chocolates. Also considering Cadbury’s market position and brand image, it is very
difficult to outperform Cadbury in brand image, hence the realistic aspiration is
placed less than Cadbury in the short term
• Availability: This is the biggest challenge Amul chocolates is facing currently.
Although its availability is guaranteed in Amul exclusive stores, number of such
stores are limited. Penetration in retail and grocery stores is very little. Hence, this
has to be raised, again considering Cadbury’s market penetration, realistic target
should be little less than Cadbury.
• Advertising: Currently there is very little advertising done by Amul for chocolates,
this has to be raised to improve the awareness.
Pack size: At the same price of INR.100, Amul offers dark chocolate of 150 grams and
Cadbury Bornville offers only 80 grams. Offering extra quantity compared to
competitors makes consumers perceive Amul as a value for money brand, but this
difference in quantity is significant, there is a risk of Amul to be seen as a low-quality
brand. Hence Amul should reduce the quantity they offer in chocolate bars.
• Variety: Currently, Amul has great variety in dark chocolate offerings for which
awareness and availability is very low. Amul can reduce the variety and increase and
focus more on improving awareness and availability.
Packaging for dark chocolates is perceived well by the consumers, hence changes in
packaging would not be required.
Amul Milk Chocolate:
We have constructed strategy canvas for Amul milk chocolates against Nestle and Cadbury,
its primary competitors in milk chocolate category.

Price Pack Size Brand Image Availablity Variety Gifting Advertisement

Amul Milk Dairy Milk Nestle

It should be noted that Amul milk chocolates is consistently performing lower than Cadbury.
Hence, we recommend that Amul has to try reaching Cadbury in all the attributes mentioned
above. There is a strong emotional association of consumers with brands like Cadbury in this
category. Marketing communication which is targeted to create good perception is a key to
success in this category.
Summary of insights with respect to MRP generated from various qualitative and
quantitative techniques are as follows:
From the insights and observations obtained from various qualitative methods, quantitative
methods and concept tests, we give below recommendation to improve sales and market
share for Amul chocolates
Increase Purchase from Existing Customers:

• Increase Availability: Amul’s perception, especially in dark chocolates is positive. To

improve repurchase, availability in various retail, grocery stores and super markets
has to be increased.
• Decrease Sweetness: Multiple qualitative and quantitative methods of research
have suggested that Amul chocolates are very sweet. Consumers these days want an
optimum level of sweetness in both milk and dark chocolates. So we recommend
Amul to maintain sugar levels - sweetness with respect to consumer preference.
• Include Medium Size Pack: Currently, pack sizes available are at extremes of price
points. One at a price range of INR.25 and next variant at around INR.100 depending
on variant and flavor. To optimize chocolate consumption, consumers would like a
variant between those price points
Increase Purchase from New customer – Brand switching:

• Advertising: Improving awareness through marketing campaigns is the key for

triggering brand switching. Customers for chocolates are loyal and have high brand
loyalty. Hence Amul should leverage its positive perception of its dairy products
category as a “High quality brand” in its campaigns. Also, the “coolness quotient”
which is required for a chocolate brand is non-existent. Hence marketing
communication should come up with catchy phrases which will have high brand
recall, like Amul dairy products has “utterly butterly delicious”
• Increase Availability: Impulse buying is highly relevant in this category. Hence
placing chocolates in sight of consumers is very important for attracting product
• Gifting: We have observed that, purchase of Amul chocolates on online platforms is
higher than other chocolates, Amul should leverage this online sales and introduce
gift packs so that non-consumers can be attracted for trial and purchase.
Increase Purchase from Non-category users:

• Promote Amul as a Healthy Brand: Owing to the increase in market potential for
health-conscious consumers and already a strong position of Amul dark chocolates,
Amul should position themselves as a heathy brand to attract this niche market.
Competition is also not as high as in milk chocolates segment. This positioning can
corroborate well with other product offerings from Amul as well.
Below are the recommendations given by current Amul chocolate consumers
Consumer Recommendations

43 48


Decrease sweetness Include another Increase sweetness Improve availability Improve

medium size pack in stores smoothness to
enhance melting

Amul can discontinue their wafer variant of chocolates as they are not doing well on any of
the attributes. Such products may even work against the brand image created from other
good products.

Survey Questionnaire

Greetings!! The survey is designed to gather information on chocolates. It will take five minutes
to fill this questionnaire. Responses will be anonymous and strictly used for academic purposes.
1Q. Do you eat chocolates? ( Pie-chart qn)
o Yes
o No
(If the candidate selects “No”, he will be directed to Q36)
2Q. When do you consume chocolates?
o After meals
o For snacking
o While travelling
o While watching TV, studying or reading a book
o Late Night
3Q. How often do you purchase chocolates?
o More than once a day
o Once a day
o Several times a week
o Once a week
o Once every two weeks
o Less than once every two weeks
4Q. How frequently do you consume chocolates?
o More than once a day
o Once a day
o Several times a week
o Once a week
o Once every two weeks
o Less than once every two weeks

5Q. What factors are important for you with respect to chocolate consumption?
Extremely Somewhat Neither Important Of little
Factors Unimportant
Important Important nor unimportant Importance
Price (Pocket Friendly)
Size (Quantity)
Smoothness - Melting
Brand image
Chewiness (Hard)
Variety/ Flavors
Impact of

6Q. What do you look for in chocolates?

Extremely Somewhat Neither Important Of little
Factors Unimportant
Important Important nor unimportant Importance
Fruit Flavors
Fruit & Nut
High cocoa (dark
High Sweetness
Low sugar
Sugarless variants

7Q. Where do you normally purchase chocolates from?

Extremely Somewhat Neither likely Somewhat Extremely
likely likely nor unlikely likely unlikely
Kirana store
Bakery or
Amul exclusive Store

8Q Rate the following chocolates on the scale of 5(5 being highest & 1 lowest)?

Factors 5 4 3 2 1

Cadbury dairy milk

Cadbury Bournville
Amul Chocolate
Ferrero Rocher

9Q What is your favorite chocolate?

• Cadbury dairy milk
• Snickers
• KitKat
• Amul Chocolate
• Galaxy
• Mars
• Temptations
• Ferrero Rocher
• Other ________

10 Q. Rate your favorite brand chosen in the above question on each of the following

Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely

Factors Neutral
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied

Price (Pocket Friendly)

Size (Quantity)
Smoothness - Melting
Brand image
Chewiness (Hard)
Variety/ Flavors
Advertisements impact

11Q What is the overall rating of your favourite chocolate on a scale of 1 to 5? (5 being the
Amul Chocolate

12Q Are you aware of Amul Chocolates?

o Yes
o No
(If “No” is selected candidate will be directed to concept to No “5”)

13Q Arrange these in the decreasing order of importance when someone mentions about
Amul chocolates (First being the most important option)

o Lets go and purchase

o Not a cool brand
o Pocket friendly product
o Large number of variants
o Dark Chocolate

14Q Do you eat Amul Chocolates?

o Yes
o No
o Stopped consuming
(If no, the candidate will be directed to Q32 if stopped consuming the candidate is directed
to Q33)

15Q If, yes how often do you consume Amul chocolates?

o More than once a day
o Once a day
o Several times a week
o Once a week
o Once every two weeks
o Less than once every two weeks

16Q Where do you purchase Amul chocolates from?

Extremely Neither likely nor Somewhat Extremely

Factors Somewhat likely
likely unlikely likely unlikely

Kirana store
Bakery or
exclusive Store
17Q Which variant of Amul Chocolates have you tried?
o Milk Chocolate
o Dark Chocolate
o Both

18Q Based on your experience how do you rate the factors for Amul Dark Chocolate?

Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely

Factors Neutral
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Price (Pocket Friendliness)
Pack Size (Quantity)
Smoothness - Melting
Brand image
Chewiness (Hard)
Variety/ Flavors
Gifting Someone
Advertisement impact

19Q Based on your experience how do you rate the Amul Dark Chocolates on following taste

Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely

Factors Neutral
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Fruit Flavors
Fruit & Nut
Sugar content
Coca Content
Sugarless variant

20Q How is your overall experience with Amul Chocolates on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being highest and
1 lowest) ___________________

21Q Did you consume any other Dark chocolate?

o No
o Yes (mention the name) ___________________
22Q Based on your experience how do you rate the other dark chocolate mentioned in Q21 on
the following factors?

Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely

Factors Neutral
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Price (Pocket Friendliness)
Pack Size (Quantity)
Smoothness - Melting
Brand image
Chewiness (Hard)
Variety/ Flavors
Gifting Someone
Advertisement impact

23QHow is your overall experience with dark chocolate mentioned in Q21 on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being
highest and 1 lowest) ___________________

24Q Based on your experience how do you rate Amul Milk Chocolate on following factors?

Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely

Factors Neutral
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Price (Pocket Friendliness)
Pack Size (Quantity)
Smoothness - Melting
Brand image
Chewiness (Hard)
Variety/ Flavors
Gifting Someone
Advertisement impact

25Q How is your overall experience with Amul Milk Chocolates on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being highest
and 1 lowest) ___________________
26Q Did you consume any other milk chocolate?
o No
o Yes (mention the name) ___________________

27Q Based on your experience how do you rate milk chocolate (mentioned in Q26) on the
following factors?

Extremely Somewhat Somewhat Extremely

Factors Neutral
Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied
Price (Pocket Friendliness)
Pack Size (Quantity)
Smoothness - Melting
Brand image
Chewiness – Hard
Variety/ Flavors
Gifting Someone
Advertisement impact

28Q How is your overall experience with milk chocolate (mentioned in Q26) on a scale of 1 to 5 (5
being highest and 1 lowest) ___________________
29Q Rank the following Amul chocolates in the order of preference
o Amul Dark chocolates
o Amul Milk chocolates
o Amul wafer-based chocolates

30Q How likely are you to recommend Amul Chocolates to someone on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being
highest & 1 lowest)? _____________
31Q Which of the following changes would you recommend in Amul chocolates?
o Decrease sweetness
o Increase sweetness
o Include another medium size between the currently offered Rs.30 and Rs. 100
o Improve smoothness to enhance melting
o Improve availability in stores
Do not consume Amul Chocolates
32QWhy have you not tried Amul Chocolates

Strongly Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly

agree agree nor disagree disagree agree
I don’t find it at the
places I buy chocolates
I like other chocolates
My favorite variant/
pack-size is not available
It is expensive
None of my friends like
I don’t see Amul as a
chocolate brand

33Q Why have you stopped eating Amul Chocolates?

Strongly Somewhat Neither agree Somewhat Strongly

agree agree nor disagree disagree disagree
I don’t find it at the
places I buy chocolates
I like other chocolates
My favorite variant/
pack-size is not available
It is expensive
I didn’t like the taste
They do not melt in
They are too sweet
None of my friends like
I don’t see Amul as a
chocolate brand

34Q Have you tried Amul Wafer variant in chocolates?

o Yes
o No
35Q How much do you rate Amul wafer variant on a scale of 1 to 5? (5 being the highest rating)
36Q Why do you not eat chocolates?
a) I do not eat sweet foods
b) I am health conscious, I do not indulge in eating chocolates
c) I eat other sweets like ____________
(If the candidate selects a he will be directed to concept 1, if the candidate selects
option b, he will be directed to concept 2)

Q37 Concept Testing

Highly Highly
Appealing appealing nor Unappealing
appealing unappealing
Overall appeal
of the idea

Extremely Somewhat Neither likely Somewhat Extremely

likely likely nor unlikely unlikely unlikely
How likely are you to try
out Amul Chocolates in
such a situation?

After Concept testing all candidates will be asked to fill the following questions
on Demographics

38Q. Gender
o Male
o Female
39Q. Age
o < 20 Years
o 21–25 Years
o 26-30 Years
o 30-35 Years
o >35 Years
40Q. Profession
o Employed
o Student
o Not Employed
41Q. Relationship Status
o Married
o In a Relationship
o Single
Psychographic Question:

42Q Please describe your level of agreement with the following statements
Neither agree Somewhat Strongly
Factors Strongly agree Somewhat agree
nor disagree disagree disagree
Indian Products are better
than foreign products
The products of Patanjali are
best in class
The profit of Amul products
to the poor Indian Farmers
I am a foodie I like to
experiment different flavours
Ghost Pepper chocolate
seems to be interesting
I usually buy chocolates at
the checkout counter in retail
I like to gift chocolates during
I am very conscious and wear
only branded clothes.
Robert Downy Jr. is the brand
ambassador for one plus 7. It
must be good phone

Concept 1: (People who have answered 36 a)
Amul has sugarless dark chocolates which have the richness of cocoa with added antioxidant properties
and are good for heart.

Concept 2: (People who have answered 36 a)

Amul has dark chocolates with variants at different degree of cocoa percentages (55% cocoa to 90%
cocoa) and bitterness to suit for individual tastes.

Concept 3: (Amul consumers)

Amul has different flavours of dark chocolate such as Fruit n Nut, Orange, Mocha, Foreign cocoa: Peru,
Venezuela etc. Amul would like to introduce new indigenous flavours such as Coccum, coconut, passion
fruit etc.

Concept 4: (Amul consumers)

Amul currently does not have a gift pack with assorted variants in lines of Cadbury Celebrations. Amul
plans to launch its own version of gift pack which can be customised choices.

Concept 5: (People who are not aware)

Amul is a household brand. It is “The Taste of India”. It craters to the needs of every Indian taste-buds.
Amul has different flavours of dark chocolate such as milk chocolate, dark chocolate with many variants
such as Fruit n Nut, Orange, Mocha, Foreign cocoa: Peru, Venezuela etc. They have a wide array of
chocolates in different pack size and flavours.

Concept 6: (People who are aware but not consumed)

If Amul chocolate is available in your nearest buying place and in the size in which you are interested

** Thank you for providing your feedback. We appreciate the time you spent for us **

Flow Chart & Coding Sheet: Question Range of Values Scale Types Codes
0: No
1Q Do you eat chocolates? 0-1 Nominal
1: Yes
1: After Meals
2: For Snacking
3: Travelling
2Q When do you consume chocolates? 1-5 Nominal
4: While watching TV,
studying or reading a book
5: Late Night
1: More than once a day
2: Once a day
3: Several times a week
3Q How often do you purchase chocolates? 1-6 Nominal 4: Once a week
5: Once every two weeks
6: Less than once every two
1: More than once a day
2: Once a day
3: Several times a week
4Q How often do you consume chocolates? 1-6 Nominal 4: Once a week
5: Once every two weeks
6: Less than once every two
What factors are important for you with respect to chocolate consumption?
Price (Pocket Friendly) 1-5 Interval
Size (Quantity) 1-5 Interval
Smoothness - Melting Sensation 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Important
Brand image 1-5 Interval
4.Somewhat Important
Packaging 1-5 Interval
3: Neither Important nor
5Q Availability 1-5 Interval
Chewiness - Hard 1-5 Interval
Taste 1-5 Interval 2: Of little Importance
Variety/ Flavors 1-5 Interval 1: Unimportant
Calories 1-5 Interval

Impact of advertisements 1-5 Interval

What do you look for in chocolates?

Fruit Flavors 1-5 Interval
Nuts 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Important
Fruit & Nut 1-5 Interval 4.Somewhat Important
Caramel 1-5 Interval 3: Neither Important nor
High cocoa (dark chocolates) 1-5 Interval unimportant
Wafers 1-5 Interval 2: Of little Importance
High Sweetness 1-5 Interval 1: Unimportant
Low sugar 1-5 Interval
Sugarless variants 1-5 Interval
Where do you normally purchase chocolate from? 5: Extremely Important
Supermarket 1-5 Interval 4.Somewhat Important
Kirana store 1-5 Interval 3: Neither Important nor
Specialty Store / Bakery 1-5 Interval unimportant
Amul exclusive Store 1-5 Interval 2: Of little Importance
Online 1-5 Interval 1: Unimportant
Rate the following chocolates on the scale of 5(5 being highest & 1 lowest)?
Cadbury dairy milk 1-5 Ordinal
Cadbury Bournville 1-5 Ordinal
Snickers 1-5 Ordinal
8Q KitKat 1-5 Ordinal 5: Highest
Amul Chocolate 1-5 Ordinal
1: Lowest
Galaxy 1-5 Ordinal
Mars 1-5 Ordinal
Temptation 1-5 Ordinal
Ferrero Rocher 1-5 Ordinal
1: Cadbury
2: Snickers
3: KitKat
4: Amul Chocolate
9Q Which is your favorite chocolate? 1-8 Nominal 5:Galaxy
7: Temptations
8: Ferrero Rocher
9: Other
Rate your favorite brand chosen in the above question on each of the following factors.
Price (Pocket Friendly) 1-5 Interval
Size (Quantity) 1-5 Interval
Smoothness - Melting Sensation 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Satisfied
Brand image 1-5 Interval
4.Somewhat Satisfied
Packaging 1-5 Interval
10Q 3: Neutral
Availability 1-5 Interval
2: Somewhat Unsatisfied
Chewiness - Hard 1-5 Interval
Taste 1-5 Interval 1: Extremely Dissatisfied
Variety/ Flavors 1-5 Interval
Calories 1-5 Interval
Impact of advertisements 1-5 Interval
What is the overall rating of your favourite 1: Lowest
11Q 1-5 Nominal
chocolate on a scale of 1 to 5? 5: Highest

0: No
12Q Are you aware of Amul Chocolates 0-1 Nominal
1: Yes
Arrange these in the decreasing order of importance when someone mentions about amul
Let’s go and purchase 1-5 Ordinal
Not a cool brand 1-5 Ordinal 1: Most Important
Pocket friendly product 1-5 Ordinal 5: Least Important
Large number of variants 1-5 Ordinal
Dark Chocolate 1-5 Ordinal
1: Yes
14Q Do you eat Amul Chocolates 1-3 Nominal
2: No

Answer this question if Answer to 14Q is yes or Stopped Consuming

1: More than once a day

2: Once a day

15Q how often do you consume Amul chocolates? 1-6 Nominal 3: Several times a week
4: Once a week
5: Once every two weeks
6: Less than once every two
Where do you purchase Amul chocolates from?
5: Extremely Important
Supermarket 1-5 Interval 4.Somewhat Important
3: Neither Important nor
16Q Kirana store 1-5 Interval
Specialty Store / Bakery 1-5 Interval
2: Of little Importance
Amul exclusive Store 1-5 Interval
1: Unimportant
Online 1-5 Interval
1:Milk Chocolate
17Q Which variant of Amul Chocolates have you tried? 1-3 Nominal 2: Dark Chocolate
Based on your experience how do you rate Amul Dark Chocolate on the following factors?
Price (Pocket Friendly) 1-5 Interval
Packet Size (Quantity) 1-5 Interval
Smoothness - Melting Sensation 1-5 Interval
Brand image 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Satisfied
Packaging 1-5 Interval 4.Somewhat Satisfied
Availability 1-5 Interval
18Q 3: Neutral
Chewiness - Hard 1-5 Interval
2: Somewhat Unsatisfied
Taste 1-5 Interval
Variety/ Flavors 1-5 Interval 1: Extremely Dissatisfied
Calories 1-5 Interval
Gifting Someone 1-5 Interval

Impact of advertisements 1-5 Interval

Based on your experience how do you rate Amul Dark Chocolates on following taste
Fruit Flavors 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Satisfied
Nuts 1-5 Interval 4.Somewhat Satisfied
19Q Fruit & Nut 1-5 Interval 3: Neutral
Sugar content 1-5 Interval 2: Somewhat Unsatisfied
Coca Content 1-5 Interval 1: Extremely Dissatisfied
Sugarless variant 1-5 Interval
How is your overall experience with Amul
20Q Chocolates on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being highest 1-5 Nominal
1: Lowest
and 1 lowest) ?
21Q Did you consume any other Dark chocolate? 0-1 Nominal
Based on your experience how do you rate the other dark chocolate mentioned in Q21 on
the following factors?
Price (Pocket Friendly) 1-5 Interval
Packet Size (Quantity) 1-5 Interval
Smoothness - Melting Sensation 1-5 Interval
5: Extremely Satisfied
Brand image 1-5 Interval
4.Somewhat Satisfied
22Q Packaging 1-5 Interval 3: Neutral
2: Somewhat Unsatisfied
Availability 1-5 Interval 1: Extremely Dissatisfied
Chewiness - Hard 1-5 Interval
Taste 1-5 Interval
Variety/ Flavors 1-5 Interval
Calories 1-5 Interval
Gifting Someone 1-5 Interval
Impact of advertisements 1-5 Interval
How is your overall experience with dark
23Q chocolate mentioned in Q21 on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 1-5 Nominal
1: Lowest
being highest and 1 lowest)
Based on your experience how do you rate Amul Milk Chocolate on the following factors?
Price (Pocket Friendly) 1-5 Interval
Packet Size (Quantity) 1-5 Interval
Smoothness - Melting Sensation 1-5 Interval
Brand image 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Satisfied
Packaging 1-5 Interval 4.Somewhat Satisfied
24Q Availability 1-5 Interval 3: Neutral
Chewiness - Hard 1-5 Interval 2: Somewhat Unsatisfied
Taste 1-5 Interval 1: Extremely Dissatisfied
Variety/ Flavors 1-5 Interval
Calories 1-5 Interval
Gifting Someone 1-5 Interval
Impact of advertisements 1-5 Interval
How is your overall experience with Amul 1: Extremely Satisfied
25Q 1-5 Nominal
Chocolates? 5: Extremely Dissatisfied
26Q Did you consume any other Milk chocolate? 0-1 Nominal
Based on your experience how do you rate milk chocolate (mentioned in Q26) on the
following factors?
Price (Pocket Friendly) 1-5 Interval
Packet Size (Quantity) 1-5 Interval
Smoothness - Melting Sensation 1-5 Interval 5: Extremely Satisfied
Brand image 1-5 Interval
4.Somewhat Satisfied
Packaging 1-5 Interval
27Q 3: Neutral
Availability 1-5 Interval
Chewiness - Hard 1-5 Interval
2: Somewhat Unsatisfied
Taste 1-5 Interval 1: Extremely Dissatisfied
Variety/ Flavors 1-5 Interval
Calories 1-5 Interval
Gifting Someone 1-5 Interval
Impact of advertisements 1-5 Interval
How is your overall experience with milk
28Q chocolate (mentioned in Q26) on a scale of 1 to 5 1-5 Nominal
1: Lowest
(5 being highest and 1 lowest) ?
Rank the following Amul chocolates in the order of preference
1: Most Preferred
29Q Amul Dark chocolates 1-3 Ordinal
3: Least Preferred
Amul Milk chocolates 1-3 Ordinal
Amul wafer-based chocolates 1-3 Ordinal
How likely are you to recommend Amul
1: Lowest
30Q Chocolates to someone on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 1-10 Nominal
10: Highest
being highest & 1 lowest)?
1: Decrease sweetness
2: Increase sweetness
3: Include another medium
size between the currently
Which of the following changes would you offered Rs.30 and Rs. 100
31Q 1-5 Nominal
recommend in Amul chocolates? ranges
4: Improve smoothness to
enhance melting
5: Improve availability in
If answer to 14Q is no, directed to 32Q (who haven't tried amul chocolates)
Why have you not tried Amul Chocolates 1: Strongly agree
I don’t find it at the places I buy chocolates 1-5 Interval
2: Somewhat agree
I like other chocolates 1-5 Interval
3: Neither agree nor
32Q My favorite variant/ pack-size is not available 1-5 Interval
It is expensive 1-5 Interval
None of my friends like it 1-5 Interval 4:Somewhat disagree
I don’t see Amul as a chocolate brand 1-5 Interval 5: Strongly disagree
If answer to 14Q is stopped consuming, directed to 33Q (who have tried amul chocolates but
Why have you stopped eating Amul Chocolates?
I don’t find it at the places I buy chocolates 1-5 Interval
I like other chocolates 1-5 Interval 1: Strongly agree
My favorite variant/ pack-size is not available 1-5 Interval 2: Somewhat agree
It is expensive 1-5 Interval 3: Neither agree nor
I didn’t like the taste 1-5 Interval disagree
They do not melt in mouth 1-5 Interval 4:Somewhat disagree
They are too sweet 1-5 Interval 5: Strongly disagree
None of my friends like it 1-5 Interval
I don’t see Amul as a chocolate brand 1-5 Interval
0: No
34Q Have you tried Amul Wafer variant in chocolates? 0-1 Nominal
1: Yes
35Q Have much do you rate Amul wafer variant on a 1-5 Nominal 5: Highest
If answer to 1Q is no, directed to 36Q (who haven't tried chocolates)
1: I do not eat sweet foods
2: I am health conscious, I do not
36Q Why do you not eat chocolates? 1-3 Nominal
indulge in eating chocolates
3: I eat other sweets
Concept testing
1: Highly appealing
Overall appeal of the idea 1-5 Nominal
5: Highly unappealing
How likely are you to try out Amul Chocolates in 1:Extremely Likely
1-5 Nominal
such a situation? 5:Extremely Unlikely
Question Range of Values Scale Types Codes
1: Male
Gender 1-2 Nominal
2: Female
1: < 20 Years
2: 21–25 Years
Age 1-3 Nominal 3: 26:30 Years
4: 30-35 Years
5: >35 Years
1: Employed
Profession 1-3 Nominal 2: Student
3: Not:Employed
Relationship Status 1-3 Nominal 2:In a Relationship

Please describe your level of agreement with the following


Indian Products are better than

1-5 Interval
foreign products

The products of Patanjali are best in

1-5 Interval
The profit of Amul products to the
1-5 Interval
poor Indian Farmers 5:Highly Likely
I am a foodie I like to experiment 4:Somewhat Likely
1-5 Interval 3:Neutral
different flavours 2:Somewhat Likely
Ghost Pepper chocolate seems to be 1: Highly Unlikely
1-5 Interval
I usually buy chocolates at the
1-5 Interval
checkout counter in retail outlets
I like to gift chocolates during
1-5 Interval
I am very conscious and wear only
1-5 Interval
branded clothes.
Robert Downy Jr. is the brand
ambassador for one plus 7. It must 1-5 Interval
be good phone
Focus Group Discussion Questionnaire:
Introduction about the participants, followed by questions shown below

1. Do you eat chocolates? Moderation point

2. What do you like or dislike about chocolates?
3. How often would you consume chocolates?
4. What motivates you to consume chocolate?
5. Where do you generally buy a chocolate from?
6. Is there an influence of other people shopping with you on your chocolate selection?
7. Buying chocolates is impulse buying or a planned purchase?
8. What kind of chocolates would you gift and what kind would you buy for yourself?
9. What type of chocolates do you eat most often (milk, fruit & nut, dark etc)?
10. What is the most recent chocolate you consumed? Why that chocolate?
11. What attributes influence your chocolate buying decision? (hunger, taste, sweetness, other additions
like, nuts, wafer based etc.)
9. What is your preferred chocolate brand?
10. Would you consume other brands if your preferred brand is not available?
11. What is your general perception about Amul as a brand?
12. What is your opinion in value proposition of Amul dairy products?
13. Are you aware of Amul chocolates? do you consume it? Moderation
14. Since you have tried Amul chocolates, what did you like or dislike about them (in terms of the
attributes taste, smell, additives, packaging etc.)
15. What are your brand associations with Amul chocolates?
16. What do you think about the availability of Amul chocolates? Where do you buy? Where have you
seen the products – super markets, kirana stores etc.?
17. Are the sizes offered and packaging convenient? Or would you prefer in different sizes or packaging?
18. Have you seen promotional activities (Events, Ads, Amul posters)?
19. What are your favourite brands (temptations etc)
20. Would you buy them if Amul launches similar products, similar packaging etc.?
21. Amul is focussing on dark chocolates launching new flavours and variants. Would you be willing to try
them? (Tropical orange, mystic mocha etc.)
22. Will you recommend others to buy Amul

After Tasting
23. Is the package good?
24. Quantity / Size?
25. What do you think of Amul chocolates value for money?
Brand Concept Mapping:

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