RMD Project RAW Group15

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Research for Marketing Decisions T3 (2019-20)

Course Project


The aim of the project component is to enable participants to develop skills in

recognising research requirements, commissioning market research studies and
evaluating studies carried out by others. The project will be carried out on a focal topic
(brand /company) of the group’s choice. It is expected that the project will be carried out
in a professional manner with due consideration to ethics involved in marketing research.
The submissions in this project are spread out so that the initial planning work is done
early enough to provide sufficient time for data collection and analysis. The project will
carry a weightage of 30% of the course marks. Each submission will be evaluated.

Project deliverables

1) The project may be focused on any one of the following:

 Feasibility of a new introduction (new product/new service/new retail outlet)

What should the new product/service/retail concept be like? Which benefits/
features are likely to be valued by customer? What will be the target segment?,
What should the positioning be like?, What is the level of interest of consumers in
buying and using this new concept? If the company launches the product, what
should be the marketing plan like?

 Increasing sales and market share

Evaluating the value proposition offered by company; Segments currently being
catered to; how appropriate is the current positioning; how effective are the
current product, pricing, promotional and distribution strategies; level of customer
satisfaction relative to alternative brands; what changes/initiatives are required in
marketing mix?

A list of RMD projects done by PGP students in the previous year is given in the

Please choose a brand/topic for which research among a student (or young) population
is appropriate. This will enable easy access to respondents for interviews/focus

2) The project must include both exploratory and descriptive/conclusive research:

 Exploratory research:
o Secondary data analysis AND
o Qualitative research
 Descriptive /Conclusive research:
o Survey OR
o Experiment

3) Qualitative research must be carried out using any one or more of the following:
 Focus group discussions
 In-depth Interviews
 Projective techniques
 Brand Concept Mapping
 Direct Observation
 Ethnography

4) Quantitative data must be analysed using:

 Tabulation, Frequencies/ Chi Square/ ANOVA and
 Any one or more of the following multivariate analysis techniques- Discriminant,
Logistic, Factor, Cluster, Regression, Multidimensional scaling, Conjoint analysis


Submission 1 [3 marks out of 30]

a) Choose a brand / company

b) Choose a topic : New product launch/ marketing strategy evaluation
c) Describe what you wish to study:
 Marketing decisions that you think are important
(Management decision problems)
 What information is required in order to take above decisions
(Market research problems)
o Components of the market research problems OR
o Research questions

Page limit is 3 pages. Please submit by e-mail to avinash.mulky@iimb.ac.in

Submission 1 is due- Monday, 16th December 2019 by 11.59 pm

Submission 2 [6 marks out of 30]

A report giving the highlights of the exploratory research phase

 Highlights from analysis of secondary data
 Highlights from qualitative research
 Transcripts (Focus Groups, Depth interviews)
 Output of other qualitative techniques(if used)
 Revisions/ Additions to Submission 1 if any
* Transcripts may be submitted either in typed form or as sound and visual files

Submission 2 is due-Monday, 6th January 2020 by 11.59 pm

Submission 3 [5 marks out of 30]

 Flow chart
 Questionnaire
 Coding sheet

Submission 3 is due–Tuesday, 21st January 2020 by 11.59 pm

Submission 4 (Final report) [10 marks out of 30]

 Final report containing one page abstract that mentions management decision
problem, research issues / research problems, research design(s), methodology
used, information sought, sample details, major findings, and learning from the
 Details of each section mentioned above
 Your recommendations for focal brand /company
 Annexure containing data analysis outputs, tables
 Questionnaire and coding sheet
 Raw data collected during survey tabulated in an SPSS data file (on a CD)

Final submission is due at the beginning of session 18 -

Wednesday, 26th February 2020 by 2.30 pm

Submission 5 Final PPT presentation

Sessions 18-20 (26th and 27th February 2020) [6 marks out of 30]
Appendix 1

RMD projects done in Term 3_2018-19

Brand/Company Topic

Netflix Increasing viewership and market share

Fitbit Increasing sales and market share

Fastrack Smart Bands Increasing penetration and sales

Chai Point Increasing brand awareness and sales

Too Yumm Increasing brand awareness and sales

Xiaomi Increasing sales and market share

Paperboat Increasing brand awareness and sales

Epigamia Increasing brand awareness and sales

Netflix Increase the user subscription base and market share

Eat.fit Increase sales

Budweiser Increasing market share

Paperboat Increase brand awareness, sales and market share

Snickers Increase brand awareness and market share

Amazon Echo Increase awareness and user base

Monster Energy Increase brand awareness, sales and market share

Research for Marketing Decisions (RMD)

Post Graduate Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore


Group 15

Natasha Bhide – 1911087

Ankita Biswas – 1911088
Ashish Jindal – 1911253
Subhra Tripathy – 1911296
Akriti Gupta – 1911328


RAW Pressery (Rakyan Beverages Pvt Ltd)

Project Topic

Marketing Strategy Evaluation for RAW Pressery’s Line of Cold-Pressed Juices

About the Company

RAW Pressery is India’s first cold-pressed juice brand, founded by Anuj Rakyan in January 2014,
with the vision to simplify being healthy. The Indian beverage market in the juice category has
several established giants such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo with their flagship brands like Real,
Tropicana, to name a few. RAW, with its unique offering of cold pressed, 100% organic juice, has
carved a niche for itself in this seemingly crowded market in a short span of time. More than its
functional value proposition, RAW fulfils a certain social and experiential value associated with
its consumption. RAW is a clean label brand that believes in ‘All Good, No Bad’ – an approach
that makes good health and nutrition, convenient and free of compromises, thus appealing to a
customer whose purchase decisions are being increasingly driven by values other than traditional
parameters of price and taste.

Why We Chose RAW?

In the half a decade since its launch, RAW has experienced meteoric rise as a market disruptor –
as a brand as well as a business. It has grown over 50x, from its initial valuation of INR 5 crore at
inception, through a unique combination of niche product offering, strong brand philosophy, and
influencer and cult-based marketing. Despite the uniqueness of the product, its value proposition
and creative strategy, preliminary conversations with consumers revealed that there is a lack of
brand awareness among consumers and there remains a large potential market to be tapped.

Based on this observation, we believe that this market research study can guide RAW’s
management in addressing the key marketing strategy problem, listed below.

Management Decision Problem (MDP)

How can we increase the sales, market penetration and share, brand awareness of RAW

Market Research Problems (MRPs)

1. Category Users Analysis: Factors Associated with Purchase and Usage of Fresh Juices /
Packaged Beverages

a. What factors drive packaged beverage consumption vis a vis juice consumption?
b. What factors in the external environment are driving increase/ decrease in the demand for
non-carbonated beverages?

2. Brand Users Analysis: Brand Awareness and Share of Voice of RAW Pressery

a. Who are our current consumers? Why do they buy from us? Among current users, is
purchase recurrent? How often do our users buy RAW juices?
b. Who are the non-users within the category of non-carbonated beverages? What are the
barriers to purchase? What can be the potential triggers to initiate purchase?
c. Which are the most effective distribution channels for a brand like RAW?

3. Potential Improvements in Marketing Mix: Increasing Penetration of RAW Pressery

a. Assess alternative means of promotion to attract new customers and boost trial rate.
b. Assess alternative means of communication to enhance top-of-the-mind brand recall for
existing and newly acquired customers.
c. What would be the sale impact of change in price point?
d. What would be the sale impact of increase in distribution vis a vis cost?

Post Graduate Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore



Group 15

Natasha Bhide – 1911087

Ankita Biswas – 1911088
Ashish Jindal – 1911253
Subhra Tripathy – 1911296
Akriti Gupta – 1911328


To increase the sales, market penetration, and brand awareness of RAW Pressery.


What factors drive packaged Examine purchase and

Category Users Analysis beverage consumption vis a consumption behaviour-situations.
vis juice consumption? Amount, frequency, source of
Investigate consumer’s What factors in the external purchase, consumption location,
usage of juices in general environment are driving brands tried, preferred brands,
and cold pressed juices in increase/ decrease in the flavours liked, pack size preferred
particular demand for non-carbonated by consumers.

Who are our current Brand awareness, concept

consumers? Why do they buy mapping, focused group
from us? Among current discussions, consumers
users, is purchase recurrent? psychographics and demographics.
How often do our users buy Depth interviews to understand
Brand Users Analysis RAW juices? value generated by the brand.
Who are the non-users within Assessing the availability,
Examine brand awareness the category of non- promotion, pricing of the brand.
and brand perceptions for carbonated beverages? What Questionnaires and surveys for
RAW Pressery are the barriers to purchase? finding triggers and barriers for
What can be the potential purchase of the brand.
triggers to initiate purchase?
Which are the most effective
distribution channels for a
brand like RAW?

Potential Improvements in Assess alternative means of Concept testing, projective tests

Marketing Mix promotion to attract new and other factor analysis to
customers and boost trial rate. understand what triggers the
Increasing market Assess alternative means of purchase intentions amongst the
penetration for RAW communication to enhance buyers. Our focus is determined to
Pressery top-of-the-mind brand recall increase the penetration. Assessing

for existing and newly the effectiveness of marketing
acquired customers. channels, elasticity of demand due
What would be the sale to change in price and usage of
impact of change in price more effective channel will also be
point? considered.
What would be the sale
impact of increase in
distribution vis a vis cost?


Qualitative trends in the industry

RAW Juices can be analyzed in the context of two industries –

• Juices, which include packaged fruit and vegetable obtained by mechanical processes.

• Naturally healthy beverages, which include beverages which naturally contain a substance that
improves health and well-being beyond the product’s pure calorific value. Thus, naturally healthy
beverages include 100% fruit or vegetable juice, natural mineral water, spring water, green tea, etc.

Rising consumer health-consciousness as well as increasing media and internet attention on health and
nutrition has led to an increasing demand for healthy food and beverage products. The rising rates of
obesity, diabetes and nutritional deficiencies coupled with the busy and stressful lives of people have
contributed to this increase in demand.

In this context, naturally healthy beverages have seen a significant growth in value. Juices are seen as quick
and convenient way to consume essential nutrients, especially in smaller formats that are suitable for on -
the-go consumption. With growing awareness and exposure to such products, consumers are able to
identify differences in qualities of types of juices, particularly those made from concentrates and not from
concentrates. Consumers of packaged beverages are increasingly concerned about the ingredient s used in
packaged beverages and are willing to pay a premium for beverages with natural ingredients. While there
is an increase in demand for naturally healthy products among urban consumers, consumption is often
constrained by the lack of availability and high prices.

Amongst beverages with natural ingredients, the most popular flavours continue to be orange, mango and
apple. However, vegetable juices and ayurveda-based juices, such as aloe vera and amla are also gaining

Competitive landscape

The leading players in the industry, Coca-Cola India, PepsiCo India, ITC Foods, and Dabur India, are
focussing on developing local flavours and low-sugar drinks with the aim of capturing the demand for
traditionally brewed drinks. Coca-Cola has launched three fruit-based drinks under the Minute Maid
portfolio; PepsiCo has added local flavours to its Tropicana Slice portfolio, Dabur and ITC have added
ethnic flavours to their brands, Réal and B Natural. These products are also intended to facilitate expansio n
into semi-urban and rural areas with differing consumer tastes than larger metropolitan cities.

The trend towards healthy lifestyle has also given rise to new brands cold pressed juices. These brands
include Rejoov (eat.fit) which can be found in many retail stores across the country; Juicifix which is a
local brand of cold pressed juice in Mumbai; Antidote and Fresh Pressed which are brands based out of
Delhi; Cleanse High and Fresh Pressery based out of Hyderabad and Bangalore respectively.

Distribution channels

Juices as well as naturally healthy beverages are predominantly distributed through independent small
grocers, as they are convenient and widely available. Independent small grocers account for about 60% of
the channel distribution whereas about 30% of the distribution is through hypermarkets and supermarkets.
There is a gradual shift in the distribution towards supermarkets and hypermarkets. The overall growth in
the consumption of juices and naturally healthy beverages will be aided by the expansion of modern
retailing, making these products more widely accessible by consumers.

Market size and growth

The sales volumes for juice in 2019 reached 2.3 billion litres of which the majority of the sales was
constituted by off-trade volumes.

The off-trade value increased by 17% in current terms in 2019 to reach INR 166 billion, while off -trade
volumes increased by 11% to 2 billion litres. This growth was driven by the demand for on -the-go
consumption products. The industry is forecasted to see off-trade value rise with a 17% CAGR in current
terms (12% at constant 2019 prices) over 2019-2024, with off-trade volumes increasing with a 10% CAGR.

With growing consumer awareness, the category of 100% juices is set to rise with a 19.9% CAGR in current
terms over 2019-2024. In contrast to this, other categories of juices including non-concentrate juice,
reconstituted juice, juice drinks, nectars, etc. are forecasted to have a slower growth over 2019-2024 as
compared to the current year growth.

Naturally healthy beverages recorded a current value growth of 22% in 2019 to reach a value of INR 60.5
billion. This growth was largely driven by consumer preference towards beverages with natural ingredients.
The prices of naturally healthy beverages have also seen a rising trend, with a 15% rise in price in 2018.

The growth of the juice industry has outstripped the soft-drinks industry, with the gap expected to widen
even further in the coming years. Households with disposable income over USD 25,000 (calculated for the
city of Delhi, which can be used as an indicator for other metropolitan cities in India) are forecasted to
grow by 14.2% CAGR for the period of 2018-2023. The rise in disposable incomes of people in India
coupled with the shift towards healthy beverages suggests an increase in the potential customer base that
can be targeted by RAW Pressery.

Product Packaging

The total sales of juice in 2019 constituted of 6831.8 million units. The most popular packaging of juices
was liquid cartons which accounted for about 51.09% (3490.4 million units) of the total units sold,
consisting of almost equal parts of brick liquid cartons (1757.4 million units) and shaped liquid cartons
(1733 million units). Rigid plastic PET bottles constituted the second most popular type of packaging with
2,256.2 million units being sold in 2019.

The most popular pack size for juices were between 101 to 300 ml which constituted about 58% of the
sales in units and 51 to 100 ml which constituted about 25% of the sales in units. With juices sold in
multipacks, packs consisting of 6 units were the most common.

Growth of RAW Pressery

RAW Pressery was the fastest-growing juice brand, both in terms of volume and value, in 2019. The
company as well as the brand saw a rise in market share in terms of the retail off-trade volumes.

RAW Pressery achieved 2.5 million litres in off-trade volumes in 2019 with a CAGR of 99.6% over the
period of 2014-2019. Below is a comparison of the company performance of RAW Pressery and the Coca-
Cola (the market leader).

The increasing consumer interest in natural products is expected to provide an impetus to the growth of
the brand. With a rise in consumer awareness about the impact of sweeteners, preservatives, colourings
and flavourings, RAW Pressery is poised to take advantage of the consumer interest in natural products
and “clean labels”.

• Euromonitor International, Country Report on Health and Wellness in India, April 2019
• Euromonitor International, Country Report on Juice in India, December 2019
• Euromonitor International, statistics and information on soft-drinks, juice and health and wellness
from trade sources/national statistics


Focused Group Discussion

General Description
• 4th January 2020 (Saturday)
• EPGP Lounge, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore campus
• Duration – 75-90 minutes
• FGD Questionnaire – In Appendix.
Sample Characteristics
• Sample size – 10 (Unique with respect to the samples used for other techniques)
• Demographic – PGP students of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
• Average age – 24 years
• Male – 4 | Female – 6
Key Insights from Focused Group Discussion
• The key driver for consumption of fruit juices is focus on health and nutrition. Factors driving choice
of brand are taste, price, freshness and nutrition, value for money, and packaging. We found that
packaging and availability (physical and mental) critically influence consumer’s preference for a
particular brand.

• An interesting insight was that shelf life is considered to be a signaling mechanism for the extent of
preservative in packaged juice, with health-conscious customers demonstrating a positive preference
for packaged juices with a short shelf life, such as RAW (21 days).

• For health-conscious customers, preservative-free and sugar-free attributes are the key differentiators
between brands. However, for a lot of our respondents taste and price took priority over the nutritional
aspect – especially given that juices continue to primarily be an impulse buy or are sought as mixers
for alcohol (Peripheral Route of Elaboration Likelihood Model) may subsequently be used for this
analysis.) The social context becomes important here. Some respondents had very specific preferences
in terms of flavours, such as guava.

• Among all brand of juices, RAW has a relatively low top of mind recall and stickiness. The brands of
juices recalled primarily were Tropicana, Real, Paperboat. Respondents also exhibited a strong
preference for consuming “fresh” juice prepared in front of them. There was an underlying lack of trust
in packaged foods that claimed to be healthy.

• However, RAW Pressery does have brand awareness – all the respondents in our consumer set had
heard about the brand prior to be being approached by us. The trial and repurchase rate remain low.
Consumers suggested strengthening marketing and promotional effort to boost availability and
consequently, trial rate. The repurchase rate is low due to a prohibitive price point – as agreed
unanimously by all our respondents.

• Respondents explicitly stated lack of awareness about what “cold-pressed” implied. They believed that
the brand wasn’t successful in justifying its price point – indicating a gap in the value proposition by
RAW and its perception by the consumer. When the meaning and nutritional benefit of cold pressing
was explained by the moderator, respondents seemed relatively more accepting of the price.

• One respondent also asserted that she would be less likely to trust the brand’s messaging than if she
heard about the nutritional benefit of the juice from a friend – indicating the significance of word-of-
mouth promotion, and the need to create a group of loyal customers who would act as influencers for
others in their respective social circles.

• Some of these insights also complement our finding through projective techniques that consumers are
often aware that a range of preservative-free/cold-pressed juices is available in the market, but are
neither able to recall the brand nor personally inclined to experiment with it.

• Most respondents reported having seen and tried RAW for the first time either at airports, corporate
vending machines or premium superstores like Godrej Nature’s Basket or 24x7 (Delhi-based chain).
Interestingly, despite liking the juice they were unable to consume it again due to lack of availability.

• One of the respondents who hailed from Delhi claimed that in North India, RAW commanded a certain
snob value and its possessor was regarded as “cool”. Economically well-off families tended to serve
RAW juices to guests in their homes – a practice that asserted social superiority. Further, RAW’s
distribution was observed to be more prevalent in North India than South India. This indicates the
importance of certain markets for deeper penetration – those that are relatively faster to catch up to the
latest social trends, and where the populace is more willing to pay a premium to subscribe to cult

• Respondents were high appreciative of RAW’s packaging – its simple elegance stood out and was one
of the drivers behind consumers trying it. The transparent bottle makes the contents and colour of the
juice visible from the outside and this is very appealing to consumers. The label on the front of the
bottle lists all the ingredients in the juice and ends with “And Nothing Else.” – again a distinctive and
appealing attribute, signaling the brand’s commitment to genuine, honest products.

• Consumers tend to purchase juices from the closest retail store and are reluctant to buy it online. This
is also partly spurred by the fact that the buying juice is not a planned decision, but rather an impulse
decision when consumers are feeling “the need to be fit” or “drink something refreshing”. RAW has
very poor shelf visibility and is unavailable in retail stores (except premium stores and supermarkets
like Foodhall, Nature’s Basket, Hypercity etc.) due to underdeveloped cold logistics in Indian markets.
Lack of physical availability on account of inadequate distribution capabilities may be hurting RAW’s
sales and customer loyalty.

• Interestingly, we observed the Leaky Bucket Principle play out when respondents stated that if they
got attributes similar to RAW in a substitute brand at a lower price point, they would gladly switch
even if the other brand’s juice was slightly less healthy or contained preservatives. This also highlighted
the influence of consumer heuristics, wherein consumers formulate an overall evaluation of a brand
basis attribute most critical to them.

• Triggers for Purchase – Natural, Organic, Good Taste, Different Pack Sizes, Attractive Packaging,
Range of Flavors/ Unique Ingredients, Brand Value

• Barriers for Purchase – Price, Low Shelf Life; Consumers tend to be hesitant about buying the product
because even for trial since they are apprehensive about not liking or wasting it, given that it’s

• Overall Brand Satisfaction – RAW’s overall rating among FGD respondents was 3.3/5. The brand was
evaluated positively for its health & nutrition, attractive and chic packaging, unique ingredients, and
preservative-free, sugar-free offering. Consumers seemed dissatisfied with its lack of availability on
retail shelves, and its price point – considered too high, and “not worth it”.

Brand Concept Mapping

General Description
• 28th December 2019 (Saturday)
• Duration – 20 minutes on average/ respondent; ~ 3 hours 30 minutes cumulative.
• Data & Methodology – In Appendix.

Sample Characteristics
• Sample size – 8 (Unique with respect to the samples used for other techniques)
• Demographic – PGP students of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
• Average age – 24 years
• Male – 4 | Female – 4
Key Insights from Brand Concept Mapping
• A pool of 30-35 words and phrases associated with the brand were collected from respondents. These
words were filtered for overlaps, and a final pool of 20-25 words was retained. This was done (as
against the theoretical practice of employing a 50% cutoff threshold) to control for researcher’s bias
and a small sample size.

• The most commonly occurring words were: Expensive, Fresh, Healthy, Premium and Cold-Pressed.

• We also added a few words of our own to facilitate Aided Recall and Association. Thus, the exercise
was a mix of aided and unaided association stimuli.

• The words were then presented to respondents, who had been explained the concept of Brand Concept
Mapping and how strength of associations is determined. Respondents were given the freedom to use
or not use any or all words from the pool. They were also given the liberty to spontaneously add words
of their own.

• We then collated the individual maps, and depending on the frequency of occurrence of a word in a
given degree of association, employed a 50% threshold to put that word in the corresponding degree
of association.

• We found through the Brand Concept Map that the words consumers associate with RAW Pressery are
functional in nature. Words like fresh, healthy, expensive and preservative-free represent the functional
value that a consumer derives from the direct consumption of the juice. However, RAW’s intended
value proposition, evidenced on its website and through its social media touch points, is that of a
lifestyle brand. RAW’s brand personality is passionate, free-spirited, adventurous and experiential –
which it seeks to paint a portrait of its typical consumer as well.

• This gave us the insight that there is an inherent incongruence between RAW’s intended brand
positioning and actual brand perception. We have therefore used Kapferer’s Brand Prism to identify
and bridge the gap between the expected and actual image of the brand. Going forward, a key objective
of this research study will be to study this gap and reorient RAW’s marketing program to communicate
the intended value proposition, which would further brand awareness and justify the price point.

Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism


I. Shopping Lists – Association Projective Technique

Aim: To understand the shopping behavior of MBA students in premier institutes and correlate
shopping behavior with various demographic and psychographic characteristics of the shopper.
In an experiment conducted at IIMB, a sample of students was shown one of the shopping lists and
asked to profile the student who had made the list using demographic and psychographic adjectives.
Each list controls for the same set of items except for the beverage brands being tested for and compared
with. Each of the 3 lists were shown to a different set of randomly sampled respondents to eliminate
biases that emerge from the recognition that all lists are the same expect for one beverage on each of
Experiment 1: RAW vs Coca-Cola (Contrast brands)

• Rationale behind choice of brands – RAW (non-carbonated juice) and Coca-Cola (carbonated
soft drink) belong to contrasting categories of beverages. Through this choice of beverages, we
wished to study whether there was a significant difference in perceived user imagery of a consu mer
of either of the brands – through the administered stimulus of shopping list.


A pack of biscuits A pack of biscuits
1 Colgate toothpaste 1 Colgate toothpaste
1 container Epigamia 1 container Epigamia
1 bottle of RAW Pressery’s cold pressed juice 1 can of Coca-Cola
1 yellow highlighter 1 yellow highlighter
1 packet of potato chips 1 packet of potato chips
1 kg packet of Surf Excel 1 kg packet of Surf Excel

Experiment 2: RAW vs Paperboat (Look-alike brands)

• Rationale behind choice of brands – RAW and Paperboat belong to the same sub-category of
beverages – non-aerated, fruit juice category. Through this choice of beverages, we wished to study
whether there was a significant difference in perceived user imagery of a consumer of either of the
brands – through the administered stimulus of shopping list.


A pack of biscuits A pack of biscuits
1 Colgate toothpaste 1 Colgate toothpaste
1 container Epigamia 1 container Epigamia
1 bottle of RAW Pressery’s cold pressed juice 1 pack of Paperboat
1 yellow highlighter 1 yellow highlighter
1 packet of potato chips 1 packet of potato chips
1 kg packet of Surf Excel 1 kg packet of Surf Excel

List 1

Attribute n (Total n=5)

Health Conscious 4
Wannabe healthy/ Slightly healthy 3
Confused/ Conflicted 3
Studious/ Geek 3
Organized 3
Female 2
Periodic shopper 1
Single 1
Willing to Experiment 1

List 2

Attribute n (Total n=5)

Unhealthy/ Struggling with fitness 3
Night Owl/ Does not sleep on time 2
Organized 2
Studious 2
Ordinary 2

Lazy/ Procrastinator 1
Proactive 1
Balanced 1
Brand Conscious 1
Hygienic, Cleanliness Freak 1

List 3

Attribute n (Total n=5)

Health conscious 3
Studious 2
Cheats on diet/ Trying to be healthy 2
Does own laundry 2
Cares about nutrition 1
Pulls all-nighters 1
Loner 1
Organized 1
Bulk shopper 1
Consumerist 1
Millennial 1
Follows trends 1
Rich/ Can afford price premium 1
Calculative when shopping 1
Cautious 1

We found that some attribute inferences were common to all lists, on account of the items other than the
beverages being tested for. The highlighter led to the inference that the holder of the list was somebody
who is studious. The Surf Excel (1 kg pack) led participants to believe that the holder of the list was
somebody who is particular about hygiene and does their own laundry. Further, this also seemed to convey
that the holder was organized, balanced and a bulk/periodic shopper. Collectively, a few respondents
concluded basis these attributes that the holder may be female.

However, the list specific insights were far more incisive. All else remaining constant, the holder of List 1
(RAW Pressery) was perceived by most respondents to be somebody who is health conscious or trying to
be healthy. She/he was also somebody who’d be willing to experiment.
The holder of List 2 (Coca-Cola) was perceived to be somebody who is unhealthy, or struggling with fitness
– typically an ordinary student of IIMB. More importantly, this attribute was extrapolated to also imply
laziness and procrastination.

The holder of List 3 (Paperboat) was also perceived to be somebody who is health conscious, and cares
about nutrition. Additionally, she/he is a millennial and is updated on the most recent trends. We found this
rather counterintuitive, because Paperboat is like regular packaged juice – high on sugar and preservative
content, further evidenced by its long shelf life. Upon further research, we found that this is due to
Paperboat’s successful marketing, easy availability and high shelf visibility (especially within the IIMB
campus) and distinctive packaging that enables sticky recall.

The top of mind recall may further be aided by the fact that RAW’s marketing campaign is weak.
Consumers are aware of the existence of a niche brand of sugar and preservative-free, cold-pressed juices,
but are unable to associate it with RAW. The poor recall for RAW automatically results in the customer’s
association of the brand personality with the next available niche brand in the market – Paperboat.

A possible shortcoming in our lists was the addition of potato chips, which led to responses such as
‘confused’, ‘conflicted’, and ‘cheats on diet’. Respondents unanimously concurred that Lists 1 & 3 came
across as entirely “healthy”, except for the packet of chips which felt like a misfit. One respondent claimed
that it seemed like the list of a girl who was a health freak, who was buying the packet of chips for her
significant other. This item may also have furthered the perception of “unhealthiness” on List 2 (Coca -

II. Story Completion – Completion Projective Technique

Sample Characteristics

• Sample size – 20 (Each sentence was administered to a unique sub-sample of 5 randomly chosen
• Demographic – PGP students of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
• Average age – 24 years
Sentence I

Ashish, a senior marketing manager at an MNC, has a very important early morning meeting. The prep for
the meeting took longer than he expected the previous night and now Ashish is running behind his schedule.
He doesn’t want to miss breakfast, but he’s short on time. In a bid to have a healthy start to the day, he
picks up a bottle of _______ on the go, and rushes for office.

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to tap into and project the consumer’s
top of mind product and brand recall using stimuli that trigger thoughts/ feelings of health and
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Real fruit juice, Sofit, Whey protein shake, Banana milkshake, Amul milkshake
• Insights – We found that none of the consumers associated RAW Pressery’s juices with health
packaged with convenience. They did not perceive it as either a component of, or substitute to a
cooked breakfast. Among branded products, packaged juices such as Real and milkshakes like
those of Amul and Sofit were perceived instead to be close substitutes
Sentence II

Sneha and her friends have planned an overnight trek to the very beautiful Athargange Range cl ose to
Bangalore. Sneha is very excited for it and is almost done packing all the essentials – clothes, torches,
games, chargers – just left with something that can quench her thirst and is yum. She asks all her friends.
They’re all bringing a bottle of ________, so she picks up one too!

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to project whether the consumer
associates RAW’s juices with being adventurous, outdoorsy and experimental. These values are in
line with RAW’s intended experiential value proposition and user imagery (gauged through their
messaging via social media touch points) – the quintessential millennial who is trendy and driven
by unique experiences.
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Coca-Cola (n=2), Gatorade (n=2), Energy drink/electrolyte
• Insights – We found that consumers were more likely to associate energy drinks like Gatorade
with outdoor or physically intensive activities such as trekking, camping etc. Further, the most
instinctive and sticky top of mind recall for a beverage being consumed by a group of college
friends is Coca-Cola.
Sentence III

Akriti’s new year’s resolution – health is wealth! She has decided to switch to a keto diet, about which she
has heard a lot on various fitness blogs and social media platforms. Her gym membership bought, and gym

look decided, she is now looking for the perfect drink to complement her image and fitness regime. Her
mother introduces her to a range of cold-pressed juices by the name of _______, which she is super excited
to drink!

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to project whether the consumer
associates the RAW brand with “cold-pressed”, being updated on the recent trends in fitness, and
more importantly being willing to experiment with and experience them. These values are in line
with RAW’s USP – “All Good. No Bad.” Range of preservative-free, cold-pressed juices. Further,
RAW’s intended user imagery is that of someone who is driven by the cult around fitness and is
conscious of their image or persona.
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Cold-pressed juice (Couldn’t recollect brand), RAW, Real, Paperboat (n=2)
• Insights – We found that not all consumers could associate or recall the brand RAW when aided
with the stimulus of “cold-pressed”, despite being aware that such a brand existed. Some
incorrectly associated it with RAW’s close competitor in the category of niche, non -aerated
beverages – Paperboat. This is a significant disadvantage to RAW.

Sentence IV
Mrs. Mehra is at Nature’s Basket for her monthly grocery shopping. She picks up some vegetables, a box
of crackers, some cream cheese and a jar of peanut butter. She walks into the Cold Section and finding
herself rather thirsty, picks up a bottle of ____, cracks it open and takes a delightful swig!

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to project whether the consumer
associates the RAW brand with premium supermarkets and a premium basket of goods. Further,
we also aimed to gauge whether RAW is more associated with impulse purchase, in particular by
homemakers when they grocery shop and see it on shelves.
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Coke (n=2), Maaza, Buttermilk, Chocolate milkshake, Cold-pressed juice (Couldn’t
recollect brand)
• Insights – We found that none of the consumers could associate RAW with Nature’s Basket, it’s
offerings, or impulse buying. Further, respondents who could associate cold-pressed juices could
not recollect the RAW brand, once again implying weak brand awareness and top of mind recall.
An interesting insight is the emergence of other juice brands like Maaza and healthier beverage
alternatives like buttermilk in the fray of products mentioned. This indicates that middle-aged
population is perceived to be a better fit target audience for a healthy beverage offering.


I. FGD Questionnaire

1. Screener Questions
• Have you consumed RAW in the past?
• Have you participated in any FGD in the last 6 months?

2. Definition of & Distinction Between Categories

• What are the various categories of non-alcoholic beverages that you are aware of/ consume?
• What distinguishes Fruit juices from other non-alcoholic beverages?

3. Brand Awareness
• What other brands of fruit juices are you aware of apart from RAW juices?
• If I say, “cold pressed”, which brand comes to your mind?

4. Brands Evaluation
• Which of the above-mentioned brands do you like the most?
• How often do you drink fruit juice? Which brand dominates this consumption?
• Have you heard of RAW Pressery’s juices?
• Have you consumed RAW Pressery juices?
• What is your opinion about this brand? (Probe for overall likes and dislikes)
• How you will rate RAW Pressery’s juices on a scale of 1-5 based on overall experience?

5. Situational Context
• When do you generally consume juices? Where do you buy them from? What is the decision
stimulus when you make the purchase?

6. Evaluation of Individual Brands in Situational Context

• Which brand do you purchase when you are thirsty? Which brand would you purchase if you
wished to drink something healthy?

7. Product Attributes
• Do you like RAW’s flavors?
• What do you think about RAW’s packaging?
• Do you think RAW’s juices are expensive?
• What are the attributes that you’d be willing to pay extra for RAW juices?
• Are RAW juices easily available? Where all have you seen them?

8. Dimensions, Levels and Range of Attributes

• Is buying a RAW a pre-planned decision or based on impulse for you?

9. Brand Usage Triggers

• What are the specific attributes that compel you to buy/consume RAW?

10. Brand Usage Barriers

• What factors preclude your consumption of the product?

11. Customer Recommendations

• What are your recommendations for RAW?

II. Brand Concept Mapping (Methodology and Data)

Selection of Words (Elicitation Stage)
• Theoretical Methodology: Customer associations appearing >50% times included (cutoff
predetermined by researcher).
• Methodology Employed: Created set of 20-25 words which included all consumer associations to
control for the limited sample size and researcher’s bias.

Consumer Brand Concept Mapping (Mapping Stage)

• Aided vs Unaided Association – We added our own words to the pool.
• Brand Concept Mapping was explained to respondents.
• Participants were free to use or not use given words.
• They could add their own words too.

Construction of Consensus Map (Aggregation Stage)

• Core/ First Order Brand Associations: 50% threshold for first order associations.
• Second Order Brand Associations: 50% threshold for second order associations, Researcher
judgment employed for clustering and linking with first order associations.
• Third Order Associations: Derivative to second order associations identified through relational

Data Mapping to Derive Degree of Associations (Strength of Linkages)

Brand Association Recall First Order Second Order Third Order

Cold Pressed 4
And Nothing Else.
Attractive Colours 1
Brand 1
Catchy Name 1
Can Serve to Guest 1
Easy Accessibility 1
Exotic 3
Fresh 3
Good Packaging 1 1
Healthy 3 4
High Society 3
Juicy 1 2
Lack of Accessibility 1 1
Less Sugar 1 3
Multiple Flavours 3 3
Natural 1 6
Niche Brand 1 4
No Fibre/ Pulp 1 2
Not Value for Money 1 1
Online 1
Original 2
Preservative Free 4 2 1
Expensive / Pricey 6

Raw 1
Sustainable 1
Simple Packaging 1
Small Sized Packs 3
Tasty 2
Unaffordable 1
Unpleasant Aroma/Taste 1
Weird Flavour Combinations 1 3
Cleanse 2
Detox 1 1 1
Free Spirited
Experimental 1

RAW Pressery
Brand Concept Mapping

Group 15
Akriti Gupta
Ankita Biswas
Ashish Jindal
Natasha Bhide
Subhra Tripathy
What is Brand Concept Mapping?
What is Brand Concept Mapping?
• Associative Network Models of Memory
What is Brand Concept Mapping?
• Associative Network Models of Memory

• Analytical Mapping – Alternative to ZMET

Sample Characteristics


Size – 8 Male – 2 Tier I – 5 Heavy/ Repeat Users – 4

Composition – Primarily IIMB Female – 6 Tier II – 3 Light/ Occasional Users – 4
Includes a homemaker.
Elicitation: Seeking Brand Associations (1/3)

Theoretical Methodology

Customer associations appearing >50%

times included (cutoff predetermined by

What We Actually Did

Created set of 20-25 words which included

all consumer associations to control for the
limited sample size and researcher’s bias
We Came
Mapping: Plotting Consumer Brand Maps (2/3)

• Aided vs Unaided Association – We

added our own words to the pool!

• Brand Concept Mapping was explained

to respondents.

• Participants were free to use or not use

given words.

• They could add their own words too!

• 8 individual maps were constructed.

• Each respondent took 20 minutes on

an average (end to end).
Aggregation: Constructing A Consensus Map (3/3)

Core/ First Order Brand Associations

• 50% threshold for first order associations.

Second Order Brand Associations

• 50% threshold for second order


• Researcher judgment employed for


Third Order Associations

• Derivative to second order associations

identified through relational mentions.
Constructing A Consensus Map (1/3)
Brand Association Recall First Order Second Order Third Order
Cold Pressed 4
And Nothing Else.
Attractive Colours 1
Brand 1
Catchy Name 1
Can Serve to Guest 1
Easy Accessibility 1
Exotic 3
Fresh 3
Good Packaging 1 1
Healthy 3 4
High Society 3
Constructing A Consensus Map (2/3)

Brand Association Recall First Order Second Order Third Order

Juicy 1 2
Lack of Accessibility 1 1
Less Sugar 1 3
Multiple Flavours 3 3
Natural 1 6
Niche Brand 1 4
No Fibre/ Pulp 1 2
Not Value for Money 1 1
Online 1
Original 2
Preservative Free 4 2 1
Expensive / Pricey 6
Raw 1
Constructing A Consensus Map (3/3)

Brand Association Recall First Order Second Order Third Order

Sustainable 1
Simple Packaging 1
Small Sized Packs 3
Tasty 2
Unaffordable 1
Unpleasant Aroma/Taste 1
Weird Flavour Combinations 1 3
Cleanse 2
Detox 1 1 1
Free Spirited
Experimental 1
Juice For Thought?
Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism
Transparent, Chic (Brand Owner) Young, Passionate,
Physique Personality

Relationship Culture

Lifestyle Defining & Organic, Honest


Reflection Self-Image

100% Natural, Cold Pressed Health-Conscious, Trendy,

“Erase the word expensive from (your)
dictionary. There are only 2 things when
it comes to pricing, it’s either overpriced
or valuable.”

~ Anuj Rakyan
Founder, RAW Pressery
Thank You!

Post Graduate Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore



Group 15

Natasha Bhide – 1911087

Ankita Biswas – 1911088
Ashish Jindal – 1911253
Subhra Tripathy – 1911296
Akriti Gupta – 1911328


RAW Pressery is India’s first cold-pressed juice brand, founded by Anuj Rakyan in January 2014, with the
vision to simplify being healthy. The Indian beverage market in the juice category has several established
giants such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo with their flagship brands like Real, Tropicana, to name a few. RAW,
with its unique offering of cold pressed, 100% organic juice, has carved a niche for itself in this seemingly
crowded market in a short span of time. More than its functional value proposition, RAW fulfils a certain
social and experiential value associated with its consumption. RAW is a clean label brand that believes in
‘All Good, No Bad’ – an approach that makes good health and nutrition, convenient and free of
compromises, thus appealing to a customer whose purchase decisions are being increasingly driven by
values other than traditional parameters of price and taste.


To increase the sales, market penetration, and brand awareness of RAW Pressery.


What factors drive packaged Examine purchase and

Category Users Analysis
beverage consumption vis a consumption behaviour-situations.
vis juice consumption? Amount, frequency, source of
Investigate consumer’s
What factors in the external purchase, consumption location,
usage of juices in general
environment are driving brands tried, preferred brands,
and cold pressed juices in
increase/ decrease in the flavours liked, pack size preferred
by consumers.
RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

demand for non-carbonated


Who are our current Brand awareness, concept

consumers? Why do they buy mapping, focused group
from us? Among current discussions, consumers
users, is purchase recurrent? psychographics and demographics.
How often do our users buy Depth interviews to understand
Brand Users Analysis RAW juices? value generated by the brand.
Who are the non-users within Assessing the availability,
Examine brand awareness the category of non- promotion, pricing of the brand.
and brand perceptions for carbonated beverages? What Questionnaires and surveys for
RAW Pressery are the barriers to purchase? finding triggers and barriers for
What can be the potential purchase of the brand.
triggers to initiate purchase?
Which are the most effective
distribution channels for a
brand like RAW?

Assess alternative means of Concept testing, projective tests

promotion to attract new and other factor analysis to
customers and boost trial rate. understand what triggers the
Assess alternative means of purchase intentions amongst the
Potential Improvements in communication to enhance buyers. Our focus is determined to
Marketing Mix top-of-the-mind brand recall increase the penetration. Assessing
for existing and newly the effectiveness of marketing
Increasing market acquired customers. channels, elasticity of demand due
penetration for RAW What would be the sale to change in price and usage of
Pressery impact of change in price more effective channel will also be
point? considered.
What would be the sale
impact of increase in
distribution vis a vis cost?


The primary objective of designing a questionnaire is to test the hypotheses that we have formulated after
analyzing the results from the exploratory research phase. Since the exploratory research was restricted to
a small set of respondents and observations, the data collected cannot be deemed to be conclusive. The
hypotheses must be tested on a larger sample to capture a clear understanding of customer behaviour and
brand perception. Hence, a survey questionnaire has been designed to be floated to a larger sample of

Based on prior research, we have broadly categorized the population among the following groups:

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

Health-Conscious Juice Enthusiasts People who are healthy and drink (fresh/packaged) juice
Health-Conscious Juice Reluctants People who are healthy but do not drink (fresh/packaged) juice
Health Indifferent Juice Enthusiasts People who are not healthy and drink (fresh/packaged) juice
Health Indifferent Juice Reluctants People who are not healthy and do not drink (fresh/packaged) juice

Since RAW is a relatively low penetration, low market share brand in the non-carbonated packaged
beverage market and given that it has a niche value proposition we will focus on Juice Enthusiasts and Juice
Reluctants as our main target segment. Focus on Juice Enthusiasts is to create brand awareness and brand
loyalty. On the other hand, targeting Juice Reluctants will ensure that individuals who identify themselves
as healthy but are averse to packaged juice consumption due to the attached stigma, can be converted into

Health Indifferent Juice drinkers and Health Indifferent Non-Juice drinkers will not be our prime focus. For
Health Indifferent Juice drinkers, juice consumption is driven by factors other than health, hence they may
not exhibit intent to purchase or brand stickiness at RAW’s prevailing price point – which is at a significant
premium to the other brands of juices in the market. Before moving on to Health Indifferent Non-Juice
drinkers, RAW must cultivate brand awareness and saturate the other three market segments.

The questionnaire design will be aimed at comprehending the customer behavior when it comes to juice
consumption, the drivers and parameters that drive juice consumption as well as brand selection, and an
evaluation of RAW along those parameters. The questionnaire also attempts to capture existing user-
awareness regarding the sub-category of “cold-pressed juices” since it’s a relatively new trend in the market,
and is one of RAW’s unique value propositions vis a vis its competitors. The survey aims to understand
what differentiates RAW from other offerings in the market. Lastly, it concludes with a few concept tests
to gauge willingness of appeal as well as purchase intention for Juice Enthusiasts who are non-users of
RAW, and Juice Reluctants who comprise a potential customer base that can be targeted and tapped into if
the brand awareness is created and the relevant barriers to purchase are overcome.


Based on the MRPs and the corresponding components, we have refined our research parameters to arrive
at a set of specific research questions. These questions have further been refined to form a set of hypotheses
for each question that we propose to prove or disprove through the questionnaire.

The specific research questions and the associated hypotheses are as follows:

RQ1: Do people drink juice because they consider it healthy?

H0: People drink juice because they consider it healthy.

H1: People do not drink juice because they consider it healthy.

RQ2: Are people aware of what cold-pressed juice is, and its health benefits vis a vis regular juice?

H0: People are aware of what cold-pressed juice is, and its health benefits vis a vis regular juice.

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

H1: People are not aware of what cold-pressed juice is, and its health benefits vis a vis regular juice.

RQ3: Do people know about the RAW brand?

H0: People know about the RAW brand.

H1: People do not know about the RAW brand.

RQ4: Do people who have consumed RAW demonstrate a positive attitude towards it?

H0: People who have consumed RAW have demonstrate a positive attitude towards it.

H1: People who have consumed RAW have not demonstrate a positive attitude towards it.

RQ5: Are people aware of the unique benefits of RAW’s offerings?

H0: Consumers are aware of the unique benefits of RAW’s offerings.

H1: Consumers are not aware of the unique benefits of RAW’s offerings.

RQ6: Have people who have been shown the concept tests for RAW expressed intent of trial?

H0: People who have been shown the concept tests for RAW have expressed intent of trial.

H1: People who have been shown the concept tests for RAW have not expressed intent of trial.

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design


RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design


Q. Var. Question/Description Code Values Scale Type Codes

No. No.

1 1 Which beverages do you drink? 1 to 8 Nominal 1: Juice

2: Tea
3: Coffee
4: Milkshakes
5: Soft Drinks
6: Mocktails
7: Alcoholic Beverages
8: Others, please
Proceed only if 1 is among the answers, otherwise go to Q. 29
2 What are your reasons for drinking juice? 1-5 Likert Interval
2 I drink juice as a personal habit. Scale 1: Strongly Disagree
3 I drink juice when I’m thirsty. 2: Disagree
4 I drink juice because it is non-carbonated. 3: Neither Disagree nor
5 I drink juice when I feel like being healthy / 4: Agree
taking care of myself.
6 I drink juice post workouts or when I’m on 5: Strongly Agree
7 I drink juice when I see it being sold/ on
shelves – often impulsively.
8 I drink juice at parties or social gatherings.

3 9 Where do you usually purchase / drink your 1 to 8 Nominal 1: Home

juice? 2: Roadside Stalls
3: Local Grocery Stores
4: Malls / Supermarkets
5: Restaurants
6: Order Online
7: Kiosk / Vending
8: Others, please specify

4 What are the characteristics that are 1-5 Likert Interval

important while selecting a juice to drink?
10 Taste 1: Not Important
11 Variety of Flavours 2: Slightly Important

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

12 Freshness 3: Moderately Important

13 Ready Availability 4: Important
14 Attractive Packaging 5: Very Important
15 Long Shelf-life
16 Preservative-free
17 Sugar-free
18 Nutrition

5 19 How frequently do you drink juice? 1 to 5 Nominal 1: More than once a

2: Once in a week
3: Once in two weeks
4: Once in a month
5: Once in two - three
Proceed only if your answer is between 1-3, otherwise go to Q 29.
6 20 Which type of juices do you drink? 1 to 2 Nominal 1: Fresh Juices
2: Packaged Juices
If your answer is 1 then answer Q. 7, 8 and go to Q. 36. If your answer is 2 go to Q. 9
7 21 Why do you prefer fresh juices over others? 1 to 5 Nominal 1: Low on Preservatives
2: Customised flavours
3: Ease of access
4: Value for money
5: Others, please specify

8 22 What is your position as a customer on the 1 to 4 Semantic 1: Very short self life,
following combination of attributes? Differential low on preservatives
2: Short shelf life, few
3: Moderate shelf life,
4: Long shelf life, high
amout of preservatives

9 23 When you buy packaged juice, what is your 1 to 3 Nominal 1: Small (50 to 100 ml)
preferred pack size? 2: Medium (100 to 500
3: Large (above 500 ml)

10 24 When you buy packaged juice, how much 1 to 4 Nominal 1: Between Rs. 10 and
do you generally spend per packet / bottle? Rs. 30

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

2: Between Rs. 30 and

Rs. 50
3: Between Rs. 50 and
Rs. 100
4: More than Rs. 100

11 25 Which is your most desired brand of 1 to 8 Nominal 1. RAW Pressery

packaged juice? 2. Real Juices
3. Tropicana
4. Paperboat
5. B Natural
6. Minute Maid
7. Del Monte
8. Maaza

12 Which packaged juices do you consume? 1-5 Likert Interval

(Rate each of the following options) Scale
26 RAW Pressery 1: Never
27 Real Juices 2: Rarely
28 Tropicana 3: Sometimes
29 Paperboat 4: Often
30 B Natural 5: Always
31 Minute Maid
32 Del Monte
33 Maaza
Proceed only if your answer is not 1 for RAW Pressery, otherwise go to Q. 36
13 34 How did you come to know about RAW's 1 to 7 Nominal 1. TV Commercials
juices? 2. Social Media
3. Social Media
4. Word of Mouth
5. Shelf location at
nearby Shop
6. Banners
7. Youtube Ad

14 35 How often do you drink RAW’s juices? 1 to 5 Nominal 1: More than once a
2: Once in a week
3: Once in two weeks
4: Once in a month
5: Once in two- three

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

15 What are the attributes of RAW that you 1 to 5 Likert Interval

like. Please rate each attribute on a scale of Scale
1 to 5
36 1. Authentic Taste 1. Strong Dislike
37 2. Cold-Pressed 2. Dislike
38 3. Preservative Free 3. Indifferent
39 4. Upscale image 4. Like
40 5. Sugar Free 5. Strong Like
41 6. Variety of Combinations
42 7. Pulpy nature of the Juice

16 43 How would you rate these attributes in 1 to 7 Ordered

increasing order of relevance
1. Authentic Taste 1: Least Relevant
2. Cold-Pressed 7: Most Relevant
3. Preservative Free
4. Upscale image
5. Sugar Free
6. Variety of Combinations
7. Pulpy nature of the Juice

17 44 Do you think RAW juices are expensive 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

18 45 Do you think RAW juices have value for 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly Disagree
money 2: Disagree
3: Neither Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

19 From where you generally purchase RAW 1-5 Likert Interval

46 1: Local Grocery Stores 1: Never
47 2: Malls 2: Rarely
48 3: Supermarkets 3: Sometimes
49 4: Restaurants 4: Often
50 5: Order Online 5: Always
51 6: Kiosk / Vending Machine

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

52 7: Airports / Other upscale place

20 53 Do you think RAW is easily available? 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

21 54 Which touch point do you think RAW 1 to 8 Nominal 1: TV ads

should use to be able to reach you most 2: Magazines &
successfully? newspapers
3: Health blogs
4: Social Media Posts
5: Social Media
6: YouTube Ads
7: Banners
8: Tasting/ Sampling

22 55 Do you know how regular cold pressed 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

juice is different from freshly pressed juice? 2. No

23 56 Do you think RAW should educate people 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly Disagree
about the meaning & benefits of cold 2: Disagree
pressed juice? 3: Neither Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

24 57 Which other brands of cold-pressed juices 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Rejoov

are you aware of? 2. Juicifix
3. Antidot
4. Cleanse high
5. Fresh Pressery
6. Any other ______

25 58 Do you consider RAW juices as healthy? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No

26 59 Do you find RAW's packaging appealing? 1 to 2 Nominal 1: Yes

2: No

27 60 Do you feel good about yourself when you 1 to 2 Nominal 1: Yes

drink RAW? 2: No

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

28 61 When you see a bottle of RAW in an 1 to 5 Nominal 1: Cool/Trendy

individual's hand, how do you percieve 2: Fitness freak
them? 3: Spendthrift
4: Adventurous
5: Workaholic
Go to Q. 46
29 62 Why don't you prefer drinking juice on a 1 to 8 Nominal 1: Prefer other
regular basis? beverages
2: Not easily available
3: Not healthy
4: Don’t like the
5: Don’t like the taste /
6: Not habituated to
drinking juice
7: Too expensive
8: Others, please specify

30 63 Do you believe that eating fruit is healthy? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No

31 64 How often do you eat fruit? 1 to 5 Nominal 1. Everyday

2. More than 3 times a
3. Once in a week
4. More than 3 times a
5. Once in Month

32 65 Do you believe that exercise is good for 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

health? 2. No

33 66 How often do you exercise? 1 to 5 Nominal 1. Never

2. Rarely
3. Sometimes
4. Often
5. Always

34 67 Do you feel like the process of buying & 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

eating fruit is time consuming and/or 2. No

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

35 68 If a local juice stall offered to pack juice 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

made in front of you in a plastic bottle, 2. No
would you still be willing to buy it?

36 69 Do you know how regular cold pressed 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

juice is different from freshly pressed juice? 2. No

37 70 Which other brands of cold-pressed juices 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Rejoov

are you aware of ? 2. Juicifix
3. Antidot
4. Cleanse high
5. Fresh Pressery
6. Any other ______

38 71 Have you heard about RAW juices? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No
Proceed only if your answer is 1, otherwise go to Q. 42
39 72 How did you come to know about RAW's 1 to 7 Nominal 1. TV Commercials
juices? 2. Social Media
3. Social Media
4. Word of Mouth
5. Shelf location at
nearby Shop
6. Banners
7. Youtube Ad

40 73 Have you tried RAW Juices? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No
Proceed only if your answer is 2, otherwise go to Q.42
41 74 Why have you not tried RAW juices, even 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Too Pricey
though you have heard about it? 2. Not Easily Available
3. Low Shelf Life
4. Not very popular
5. Taste is weird
6. Any other reasons

RAW Pressery is a line of cold pressed juices that provides sugar-free, preservative-free and concentrate-free juices in
several flavours such as Valencia orange, guava, mango etc. These juices are healthy and tasty and contain nothing except
the fruit pulp – not even water. They come in transparent bottles, with low shelf life indicating freshness.

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

42 75 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly unappealing

Scale 2: Unappealing
3: Neither appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly Appealing

43 76 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will not

Scale visit
2: Mostly will not visit
3: May or may not visit
4: Mostly will visit
5: Definitely will visit

RAW Pressery adds appeal to being fit. Some of its products such as charcoal activated lemonade, aloe vera coconut water
etc. have unique combinations of traditionally healthy, but difficult to consume ingredients. Moreover, these are available
for INR 50, and can be ordered over WhatsApp.

44 77 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly unappealing

Scale 2: Unappealing
3: Neither appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly Appealing

45 78 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will not

Scale visit
2: Mostly will not visit
3: May or may not visit
4: Mostly will visit
5: Definitely will visit

RAW Pressery’s combines nutrition with taste and convenience. Its offerings include smoothies, booster shots, and detox
bundles made with a combination of niche ingredients like berries, fruits, greens like kale, spinach and spirula etc. These
are available on its website in value packs or through subscription plans, delivered free of charge to your doorstep.
Additionally, subscription plans come with a 20% discount.

46 79 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly unappealing

Scale 2: Unappealing
3: Neither appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly Appealing

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

47 80 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will not

Scale visit
2: Mostly will not visit
3: May or may not visit
4: Mostly will visit
5: Definitely will visit

RAW Pressery is a line of cold pressed juices that provides sugar-free, preservative-free and concentrate-free juices that
are very rich in antioxidants, micronutrients and electrolytes. They offer a unique combination of freshly grown, nutritious
fruits such as berries, apple, orange, kiwis etc. as well as detoxifying greens like spinach, kale, spirula etc. There is a
RAW Bar available at your gym, and your trainer recommends it as a post-workout snack.

48 81 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly unappealing

Scale 2: Unappealing
3: Neither appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly Appealing

49 82 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will not

Scale visit
2: Mostly will not visit
3: May or may not visit
4: Mostly will visit
5: Definitely will visit

50 83 How you define yourself? 1 to 3 Nominal 1. Male

2. Female
3. Others

51 84 What is your age? 1 to 4 Nominal 1. Less than 18 years

2. 18 to 30 years
3. 30 to 45 years
4. 45 years or More

52 85 What is your marital status 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Married

2. Unmarried

53 86 What is your occupation? 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Student

2. Working Professional
3. Start-up professional;
4. Business professional
5. Stay at Home
6. Retired

RAW Pressery – Questionnaire Design

54 87 Do you file income tax return? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No

55 88 Do you have social media presence 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No

56 How regularly do you use each of the 1 to 5 Likert Interval

following social media platform
89 Facebook 1: Never
90 Instagram 2: Rarely
91 Snapchat 3: Sometimes
92 Twitter 4: Often
93 YouTube 5: Very Regularly

57 94 How would you categorize the place of 1 to 4 Nominal

your residence? 1. Metro
2. Tier 1 City
3. Tier 2 City
4. Others


The forthcoming plan can be summarized as below:

• To use the questionnaire to float a survey to understand consumer behaviour with respect to juice
consumption, drivers of consumer preferences and the brand awareness and perception of RAW.

• To use the data from the survey to quantitively test our hypotheses to get a deeper understanding of the
current performance and market potential of RAW.

• To use the gathered quantitively insights to form brand and marketing strategy recommendations for
RAW Pressery.

Post Graduate Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore



Natasha Bhide – 1911087

Ankita Biswas – 1911088
Ashish Jindal – 1911253
Subhra Tripathy – 1911296
Akriti Gupta – 1911328

Problem Statement

Kimberley Clark has conducted a consumer survey to obtain specific information from potential
customers regarding market segments for disposable diapers, and related demographics. Since direct
mailer is identified as the key channel for the new campaign, this market research study aims to employ
quantitative techniques such as regression, factor analysis, discriminant analysis and cluster analysis
to interpret the data obtained through the survey with the objective to gauge effectiveness of direct
mailer, as a channel of communication.


1.a. Explanation of ‘Overall_Quality’ in terms of message ratings (Info_New_different,

Info_Appropriate, Info_Believable, Info_Understanding)

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .363a .131 .120 1.924
a. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &
Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 164.121 4 41.030 11.086 .000b
Residual 1084.433 293 3.701
Total 1248.554 297
a. Dependent Variable: Overall Quality

b. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 10.405 .430 24.193 .000
Information is New & Different -.193 .097 -.119 -1.990 .048
Information is Understandable -.094 .254 -.022 -.372 .710
Information is Appropriate -.439 .159 -.171 -2.768 .006
Information is Believable -.487 .175 -.182 -2.790 .006

a Dependent Variable: Overall Quality

• The value of R square is very low (.131). The four variables explain only 13.1 % of the dependant
variable – ‘Overall Quality’
• The F-value is 11.086 and the significance is less than 0.05. The variation amongst the independent
variables is high.
• The variables with an absolute t-value greater than 2, are ‘Information is Appropriate’ and
‘Information is Believable’. These are significant contributors in explaining the ‘Overall Quality’ with
a significance less than 0.05

1.b. Explanation of ‘Brand_I_Trust’ in terms of message ratings (Info_New_different,
Info_Appropriate, Info_Believable, Info_Understanding)

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .460a .212 .201 1.953

a Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 298.513 4 74.628 19.565 .000b
Residual 1109.974 291 3.814
Total 1408.486 295
a Dependent Variable: Brand I Trust

b Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 10.699 .437 24.485 .000
Information is New & Different -.144 .099 -.084 -1.455 .147
Information is Understandable .362 .258 .080 1.404 .161
Information is Appropriate -.899 .161 -.328 -5.568 .000
Information is Believable -.568 .177 -.200 -3.203 .002
a Dependent Variable: Brand I Trust

• The value of R square is very low (.212). The four variables explain only 21.2 % of the dependant
variable – ‘Brand_I_Trust’
• The F-value is 19.565 and the significance is less than 0.05. The variation amongst the independent
variables is high.
• The variables with an absolute t-value greater than 2, are ‘Information is Appropriate’ and
‘Information is Believable’. These are significant contributors in explaining the ‘Brand I Trust’ with
a significance less than 0.05.

1.c. Explanation of ‘Brand_I_Recommend’ in terms of message ratings (Info_New_different,
Info_Appropriate, Info_Believable, Info_Understanding)

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .467a .218 .208 2.219

a. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 394.868 4 98.717 20.051 .000b
Residual 1413.009 287 4.923
Total 1807.877 291
a Dependent Variable: Brand I Recommend

b Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 10.921 .498 21.938 .000
Information is New & Different -.272 .113 -.138 -2.397 .017
Information is Understandable .516 .293 .101 1.758 .080
Information is Appropriate -.840 .184 -.270 -4.558 .000
Information is Believable -.758 .203 -.234 -3.736 .000

a Dependent Variable: Brand I Recommend

• The value of R square is very low (.218). The four variables explain only 21.8 % of the dependant
variable – ‘Brand_I_Recommend’
• The F-value is 20.051 and the significance is less than 0.05. The variation amongst the
independent variables is high.
• The variables with an absolute t-value greater than 2, are ‘Information is Appropriate’ and
‘Information is Believable’. These are significant contributors in explaining the ‘Brand I Trust’
with a significance less than 0.05.

2.a. Explanation of ‘High_Quality_Brand’ in terms of message ratings (Info_New_different,
Info_Appropriate, Info_Believable, Info_Understanding)

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .551a .303 .294 .648
a. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &
Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 53.499 4 13.375 31.873 .000b
Residual 122.948 293 .420
Total 176.446 297
a. Dependent Variable: High Quality BranD

b. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 5.653 .144 39.161 .000
Information is New & Different -.056 .033 -.093 -1.727 .085
Information is Understandable .038 .085 .024 .446 .656
Information is Appropriate -.322 .053 -.333 -6.023 .000
Information is Believable -.289 .059 -.287 -4.921 .000

a Dependent Variable: High Quality Brand

• The value of R square is very low (.294). The four variables explain only 29.4 % of the dependant
variable – ‘High Quality Brand’
• The F-value is 31.873 and the significance is less than 0.05. The variation amongst the independent
variables is high.
• The variables with an absolute t-value greater than 2, are ‘Information is Appropriate’ and
‘Information is Believable’. These are significant contributors in explaining the ‘High Quality Brand’
with a significance less than 0.05.

2.b. Explanation of ‘Info_is_Informative’ in terms of message ratings (Info_New_different, Info_Appropriate,
Info_Believable, Info_Understanding)

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .442a .195 .184 .696
a Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &
Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 34.630 4 8.658 17.853 .000b
Residual 142.574 294 .485
Total 177.204 298
a. Dependent Variable: Information is Informative

b. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 5.515 .155 35.558 .000
Information is New & Different -.029 .035 -.048 -.838 .403
Information is Understandable -.297 .092 -.186 -3.230 .001
Information is Appropriate -.211 .057 -.217 -3.664 .000
Information is Believable -.167 .063 -.165 -2.646 .009

a. Dependent Variable: Information is Informative

• The value of R square is very low (.195). The four variables explain only 19.5 % of the dependant
variable – ‘High Quality Brand’
• The F-value is 17.853 and the significance is less than 0.05. The variation amongst the
independent variables is high.
• The variables with an absolute t-value greater than 2, are ‘Information is Understandable’,
‘Information is Appropriate’ and ‘Information is Believable’. These are significant contributors in
explaining the ‘Info_is_informative’ with a significance less than 0.05.

2.c. Explanation of ‘Info_I_Want’ in terms of message ratings (Info_New_different,
Info_Appropriate, Info_Believable, Info_Understanding)

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .431a .186 .175 .833
a. Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &
Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 46.508 4 11.627 16.753 .000b
Residual 204.047 294 .694
Total 250.555 298
a Dependent Variable: Information I Want

b Predictors: (Constant), Information is Believable, Information is Understandable, Information is New &

Different, Information is Appropriate


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 5.571 .186 30.026 .000
Information is New & Different -.173 .042 -.239 -4.127 .000
Information is Understandable -.065 .110 -.034 -.587 .558
Information is Appropriate -.277 .069 -.241 -4.037 .000
Information is Believable -.103 .075 -.086 -1.372 .171

a Dependent Variable: Information I Want

• The value of R square is very low (.186). The four variables explain only 18.6 % of the dependant
variable – ‘: Information I Want’
• The F-value is 16.753 and the significance is less than 0.05. The variation amongst the independent
variables is high.
• The variables with an absolute t-value greater than 2, are ‘Information is New & Different’, and
‘Information is Appropriate’. These are significant contributors in explaining the
‘Info_is_informative’ with a significance less than 0.05.


Analysis Case Processing Summary

Unweighted Cases N Percent

Valid 299 99.7

Excluded Missing or out-of-range group codes 0 .0

At least one missing discriminating variable 1 .3

Both missing or out-of-range group

codes and at least one missing discriminating variable 0 .0

Total 1 .3

Total 300 100.0

The output above indicates that out of 300 cases, total of 299 were used in the analysis and 1 is included
because of missing discriminating variable.

Group Statistics

Recorded Likely Purchase Mean Std. Deviation Valid N (listwise)

Unweighted Weighted

1.00 Information is New & Different 2.94 1.248 165 165.000

Information is Appropriate 1.37 .627 165 165.000

Information is Believable 1.75 .721 165 165.000

Information is Understandable 1.19 .480 165 165.000

2.00 Information is New & Different 3.40 1.257 134 134.000

Information is Appropriate 1.68 .939 134 134.000

Information is Believable 2.10 .774 134 134.000

Information is Understandable 1.23 .489 134 134.000

Total Information is New & Different 3.14 1.270 299 299.000

Information is Appropriate 1.51 .796 299 299.000

Information is Believable 1.90 .765 299 299.000

Information is Understandable 1.21 .484 299 299.000

This table shows the means and standard deviations of the variables (Information) in each group 1 and
2. It also shows the mean and standard deviation of the total sample. The analysis of these means being
same or different will be done going forward. Out of the total 299 entries which are process, 165
belongs to group 1 and 134 belongs to group 2.

Tests of Equality of Group Means

Wilks' Lambda F df1 df2 Sig.

Information is New & Different .968 9.817 1 297 .002

Information is Appropriate .962 11.574 1 297 .001

Information is Believable .948 16.446 1 297 .000

Information is Understandable .999 .441 1 297 .507

Wilks’ Lambda shows the ratio of within group sum of squares to between group sum of square for
each of the independent variable (the predictor). Larger values of the lambda indicate that group means
don’t seem to be different. It implies that mean values of these independent variables are same and not
significantly different.

Pooled Within-Groups Matrices

Correlation Information is Information is Information is Information is

New & Different Appropriate Believable Understandable

Information is New & Different 1.000

Information is Appropriate .171 1.000

Information is Believable .347 .379 1.000

Information is Understandable -.052 .330 .300 1.000

This table shows the pooled correlation amongst the independent variables. We can see that believable
and appropriate has highest correlation. Others are not showing that high correlation. We can conclude
that there doesn’t exists multicollinearity.

Analysis 1

Summary of Canonical Discriminant Functions


Function Eigenvalue % of Variance Cumulative % Canonical Correlation

1 .081a 100.0 100.0 .274

a First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the analysis.

Eigen value is the ratio of between group to within group sum of squares. Large Eigen values implies
superior functions. Since the value is very low, this is not a superior function. This function explains
100% of the variance. Canonical correlation for function 1 is 0.274

Wilks' Lambda

Test of Function(s) Wilks' Lambda Chi-square df Sig.

1 .925 23.089 4 .000

Large value of Wilks lambda (near 1) shows that group means don’t seem to be different.

Standardized Canonical Discriminant Function Coefficients

Function 1

Information is New & Different .347

Information is Appropriate .471

Information is Believable .578

Information is Understandable -.176

Standardized canonical discriminant function coefficients shows the relative importance of each of the
variable in predicting the dependent variable. According to above table, “information is believable” has
the highest value, which means that this factor is highly important in predicting the dependent variable.

Structure Matrix

Function 1

Information is Believable .825

Information is Appropriate .692

Information is New & Different .637

Information is Understandable .135

Pooled within-groups correlations between discriminating variables and standardized canonical

discriminant functions. Variables ordered by absolute size of correlation within function.

This matrix shows the relation between the discriminating variables and the canonical discriminant
function. In this case, a change of 1 unit in information is New & different will bring a change of 0.637 in
the predicted value on the discriminant function 1.

Functions at Group Centroids

Recoded Likely purchase Function1

1.00 -.256

2.00 .316

Unstandardized canonical discriminant functions evaluated at group means

Classification Statistics

Classification Processing Summary

Processed 300

Excluded Missing or out-of-range group codes 0

At least one missing discriminating variable 1

Used in Output 299

Prior Probabilities for Groups

Recoded Likely purchase Prior Cases Used in Analysis
Unweighted Weighted

1.00 .500 165 165.000

2.00 .500 134 134.000

Total 1.000 299 299.000

The default for the prior probabilities for groups is equal. In this case it is 0.500 for both group 1 and
group 2.

Classification Results

Recoded Predicted Group Membership Total

Likely purchase 1.00 2.00

Original Count 1.00 110 55 165

2.00 60 74 134

% 1.00 66.7 33.3 100.0

2.00 44.8 55.2 100.0

Cross-validated Count 1.00 109 56 165

2.00 61 73 134

% 1.00 66.1 33.9 100.0

2.00 45.5 54.5 100.0

a 61.5% of original grouped cases correctly classified.

b Cross validation is done only for those cases in the analysis. In cross validation, each case is classified
by the functions derived from all cases other than that case.

c 60.9% of cross-validated grouped cases correctly classified.


Part 1)

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .750

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 587.640

df 3

Sig. .000

A KMO statistic of 0.75 (>0.5) suggests a superior model fit, and that factor analysis is appropriate for the
given data since correlations between pairs of variables can be explained through it.

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is used to test the null hypothesis that variables are uncorrelated, and that
the population correlation matrix is an identity matrix (each variable correlate perfectly with itself but has
no correlation with other variables). A large Bartlett’s Test value (587.64) suggests that we can reject the
null, and therefore the variables are correlated.


Initial Extraction

Overall Quality 1.000 .837

Brand I Trust 1.000 .873

Brand I Recommend 1.000 .828

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Communalities explains proportion of variance explained by the common factors.

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

1 2.538 84.587 84.587 2.538 84.587 84.587

2 .269 8.974 93.561

3 .193 6.43d9 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

In this analysis, we check the eigen values of more than 1. In this case 2.538 eigen value is associated
with component 1. This component explains 84.587% of the total variance. Hence the 3 variables are
explained by one factor.

Component Matrix

Component 1

Overall Quality .915

Brand I Trust .934

Brand I Recommend .910

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a 1 component extracted.

Component 1 explains a high proportion of the variance for each of the three variables. This shows that
this component can be substituted as a surrogate for the variables – Overall Quality, Brand I Trust, and
Brand I Recommend. We may label this component as Brand Equity.

Reproduced Correlations

Rep. correlation Overall Quality Brand I Trust Brand I Recommend

Overall Quality .837a .855 .832

Brand I Trust .855 .873a .850

Brand I Recommend .832 .850 .828a


Overall Quality -.061 -.101

Brand I Trust -.061 -.069

Brand I Recommend -.101 -.069

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

a Reproduced communalities

b Residuals are computed between observed and reproduced correlations. There are 3 (100.0%)
nonredundant residuals with absolute values greater than 0.05.

The reproduced correlation matrix is the correlation matrix based on the extracted factors. We want the
values in the reproduced correlation matrix to be as close to the original correlation matrix. Considering
the residual matrix, we can say that original matrix is close to the extracted matrix since the residuals are
close to zero. Since the reproduced matrix is very similar to the original correlation matrix, this means the
factors that were extracted accounted for a great deal of the variance in the original correlation matrix,
and the factor do a good job of representing the original data.

Rotated Component Matrix

Only one component was extracted. The solution cannot be rotated.

Since only one factor is derived out of 3 variables, the solution cannot be rotated.

Component Score Coefficient Matrix

Component 1

Overall Quality .361

Brand I Trust .368

Brand I Recommend .359

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Component Scores.

Component score matrix shows the weights of the variables which are used to obtain the factor scores.
The total of these scores adds up to 1.

Component Score Covariance Matrix

Component 1

1 1.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Component Scores.


Part 2)

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .589

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 156.045

df 6

Sig. .000

A KMO statistic of 0.589 (>0.5) suggests a good model fit (however, may not be as superior as in the
previous question), and that factor analysis is appropriate for the given data since correlations between
pairs of variables can be explained through it.

Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity is used to test the null hypothesis that variables are uncorrelated, and that
the population correlation matrix is an identity matrix (each variable correlates perfectly with itself, but
has no correlation with other variables). A large Bartlett’s Test value (156.045) suggests that we can reject
the null, and therefore the variables are correlated.


Initial Extraction

Information is New & Different 1.000 .836

Information is Appropriate 1.000 .598

Information is Believable 1.000 .684

Information is Understandable 1.000 .775

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Total Variance Explained

Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1 1.826 45.662 45.662 1.826 45.662 45.662 1.534 38.353 38.353
2 1.067 26.687 72.348 1.067 26.687 72.348 1.36 33.996 72.348
3 0.609 15.237 87.585
4 0.497 12.415 100

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis

Components 1,2, and 3 should be picked for the formation of a factor i.e. a creation of a new surrogate
variable that represents the factor in subsequent multivariate analysis. This is because their Eigenvalues
are large (>0.5), and they cumulatively explain 87.586% of the variance in the dependent variable.

Component Matrix


1 2

Information is New & Different .520 .752

Information is Appropriate .754 -.171

Information is Believable .814 .148

Information is Understandable .570 -.671

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

2 components extracted.

The factor loadings in the Component Matrix capture the proportion of variance in each variable that is
explained by each factor.
Information is New & Different Information is Appropriate Information is Believable Information is Understandable
Reproduced Correlation Information is New & Different .836a 0.263 0.535 -0.208
Information is Appropriate 0.263 .598a 0.588 0.545
Information is Believable 0.535 0.588 .684a 0.364
Information is Understandable -0.208 0.545 0.364 .775a

Residual Information is New & Different -0.064 -0.161 0.164

Information is Appropriate -0.064 -0.182 -0.214
Information is Believable -0.161 -0.182 -0.064
Information is Understandable 0.164 -0.214 -0.064

Considering the residual matrix, we can say that original matrix is close to the extracted matrix in some
cases. Residual is high in case of understandable and appropriate variable’s correlation. This shows that
factor has not been able to explains much of the variance in this case.

Rotated Component Matrix


1 2

1. Information is New & Different -.059 .913

2. Information is Appropriate .698 .334

3. Information is Believable .546 .621

4. Information is Understandable .863 -.172

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

In order to make the factors orthogonal, we rotate the Component Matrix (orthogonal rotation with
varimax procedure) with the aim to minimize the number of variables with high factor loadings on each
factor. Variables 2 and 4 have a high loading (>0.5) on factor 1. Thus factor 1 can encompass variables 2
and 4 and can be called Coherence. Variables 1 and 3 load high on factor 2, which can be called Novelty.
Since variable 3 loads relatively high on factor 1 as well, we can conclude that Credibility is a critical
component of each of the two factors.

Component Transformation Matrix

Component 1 2

1 .784 .621

2 -.621 .784

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Component Score Coefficient Matrix


1 2

Information is New & Different -.214 .729

Information is Appropriate .423 .131

Information is Believable .263 .385

Information is Understandable .635 -.299

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. Component Scores.

Component Score Covariance Matrix

Component 1 2

1 1.000 .000

2 .000 1.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

Component Scores.


1) Formulation of the Problem

We shall consider clustering of the respondents based on their message ratings. In order to do so, the
following variables have been identified:
• Information is New and Different
• Information is Appropriate
• Information is Believable
• Information is Understanding

2) Selecting a Distance Measure & Clustering Procedure

The selected distance measure is Squared Euclidean distance. The variance method used in each
case is the Ward’s procedure. First a hierarchical clustering is performed on the dataset with
minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 clusters. The results will help determine the number of clusters
formed in the dataset.

3) Deciding on the Number of Clusters

The hierarchical clustering showed the following agglomeration table:

We can see that from stage 295 to stage 296, there is a sudden increase in the “coefficients”
column. Thus, it indicates that there are (300-295) 5 clusters that have been formed. There is
also a great jump in the “coefficients” column from 296 to 297 stage, which could mean a
formation of 4 clusters. On performing a K-Means cluster analysis on the same, with 5 cluster
size, we obtain the following distribution of cases among the clusters:

Since having 2 and 4 cases in two clusters out of 5 makes lesser sense, so we performed K-means
clustering for 4 cluster size to obtain the following result:

The case distribution seems more equitable in these clusters, thus can be acceptable.

4) Interpret and Profile the Clusters

The final cluster centres for the K-means clustering with 4 clusters is shown below-

The above table can be interpreted as follows:
• Cluster 1 is close to profile 1 and 3, thus it represents the set of data where the information is
new, different and believable.
• Cluster 2 is almost similar to all profiles; thus, it represents information that is new, different,
appropriate, believable as well as understanding.
• Cluster 3 is similar to profiles 1 and 2, i.e., it represents information that is new and different
but also appropriate.
• Cluster 4 is highly similar to profile 1 only, thus it represents information that is new and
different only.

Due to excessive data length, we have used screenshots in case of cluster analysis.


We can conclude that parameters such as information novelty, quality and credibility do not
significantly impact the overall quality, brand trust, and brand recommendation for Diaper Dash.

It can be said that the underlying factors driving customer evaluation of the mailers from Kimberly
Clark for its Diaper Dash brand are – Novelty, Coherence, and Credibility of Information. However,
there is relatively low impact of the quality of brand information conveyed through mailers on
consumer’s likelihood to purchase Diaper Dash.

Through this market research study, we can therefore recommend that Kimberley Clark employ the
mailer channel to convey information that is more relevant to purchase decisions. Simultaneously,
Kimberley Clark should explore other channels to enhance Diaper Dash’s Brand Equity.


Post Graduate Programme, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore



Natasha Bhide – 1911087

Ankita Biswas – 1911088
Ashish Jindal – 1911253
Subhra Tripathy – 1911296
Akriti Gupta – 1911328


Introduction 3
Market Decision Problem 3
Market Research Problem 3-4
Secondary Research & Analysis 4-8
Primary Research & Analysis (Qualitative) 9-18
Primary Research & Analysis (Quantitative) 19-30
Brand Analysis 31-50
Suggestions 52-57
Appendix 57-84


RAW Pressery is India’s first cold-pressed juice brand, founded by Anuj Rakyan in January 2014,
with the vision to simplify being healthy. The Indian beverage market in the juice category has
several established giants such as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo with their flagship brands like Real,
Tropicana, to name a few. RAW, with its unique offering of cold pressed, 100% organic juice, has
carved a niche for itself in this seemingly crowded market in a short span of time. More than its
functional value proposition, RAW fulfils a certain social and experiential value associated with
its consumption. RAW is a clean label brand that believes in ‘All Good, No Bad’ – an approach
that makes good health and nutrition, convenient and free of compromises, thus appealing to a
customer whose purchase decisions are being increasingly driven by values other than
traditional parameters of price and taste.


RAW Pressery was born in Anuj’s kitchen with a Norwalk cold-press juicer splattering carrots
all over the ceiling. It all started with a simple question – Why does being healthy have to be so
complicated? After countless hours of juicing, weekends with farmers and plenty of sleepless
nights, Anuj and his team began production. Anuj Rakyan’s (Founder & MD, RAW Pressery)
dream to provide 100% preservative free, cold-pressed juice has come a long way. Capitalizing
on the urban millennial’s desire for ‘convenience without compromise’, RAW’s journey has
evolved to offer a wide variety of healthy beverage options. Targeting ‘anyone who makes fresh
juice at home’, their journey started from the humble beginnings of ‘door to door delivery’ in
collaboration with the Mumbai Dabbawallas in 2013. Today, RAW has expanded across all
metros in India and to international locations, such as Qatar, Abu Dhabi and Doha.


To increase the sales, market penetration, and brand awareness of RAW Pressery.


What factors drive Examine purchase and

packaged beverage consumption behaviour-
Category Users Analysis
consumption vis a vis juice situations. Amount, frequency,
consumption? source of purchase,
Investigate consumer’s
What factors in the consumption location, brands
usage of juices in general
external environment are tried, preferred brands, flavours
and cold pressed juices in
driving increase/ decrease liked, pack size preferred by
in the demand for non- consumers.
carbonated beverages?

Who are our current Brand awareness, concept

Brand Users Analysis
consumers? Why do they mapping, focused group
buy from us? Among discussions, consumers

Examine brand awareness current users, is purchase psychographics and
and brand perceptions for recurrent? How often do demographics. Depth
RAW Pressery our users buy RAW juices? interviews to understand value
Who are the non-users generated by the brand.
within the category of non- Assessing the availability,
carbonated beverages? promotion, pricing of the
What are the barriers to brand. Questionnaires and
purchase? What can be the surveys for finding triggers and
potential triggers to initiate barriers for purchase of the
purchase? brand.
Which are the most
effective distribution
channels for a brand like

Assess alternative means Concept testing, projective tests

of promotion to attract and other factor analysis to
new customers and boost understand what triggers the
trial rate. purchase intentions amongst
Assess alternative means the buyers. Our focus is
Potential Improvements of communication to determined to increase the
in Marketing Mix enhance top-of-the-mind penetration. Assessing the
brand recall for existing effectiveness of marketing
Increasing market and newly acquired channels, elasticity of demand
penetration for RAW customers. due to change in price and
Pressery What would be the sale usage of more effective channel
impact of change in price will also be considered.
What would be the sale
impact of increase in
distribution vis a vis cost?


Qualitative trends in the industry

RAW Juices can be analysed in the context of two industries –

• Juices, which include packaged fruit and vegetable obtained by mechanical processes.

• Naturally healthy beverages, which include beverages which naturally contain a

substance that improves health and well-being beyond the product’s pure calorific value.
Thus, naturally healthy beverages include 100% fruit or vegetable juice, natural mineral
water, spring water, green tea, etc.

Rising consumer health-consciousness as well as increasing media and internet attention on
health and nutrition has led to an increasing demand for healthy food and beverage products.
The rising rates of obesity, diabetes and nutritional deficiencies coupled with the busy and
stressful lives of people have contributed to this increase in demand.

In this context, naturally healthy beverages have seen a significant growth in value. Juices are
seen as quick and convenient way to consume essential nutrients, especially in smaller formats
that are suitable for on-the-go consumption. With growing awareness and exposure to such
products, consumers are able to identify differences in qualities of types of juices, particularly
those made from concentrates and not from concentrates. Consumers of packaged beverages are
increasingly concerned about the ingredients used in packaged beverages and are willing to pay
a premium for beverages with natural ingredients. While there is an increase in demand for
naturally healthy products among urban consumers, consumption is often constrained by the
lack of availability and high prices.

Amongst beverages with natural ingredients, the most popular flavours continue to be orange,
mango and apple. However, vegetable juices and ayurveda-based juices, such as aloe vera and
amla are also gaining popularity.

Competitive landscape

The leading players in the industry, Coca-Cola India, PepsiCo India, ITC Foods, and Dabur India,
are focussing on developing local flavours and low-sugar drinks with the aim of capturing the
demand for traditionally brewed drinks. Coca-Cola has launched three fruit-based drinks under
the Minute Maid portfolio; PepsiCo has added local flavours to its Tropicana Slice portfolio,
Dabur and ITC have added ethnic flavours to their brands, Réal and B Natural. These products
are also intended to facilitate expansion into semi-urban and rural areas with differing consumer
tastes than larger metropolitan cities.

The trend towards healthy lifestyle has also given rise to new brands cold pressed juices. These
brands include Rejoov (eat.fit) which can be found in many retail stores across the country;
Juicifix which is a local brand of cold pressed juice in Mumbai; Antidote and Fresh Pressed which

are brands based out of Delhi; Cleanse High and Fresh Pressery based out of Hyderabad and
Bangalore respectively.

Distribution channels

Juices as well as naturally healthy beverages are predominantly distributed through independent
small grocers, as they are convenient and widely available. Independent small grocers account
for about 60% of the channel distribution whereas about 30% of the distribution is through
hypermarkets and supermarkets. There is a gradual shift in the distribution towards
supermarkets and hypermarkets. The overall growth in the consumption of juices and naturally
healthy beverages will be aided by the expansion of modern retailing, making these products
more widely accessible by consumers.

Market size and growth

The sales volumes for juice in 2019 reached 2.3 billion litres of which the majority of the sales was
constituted by off-trade volumes.

The off-trade value increased by 17% in current terms in 2019 to reach INR 166 billion, while off-
trade volumes increased by 11% to 2 billion litres. This growth was driven by the demand for on-
the-go consumption products. The industry is forecasted to see off-trade value rise with a 17%
CAGR in current terms (12% at constant 2019 prices) over 2019-2024, with off-trade volumes
increasing with a 10% CAGR.

With growing consumer awareness, the category of 100% juices is set to rise with a 19.9% CAGR
in current terms over 2019-2024. In contrast to this, other categories of juices including non-
concentrate juice, reconstituted juice, juice drinks, nectars, etc. are forecasted to have a slower
growth over 2019-2024 as compared to the current year growth.

Naturally healthy beverages recorded a current value growth of 22% in 2019 to reach a value of
INR 60.5 billion. This growth was largely driven by consumer preference towards beverages with
natural ingredients. The prices of naturally healthy beverages have also seen a rising trend, with
a 15% rise in price in 2018.

The growth of the juice industry has outstripped the soft-drinks industry, with the gap expected
to widen even further in the coming years. Households with disposable income over USD 25,000
(calculated for the city of Delhi, which can be used as an indicator for other metropolitan cities in
India) are forecasted to grow by 14.2% CAGR for the period of 2018-2023. The rise in disposable
incomes of people in India coupled with the shift towards healthy beverages suggests an increase
in the potential customer base that can be targeted by RAW Pressery.

Product Packaging

The total sales of juice in 2019 constituted of 6831.8 million units. The most popular packaging of
juices was liquid cartons which accounted for about 51.09% (3490.4 million units) of the total
units sold, consisting of almost equal parts of brick liquid cartons (1757.4 million units) and
shaped liquid cartons (1733 million units). Rigid plastic PET bottles constituted the second most
popular type of packaging with 2,256.2 million units being sold in 2019.

The most popular pack size for juices were between 101 to 300 ml which constituted about 58%
of the sales in units and 51 to 100 ml which constituted about 25% of the sales in units. With juices
sold in multipacks, packs consisting of 6 units were the most common.

Growth of RAW Pressery

RAW Pressery was the fastest-growing juice brand, both in terms of volume and value, in 2019.
The company as well as the brand saw a rise in market share in terms of the retail off-trade

RAW Pressery achieved 2.5 million litres in off-trade volumes in 2019 with a CAGR of 99.6% over
the period of 2014-2019. Below is a comparison of the company performance of RAW Pressery
and the Coca-Cola (the market leader).

The increasing consumer interest in natural products is expected to provide an impetus to the
growth of the brand. With a rise in consumer awareness about the impact of sweeteners,
preservatives, colourings and flavourings, RAW Pressery is poised to take advantage of the
consumer interest in natural products and “clean labels”.


• Euromonitor International, Country Report on Health and Wellness in India, April 2019
• Euromonitor International, Country Report on Juice in India, December 2019
• Euromonitor International, statistics and information on soft-drinks, juice and health and wellness
from trade sources/national statistics


Focused Group Discussion

General Description

• 4th January 2020 (Saturday)

• EPGP Lounge, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore campus
• Duration – 75-90 minutes
• FGD Questionnaire – In Appendix.

Sample Characteristics

• Sample size – 10 (Unique with respect to the samples used for other techniques)
• Demographic – PGP students of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
• Average age – 24 years
• Male – 4 | Female – 6

Key Insights from Focused Group Discussion

• The key driver for consumption of fruit juices is focus on health and nutrition. Factors driving
choice of brand are taste, price, freshness and nutrition, value for money, and packaging. We
found that packaging and availability (physical and mental) critically influence consumer’s
preference for a particular brand.

• An interesting insight was that shelf life is considered to be a signaling mechanism for the
extent of preservative in packaged juice, with health-conscious customers demonstrating a
positive preference for packaged juices with a short shelf life, such as RAW (21 days).

• For health-conscious customers, preservative-free and sugar-free attributes are the key
differentiators between brands. However, for a lot of our respondents taste and price took
priority over the nutritional aspect – especially given that juices continue to primarily be an
impulse buy or are sought as mixers for alcohol (Peripheral Route of Elaboration Likelihood
Model) may subsequently be used for this analysis.) The social context becomes important
here. Some respondents had very specific preferences in terms of flavours, such as guava.

• Among all brand of juices, RAW has a relatively low top of mind recall and stickiness. The
brands of juices recalled primarily were Tropicana, Real, Paperboat. Respondents also
exhibited a strong preference for consuming “fresh” juice prepared in front of them. There
was an underlying lack of trust in packaged foods that claimed to be healthy.

• However, RAW Pressery does have brand awareness – all the respondents in our consumer
set had heard about the brand prior to be being approached by us. The trial and repurchase
rate remain low. Consumers suggested strengthening marketing and promotional effort to
boost availability and consequently, trial rate. The repurchase rate is low due to a prohibitive
price point – as agreed unanimously by all our respondents.

• Respondents explicitly stated lack of awareness about what “cold-pressed” implied. They
believed that the brand wasn’t successful in justifying its price point – indicating a gap in the
value proposition by RAW and its perception by the consumer. When the meaning and
nutritional benefit of cold pressing was explained by the moderator, respondents seemed
relatively more accepting of the price.

• One respondent also asserted that she would be less likely to trust the brand’s messaging
than if she heard about the nutritional benefit of the juice from a friend – indicating the
significance of word-of-mouth promotion, and the need to create a group of loyal customers
who would act as influencers for others in their respective social circles.

• Some of these insights also complement our finding through projective techniques that
consumers are often aware that a range of preservative-free/cold-pressed juices is available
in the market but are neither able to recall the brand nor personally inclined to experiment
with it.

• Most respondents reported having seen and tried RAW for the first time either at airports,
corporate vending machines or premium superstores like Godrej Nature’s Basket or 24x7

(Delhi-based chain). Interestingly, despite liking the juice they were unable to consume it
again due to lack of availability.

• One of the respondents who hailed from Delhi claimed that in North India, RAW
commanded a certain snob value and its possessor was regarded as “cool”. Economically
well-off families tended to serve RAW juices to guests in their homes – a practice that asserted
social superiority. Further, RAW’s distribution was observed to be more prevalent in North
India than South India. This indicates the importance of certain markets for deeper
penetration – those that are relatively faster to catch up to the latest social trends, and where
the populace is more willing to pay a premium to subscribe to cult brands.

• Respondents were high appreciative of RAW’s packaging – its simple elegance stood out and
was one of the drivers behind consumers trying it. The transparent bottle makes the contents
and color of the juice visible from the outside and this is very appealing to consumers. The
label on the front of the bottle lists all the ingredients in the juice and ends with “And Nothing
Else.” – again a distinctive and appealing attribute, signaling the brand’s commitment to
genuine, honest products.

• Consumers tend to purchase juices from the closest retail store and are reluctant to buy it
online. This is also partly spurred by the fact that the buying juice is not a planned decision,
but rather an impulse decision when consumers are feeling “the need to be fit” or “drink
something refreshing”. RAW has very poor shelf visibility and is unavailable in retail stores
(except premium stores and supermarkets like Foodhall, Nature’s Basket, Hypercity etc.) due
to underdeveloped cold logistics in Indian markets. Lack of physical availability on account
of inadequate distribution capabilities may be hurting RAW’s sales and customer loyalty.

• Interestingly, we observed the Leaky Bucket Principle play out when respondents stated that
if they got attributes similar to RAW in a substitute brand at a lower price point, they would
gladly switch even if the other brand’s juice was slightly less healthy or contained
preservatives. This also highlighted the influence of consumer heuristics, wherein consumers
formulate an overall evaluation of a brand basis attribute most critical to them.

• Triggers for Purchase – Natural, Organic, Good Taste, Different Pack Sizes, Attractive
Packaging, Range of Flavors/ Unique Ingredients, Brand Value

• Barriers for Purchase – Price, Low Shelf Life; Consumers tend to be hesitant about buying the
product because even for trial since they are apprehensive about not liking or wasting it,
given that it’s expensive.

• Overall Brand Satisfaction – RAW’s overall rating among FGD respondents was 3.3/5. The
brand was evaluated positively for its health & nutrition, attractive and chic packaging,
unique ingredients, and preservative-free, sugar-free offering. Consumers seemed
dissatisfied with its lack of availability on retail shelves, and its price point – considered too
high, and “not worth it”.

Brand Concept Mapping

General Description

• 28th December 2019 (Saturday)

• Duration – 20 minutes on average/ respondent; ~ 3 hours 30 minutes cumulative.
• Data & Methodology – In Appendix.

Sample Characteristics

• Sample size – 8 (Unique with respect to the samples used for other techniques)
• Demographic – PGP students of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
• Average age – 24 years
• Male – 4 | Female – 4

Key Insights from Brand Concept Mapping

• A pool of 30-35 words and phrases associated with the brand were collected from
respondents. These words were filtered for overlaps, and a final pool of 20-25 words was
retained. This was done (as against the theoretical practice of employing a 50% cutoff
threshold) to control for researcher’s bias and a small sample size.

• The most commonly occurring words were: Expensive, Fresh, Healthy, Premium and Cold-

• We also added a few words of our own to facilitate Aided Recall and Association. Thus, the
exercise was a mix of aided and unaided association stimuli.

• The words were then presented to respondents, who had been explained the concept of Brand
Concept Mapping and how strength of associations is determined. Respondents were given
the freedom to use or not use any or all words from the pool. They were also given the liberty
to spontaneously add words of their own.

• We then collated the individual maps, and depending on the frequency of occurrence of a
word in a given degree of association, employed a 50% threshold to put that word in the
corresponding degree of association.

• We found through the Brand Concept Map that the words consumers associate with RAW
Pressery are functional in nature. Words like fresh, healthy, expensive and preservative-free
represent the functional value that a consumer derives from the direct consumption of the
juice. However, RAW’s intended value proposition, evidenced on its website and through its
social media touch points, is that of a lifestyle brand. RAW’s brand personality is passionate,
free-spirited, adventurous and experiential – which it seeks to paint a portrait of its typical
consumer as well.

• This gave us the insight that there is an inherent incongruence between RAW’s intended
brand positioning and actual brand perception. We have therefore used Kapferer’s Brand
Prism to identify and bridge the gap between the expected and actual image of the brand.
Going forward, a key objective of this research study will be to study this gap and reorient
RAW’s marketing program to communicate the intended value proposition, which would
further brand awareness and justify the price point.

Kapferer’s Brand Identity Prism


I. Shopping Lists – Association Projective Technique

Aim: To understand the shopping behavior of MBA students in premier institutes and
correlate shopping behavior with various demographic and psychographic characteristics of
the shopper.

In an experiment conducted at IIMB, a sample of students was shown one of the shopping
lists and asked to profile the student who had made the list using demographic and
psychographic adjectives. Each list controls for the same set of items except for the beverage
brands being tested for and compared with. Each of the 3 lists were shown to a different set
of randomly sampled respondents to eliminate biases that emerge from the recognition that
all lists are the same expect for one beverage on each of them.

Experiment 1: RAW vs Coca-Cola (Contrast brands)

• Rationale behind choice of brands – RAW (non-carbonated juice) and Coca-Cola

(carbonated soft drink) belong to contrasting categories of beverages. Through this choice
of beverages, we wished to study whether there was a significant difference in perceived
user imagery of a consumer of either of the brands – through the administered stimulus
of shopping list.


A pack of biscuits A pack of biscuits
1 Colgate toothpaste 1 Colgate toothpaste
1 container Epigamia 1 container Epigamia
1 bottle of RAW Pressery’s cold pressed juice 1 can of Coca-Cola

1 yellow highlighter 1 yellow highlighter
1 packet of potato chips 1 packet of potato chips
1 kg packet of Surf Excel 1 kg packet of Surf Excel

Experiment 2: RAW vs Paperboat (Look-alike brands)

• Rationale behind choice of brands – RAW and Paperboat belong to the same sub-
category of beverages – non-aerated, fruit juice category. Through this choice of
beverages, we wished to study whether there was a significant difference in perceived
user imagery of a consumer of either of the brands – through the administered stimulus
of shopping list.


A pack of biscuits A pack of biscuits
1 Colgate toothpaste 1 Colgate toothpaste
1 container Epigamia 1 container Epigamia
1 bottle of RAW Pressery’s cold pressed juice 1 pack of Paperboat
1 yellow highlighter 1 yellow highlighter
1 packet of potato chips 1 packet of potato chips
1 kg packet of Surf Excel 1 kg packet of Surf Excel


List 1

Attribute n (Total n=5)

Health Conscious 4
Wannabe healthy/ Slightly healthy 3
Confused/ Conflicted 3
Studious/ Geek 3
Organized 3
Female 2
Periodic shopper 1
Single 1
Willing to Experiment 1

List 2

Attribute n (Total n=5)

Unhealthy/ Struggling with fitness 3
Night Owl/ Does not sleep on time 2
Organized 2
Studious 2
Ordinary 2

Lazy/ Procrastinator 1
Proactive 1
Balanced 1
Brand Conscious 1
Hygienic, Cleanliness Freak 1

List 3

Attribute n (Total n=5)

Health conscious 3
Studious 2
Cheats on diet/ Trying to be healthy 2
Does own laundry 2
Cares about nutrition 1
Pulls all-nighters 1
Loner 1
Organized 1
Bulk shopper 1
Consumerist 1
Millennial 1
Follows trends 1
Rich/ Can afford price premium 1
Calculative when shopping 1
Cautious 1


We found that some attribute inferences were common to all lists, on account of the items other
than the beverages being tested for. The highlighter led to the inference that the holder of the list
was somebody who is studious. The Surf Excel (1 kg pack) led participants to believe that the
holder of the list was somebody who is particular about hygiene and does their own laundry.
Further, this also seemed to convey that the holder was organized, balanced and a bulk/periodic
shopper. Collectively, a few respondents concluded basis these attributes that the holder may be

However, the list specific insights were far more incisive. All else remaining constant, the holder
of List 1 (RAW Pressery) was perceived by most respondents to be somebody who is health
conscious or trying to be healthy. She/he was also somebody who’d be willing to experiment.

The holder of List 2 (Coca-Cola) was perceived to be somebody who is unhealthy, or struggling
with fitness – typically an ordinary student of IIMB. More importantly, this attribute was
extrapolated to also imply laziness and procrastination.

The holder of List 3 (Paperboat) was also perceived to be somebody who is health conscious, and
cares about nutrition. Additionally, she/he is a millennial and is updated on the most recent
trends. We found this rather counterintuitive, because Paperboat is like regular packaged juice –
high on sugar and preservative content, further evidenced by its long shelf life. Upon further

research, we found that this is due to Paperboat’ s successful marketing, easy availability and
high shelf visibility (especially within the IIMB campus) and distinctive packaging that enables
sticky recall.

The top of mind recall may further be aided by the fact that RAW’s marketing campaign is weak.
Consumers are aware of the existence of a niche brand of sugar and preservative-free, cold-
pressed juices, but are unable to associate it with RAW. The poor recall for RAW automatically
results in the customer’s association of the brand personality with the next available niche brand
in the market – Paperboat.

A possible shortcoming in our lists was the addition of potato chips, which led to responses such
as ‘confused’, ‘conflicted’, and ‘cheats on diet’. Respondents unanimously concurred that Lists 1
& 3 came across as entirely “healthy”, except for the packet of chips which felt like a misfit. One
respondent claimed that it seemed like the list of a girl who was a health freak, who was buying
the packet of chips for her significant other. This item may also have furthered the perception of
“unhealthiness” on List 2 (Coca-Cola).

II. Story Completion – Completion Projective Technique

Sample Characteristics

• Sample size – 20 (Each sentence was administered to a unique sub-sample of 5 randomly

chosen individuals)
• Demographic – PGP students of Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
• Average age – 24 years

Sentence I

Ashish, a senior marketing manager at an MNC, has a very important early morning meeting.
The prep for the meeting took longer than he expected the previous night and now Ashish is
running behind his schedule. He doesn’t want to miss breakfast, but he’s short on time. In a bid
to have a healthy start to the day, he picks up a bottle of _______ on the go, and rushes for office.

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to tap into and project the
consumer’s top of mind product and brand recall using stimuli that trigger thoughts/
feelings of health and convenience.
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Real fruit juice, Sofit, Whey protein shake, Banana milkshake, Amul milkshake
• Insights – We found that none of the consumers associated RAW Pressery’s juices with
health packaged with convenience. They did not perceive it as either a component of, or
substitute to a cooked breakfast. Among branded products, packaged juices such as Real
and milkshakes like those of Amul and Sofit were perceived instead to be close substitutes

Sentence II

Sneha and her friends have planned an overnight trek to the very beautiful Athargange Range
close to Bangalore. Sneha is very excited for it and is almost done packing all the essentials –
clothes, torches, games, chargers – just left with something that can quench her thirst and is yum.
She asks all her friends. They’re all bringing a bottle of ________, so she picks up one too!

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to project whether the
consumer associates RAW’s juices with being adventurous, outdoorsy and experimental.
These values are in line with RAW’s intended experiential value proposition and user
imagery (gauged through their messaging via social media touch points) – the
quintessential millennial who is trendy and driven by unique experiences.
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Coca-Cola (n=2), Gatorade (n=2), Energy drink/electrolyte
• Insights – We found that consumers were more likely to associate energy drinks like
Gatorade with outdoor or physically intensive activities such as trekking, camping etc.
Further, the most instinctive and sticky top of mind recall for a beverage being consumed
by a group of college friends is Coca-Cola.

Sentence III

Akriti’s new year’s resolution – health is wealth! She has decided to switch to a keto diet, about
which she has heard a lot on various fitness blogs and social media platforms. Her gym
membership bought, and gym look decided, she is now looking for the perfect drink to
complement her image and fitness regime. Her mother introduces her to a range of cold-pressed
juices by the name of _______, which she is super excited to drink!

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to project whether the
consumer associates the RAW brand with “cold-pressed”, being updated on the recent
trends in fitness, and more importantly being willing to experiment with and experience
them. These values are in line with RAW’s USP – “All Good. No Bad.” Range of
preservative-free, cold-pressed juices. Further, RAW’s intended user imagery is that of
someone who is driven by the cult around fitness and is conscious of their image or
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Cold-pressed juice (Couldn’t recollect brand), RAW, Real, Paperboat (n=2)
• Insights – We found that not all consumers could associate or recall the brand RAW when
aided with the stimulus of “cold-pressed”, despite being aware that such a brand existed.
Some incorrectly associated it with RAW’s close competitor in the category of niche, non-
aerated beverages – Paperboat. This is a significant disadvantage to RAW.

Sentence IV

Mrs. Mehra is at Nature’s Basket for her monthly grocery shopping. She picks up some
vegetables, a box of crackers, some cream cheese and a jar of peanut butter. She walks into the
Cold Section and finding herself rather thirsty, picks up a bottle of ____, cracks it open and takes
a delightful swig!

• Motive Explored – Through this story completion, we aimed to project whether the
consumer associates the RAW brand with premium supermarkets and a premium basket
of goods. Further, we also aimed to gauge whether RAW is more associated with impulse
purchase, in particular by homemakers when they grocery shop and see it on shelves.
• Sample size n = 5
• Answers – Coke (n=2), Maaza, Buttermilk, Chocolate milkshake, Cold-pressed juice
(Couldn’t recollect brand)

• Insights – We found that none of the consumers could associate RAW with Nature’s
Basket, it’s offerings, or impulse buying. Further, respondents who could associate cold-
pressed juices could not recollect the RAW brand, once again implying weak brand
awareness and top of mind recall. An interesting insight is the emergence of other juice
brands like Maaza and healthier beverage alternatives like buttermilk in the fray of
products mentioned. This indicates that middle-aged population is perceived to be a
better fit target audience for a healthy beverage offering.



The primary objective of designing a questionnaire was to test the hypotheses that we formulated
after analyzing the results from the exploratory research phase. Since the exploratory research
was restricted to a small set of respondents and observations, the data could not have deemed to
be conclusive. The hypotheses must be tested on a larger sample to capture a clear understanding
of customer behaviour and brand perception. Hence, a survey questionnaire was designed and
floated to a larger sample of respondents.

Based on prior research, we have broadly categorized the population among the following

Health-Conscious Juice Enthusiasts People who are healthy and drink (fresh/packaged) juice
Health-Conscious Juice Reluctants People who are healthy but do not drink (fresh/packaged)
Health Indifferent Juice Enthusiasts People who are not healthy and drink (fresh/packaged) juice
Health Indifferent Juice Reluctants People who are not healthy and do not drink
(fresh/packaged) juice

Since RAW is a relatively low penetration, low market share brand in the non-carbonated
packaged beverage market and given that it has a niche value proposition we will focus on Juice
Enthusiasts and Juice Reluctants as our main target segment. Focus on Juice Enthusiasts is to
create brand awareness and brand loyalty. On the other hand, targeting Juice Reluctants will
ensure that individuals who identify themselves as healthy but are averse to packaged juice
consumption due to the attached stigma, can be converted into users.

Health Indifferent Juice drinkers and Health Indifferent Non-Juice drinkers will not be our prime
focus. For Health Indifferent Juice drinkers, juice consumption is driven by factors other than
health, hence they may not exhibit intent to purchase or brand stickiness at RAW’s prevailing
price point – which is at a significant premium to the other brands of juices in the market. Before
moving on to Health Indifferent Non-Juice drinkers, RAW must cultivate brand awareness and
saturate the other three market segments.

The questionnaire design was aimed at comprehending the customer behavior when it comes to
juice consumption, the drivers and parameters that drive juice consumption as well as brand
selection, and an evaluation of RAW along those parameters. The questionnaire also attempted
to capture existing user-awareness regarding the sub-category of “cold-pressed juices” since it’s

a relatively new trend in the market, and is one of RAW’s unique value propositions vis a vis its
competitors. The survey aimed to understand what differentiates RAW from other offerings in
the market. It concluded with a few concept tests to gauge willingness of appeal as well as
purchase intention for Juice Enthusiasts who are non-users of RAW, and Juice Reluctants who
comprise a potential customer base that can be targeted and tapped into if the brand awareness
is created and the relevant barriers to purchase are overcome.


Based on the MRPs and the corresponding components, we refined our research parameters to
arrive at a set of specific research questions. These questions were further refined to form a set of
hypotheses for each question that we propose to prove or disprove through the questionnaire.

The specific research questions and the associated hypotheses are as follows:

RQ1: Do people drink juice because they consider it healthy?

H0: People drink juice because they consider it healthy.

H1: People do not drink juice because they consider it healthy.

RQ2: Are people aware of what cold-pressed juice is, and its health benefits vis a vis regular

H0: People are aware of what cold-pressed juice is, and its health benefits vis a vis regular juice.

H1: People are not aware of what cold-pressed juice is, and its health benefits vis a vis regular

RQ3: Do people know about the RAW brand?

H0: People know about the RAW brand.

H1: People do not know about the RAW brand.

RQ4: Do people who have consumed RAW demonstrate a positive attitude towards it?

H0: People who have consumed RAW have demonstrate a positive attitude towards it.

H1: People who have consumed RAW have not demonstrate a positive attitude towards it.

RQ5: Are people aware of the unique benefits of RAW’s offerings?

H0: Consumers are aware of the unique benefits of RAW’s offerings.

H1: Consumers are not aware of the unique benefits of RAW’s offerings.

RQ6: Have people who have been shown the concept tests for RAW expressed intent of trial?

H0: People who have been shown the concept tests for RAW have expressed intent of trial.

H1: People who have been shown the concept tests for RAW have not expressed intent of trial.



We employed the survey method for quantitative research. Our survey was administered
through a two-step approach – first using a Simple Random Sampling technique that got us a
sample size of 146, with 73( respondents in the category of juice drinkers and 9 respondents who
identified as RAW users. Subsequently, realizing that a very small proportion of our sample
consumed RAW, we employed the Snowball Sampling technique. Thereafter, our sample size
increased to 182, with 108 respondents in the category of juice drinkers and 38 respondents who
identified as RAW users.

This enables us to draw some powerful insights – the most important one being that in its bid to
be niche RAW has captured a very small percentage of the total juice market and has low
consumer mindshare. This is something we have analyzed in greater detail forward.

Demographic Analysis

I. Gender

From a total of 182 respondents for our survey, about 54% were male and 46% were female.

II. Age, Marital Status and Occupation

Most of the respondents were between the age group of 18 to 30 years, constituting about 77% of
the total. About 15% of the respondents were between the age group of 30 to 50 years. About 73%
of the total respondents were unmarried and about 20% were married. Amongst the total
respondents, the majority of the respondents were students (about 61%), followed by working
professionals (about 19%).

This points towards the fact that the survey was first floated amongst our friends and colleagues
in college and therefore, there is an over-representation of students among the respondents.
However, considering that RAW is a premium segment brand and many students from our

campus would fall within the target customer bracket, the inferences drawn from the survey
would still hold true.

III. Social Media Usage

About 91% of the total respondents have a social media presence, with Facebook, Instagram and
YouTube having the highest usage.

IV. Place of Residence

From the 182 respondents, more than 70% of the total came from Metropolitan cities or Tier 1
cities. This again points back to the fact that the survey was floated primarily amongst people
presently residing in Bangalore and Mumbai.

Category Analysis

I. Reasons for Juice Consumption

Of the 108 respondents who drink juice, the most drivers of consumption are considerations for
health and fitness. However, it is interesting to note that many respondents also purchase juice
impulsively when they see it on shelves of the stores visited by them. This provides us with a
critical insight when devising the placement and distribution strategy to boost RAW sales.

II. Most Preferred Points of Consumption & Sale

The most common location for the purchase of juice is either malls or multi-retail supermarkets,
and local grocery stores. It is interesting to observe that a majority of the respondents (over 60%)
also drink juice made at home – indicating a strong preference towards freshness and inclination
towards consuming juice that is high on nutrition. Online ordering does not seem to be a popular
mode of purchasing juice with only about 20% of the juice category users choosing it – this may
imply that customers do not plan their juice consumption and purchase in advance.

III. Key Attributes Driving Juice Preferences

Amongst respondents who are juice category users, the most important product attribute
influencing juice consumption is freshness. Attributes like taste, ease of availability and nutrition
also feature as important factors. This insight can be used to devise the positioning strategy for
RAW, in particular highlighting its benefits of health, nutrition and freshness on account of being
cold-pressed. Further, it also become critical to strengthen the distribution network of RAW to
enhance availability and shelf visibility.

IV. Pack Size Preference in Juice Consumption

The most preferred pack size is medium (100 to 500 ml) followed by a small pack (50 to 100 ml).
This validates our earlier observation that customers often buy juice impulsively when they see
it on shelves in malls or supermarkets – for immediate consumption upon purchase.

V. Average Spend per Bottle of Juice

A majority i.e. ~25% of our respondents indicated that they spend ~ INR 30 to 50 per packet of
juice, which is the usual price range for a single serve pack of juice of the conventional juice
brands in the market.

Given that RAW juices are priced at more than twice this range (the average RAW bottle ~ INR
100-120), this leads us to infer that RAW needs to undertake aggressive promotional campaigns
to highlight its value proposition and justify its price point. Alternatively, it may pivot to target
a very niche segment of customers who can be converted to sticky loyalists (These would
typically be consumers who can afford a discretionary spend of INR 3,000 per month on juice

Customer Segmentation & Analysis: Cluster Analysis

We performed Hierarchical Clustering on the factors/ reasons that drive juice consumption, we
observe three distinctive segments of customers in the market. Further, performing a K-Means
Cluster Analysis demonstrated that the characteristics of the three clusters have been formed
basis the Cluster Centres.

Final Cluster Centres

1 2 3
Q2_1 2.5 2.6 3.4
Q2_2 2.4 2.3 4.8
Q2_3 3.0 1.6 3.3
Q2_4 2.8 1.3 1.4
Q2_5 3.5 1.8 3.6
Q2_6 3.3 2.5 3.2
Q2_7 2.4 2.1 3.8

From the above analysis, we can infer the following –

• Convenient Go-Getter: Drinks juice so long as it compliments schedule and routine!

These consumers have high ratings on attribute 5, which is “I drink juice post workouts or when
I’m on diets” and attribute 6, which is “I drink juice when I see it being sold/ on shelves – often
impulsively”. It shows that these consumers find it convenient to drink juice on their way to
gyms/workouts or find it a good supplement to diet. In other words, these consumers drink juice
so long as it’s convenient or easily available to them. However, they are unlikely to go out of their
way to procure juice in a bid to seek out its health benefit.

• Health Freak: Health is a habit, period.

These consumers have high ratings on attribute 1, which is “I drink juice as a personal habit” and
attribute 6, which is “I drink juice when I see it being sold/ on shelves – often impulsively”. We
see that these consumers maintain a consistently healthy lifestyle and make consumption choices
strictly based on their dietary habits. They prioritize their fitness over other things, and are likely
to go out of their way to buy juice if they believe that it is healthy and complements their fitness

• Flavour Fanatic: Drinks juice as a tasty alternative to water!

These consumers have high ratings on attribute 2, which is “I drink juice when I’m thirsty” and
a considerable rating on attribute 7, which is “I drink juice at parties or social gatherings”. We
observe that these consumers drink juice to either quench thirst or consume it in social settings.
This makes their consumption pattern volatile, and rather difficult to predict. It also implies that
earning loyalty towards a specific brand and retaining the stickiness of these customers is more
difficult and promises lower returns.

Drivers of Juice Consumption: Factor Analysis

We performed a factor analysis on the attributes that customers desire and prioritize in juices and
their consumption – including attributes like taste, freshness, nutrition, sweetness etc.

The KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy is 0.660 (>0.5) which suggests that the model is a good
fit for factor analysis. A large chi-square value in the Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (136.508)
suggests that the individual attributes are correlated (we reject the null that the population matrix
is an identity matrix where each variable is perfectly correlated to itself, but has no correlation to
any other variables).

It is evident that there are 3 factors that can be identified for the attributes – with Eigen Values
greater than 1, which cumulatively explain 60.61% of the total variance in the variables (Total
Variable Table).

The attributes with the highest loadings for each factor are – (Rotated Component Matrix)

• Factor 1– long shelf-life, preservative free, sugar free, nutrition. We can call this factor
• Factor 2 – taste, variety of flavours and ready availability. We can call this factor “Taste &
• Factor 3 – freshness. We can call this factor “Freshness”


Product Lines

Basic Juices

RAW manufactures a line of “Basics” that constitute single-ingredient, cold-pressed juices in

flavours like Valencia Orange, Grapefruit, Mango etc. in the price range of INR 80-175.
Additionally, RAW includes certain beverages at a lower price point, such as Aloe-Lemonade,
Coconut Water, Sugarcane Juice in the price range of INR 50-80. The standard serve of the bottle
is 250ml.


RAW manufactures a range of smoothies and concoctions under the range of “Benefits” which
include a unique combination of ingredients that promise a host of health benefits, including
detox, weight loss, glowing skin, antioxidant boosts etc. at a price point of INR 150 for a 250ml
serving. A few examples of the kind of combinations include –

i. Trim – Kale, Spinach, Doodhi, Celery, Green Apple, Ginger, Lemon Amla
Benefits – Weight loss and improved digestion

ii. Life – Strawberry, Blueberry, Banana, Pineapple
Benefits – Antioxidant boost and glowing skin

iii. Shield – Orange, Carrot, Ginger

Benefits – Immunity building and anti-bacterial cleanse


RAW offers a pack of 6 juice bottles rich in protein, fibre, antioxidants in a bundle called the
“Deep Cleanse” priced at INR 1,500 (ideal for an entire day). The bundles are also offered in packs
ideal for a month, two months, and three months priced at INR 1,125, INR 1,070, INR 999 per
cleanse respectively. The cleanse promises weight loss and detoxification.

Subscription & Delivery Model

RAW offers individual purchases, as well as weekly and monthly subscription plans through its
website at a 20% discount. Additionally, it promises free doorstep delivery.

Production Process: What Makes RAW Different?


Pressery’s Unique Value Proposition is simplifying being healthy by making it easy and
convenient. It is the only brand of cold-pressed juices with 100% sugar free, preservative free
juices. RAW’s presses and combines niche, organically sourced ingredients. It’s juices only
contain the ingredients mentioned in the front of the pack, and nothing else – not even water. It
highlights this through its proposition of “All Good. No Bad.” and “And Nothing Else.” Defying
the industry standard, it does not offer its juice in tetra packs but rather in transparent, chic bottles
where the customer can see the contents of the beverage. RAW’s authenticity and appeal is
further enhanced by its value proposition.

RAW Users’ Analysis

I. Consumer Preferences Amongst Juice Brands

Amongst the frequent consumers of packages juices, which constituted 62 respondents, 40% of
the respondents choose RAW Pressery as their desired brand of packaged juice. Further, when
asked to rate their consumption of various brands of juice, the respondents selected Paperboat,
RAW Pressery and Real Juices (in that order). However, we believe that this preference towards
RAW Pressery is due to the use of snowball sampling to collect more data points from the RAW
Pressery brand users in the second stage of data collection. Prior to this, with random sampling,
the data indicated that the most desired brand of juices was Paperboat, followed by Real Juices
and Tropicana.

In the sub-category of cold-pressed juices, Fresh Pressery emerges as the biggest competitor of

RAW. Further, based on our analysis of the market, we speculate that since Rejoov juices are
being sold under the eat.fit brand, consumers may not be able identify Rejoov as a competing
brand of cold-pressed juices.

II. Key Attributes of Desired Brand of Juice

The most important product attribute influencing the desired brand of juice is taste. Attributes
like variety of flavours and freshness also feature as important factors. This can be contrasted
with the attributes driving juice consumption wherein ready availability was one of the most
important factors.

III. Awareness amongst RAW brand users

Amongst RAW brand users, the awareness of the brand seems to stem primarily from shelf
location at nearby shops and word of mouth. Other forms of advertisement, including social
media, do not seem to have reached the brand users or perhaps have failed to create a lasting
impression on the minds of the brand users.

As self-identified by the RAW brand users, the most important channel for promotion seems to
be social media posts and influencers. We can infer that RAW needs to use social media
advertising in a more aggressive manner to reach its target customers.

IV. Engagement with the RAW brand

Those who are already RAW brand users seem to have a loyalty / preference towards the brand
as they usually consume RAW Pressery juices at least once a week or more. Over 55% of the RAW
brand users consume it on a regular basis and can be considered as repeat purchasers of the

There is a high level of satisfaction amongst the RAW brand users, with over 70% of the brand
users giving it an overall rating of 6 or above (on a scale of 1 to 7).

While majority of the RAW brand users consider RAW Pressery juices as healthy, it seems that
the value proposition of RAW is not being communicated fully since some users are not
convinced about it being a healthy option.

RAW’s packaging is clearly considered to be appealing by most of the RAW brand users.

Most RAW brand users perceive other users as fitness lovers. However, there is still a notion that
those who drink RAW might be spending a lot, which again points towards the high price point
of RAW juices. This may indicate that RAW should focus on communicating the value being
offered at a premium price.

V. Pricing

Even amongst RAW brand users, there is a recognition that the price point at which RAW
Pressery juices are sold is quite high. It is interesting to note that no RAW brand user disagreed
with the statement that RAW juices are expensive.

In contrast to the responses regarding the expensive price point, many RAW brand users find
that RAW Pressery juices do offer value for money. This may signify the potential for RAW
Pressery juices to operate in the premium market segment where they are likely to be perceived
as providing the bang for the buck.

VI. Purchase Points

The RAW brand users purchase their RAW juices mostly from malls, supermarkets and at
airports. Despite offering their juices on their online platform and enabling orders over
Whatsapp, RAW brand users do not use this method to order juices on a regular basis. Coupled
with the fact that drinking juice is often an impulse decision upon seeing it on the shelves while
shopping, this may indicate that an online platform is not perceived to be the most convenient or
accessible mode of purchase for the category or brand.

When asked if RAW juices are easily available, the overwhelmingly majority opinion was
disagreement. This bolsters the insight that even though RAW Pressery juices can be ordered
online, the lack of widespread availability in the shelves of physical stores makes the brand less
accessible for consumers.

VII. Brand Attributes

Amongst the RAW brand users, almost all attributes listed on the survey were given a high
rating. Preservative free emerges as the attribute with the highest rating across all the RAW brand

When asked to rank the top 3 attributes of RAW juices, authentic taste appears in the top 3
rankings of the maximum number of RAW brand users (about 75%) followed closely by the
attribute of being preservative free. We acknowledge that since these were the top 3 options that
appeared on the survey, there could be some bias in the result due to respondents’ not filling the
survey properly.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Authentic Taste


Preservative Free

Upscale image

Sugar Free

Variety of Combinations

Pulpy nature of the Juice

VIII. Cold Pressed Process

About half of the RAW brand users are aware of the cold-pressed process. Thus, even amongst
those who identify as RAW brand users, there is not a high level of awareness about cold-pressed
process, which is the core of RAW’s value proposition.

When asked if RAW should educate consumers about the cold-pressed process and its benefits
when compared to the normal juice-making processes, the RAW brand users had an
overwhelmingly positive response.

Associations between Brand Usage & Gender/ Social Media: Cross Tabulation Analysis

Cross Tab 1: Association between Gender & Brand Usage

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Gender *
52 83.9% 10 16.1% 62 100.0%

Gender * User_NonUser Crosstabulation

1 2 Total
Gender 1 Count 11 18 29
% within
45.8% 64.3% 55.8%
2 Count 13 10 23
% within
54.2% 35.7% 44.2%
Total Count 24 28 52
% within
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Amongst the user of the brand, the majority percentage is with the females. Within males, 45%
of males use RAW juices, while in case of females, 54% uses the brand. We can see that the brand
is more used by females. This can be characterized by the fact the females in general are more
health conscious than males and hence may end up using a cold pressed juice brand more often.
The chi-square test of significance is .182 which shows that consumption (usage) of the brand is
independent of the gender. Hence the general idea of females being more health conscious is not

Chi-Square Tests
Significance Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df (2-sided) sided) sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 1.784a 1 .182
Continuity Correctionb 1.114 1 .291
Likelihood Ratio 1.791 1 .181
Fisher's Exact Test .263 .146
1.750 1 .186

N of Valid Cases 52
a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 10.62.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

Symmetric Measures
Value Significance
Nominal by Phi -.185 .182
Nominal Cramer's
.185 .182
N of Valid Cases 52

Cross Tab 2: Association between Brand Usage & Social Media Usage

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Social_Media *
52 83.9% 10 16.1% 62 100.0%

Social_Media * User_NonUser Crosstabulation

1 2 Total
Social_Medi 1 Count 23 25 48
a % within
95.8% 89.3% 92.3%
2 Count 1 3 4
% within
4.2% 10.7% 7.7%
Total Count 24 28 52
% within
100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests
Significance Exact Sig. (2- Exact Sig. (1-
Value df (2-sided) sided) sided)

Pearson Chi-Square .780a 1 .377
Continuity Correctionb .131 1 .718
Likelihood Ratio .822 1 .365
Fisher's Exact Test .615 .366
.765 1 .382
N of Valid Cases 52
a. 2 cells (50.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 1.85.
b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

We have tried to find out a relationship between social media engagement of the customer (one
of the key channels for RAW juices marketing) and usage of the brand. As per chi-square
significance of value 0.377 we can conclude that the social media engagement is independent of

Symmetric Measures
Standardized Approximate Approximate
Value Errora Tb Significance
Nominal by Phi .122 .377
Nominal Cramer's V .122 .377
Interval by Interval Pearson's R .122 .125 .873 .387c
Ordinal by Ordinal Spearman
.122 .125 .873 .387c
N of Valid Cases 52
a. Not assuming the null hypothesis.
b. Using the asymptotic standard error assuming the null hypothesis.
c. Based on normal approximation.

Predictors of Overall Brand Rating: Regression Analysis

A regression was run to estimate the overall rating of the brand with the brand attributes such

• Authentic Taste
• Cold Pressed
• Preservative free
• Upscale Image
• Sugar Free
• Variety of Combinations
• Pulpy Nature
• Expensive
• Ease of Availability

These factors can explain 69.9% of the overall rating that customers gave to the brand. The
model has a high F-value of 10.552, and this seems to be a significant model.

Cold-Pressed leads the attribute significance and seems to be a huge factor in determining the
overall rating. Other factors that are important at 95% confidence level are Variety of
combinations and Pulpy nature of the juice. Availability seems to be significant at a 90%
confidence interval. Rest of the factors may not have been that essential.

Thus, customers have mainly rated the brand on its variety of combinations that RAW offers and
the fact that its pulpy in nature. However, cold-pressed is an important attribute that consumers
look for or expect from RAW. It could be because RAW has positioned itself to be cold-pressed
and that is its unique selling proposition, which seems to be a good strategy.

Impact of various attributes on the likelihood being a user of RAW: Discriminant Analysis

Standardized Canonical
Discriminant Function


Authentic_taste .655

Cold_pressed .185

Preservative_Free .013

Upscale_image -.655

Sugar_free .842

Combination .451

Pulp -.267

Score 1 = 0.655Authetic_taste + .185Cold_pressed + .013Preservative_free - .655Upscale_Image +

.842Sugar_free + .451Combination - .267pulp.
We can see that the standardized coefficient for sugar_free is greater in magnitude than the
coefficients for the other variables. Thus, sugar_free will have the greatest impact on people in
liking Raw more than other juices. Similarly, upscale image and presence of pulp will negatively
impact the function.

Structure Matrix


Authentic_taste .669

Cold_pressed .439

Preservative_Free .399

Sugar_free .350

Combination .252

Pulp .218

Upscale_image -.190

This table represents the correlations between the observed variables and the function. From
the table we can see that, Authentic taste and Cold pressed have high positive correlation with
our function – “raw being favourite” .

Functions at Group


User_NonUser 1

1 .848

2 -1.333

Classification Statistics

Prior Probabilities for Groups

Cases Used in Analysis

r Prior Unweighted Weighted

1 .500 22 22.000

2 .500 14 14.000

Total 1.000 36 36.000

Classification Resultsa,c

Predicted Group
r 1 2 Total

Original Count 1 19 3 22

2 2 12 14

% 1 86.4 13.6 100.0

2 14.3 85.7 100.0

Cross- Count 1 19 3 22
2 4 10 14

% 1 86.4 13.6 100.0

2 28.6 71.4 100.0

Prior Probabilities for Groups

This is the distribution of observations into the category (Raw is favourite, and not) used as a
starting point in the analysis. The default prior distribution is an equal allocation into the groups,
as seen in this example. Now this means 22 cases fall into category 1, and 16 cases fall into
category 2.
From the Classification results:
These are the predicted frequencies of groups from the analysis. The numbers going down each
column indicate how many were correctly and incorrectly classified. For example, of the 22 cases
that were predicted to be in group 1, 19 were correctly predicted, and 3 were incorrectly

Concept Tests

We have prompted 3 concept tests at different stages of customer engagement. People who have
not heard of RAW juices were exposed to 2 concept tests. People who have heard but not tried or
have tried the RAW juices were exposed to 2 concept tests and their responses were recorded.

We have tried to understand the “overall appeal of idea” and “willingness to purchase” on a
scale of 1-5 rating.

RAW Pressery is a line of cold pressed juices that provides sugar-free, preservative-free and concentrate-
free juices in several flavors such as Valencia orange, guava, mango etc. These juices are healthy and tasty

and contain nothing except the fruit pulp – not even water. They come in transparent bottles, with low
shelf life indicating freshness. ~ 5 Star

Overall appeal of the idea is perceived very nicely by the customers; over 89% of the people liked
the idea somewhat or to a great deal. People liked the wide range of flavors with the idea of being
healthy and an outright depiction of freshness (which is a deciding factor for juice consumption
as per factor analysis).

The appeal should be coupled with willingness of the purchase, in this case, for such a product
52% people replied with “probably will” and 19% replied with “definitely will”. This goes on to
show that around 70% of people are willing to pay for such kind of product. This shows that
product even being on a higher price range, is able to justify its price by providing the key value
proposition of juice consumption.

RAW Pressery’s combines nutrition with taste and convenience. Its offerings include smoothies, booster
shots, and detox bundles made with a combination of niche ingredients like berries, fruits, greens like kale,
spinach and spirula etc. These are available on its website in value packs or through subscription plans,
delivered free of charge to your doorstep. Additionally, subscription plans come with a 20% discount.
~ 3 Star

In this concept test, we tested the idea of variability of flavors with taste. Key focus is put on the
kind of ingredients (which are exotic and healthy) used in the product. We have tried to bring
convenience into picture for people seeking health but are not able to do so because of hectic
lifestyle in form of subscription plans. We have also tested the viability of the discounts, which
are a common feature for RAW juices in current scenario.

Overall appeal of the idea is perceived somewhat less enthusiastically by customers; about 75%
of the people liked the idea somewhat or to a great deal. On the part of willingness to purchase,
in this case, for such a product 37% people replied with “probably will” and 20% replied with
“definitely will”. This goes on to show that around 58% of people are willing to pay for such kind
of product. We assess that for a product like juice, which is purchased mostly on the impulse
basis, a subscription model is not that too many people subscribe to.

RAW Pressery is a line of cold pressed juices that provides sugar-free, preservative-free and concentrate-
free juices that are very rich in antioxidants, micronutrients and electrolytes. They offer a unique
combination of freshly grown, nutritious fruits such as berries, apple, orange, kiwis etc. as well as
detoxifying greens like spinach, kale, spirula etc. There is a RAW Bar available at your gym, and your
trainer recommends it as a post-workout snack ~ 4 Star

In this concept test we tried to make people understand the value derived from the product. RAW
juices are rich in antioxidants, micronutrients and other electrolytes. One key characteristics of
this concept test is to stage an experience of RAW bar at gym for attracting and targeting the
health-conscious people. Trainers recommendation is tested to understand the influence of
people on the purchase decision.

Overall appeal of the idea is well received; about 81% of the people liked the idea somewhat or
to a great deal. On the part of willingness to purchase, in this case, around 67% of people are
willing to pay for such kind of product. We assess that for this product the staging or distribution
is very important. Identification of such distribution channel is of critical importance for an
upscale brand like RAW. The importance of influencers is also important for pushing people to
purchase this brand.

RAW Pressery adds appeal to being fit. Some of its products such as charcoal activated lemonade, aloe vera
coconut water etc. have unique combinations of traditionally healthy, but difficult to consume ingredients.
Moreover, these are available for INR 50, and can be ordered over WhatsApp. ~ 3 Star

In this concept test we have tried to assess people’s perception on 3 very different things. First,
we have identified those healthy products which are difficult to consume. We have set a price
point and provided convenience via ordering on WhatsApp. Overall appeal is impressive, with
over 80% people showing positive response towards the appeal. Although we have seen that the
proclivity to pay for this is relatively low. We assess that the insight we garnered from our FGD
(weird flavour combination) doesn’t board well with our Indian customer. Where people liked the
low price point and convenience of idea they may not pay for the combination we offered.


We believe that RAW’s current marketing strategy is very broad-based for the lack of a clearly
defined target segment. We recommend that RAW identify its target segment and thereafter
implement a nuanced strategy. On the outset, given RAW’s niche value proposition and
premium product offering, we recommend that RAW may not target capture of market share
and rather focus on value growth and creation of a sticky brand through the acquisition and
retention of a loyal customer base in a niche market that is free of pan-India competition.

Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning


Basis the Cluster Analysis, we have identified three market segments within the category of juice

• Convenient Go-Getter (33%): Drinks juice so long as it compliments schedule and routine!

These consumers have high ratings on attribute 5, which is “I drink juice post workouts or when
I’m on diets” and attribute 6, which is “I drink juice when I see it being sold/ on shelves – often

These consumers find it convenient to drink juice on their way to gyms/workouts or find it a
good supplement to diet. They’re abreast on the latest trends in the fitness industry, and are likely
to be prone to the influence of influencers such as social media celebrities and gym trainers.
However, these consumers drink juice only so long as it’s convenient or easily available to them.
They are unlikely to go out of their way to procure juice in a bid to seek out its health benefit.
These consumers are likely to prioritize attributes like nutrition and freshness, but most
importantly the convenience of its purchase and attractiveness of packaging. They are not price
sensitive and willing to pay a premium for RAW’s juices.

Our survey sample being an approximate representation of the market, this segment constitutes
~ 35% of the customer base.

• Health Freak (50%): Health is a habit, period.

These consumers have high ratings on attribute 1, which is “I drink juice as a personal habit” and
attribute 6, which is “I drink juice when I see it being sold/ on shelves – often impulsively”. We
see that these consumers maintain a consistently healthy lifestyle and make consumption choices
strictly based on their dietary habits. They prioritize their fitness over other things, and are likely
to go out of their way to buy juice if they believe that it is healthy and complements their fitness
routine. They strictly prioritize attributes like freshness, nutrition, sugar-free, and preservative
free. They are not price sensitive and willing to pay a premium for RAW’s juices, as long as its
value proposition is effectively communicated to them. These customers are also likely to be
strong drivers of Word of Mouth publicity for RAW within their social circles, especially those
comprising those health conscious individuals.

This segment makes up the largest chunk of the consumer base with a size of ~ 50%.

• Flavour Fanatic (15%): Drinks juice as a tasty alternative to water!

These consumers have high ratings on attribute 2, which is “I drink juice when I’m thirsty” and
a considerable rating on attribute 7, which is “I drink juice at parties or social gatherings”. We
observe that these consumers drink juice to either quench thirst or consume it in social settings.
This makes their consumption pattern volatile, and rather difficult to predict. It also implies that
earning loyalty towards a specific brand and retaining the stickiness of these customers is more
difficult, and promises lower returns. These customers are likely to be price sensitive, and may
prioritize attributes like taste, sweetness, and variety of flavours.

This segment is a very small proportion of the consumer base comprising ~15%.


We recommend that Fastrack primarily target the customer segments – “Convenient Go-Getter”
and “Health Freak” which would cover 88% of the market. These customer segments are aligned
with RAW’s unique value proposition of 100% cold-pressed juice, “and nothing else”. Since RAW
offers nutrition – i.e. fibre, antioxidant and nutrient rich juices without any sugar, preservative
or even water – in a bottle, its juices promise health as well as convenience. Further, given that
these segments are less price sensitive, RAW’s premium price point will act as a signal of value,
rather than deterrent. Since “reach & availability” is critical to Convenient Go-Getters, it is
essential to enhance visibility and distribution to target this segment. To target Health Freaks,
effectively communicating RAW’s functional value proposition is critical. Both these strategies
have been discussed in the subsequent section on Marketing Mix.

We further recommend that RAW target some of its low-end Basics such as sugarcane juice,
coconut water etc. to the Flavour Fanatic segment as a direct substitute to other brands in the
market such as Paperboat.


We believe that RAW has positioned itself as an experiential lifestyle brand with the tagline of
“All Good. No Bad.” and “#KeepingItRAW” – and social media campaigns designed around
travel and exploring one’s own identity. However, we recommend that RAW adopt a threefold
approach to communicating its value proposition – laying equal emphasis on its functional,
experiential and symbolic value.

We recommend that RAW position itself as the only farm-to-fork, organic brand in the market
for sugar-free, preservative-free cold-pressed juices – which offer the ultimate nutritional benefit
vis a vis all other fruit-based beverages that can be prepared at home or purchased from the
market – making it a must-have for all those who seek a healthy lifestyle with convenience. This
is a key source of differentiation for RAW and justifies its value.

Further, RAW should simultaneously continue to position itself as a lifestyle brand that’s
symbolic of being stylishly healthy and chic communicated through its unique packaging and
choice of ingredients.

Marketing Mix – What, Where, For How Much and How to Sell


We find that the average willingness to pay for a single serve bottle of juice is INR 30-50 for a
majority of customers. Given that RAW is priced more than twice of that, cultivating habitual
consumption is one of the key challenges for RAW. We also find that Paperboat – RAW’s biggest
perceived competitor – has small serving sizes of 180-200ml bottles. Since RAW uses smaller
bottles of 150-200ml for its product range of milkshakes and almond milks we recommend that
it switch to this package size for its juices – this will enable it to rationalize cost, and lower price
point to INR 70-90, from INR 120-140. This will enhance perception of affordability, and as
customers consuming more frequently, brand stickiness will improve over time.

Further, we recommend that RAW expand its selection of Basics juices – preferably flavours at
the lower end of the price spectrum i.e. in the range of INR 40-60 to appeal and aggressively
market to Flavour Fanatics. These could include flavours like pineapple, watermelon etc.


“Erase the word expensive from dictionary. There are only 2 things when it comes to pricing, it’s
either overpriced or valuable.” – Anuj Rakyan, Founder of RAW Pressery

We find that RAW is often offered at 20-40% discounts on e-commerce platforms as well as in
local restaurants and eateries. We believe that this is due to its low shelf life (~21 days) which
makes discount-driven stock clearance necessary for retailers. However, this results in brand
dilution and destruction of value proposition as customers are unwilling to buy the product
without discounts. We therefore recommend that RAW refrain from offering discounts on its
website – rather bake it into the price which is likely to rationalize it for the customer.

Further, to ensure that retailers like BigBasket etc. do not clear RAW at discounted prices, we
recommend implementing a supply chain model characteristic of perishable goods for
repurchase of unsold inventory a week prior to its date of expiry. This will incentivize stocking,
however, is likely to stretch the company’s working capital cycle. This inventory can then be
pushed to other channels – discussed in the subsequent section on distribution strategies.


RAW’s positions itself as a lifestyle brand for health with convenience – therefore its ideal
customer is the one with a disposable discretionary spend of INR 3,000-3,500 on juice only. This
necessitates an extremely high willingness and ability to pay – narrowing RAW’s target segment

to a very niche, premium section of the market. Accordingly, we recommend that RAW devise
its placement and distribution strategy to create high visibility in this target segment. The
strategy devised below is an optimal combination of tapping into this premium segment as well
as exploiting the low relative price sensitivity inherent to certain spaces like airlines, premier
educational institutions etc.

• Tie-ups with Premium Gyms & Fitness Centres – RAW can tie-up with premium gyms,
yoga studios, dance studios and fitness studios to set up kiosks, vending machines offer
and fridges called “RAWFrigerators”. It can also offer monthly bundles in association
with the gym’s subscription plans – For instance, INR 8,000 for a monthly cross-fit plan
(2 sessions per week) can be bundled with a bottle of RAW juice after each session for a
total of INR 9,000.

• Tie-ups with Airlines – RAW can tie-up with premium airlines such as Vistara, Etihad etc.
to serve RAW juices to its business class passengers. Simultaneously, it could also
collaborate with low-cost carriers like IndiGo, Spicejet etc. to exclusively sell RAW on-
board with propositions such as “Being Healthy 36,000 feet in the air” (IndiGo) and
“Healthiest Juice on the Coolest Airline” (Spicejet).

• Placement at Lounges – RAW can place its products at high-end lounges – such as sports
lounges, corporate lounges, airport lounges.

• Vending Machines in Corporate Parks – RAW should place vending machines and
refrigerators at corporate offices, IT parks etc. where there is a growing push towards
health and a fitness-driven lifestyle coupled with the disposable incomes to support RAW

• RAWFridgerators at Premier Educational Institutions – We observe that students at IIM

Bangalore consistently desire healthy snacking options. They are also very price
insensitive due to the cashless, smart card enabled payment system on campus. Most
students do not even check the price of products before purchase. This creates a unique
opportunity to acquire a potentially sticky customer base. Brands like Epigamia and
Paperboat have created high visibility on the IIM Bangalore campus. RAW could adopt a
similar strategy and position its RAWFrigerators in outlets like Haneena’s, IIMB Night
Canteen and Amrut Kalash. Once brand stickiness is created over a two-year period, these
students are highly likely to continue to consume RAW on a regular basis as working
professionals (given their average disposable income bands) and even create word of
mouth publicity in their social circles.

• Tie-ups with Luxury Hotel Chains – RAW can partner with luxury hotel chains like Taj,
Oberoi, and ITC for visibility within in-room mini-bars as well as in their breakfast
buffets, coffee shops etc. This will enhance RAW’s premium image and enable access to
its target segment through a platform that has high credibility and legitimacy. This is a
model being pursued by Forest Essentials which supplies custom-made bath products for
Taj and Oberoi.


We observe that RAW does not effectively communicate its functional value proposition of being
a 100% cold pressed juice. Further, we find that even among those customers who identify as

RAW users, ~50% do not know what cold pressed implies. We therefore a recommend a two-
pronged promotional strategy – focusing on functional value as well as experiential value.

• The Cold Pressed Campaign – RAW should design a campaign around educating people
on the meaning and health benefits of “cold-pressed” juice – vis a vis other juice brands
in the market as well as juice prepared at home/by juice stall vendors. The loss of health
benefit due to oxidation of nutrients as a result of heat-based pressing will highlight the
superior functional value proposition of RAW.

• Targeted Social Media Marketing – While RAW does have Facebook and Instagram
presence, it should boost & sponsor its posts to reach the target audience, since a majority
of customers believe that RAW can reach them most effectively through social media
indicating that its social media presence is not being felt.

• Fitness Influencers – RAW should onboard health and fitness industry influencers like
Milind Soman to enhance their visibility and positive association with fitness, rather than
limit the brand to a single influencer.

• Event Sponsorships – RAW can sponsor fitness events like the TATA Marathons, Mumbai
etc. with sampling kiosks to strengthen its association with fitness and create sticky
relationships with its prospective target segment of Health Freaks in the upper middle
class segment of metropolitan cities.


I. FGD Questionnaire

1. Screener Questions
• Have you consumed RAW in the past?
• Have you participated in any FGD in the last 6 months?

2. Definition of & Distinction Between Categories

• What are the various categories of non-alcoholic beverages that you are aware of/
• What distinguishes Fruit juices from other non-alcoholic beverages?

3. Brand Awareness
• What other brands of fruit juices are you aware of apart from RAW juices?
• If I say, “cold pressed”, which brand comes to your mind?

4. Brands Evaluation
• Which of the above-mentioned brands do you like the most?
• How often do you drink fruit juice? Which brand dominates this consumption?
• Have you heard of RAW Pressery’s juices?
• Have you consumed RAW Pressery juices?

• What is your opinion about this brand? (Probe for overall likes and dislikes)
• How you will rate RAW Pressery’s juices on a scale of 1-5 based on overall experience?

5. Situational Context
• When do you generally consume juices? Where do you buy them from? What is the
decision stimulus when you make the purchase?

6. Evaluation of Individual Brands in Situational Context

• Which brand do you purchase when you are thirsty? Which brand would you
purchase if you wished to drink something healthy?

7. Product Attributes
• Do you like RAW’s flavors?
• What do you think about RAW’s packaging?
• Do you think RAW’s juices are expensive?
• What are the attributes that you’d be willing to pay extra for RAW juices?
• Are RAW juices easily available? Where all have you seen them?

8. Dimensions, Levels and Range of Attributes

• Is buying a RAW a pre-planned decision or based on impulse for you?

9. Brand Usage Triggers

• What are the specific attributes that compel you to buy/consume RAW?

10. Brand Usage Barriers

• What factors preclude your consumption of the product?

11. Customer Recommendations

• What are your recommendations for RAW?

II. Brand Concept Mapping (Methodology and Data)

Selection of Words (Elicitation Stage)

• Theoretical Methodology: Customer associations appearing >50% times included (cutoff

predetermined by researcher).
• Methodology Employed: Created set of 20-25 words which included all consumer
associations to control for the limited sample size and researcher’s bias.

Consumer Brand Concept Mapping (Mapping Stage)

• Aided vs Unaided Association – We added our own words to the pool.

• Brand Concept Mapping was explained to respondents.
• Participants were free to use or not use given words.

• They could add their own words too.

Construction of Consensus Map (Aggregation Stage)

• Core/ First Order Brand Associations: 50% threshold for first order associations.
• Second Order Brand Associations: 50% threshold for second order associations,
Researcher judgment employed for clustering and linking with first order associations.
• Third Order Associations: Derivative to second order associations identified through
relational mentions.

Data Mapping to Derive Degree of Associations (Strength of Linkages)

Brand Association Recall First Order Second Order Third Order

Cold Pressed 4
And Nothing Else.
Attractive Colours 1
Brand 1
Catchy Name 1
Can Serve to Guest 1
Easy Accessibility 1
Exotic 3
Fresh 3
Good Packaging 1 1
Healthy 3 4
High Society 3
Juicy 1 2
Lack of Accessibility 1 1
Less Sugar 1 3
Multiple Flavours 3 3
Natural 1 6
Niche Brand 1 4
No Fibre/ Pulp 1 2
Not Value for Money 1 1
Online 1
Original 2
Preservative Free 4 2 1
Expensive / Pricey 6
Raw 1
Sustainable 1
Simple Packaging 1
Small Sized Packs 3

Tasty 2
Unaffordable 1
Unpleasant Aroma/Taste 1
Weird Flavour
1 3
Cleanse 2
Detox 1 1 1
Free Spirited
Experimental 1



Q. Var. Question/Description Code Scale Codes

No. No. Values Type

1 1 Which beverages do you drink? 1 to 8 Nominal 1: Juice

2: Tea
3: Coffee
4: Milkshakes
5: Soft Drinks
6: Mocktails
7: Alcoholic
8: Others, please
Proceed only if 1 is among the answers, otherwise go to Q. 29
2 What are your reasons for 1-5 Likert Interval
drinking juice? Scale
2 I drink juice as a personal habit. 1: Strongly
3 I drink juice when I’m thirsty. 2: Disagree
4 I drink juice because it is non- 3: Neither
carbonated. Disagree nor
5 I drink juice when I feel like 4: Agree
being healthy / taking care of
6 I drink juice post workouts or 5: Strongly Agree
when I’m on diets.
7 I drink juice when I see it being
sold/ on shelves – often
8 I drink juice at parties or social

3 9 Where do you usually purchase 1 to 8 Nominal 1: Home

/ drink your juice? 2: Roadside Stalls
3: Local Grocery
4: Malls /
5: Restaurants
6: Order Online
7: Kiosk /
Vending Machine

8: Others, please
specify ______

4 What are the characteristics that 1-5 Likert Interval

are important while selecting a
juice to drink?
10 Taste 1: Not Important
11 Variety of Flavours 2: Slightly
12 Freshness 3: Moderately
13 Ready Availability 4: Important
14 Attractive Packaging 5: Very Important
15 Long Shelf-life
16 Preservative-free
17 Sugar-free
18 Nutrition

5 19 How frequently do you drink 1 to 5 Nominal 1: More than once

juice? a week
2: Once in a week
3: Once in two
4: Once in a
5: Once in two -
three months
Proceed only if your answer is between 1-3, otherwise go to Q 29.
6 20 Which type of juices do you 1 to 2 Nominal 1: Fresh Juices
drink? 2: Packaged
If your answer is 1 then answer Q. 7, 8 and go to Q. 36. If your answer is 2 go to Q. 9
7 21 Why do you prefer fresh juices 1 to 5 Nominal 1: Low on
over others? Preservatives
2: Customised
3: Ease of access
4: Value for
5: Others, please

8 22 What is your position as a 1 to 4 Semantic 1: Very short self
customer on the following Differential life, low on
combination of attributes? preservatives
2: Short shelf life,
few preservatives
3: Moderate shelf
life, considerable
4: Long shelf life,
high amout of

9 23 When you buy packaged juice, 1 to 3 Nominal 1: Small (50 to 100

what is your preferred pack ml)
size? 2: Medium (100
to 500 ml)
3: Large (above
500 ml)

10 24 When you buy packaged juice, 1 to 4 Nominal 1: Between Rs. 10

how much do you generally and Rs. 30
spend per packet / bottle? 2: Between Rs. 30
and Rs. 50
3: Between Rs. 50
and Rs. 100
4: More than Rs.

11 25 Which is your most desired 1 to 8 Nominal 1. RAW Pressery

brand of packaged juice? 2. Real Juices
3. Tropicana
4. Paperboat
5. B Natural
6. Minute Maid
7. Del Monte
8. Maaza

12 Which packaged juices do you 1-5 Likert Interval

consume? (Rate each of the Scale
following options)
26 RAW Pressery 1: Never
27 Real Juices 2: Rarely
28 Tropicana 3: Sometimes
29 Paperboat 4: Often
30 B Natural 5: Always

31 Minute Maid
32 Del Monte
33 Maaza
Proceed only if your answer is not 1 for RAW Pressery, otherwise go to Q. 36
13 34 How did you come to know 1 to 7 Nominal 1. TV
about RAW's juices? Commercials
2. Social Media
3. Social Media
4. Word of Mouth
5. Shelf location
at nearby Shop
6. Banners
7. Youtube Ad

14 35 How often do you drink RAW’s 1 to 5 Nominal 1: More than once

juices? a week
2: Once in a week
3: Once in two
4: Once in a
5: Once in two-
three months

15 What are the attributes of RAW 1 to 5 Interval

that you like. Please rate each Likert
attribute on a scale of 1 to 5 Scale
36 1. Authentic Taste 1. Strong Dislike
37 2. Cold-Pressed 2. Dislike
38 3. Preservative Free 3. Indifferent
39 4. Upscale image 4. Like
40 5. Sugar Free 5. Strong Like
41 6. Variety of Combinations
42 7. Pulpy nature of the Juice

16 43 How would you rate these 1 to 7 Ordered

attributes in increasing order of
1. Authentic Taste 1: Least Relevant
2. Cold-Pressed 7: Most Relevant
3. Preservative Free
4. Upscale image
5. Sugar Free

6. Variety of Combinations
7. Pulpy nature of the Juice

17 44 Do you think RAW juices are 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly

expensive Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither
Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

18 45 Do you think RAW juices have 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly

value for money Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither
Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

19 From where you generally 1-5 Likert Interval

purchase RAW juices
46 1: Local Grocery Stores 1: Never
47 2: Malls 2: Rarely
48 3: Supermarkets 3: Sometimes
49 4: Restaurants 4: Often
50 5: Order Online 5: Always
51 6: Kiosk / Vending Machine
52 7: Airports / Other upscale

20 53 Do you think RAW is easily 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly

available? Disagree
2: Disagree
3: Neither
Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

21 54 Which touch point do you think 1 to 8 Nominal 1: TV ads
RAW should use to be able to 2: Magazines &
reach you most successfully? newspapers
3: Health blogs
4: Social Media
5: Social Media
6: YouTube Ads
7: Banners
8: Tasting/
Sampling kiosks

22 55 Do you know how regular cold 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

pressed juice is different from 2. No
freshly pressed juice?

23 56 Do you think RAW should 1-5 Likert Interval 1: Strongly

educate people about the Disagree
meaning & benefits of cold 2: Disagree
pressed juice? 3: Neither
Disagree nor
4: Agree
5: Strongly Agree

24 57 Which other brands of cold- 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Rejoov

pressed juices are you aware of? 2. Juicifix
3. Antidot
4. Cleanse high
5. Fresh Pressery
6. Any other

25 58 Do you consider RAW juices as 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

healthy? 2. No

26 59 Do you find RAW's packaging 1 to 2 Nominal 1: Yes

appealing? 2: No

27 60 Do you feel good about yourself 1 to 2 Nominal 1: Yes

when you drink RAW? 2: No

28 61 1 to 5 Nominal 1: Cool/Trendy
2: Fitness freak

When you see a bottle of RAW 3: Spendthrift
in an individual's hand, how do 4: Adventurous
you percieve them? 5: Workaholic
Go to Q. 46
29 62 Why don't you prefer drinking 1 to 8 Nominal 1: Prefer other
juice on a regular basis? beverages
2: Not easily
3: Not healthy
4: Don’t like the
5: Don’t like the
taste / smell
6: Not habituated
to drinking juice
7: Too expensive
8: Others, please
specify ______

30 63 Do you believe that eating fruit 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

is healthy? 2. No

31 64 How often do you eat fruit? 1 to 5 Nominal 1. Everyday

2. More than 3
times a week
3. Once in a week
4. More than 3
times a Month
5. Once in Month

32 65 Do you believe that exercise is 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

good for health? 2. No

33 66 How often do you exercise? 1 to 5 Nominal 1. Never

2. Rarely
3. Sometimes
4. Often
5. Always

34 67 Do you feel like the process of 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

buying & eating fruit is time 2. No
consuming and/or

35 68 If a local juice stall offered to 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes
pack juice made in front of you 2. No
in a plastic bottle, would you
still be willing to buy it?

36 69 Do you know how regular cold 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

pressed juice is different from 2. No
freshly pressed juice?

37 70 Which other brands of cold- 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Rejoov

pressed juices are you aware of 2. Juicifix
? 3. Antidot
4. Cleanse high
5. Fresh Pressery
6. Any other

38 71 Have you heard about RAW 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

juices? 2. No
Proceed only if your answer is 1, otherwise go to Q. 42
39 72 How did you come to know 1 to 7 Nominal 1. TV
about RAW's juices? Commercials
2. Social Media
3. Social Media
4. Word of Mouth
5. Shelf location
at nearby Shop
6. Banners
7. Youtube Ad

40 73 Have you tried RAW Juices? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No
Proceed only if your answer is 2, otherwise go to Q.42
41 74 Why have you not tried RAW 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Too Pricey
juices, even though you have 2. Not Easily
heard about it? Available
3. Low Shelf Life
4. Not very
5. Taste is weird
6. Any other
reasons ______

RAW Pressery is a line of cold pressed juices that provides sugar-free, preservative-free and
concentrate-free juices in several flavours such as Valencia orange, guava, mango etc. These
juices are healthy and tasty and contain nothing except the fruit pulp – not even water. They
come in transparent bottles, with low shelf life indicating freshness.
42 75 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly
Scale unappealing
2: Unappealing
3: Neither
appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly

43 76 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will

Scale not visit
2: Mostly will not
3: May or may
not visit
4: Mostly will
5: Definitely will

RAW Pressery adds appeal to being fit. Some of its products such as charcoal activated
lemonade, aloe vera coconut water etc. have unique combinations of traditionally healthy,
but difficult to consume ingredients. Moreover, these are available for INR 50, and can be
ordered over WhatsApp.
44 77 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly
Scale unappealing
2: Unappealing
3: Neither
appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly

45 78 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will

Scale not visit
2: Mostly will not
3: May or may
not visit

4: Mostly will
5: Definitely will

RAW Pressery’s combines nutrition with taste and convenience. Its offerings include
smoothies, booster shots, and detox bundles made with a combination of niche ingredients
like berries, fruits, greens like kale, spinach and spirula etc. These are available on its website
in value packs or through subscription plans, delivered free of charge to your doorstep.
Additionally, subscription plans come with a 20% discount.
46 79 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly
Scale unappealing
2: Unappealing
3: Neither
appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly

47 80 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will

Scale not visit
2: Mostly will not
3: May or may
not visit
4: Mostly will
5: Definitely will

RAW Pressery is a line of cold pressed juices that provides sugar-free, preservative-free and
concentrate-free juices that are very rich in antioxidants, micronutrients and electrolytes.
They offer a unique combination of freshly grown, nutritious fruits such as berries, apple,
orange, kiwis etc. as well as detoxifying greens like spinach, kale, spirula etc. There is a
RAW Bar available at your gym, and your trainer recommends it as a post-workout snack.
48 81 Overall Appeal of Idea 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Highly
Scale unappealing
2: Unappealing
3: Neither
appealing nor
4: Appealing
5: Highly

49 82 Willingness to Purchase 1-5 Rating Interval 1: Definitely will
Scale not visit
2: Mostly will not
3: May or may
not visit
4: Mostly will
5: Definitely will

50 83 How you define yourself? 1 to 3 Nominal 1. Male

2. Female
3. Others

51 84 What is your age? 1 to 4 Nominal 1. Less than 18

2. 18 to 30 years
3. 30 to 45 years
4. 45 years or

52 85 What is your marital status 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Married

2. Unmarried

53 86 What is your occupation? 1 to 6 Nominal 1. Student

2. Working
3. Start-up
4. Business
5. Stay at Home
6. Retired

54 87 Do you file income tax return? 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

2. No

55 88 Do you have social media 1 to 2 Nominal 1. Yes

presence 2. No

56 How regularly do you use each 1 to 5 Interval

of the following social media Likert

89 Facebook 1: Never
90 Instagram 2: Rarely
91 Snapchat 3: Sometimes
92 Twitter 4: Often
93 YouTube 5: Very Regularly

57 94 How would you categorize the 1 to 4 Nominal

place of your residence? 1. Metro
2. Tier 1 City
3. Tier 2 City
4. Others

Category Analysis

1. Reasons for Juice Consumption

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean S.D. Variance Count

1 I drink juice as a personal habit. 1.00 5.00 3.54 1.19 1.42 108

2 I drink juice when I’m thirsty. 1.00 5.00 3.26 1.25 1.56 108
I drink juice because it is non-
3 1.00 5.00 3.80 1.15 1.33 108
I drink juice when I feel like being
4 1.00 5.00 4.21 1.02 1.04 108
healthy / taking care of myself.
I drink juice post workouts or when
5 1.00 5.00 3.46 1.30 1.69 108
I’m on diets.
I drink juice when I see it being
6 sold/ on shelves – often 1.00 5.00 3.44 1.28 1.64 108
I drink juice at parties or social
7 1.00 5.00 3.59 1.25 1.57 108

2. Most Preferred Points of Consumption & Sale

# Answer % Count
1 Home 20.41% 69
2 Roadside Stalls 15.98% 54
3 Local Grocery Stores 19.82% 67
4 Malls / Supermarkets 20.71% 70
5 Restaurants 12.13% 41
6 Order Online 6.51% 22
7 Kiosk / Vending Machine 4.44% 15
8 Others, please specify 0.00% 0
Total 100% 338

3. Key Attributes Driving Juice Preferences

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Std Deviation Variance Count

8 Sugar-free 1.00 5.00 3.30 1.29 1.67 108
6 Long Shelf-life 1.00 5.00 2.88 1.28 1.64 108
5 Attractive Packaging 1.00 5.00 2.98 1.20 1.44 108
7 Preservative-free 1.00 5.00 3.92 1.06 1.13 108
9 Nutrition 2.00 5.00 4.26 0.88 0.77 108
2 Variety of Flavours 1.00 5.00 3.82 0.84 0.70 108
4 Ready Availability 1.00 5.00 4.05 0.81 0.66 108
1 Taste 2.00 5.00 4.40 0.71 0.50 108
3 Freshness 3.00 5.00 4.58 0.63 0.39 108

4. Preferred Pack Size in Juice Consumption

Minimu Maximu Varianc Coun

# Field Mean SD
m m e t
When you buy packaged juice,
1 1.00 3.00 1.81 0.59 0.35 62
what is your preferred pack size?

# Answer % Count
1 1: Small (50 to 100 ml) 29.03% 18

2 2: Medium (100 to 500 ml) 61.29% 38

3 3: Large (above 500 ml) 9.68% 6

Total 100% 62

5. Average Spend per Bottle of Juice

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Variance Count
When you buy
packaged juice, how
1 much do you 1.00 4.00 2.27 0.95 0.91 62
generally spend per
packet / bottle?

# Answer % Count
4 4: More than Rs. 100 12.90% 8
3 3: Between Rs. 50 and Rs. 100 24.19% 15
2 2: Between Rs. 30 and Rs. 50 40.32% 25
1 1: Between Rs. 10 and Rs. 30 22.58% 14
Total 100% 62

Cluster Analysis


Output Created 26-FEB-2020 15:07:38
Input Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are
treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no
missing values for any variable used.
Syntax CLUSTER Q2_1 Q2_2 Q2_3 Q2_4
Q2_5 Q2_6 Q2_7
Resources Processor Time 00:00:01.28
Elapsed Time 00:00:01.53


Case Processing Summarya,b

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
73 100.0 0 .0 73 100.0
a. Squared Euclidean Distance used
b. Ward Linkage

Ward Linkage

Agglomeration Schedule
Cluster Combined Stage Cluster First Appears
Stage Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Coefficients Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Next Stage
1 19 64 .000 0 0 42
2 4 26 .000 0 0 7
3 62 68 .500 0 0 15
4 58 61 1.000 0 0 55
5 20 48 1.500 0 0 18
6 7 27 2.000 0 0 15
7 4 43 2.667 2 0 33
8 56 69 3.667 0 0 21
9 54 67 4.667 0 0 11
10 63 66 5.667 0 0 31
11 31 54 6.667 0 9 43
12 17 50 7.667 0 0 26
13 22 41 8.667 0 0 22
14 49 71 10.167 0 0 37
15 7 62 11.667 6 3 43
16 5 59 13.167 0 0 30
17 12 57 14.667 0 0 38
18 20 55 16.167 5 0 24
19 46 52 17.667 0 0 33
20 10 29 19.167 0 0 54
21 34 56 20.833 0 8 30
22 15 22 22.500 0 13 25
23 30 70 24.500 0 0 47
24 20 24 26.500 18 0 42
25 15 33 28.833 22 0 45
26 14 17 31.167 0 12 36
27 21 47 33.667 0 0 53
28 11 45 36.167 0 0 49
29 13 18 38.667 0 0 52
30 5 34 41.300 16 21 57
31 28 63 44.300 0 10 35
32 37 40 47.300 0 0 59
33 4 46 50.333 7 19 65
34 25 35 53.833 0 0 58
35 3 28 57.333 0 31 47
36 2 14 61.000 0 26 55
37 49 51 64.833 14 0 49
38 12 16 68.667 17 0 50
39 23 42 72.667 0 0 52

40 8 36 76.667 0 0 46
41 9 39 81.167 0 0 51
42 19 20 85.833 1 24 61
43 7 31 90.762 15 11 50
44 60 73 95.762 0 0 62
45 1 15 100.762 0 25 57
46 8 32 106.095 40 0 60
47 3 30 111.595 35 23 58
48 38 65 117.595 0 0 60
49 11 49 124.162 28 37 66
50 7 12 131.400 43 38 56
51 9 44 138.900 41 0 67
52 13 23 146.650 29 39 54
53 21 72 154.817 27 0 59
54 10 13 163.067 20 52 66
55 2 58 171.400 36 4 63
56 6 7 180.491 0 50 64
57 1 5 190.691 45 30 61
58 3 25 203.316 47 34 70
59 21 37 216.049 53 32 64
60 8 38 229.116 46 48 67
61 1 19 242.824 57 42 63
62 53 60 259.158 0 44 68
63 1 2 277.631 61 55 65
64 6 21 296.578 56 59 69
65 1 4 318.140 63 33 72
66 10 11 341.922 54 49 69
67 8 9 366.022 60 51 68
68 8 53 400.007 67 62 70
69 6 10 444.795 64 66 71
70 3 8 500.589 58 68 71
71 3 6 588.662 70 69 72
72 1 3 735.644 65 71 0

Cluster Membership
Case 5 Clusters 4 Clusters 3 Clusters 2 Clusters
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1
3 2 2 2 2
4 1 1 1 1
5 1 1 1 1
6 3 3 3 2
7 3 3 3 2
8 4 4 2 2
9 4 4 2 2
10 5 3 3 2
11 5 3 3 2
12 3 3 3 2
13 5 3 3 2
14 1 1 1 1
15 1 1 1 1

16 3 3 3 2
17 1 1 1 1
18 5 3 3 2
19 1 1 1 1
20 1 1 1 1
21 3 3 3 2
22 1 1 1 1
23 5 3 3 2
24 1 1 1 1
25 2 2 2 2
26 1 1 1 1
27 3 3 3 2
28 2 2 2 2
29 5 3 3 2
30 2 2 2 2
31 3 3 3 2
32 4 4 2 2
33 1 1 1 1
34 1 1 1 1
35 2 2 2 2
36 4 4 2 2
37 3 3 3 2
38 4 4 2 2
39 4 4 2 2
40 3 3 3 2
41 1 1 1 1
42 5 3 3 2
43 1 1 1 1
44 4 4 2 2
45 5 3 3 2
46 1 1 1 1
47 3 3 3 2
48 1 1 1 1
49 5 3 3 2
50 1 1 1 1
51 5 3 3 2
52 1 1 1 1
53 4 4 2 2
54 3 3 3 2
55 1 1 1 1
56 1 1 1 1
57 3 3 3 2
58 1 1 1 1
59 1 1 1 1
60 4 4 2 2
61 1 1 1 1
62 3 3 3 2
63 2 2 2 2
64 1 1 1 1
65 4 4 2 2
66 2 2 2 2
67 3 3 3 2
68 3 3 3 2

69 1 1 1 1
70 2 2 2 2
71 5 3 3 2
72 3 3 3 2
73 4 4 2 2

Quick Cluster
Output Created 26-FEB-2020 15:12:43
Input Active Dataset DataSet1

Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working
Data File
Missing Value Definition of Missing User-defined missing values are
Handling treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on cases with no
missing values for any clustering
variable used.
Syntax QUICK CLUSTER Q2_1 Q2_2 Q2_3
Q2_4 Q2_5 Q2_6 Q2_7
Resources Processor Time 00:00:00.02
Elapsed Time 00:00:00.04
Workspace Required 1376 bytes

Initial Cluster Centers

1 2 3
Q2_1 2.0 1.0 5.0
Q2_2 2.0 1.0 5.0
Q2_3 3.0 1.0 5.0
Q2_4 5.0 1.0 1.0
Q2_5 4.0 1.0 5.0
Q2_6 5.0 1.0 1.0
Q2_7 2.0 1.0 5.0

Iteration Historya
Change in Cluster Centers
Iteration 1 2 3
1 2.974 2.844 3.387
2 .307 .075 .448
3 .000 .000 .000
a. Convergence achieved due to no or small
change in cluster centers. The maximum
absolute coordinate change for any center is
.000. The current iteration is 3. The
minimum distance between initial centers is

Cluster Membership
Case Number Cluster Distance

1 2 2.459
2 2 2.335
3 2 3.521
4 2 2.481
5 2 1.944
6 1 3.046
7 1 1.949
8 3 2.735
9 1 3.447
10 2 3.521
11 1 2.786
12 1 2.366
13 2 3.097
14 2 2.012
15 2 2.198
16 1 2.546
17 2 1.160
18 2 2.650
19 2 2.908
20 2 1.228
21 1 2.289
22 2 .983
23 2 3.352
24 2 2.110
25 3 2.201
26 2 2.481
27 1 1.356
28 3 3.415
29 3 3.265
30 2 2.052
31 1 1.342
32 3 3.004
33 2 2.353
34 2 1.992
35 1 3.742
36 3 2.341
37 1 3.441
38 3 3.721
39 3 3.307
40 1 2.449
41 2 1.431
42 2 3.563
43 2 2.148
44 1 3.544
45 1 2.877
46 2 2.318
47 1 3.418
48 2 1.634
49 1 2.227
50 2 1.707
51 1 2.973
52 2 2.324
53 1 4.626

54 1 1.661
55 2 1.799
56 2 1.784
57 1 2.069
58 2 3.070
59 2 1.617
60 3 4.351
61 2 2.740
62 1 1.249
63 2 2.392
64 2 2.908
65 3 1.913
66 2 2.837
67 1 1.183
68 1 1.386
69 2 1.206
70 2 2.700
71 1 2.126
72 1 2.884
73 3 3.195

Final Cluster Centers

1 2 3
Q2_1 2.5 2.6 3.4
Q2_2 2.4 2.3 4.8
Q2_3 3.0 1.6 3.3
Q2_4 2.8 1.3 1.4
Q2_5 3.5 1.8 3.6
Q2_6 3.3 2.5 3.2
Q2_7 2.4 2.1 3.8

Distances between Final Cluster Centers

Cluster 1 2 3
1 2.860 3.311
2 2.860 4.102
3 3.311 4.102

Number of Cases in each

Cluster 1 25.000
2 37.000
3 11.000
Valid 73.000
Missing .000

Factor Analysis

Regression Analysis

RAW Pressery
Final Presentation

Group 15
Akriti Gupta
Ankita Biswas
Ashish Jindal
Natasha Bhide
Subhra Tripathy
How to increase the sales, market penetration, and brand awareness of RAW Pressery

01 02 03
Category Users Brand Users Analysis: Potential Improvements in
Analysis: investigate examine brand awareness Marketing Mix: increasing
consumer’s usage of and brand perceptions for market penetration for RAW
juices in general and cold RAW Pressery Pressery
pressed juices in particular

• Depth interviews and Understanding what triggers

Examining purchase and focused group discussions the purchase intentions and
consumption behavior- to understand the how to ultimately increase the
situations: consumer demographics penetration:
• The amount of purchase and the value generated • Qualitative analyses to find
• Purchase frequency by the brand the triggers
• The usual sources of • Assessing the availability, • Assessment of the
purchase promotion, pricing of the effectiveness of marketing
• Consumption location brand channels
• Brands tried • Questionnaires and • elasticity of demand due to
• Preferred brands surveys for finding triggers change in price
• Flavours liked and barriers for purchase • Usage of more effective
• Pack size preferred of the brand channel
RAW Pressery vs Coca-Cola (the
Secondary Research and Analysis market leader)

Competitive Landscape
1 Minute maid, Tropicana Slice portfolio, Real and B natural

Distribution Channels
About 60 % through independent small grocers and 30% is
through hypermarkets and supermarkets

Market size and growth

As of 2019, 2.3 BN liters volume of sales with a CAGR of 10%.
Industry forecast – 17% revenue growth over 2019-2024

Product Packaging
Liquid cartons accounted for about 51.09% of total units sold;
58% of pack sizes sold were between 101 to 300 ml

Growth of RAW Pressery

RAW Pressery achieved 2.5 million litres in off-trade volumes
in 2019 with a CAGR of 99.6% over the period of 2014-2019
Qualitative Research Motivation
and Analysis

Focused Group
The key driver for consumption of
fruit juices is focus on health and
nutrition. Motivators to buy fruit
juices are:
• Taste
• Price
• Freshness
• Nutrition
• Value for money
• Packaging
• Availability
Qualitative Research
and Analysis

Focused Group
• For health-conscious
customers, preservative-free
and sugar-free attributes are
the key differentiators between
• For some, taste and price took
priority over the nutritional
• Shelf life is considered to be a
signaling mechanism for the
extent of preservative in
packaged juice
Qualitative Research
and Analysis

Focused Group
All the respondents had prior
knowledge of the brand. However,
• Relatively low top of mind
recall and stickiness
• explicitly stated lack of
awareness about “cold-
pressed” juices
• Low trial and repurchase rate

Qualitative Research
and Analysis

Focused Group
• Natural
• Organic
• Good Taste
• Different Pack Sizes
• Attractive Packaging
• Range of Flavors
• Unique Ingredients
• Brand Value

Triggers for Purchase

Qualitative Research
and Analysis

Focused Group
Consumers tend to be hesitant
about buying the product because
• Price
• Low Shelf Life

Barriers to
Qualitative Research
and Analysis Brand

Focused Group
RAW’s overall rating among FGD
respondents was 3.3/5. It was
evaluated positively for its
• Health & nutrition
• Attractive and chic packaging
• Unique ingredients
• Preservative-free, sugar-free
Some of the sources of
dissatisfaction were
• Lack of availability
• Price point too high
Qualitative Research and Analysis
Brand Concept Mapping

Sized Pack No Value for
Unaffordable Money
Weird Flavour No Fibre/
Combo Pulp
Cold Pressed

Natural Nothing Else

Cleanse/ Free
High Society
Less Sugar Fresh Niche Brand
Qualitative Research
and Analysis
Attribute most
with List 1:
• Health
Shopping List 1 & 2 Conscious

RAW (non-carbonated juice) and Shopping Lists

Coca-Cola (carbonated soft drink)
belong to contrasting categories – As s o c i a t i o n
of beverages P r o j e c t i ve
Te c h n i q u e
A pack of biscuits A pack of biscuits
1 Colgate toothpaste 1 Colgate toothpaste with List 2:
1 container Epigamia 1 container Epigamia • Unhealthy/
1 bottle of RAW Pressery’s cold Struggling
1 can of Coca-Cola
pressed juice
with fitness
1 yellow highlighter 1 yellow highlighter
1 packet of potato chips 1 packet of potato chips
1 kg packet of Surf Excel 1 kg packet of Surf Excel
Qualitative Research
and Analysis
Attribute most
with List 1:
• Health
Shopping List 1 & 3 Conscious

RAW and Paperboat belong to Shopping Lists

the same sub-category of
beverages – As s o c i a t i o n
P r o j e c t i ve
Te c h n i q u e
A pack of biscuits A pack of biscuits
1 Colgate toothpaste 1 Colgate toothpaste with List 2:
1 container Epigamia 1 container Epigamia • Health
1 bottle of RAW Pressery’s cold Conscious
1 can of Paperboat
pressed juice
1 yellow highlighter 1 yellow highlighter
1 packet of potato chips 1 packet of potato chips
1 kg packet of Surf Excel 1 kg packet of Surf Excel
Qualitative Research and Analysis
Story Completion - Completion Projective Technique

Sentence 1
Ashish, a senior marketing
manager at an MNC, has a Sample Size
very important early morning 5
meeting. The prep for the
meeting took longer than he Answ ers – Raw Juice
expected the previous night
and now Ashish is running
behind his schedule. He
doesn’t want to miss breakfast,
but he’s short on time. In a bid
to have a healthy start to the
day, he picks up a bottle of
_______ on the go, and rushes
for office.
Qualitative Research and Analysis
Story Completion - Completion Projective Technique

Sentence 2
Sneha and her friends have
planned an overnight trek to the Sample Size
very beautiful Athargange 5
Range close to Bangalore.
Sneha is very excited for it and Answ ers – Raw Juice
is almost done packing all the
essentials – clothes, torches,
games, chargers – just left with
something that can quench her
thirst and is yum. She asks all
her friends. They’re all bringing
a bottle of ________, so she
picks up one too!
Qualitative Research and Analysis
Story Completion - Completion Projective Technique

Sentence 3
Akriti’s new year’s resolution –
health is wealth! She has Sample Size
decided to switch to a keto diet, 5
about which she has heard a lot
on various fitness blogs and Answ ers – Raw Juice
social media platforms. Her
gym membership bought, and
gym look decided, she is now
looking for the perfect drink to
complement her image and
fitness regime. Her mother
introduces her to a range of
cold-pressed juices by the
name of _______, which she is
super excited to drink!

Gender Age

• Age – 85% of the respondents were

less than 30 years​ - inherently skewed
due to our circles
Under 18 18 - 30
• Gender – 58% of the respondents Male Female Others 30 - 50 50 or older
were male and 41% were female

• Location – 35% of the respondents Location of users

were from metros

1 Metropolitan City 2 Tier 1 City 3 Tier 2 City

4 Village / Town 5 Others

Reasons for Juice Preferred Points of Attributes Driving P a c k s i z e & Av e r a g e

Consumption Consumption & Sale Juice Preferences Spend per Bottle



Brand Value

E x p e r i e n t i a l Va l u e S ym b o l i c Va l u e F u n c t i o n a l Va l u e
(What brands mean (What brands mean (What the brand
to individual) to others) does)


Customers’ Desired Attributes
We performed a factor analysis on the attributes that customers desire and
prioritize in juices and their consumption – including attributes like taste, freshness,
nutrition, sweetness etc. The attributes with the highest loadings for each factor

Ta s t e a n d Freshness
Convenience Health Factor
(Maximum variance)
Customers’ Desired Attributes

A regression was run to estimate the overall rating of the brand with the brand
attributes such as: authentic taste, cold pressed, preservative free, upscale image,
sugar free, variety of combinations, pulpy nature, expensive and easily available.

Va r i e t y o f Pulpy Nature
Combinations Cold Pressed of Juice
(Most significant)
STP - Customer Segmentation

We have performed Hierarchical Clustering on the key factors or reasons that drive
juice consumption, we have observed three distinctive segments of customers in
the market.

Convenient Go-Getter: Health Freak: Health is a Flavor Fanatic: Drinks

Drinks juice so long as it habit, period juice as a tasty alternative
compliments schedule and to water!
Marketing Mix - 4Ps

• •

Marketing Mix - 4Ps


• •

Marketing Mix - 4Ps

• •


Marketing Mix - 4Ps

• •


Thank You!

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