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Name:_______________________________ Date:____________ Score:_______

日本語 テスト 1
Direction: Read and answer the following test.

Test I. Arrange these words in the box in their proper arrangement.

A. Basic Word Order (SO)

1. I hate Monday.=

きょう か
ら はじまりま
す なつ が
2. Summer begins today.=

わ こえん
はしりま かのじ
す ょ
3. She runs in the park.=

B. Basic Word Order (SOV)

ねこ たべます
わ さかな

4. Cats eat fish=

い たべます

5. When will you eat?=

お かう かれ わ

6. He bought a pillow=

Test II. Answer the following question.

A. Answer the following questions in the blank provided before the number.
Write/answer in Hiragana.
____________7.) What word is used to connect nouns?
____________8.) This is used in the end of the phrase/sentence when there is no verb.
____________9.) One of the basic verb form also known as plain form.
____________10.) What word used to connect phrases?
____________11.) This is connected to the verb and ‘desu’ is not applied.
____________12.) One of the basic verb form also known as polite form.
____________13.) What word is added at the end of the sentence to make a question?

B. Enumeration

14-16. What are the 3 main form of ‘desu’. Write short description each.

17-19. Give 1 example each of the main form of ‘desu’.

20-25. Enumerate the question words. (Write in hiragana)

Test III. Identify the words given.

A. Write the Japanese term of the word given in the following: (Write in hiragana)

26. Winter- 35. Yesterday-

27. Summer- 36. Tomorrow-
28. Spring- 37. Next week-
29. Fall- 38. Breakfast-
30. Today- 39. Word-
31. Dinner- 40. Trash-
32. Room- 41. Study-
33. Kitchen- 42. Good-
34. Pillow- 43. Expensive-

B. Write the English term of the word given in the following:

44. げつ ようび - 53. じ -

45. すい ようび - 54. ひるごはん -
46. にち ようび - 55. ふん -
47. ど ようび - 56. とけい -
48. きん ようび - 57. ことし -
49. か ようび - 58. やすい -
50. もく ようび - 59. やさしい -
51. こんしゅう - 60. おんがく -
52. じかん -

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