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Week V
Enterobacteria 1
Intestinal Nematoda 3
Parasitic Protozoa in Digestive System 9
Cestode & Trematode 14
Normal Flora of Human 16

Practical Sessions
Parasitology – Intestinal Protozoa 19
Parasitology – Intestinal Helminthes (Nematoda, Cestoda & Trematoda) 22
Pharmacology – Drug Route Administration, Drug Onset & Duration 29
Pharmacology – Dose–Effect Relationship 29

Skills Laboratory
Fecal Examination 30

Week IV
Practical Sessions
Anatomy – Glands of GIT A1
Biochemistry – Lipids (Theory) A4

All right reversed.
Maaf karena sesuatu dan lain hal, ada bagian week IV yang ga kecetak, jadi disisipin di sini dulu ya :)

Editor: 林

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