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NUR3002 Ethical and legal aspects in health care

Semester 2 AY2015-16
Tutorial activities

Tutorial 7 - Online activity

Instructions to students:
Respond to the discussion question according to the cases. Maximum 10 marks will be given
to students who have 100% participation to all on line discussions with quality response.

Case Scenario
Peter, a Registered Nurse working in a surgical ward, requested time to administer an
analgesic before performing painful wound dressing to a patient, he was told by the surgeon
that no pain medication was necessary. The patient was clearly in distress while the dressing
was performed. When Peter reported this experience to his supervisor he was told that the
nurse’s job is to do what the physician orders.
Should Peter accept the status quo? What should Peter do?
Use virtue ethics to discuss what would be the right course of action for Peter to do.

Reference answer:

Fidelity: Peter owes fidelity to the patient. Not to his supervisor, nor the

Courage: His efforts to advocate for patients are blocked by his

supervisor and hospital’s physicians. Peter may be disapproved by his
immediate supervisor and the physician. Peter needs courage to
exercise his advocacy for patient’s benefit by escalating to senior

The right thing to do is advocate for the patient in relieving pain and
receiving appropriate care.

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