Assigned Task

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Task Assigned

Provide support on:

 Issues related to student registration and admission

 Issues related to student withdrawal and transfer
 Responsible for creating new concession
 Assignment of concession
 Responsible for creating new classes
 Assignment of new classes
 Define fee structure in the system
 Ad HOC Data extraction of Outstanding challans for UBL
 Any other issue related with billing

Provide support on:

 Employees assignment (Salary, grade step, Leaves, etc)

 Creation of new employee
 Issues related to employees final settlement
 Provident Fund
 Responsible for creating new position
 Any other issue related with payroll

Property MANAGER
Provide support on:

 Creating new Properties, Buildings or land

 Gathering of school specification data and its entry in the system
 Creating new leases
 Issues related to existing leases
 Rent payments

Any other task assigned by HOD

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