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TRƯỜNG THPT ****************

NĂM HỌC :2020-2021
Môn thi : Tiếng Anh
Thời gian làm bài : 45 phút

Mã đề:209
(Đề có 4 trang)
Câu 1:Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D that best completes each sentence
Burning garbage …….dangerous gases to the environment ,and this may lead to global
warming / Đốt rác.......khí nguy hiểm ra môi trường, và điều này có thể dẫn đến sự nóng lên
toàn cầu
A.throws B.sends C.emits D.rejects
A.ném B.gửi C. phát ra D. từ chối
Câu 2:Choose the best answer among A,B,C or D that
Since the appearance of electronic devices ,lessons have become more and more …..and
A.disruptive B.accessible C.inappropriate D.enjoyable
Câu 3:Which sentence has the CLOSET meaning to the sentence below:
“He wants to see the stamps .We have collected them recently”
A.He wants to see the stamps which we have collected rencently
B.He wants to see the stamps we have collected them recently
C.He wants to see the stamps that we have collected them recently
D.He wants to see the stamps who we have collected recently
Câu 4:Choose the option that has the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined word
The earth is being threatened and the future looks bad
A.done B.made C.defended D.varied
Câu 5:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
A.impact B.practical C.natural D.contaminate
Câu 6:Choose the option that has the SIMILAR meaning to the underlined word
World Wide Fund for Nature was formed to do the mission of the preservation of
biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, and the reduction of pollution and
wasteful consumption.
A.extinction B.development C.contamination
Câu 7:Choose the best answer:
Almost half of turtles and tortoises are known to be threatened with ____.
A. extinct B. extinctive C. extinction D. extinctly
Câu 8:Choose the option that needs correcting:
The advantage of Internet news reports is that they can be constant updated
A.Is B.the advantage C.constant D.can be
Câu 9:Chose the best answer:
We have to apply effective measures to save many plant and animal species
A.from C.for D.on
Câu 10:Choose the answer:
The scientist said the earth …..the sun going around B.goes around C.went around D.was going around
Câu 11:Choose the option that needs correcting:
The editor decided not publish the story because the facts were unreliable
A.decided B.because C.unreliable D.not publish
Câu 12:Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
A.fossil B.non-renewable D.polar
Câu 13:Chose the best answer:
We are taking about the writer …..latest book is one of the best –sellers this year
A.who B.whose C.which D.whom
Câu 14:Chose the best answer:
David is talking to Lucy about her painting -David: “What a beautiful painting”
-Lucy: “………………..”
A.No problem B.It’s on the wall C.I’m glad you like it D.You’re welcome
Câu 15:Which sentence has the CLOSET meaning to the sentence below:
“If he does not pay careful attention to lesson,he cannot keep pace with his classmates”
A. Unless he pays careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.
B. Unless he pays careful attention to lesson, he can keep pace with his classmates.
C. Unless he doesn’t pay careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.
D. If he pays careful attention to lesson, he cannot keep pace with his classmates.
Câu 16:Choose the best answer:
Oil,coal and natural gas are………….fuels made from decayed material
A.unleaded B.smokeless C.solid D.fossil
Câu 17:Choose the best answer:
Ecotourism has………..more jobs for the local people
A.provided B.given C.introduced
Câu 18:Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest
A.sustainable B.diversity C.renewable D.harmony
Câu 19:Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the rest
A.negative B.operate C.supporter D.factory
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or correct word that best
fits each of the numbered blanks
Few people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's
climate. Many scientists (20)........the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase in the
world's temperatures and are convinced that, more than (21)........before, the Earth is at
(22)........from the forces of the wind, rain and sun. (23) them, global warming is
making extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and droughts, even more (24).....and
causing sea levels all around the world to (*)......
20. A. give B. put C. take D. have
21. A. yet B. never C. once D. ever
22. A. threat B. danger C. risk D. harm
23. A. Concerning B. Regarding C. Depending D. According
24. A. strict B. severe C. strong D. heavy
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct
answer to each of the questions.
A smart board is an interactive whiteboard. It can be connected to one or more
laptops, PCs, tablets, or other electronic devices. Smart boards are extremely useful in a
classroom because they can engage students, provide interactive opportunities that a
traditional whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart can't, and can also develop students'
computer skills along with their English skills. Smart boards also have touch-screen
technology so you do not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality. You can
write on a smart board with special pens which are usually provided with the board, and
anything written on the board can be saved for future reference, or printed out. It is great, for
example, if you are doing a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates and
you want to keep a record of it. If you don't want to draw with the pens, you can use a
keyboard and type onto a programme such as Word, and have it appear on the screen for
everyone to see. This is great if you are doing an exercise with your class and you want
everyone to be able to see the answers during the checking stage. You can also run
PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard. These can sometimes be great for
grammar or vocabulary presentations and the advantage of them is that students can make
contributions. If you have the Internet access, you can access websites and put them onto a
white board. This is great in an English classroom if you have online quizzes or games you
want to use. Students can actually come up to the board and select their answers. This
involves them directly in the board work, which they usually love. You can also run video
clips or sound files from the Internet, or some which are saved on your computer. In short, a
smart board can make the lessons more varied, and can give students a more active role in
the lesson.
25. A smart board is more useful than a traditional board because .
A. it can be connected to more electronic devices
B. it can be used instead of a whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart
C. it provides more interactive opportunities
D. teachers can engage students to have lessons
26. Smart boards which have touch-screen technology is great because .
A. you can write on it, save information, or print it later
B. you can do a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates
C. you do not need anything to write on it
D. you can use a keyboard and type onto a program such as Word
27. It is great for you to run Word or PowerPoint on a smart board because .
A. you don’t need to draw with the pens
B. you can see the answers before the checking stage
C. it can be used for grammar or vocabulary presentations
D. everyone can see your presentations and take part in them
28. With the Internet access, the smart board is a wonderful tool for education because .
A. students can use write on a smart board with special pens
B. we can have multimedia lessons and more contributions from students
C. students can download video clips or sound files from the Internet
D. we can use anything that is saved on our computer
29. All of the following are true about a smart board EXCEPT .
A. the lessons are more diverse and students are more active
B. you do not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality
C. it develops students’ English skills but not computer ones
D. anything written on the board can be saved for future reference
Câu 30:Choose the best answer:
……………you hurry up,we will never arrive on time
A.Unless B.If C.As long as D.Provided
II.Tự luận (10 câu=2,5 điểm)
Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition
Câu 31:Woking as a volunteer provides you…….opportunities to know more about cultural
Câu 32:Student have access ….inappropriate information,videos and pictures.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets
Câu 33:The coastal areas have been severely ……….by the disposals of harmful chemical
rubbish (POLLUTE)
Câu 34:All fossil fuels are………….resources that cannot be replaced after use(RENEW)
Rewrite the sentence using the given words or without changing their meanings
Câu 35.4th June is the day.I was born on that day
Câu 36:Colin told me about his new jobs.He lives near my house
Câu 37:We know a lot of people .They live in London
Câu 38: “I will come to London tomorrow” He told me
Câu 39: “Do you mind closing the door “She asked him
Câu 40:I would like to express my thanks for everything you have done for me (Using the
word “thankful”)

-----------------------------------------------THE END----------------------------------------------------

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