Reflection About Covid19

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A Day in my Life During Pandemic

I feel as though the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a seismic tear in both the communities of the internet and
real life by upheaving peace and normalcy. Online, new articles, hashtags, and post about every little update and tidbit
about the Coronavirus are being pumped out every second, every minute, every hour, everyday and in every corner,
leaving no digital stones untouched. The world feels paralyzed in a suspenseful state of anticipation of the dreadful
future. It’s eerily quiet with almost no one is outside out and about the only sounds that can be heard are the occasional
birds chirping, the sound of the rain, and the wind whistling through the trees, everyone waits anxiously in isolation
hoping for the pandemic to pass.

Things are much different than I used to be. I feel the panic from our leaders who have put policy in place to
hopefully end this virus in the near future. I think the reaction is appropriate and I appreciate everything that people are
doing to help stop the spread, no matter how boring it may be. I can confidently say that my life has indeed changed. I
am a college student and this was not how I was planning to spend my college year. Every day I wake up and go watch
our shop while doing my requirements, I do my works at home and sometimes I do workout. I eat at times we normally

would eat. My routine is extremely repetitive and I have only been doing this for a few weeks. I understand that we have

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to do this for a long time and I am fully willing to do so in hopes that we can return to normal soon.

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There is a time to cry, and there is a time to laugh. Right now we are in a time to cry. After learning that we are
not going back to school this semester, I was Unfazed, because I had expected as much. However, the longer I stay inside

our house and the more and more online classes I take, I begin to realize that this is a real thing. My friends that I may
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never see again got taken away from me. Nothing about this situation is ideal, but we have to remember that this
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situation helps us look on the good times that we had. If we constantly have laughs and fun it becomes the normal, we
would never understand what it would be like if it were taken away from us. But I was so sad because there were a lot of

things that I missed. This was not how I used to do in my everyday life. With this virus, we have gotten our freedom taken
away which makes me appreciate more and more the times when we had it. Though this may be the time to cry, it does
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not mean that we cannot look back on the memories that we had. During this times, I try my best to remember all the
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greatest moments during school days. Therefore, I love to scroll through my memories in my camera roll and find all the
funniest times from when I could laugh. This makes it easier to move forward towards the next stage of my life and
prepare for the happy times to come back. This was my daily routine since the lockdown begin. It was so boring, feeling
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sad, but most of the times I was so happy because every day is like a family day. During this lockdown I spend a lot of
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time with my family, at night we all watch movies while lying down on the floor and having fun. Sometimes I come to
think that we would not be completing this semester, it was so numb. I knew I should be sad, but I guess that I hadn’t
processed and felt the impact of what is happening. This season for me is the season to hold on. As I laid down, I started

to think about my college status because this time we could not return to campus so I decided maybe this is the time to
digest. I started to think of the memories, people, friends, school mates and activities that shaped me and my time at

school. I thought the lows and the times that I really sucked, which I could learn from. Life is changing, holding on will
just make me sad and make me miss people more and more.

There are times, I have been wondering why this pandemic has happened at this time. I hate that it had happen,

there is a lot of people don’t know where to find money or job at this time, not everyone has a stock of foods, not
everyone can work from home, not everyone has our privilege, to them not working means death. There is a lot of
people dying every day, every second because of this virus, a lot of people are crying, missing their love ones and asking
for help. Our world is crying and we totally endure it. But I feel incredibly optimistic about the future, there is an antidote
to fear, as it is hope that will pull us through these difficult times. By having faith that this virus will pass, listening to
medical professionals and authorities, staying indoors, keeping good hygiene, social distancing, not going in to the fear-
mongering, and being mindful and supportive for these deeply affected either physically or emotionally, I whole-heartily
believe that we will be able to persevere and come out stronger than ever. Maybe this common suffering and challenge
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will make the world see each other as one thing, as one people. Not that our countries and cultures aren’t important,
but that we can all help each other prepare to limit the suffering and unnecessary death that has surprised the world this
time with this virus.

I believed that God always has a reason for whatever happens. This was meant to happen at this time because
something good will eventually come out of this. God gave families the time to enjoy each other’s presence because
some families don’t ever get the time to be with one another. Now that families have the time, they can spend quality
time with one another. Families get to watch movies or shows together, they got to play games with each other, and just
simply laugh and enjoy time together. This is the time to love.

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