CDPNHS Entrep Q4 W1 Las1

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Grade 12, Quarter 4, Week 1

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level:____________________

Section:___________________________________ Date:__________________________



Running a business is a complex process. Most business enterprises face at

least one problem in their operation, it might be with their people, processes,
equipment or materilas. Its not just about one machine or equipment. Issues
within the people in the organization may also arise, which could affect the flow of
the business. It is up to the business administrators to identify and address these
problems by adopting processes that would best solve the issues.


Demonstrate understanding of the 4Ms of operation.

Describe the 4Ms (Manpowwer, Method, Machine, Materials) of operations
inrelations to the business opportunity:
*Develop a product description
*Create a prototype of the product (TLE-ICTAN11/12-EM-Ia-2)


At the end of this learning activity sheet, the learners are expected to:
1. identify the 4Ms of operation;
2. demonstrate understanding of the 4Ms;
3. describe the 4Ms of operation in relation to business opportunity; and
4. create a prototype product with product description.


The 4Ms of operation in relations to business opportunity means that the four
critical domains, usually attributed to manufacturing, those are: man, machine,
material and method work together. These four critical domains are also applicable to
business opportunities since business is in essence tied to manufacturing as well. When
putting up a business, manpower is critical as well as the other elements. The
businessman must take all of those into account.

Method - refers to the system and step by step process in the business. Without a
scalable process, it would be difficult to expand the business. This means that the
methods used in the main branch must be documented and must be replicated as well

in other branches. If it is difficult to implement at another site, find what needs to be

Manpower - this is the worker. When setting up a business, finding honest and
capable people is always a challenge. In my experience, people can be honest but may
not be capable or competent and some are capable but not honest. It is a rare find to
find someone with all the ideal qualities. So for a businessman, they must be able to
treasure their employees who are both capable and honest as they are integral to the
growth of the business

Materials - sourcing raw materials is critical in any business endeavor as the

businessman would want to have the cheapest possible at the highest quality.  

Machines - machinery is also important. Without the proper equipment, you will
not be able to perform the needed tasks efficiently. You may be able to use the
manpower to do it but it is usually more efficient if machines are able to automate the

Product Description

Is the promotion that explains what a product is and why it’s worth buying? The
purpose of a product description is to provide customers with details around the
features and benefits of the product so they’re obliged to buy.

Guidelines of a Good Product Description

1. Know who your target market

The first step to writing product descriptions is to define your target audience. You
want to be able to define which features would be of most interest to your potential

This begins with understanding your buyer persona, a breakdown of the

characteristics of your potential customers. Your buyer persona will help you
understand which features will be most valuable to your customers.

2. Focus on the product benefits

As a business owner, you are understandably excited to share all of the qualities
of your products. You want to show that your product has the best features and the
most unique specs.

The buyer, however, is not necessarily interested in the mundane features of the
product. Instead, they want to know how it can benefit them.

A product feature is a factual statement about the product that provides technical
information. A product benefit, on the other hand, tells how the product can improve the
buyer’s life.

An example can be found in the product description at The Yankee Candle

Company for their sample-size votive candle.

So what makes this candle so special? Well, the answer lies in the direct benefits
that it will bring to the buyer.

3. Tell the full story

A good product description should give all relevant details, convince the buyer of
its benefits, and pack an emotional punch.

Emotions influence buyer behavior, so your product description is the perfect

place to elicit emotions. How do you do this? By filling in any gaps that potential buyers
may have about the product.

Example, Sivana Spirit does an excellent job of this in their product description for
their Natural Amethyst Ring.

The product description includes features, sure, but it goes further into the story
of the key feature: the amethyst.

It does this by focusing on the traditional spiritual benefits of amethyst. It focuses

especially on the ways in which it can be used, making it easy for the customer to
imagine having this ring in his or her life.

4. Use natural language and tone

If you read your description aloud, does it sound like a real conversation that you
would have with your friend? Or does it sound like a computer-generated string of

If your product description isn’t something that you would say to your friend
about the product, then it’s time to inject a little life into them.

Bringing this natural tone–one that you would use in a real conversation–will help
your customer connect with your brand.

Example, Nasty Gal does this exceptionally well, using the tone of “fun-loving
girlfriend” Rather than selling regular high-heel shoes, they are selling sassy shoes that
one young woman might recommend to another.

5. Use power words that sell

There are certain words and phrases that naturally elicit an emotional response in
humans. Luckily for Shopify store owners, this also increases sales.

By being mindful of these words and phrases, you can more easily convince your
customers to take the leap and make the purchase.

Jon Morrow at Smart Blogger describes these as “power words.” He has an entire
list of words that can help make your product copy more enticing.

6. Make it easy to scan

People have short attention spans and read-only about 16% of what’s on the page.
So your product description needs to be able to capture that coveted 16% in an effective

You can do this by making your descriptions super scannable. As in, the buyer is
able to find exactly the information he or she wants without wasting time sifting through
other pieces of information.

Make your product descriptions easy to scan by including bullet points, short
paragraphs made up of just a few sentences each, lots of white space, and different size

Example, Health Warrior does a great job of making a scannable page for their
chia seed bars. They include different size fonts, a short paragraph, and bullet points of
the key benefits of the bar.

As you are writing product descriptions, look for easy opportunities to follow this
same scannable structure.

Ingredients and specs can easily be put into bullet points. The story and highlights
can easily be put into a short paragraph. The product title can be put into a heading.

By making your product description easier to read, you are less likely to lose a
potential customer during the process.

7. Use good images

Even if you master product description writing, you must still have quality
images to go with it. Why? Because 63% of customers think that a product image is
more important than the description or even the reviews. So an important aspect of your
product description is actually in the photo itself.

Quality photos will show the customer all of the key features of your product. They
will also allow the customer to imagine having this product in her life.

For example, Vitamix, a brand that sells professional-grade blenders, uses quality

images and videos on its product pages to help make the sale.

Rather than telling you about the engine or the capacity of the blender, they show
you a picture of a blender filled with food items as well as an inspiring video about the

You will also notice that they use enticing power words and list the benefits within
the very short, scannable product description.

By showing what the blender is capable of, both in technical and practical ways,
the customer is able to immediately imagine having this blender at home, in real life.


A duplication of a product as it will be produced, which may contain such details

as color, graphics, packaging and directions. One of the important early steps in the
inventing process is making a prototype. Benefits are the reasons why customers will
decide to buy the products such as affordability, efficiency or ease of use. The features of
the product or service merely provide a descriptive fact about the product or service. It is
better to test your product prototype to meet customers’ needs and expectations; and for
your product to be known and saleable. Pretesting of the product or service is similar to
a sample of the product or service given to the consumer free of cost in order that
he/she may try the product before committing to a purchase.


Activity 1: It’s a Match

Directions: Choose the correct answer in column B that best defined the
word/s in column A. Write the letter of your answer in a sheet of paper.

Column A Column B
1. Machine A. duplication of the product
2. Manpoweer B. step by step processes in the business
3. Materials C. product
4. Method D. competent and skilled employee
5. Prototyping E. equipment
F. raw materials

Activity 2: 4Ms in Action!

Directions: Read the paragraph in the box and complete the table below by
applying the 4Ms of operations.

Your class is assigned for the preparation and printing of 100 copies of
school brochures which are to be distributed to the school’s guests in the
celebration of its 50th Founding Anniversary.

Preparation and Printing of School Brochures

(Who are your

(what are the
materials needed?)

(What machine or
equipment would
you use?)
(What are the
processes involved
in preparing and
printing of school

Activity 3: Listed Thoughts

Directions: Enumerate the guidelines of a good product description and explain
each using your own words. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Activity 4: Picture Perfect!

Directions: Think of your own product prototype and make a product description
following the guidelines in writing it. You may draw or cut a picture of your
prototype product. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Scoring Rubrics:
Category Description Score
Content The data are correct and in accordance with the 20
guidelines in writing product description
Details The data are complete, extensive and includes 15
many details.
Clarity Data are easy to understand, clear and concise. 15
Total 50


Directions: Answer the following. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

1. One of the 4Ms of production that deals with its people’s education, skills
and attitude.

2. It refers to the standards procedures in the operations of the business.

3. It is necessary in the production of a product. An entrepreneur chooses the

cheapest possible but at the highest quality.  

4. It refers to the equipment used in the production of goods or product.

5. It is the promotion that explains a product and why it’s worth buying.

6. Why is it important to consider the audience in writing a product


7. How images work in a product description?

8. Why should we make our product description easy to scan?

9. Why is it necessary to include the benefits of the product in product


10.How important for an entrepreneur to consider the 4Ms of operation?


Directions: Answer the following questions. Write your answer in a sheet of paper.

1. What have you learned from the lesson?


2. How can you apply those learning in your daily life as a SHS student?



Prepared by:

Cristina David Pascual National HS


Activity 1: It’s a Match

1. E
2. D
3. F
4. B
5. A

Activity 2: 4Ms in Action

Answer my vary

Activity 3: Listed Thoughts

Answer may vary

Activity 4: Picture Perfect

Answer may vary

Anwer may vary

Answer may vary


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