Dhruv Singh Assignment

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Subject: Mathematics

Que-1 If sin x is an integrating factor of the differential equation dx + Py=Q , then
write the value of P.

Solution – We know that the Integrating factor of linear differential equation

in x is e ∫p. dx and here it is sin x

⇒ e ∫p. dx = sin x, taking log both sides, we get

⇒ ∫p. dx = log sin x, differentiating both sides, we get

⇒ p = sinx

⇒ p = cot x

Explanation: The above question is a linear differential equation in ‘y’ and

we are provided with it’ s integrating factor, so, first thought which comes to
our mind is writing integrating factor for generalized linear differential
equation in ‘y’ and equating it with the given integrating factor.

Then in the next step we have taken log both sides and log of e raised to
power something is equal to that something value which is the power.
Observing the next step, we have used ‘chain rule’ in the differentiation of
log(x). Below is the chain rule,
[ f ( g ( x ) ) ]=f ' ( g ( x ) ) g ' ( x )

Differentiating ∫p. dx with respect to x, integration of p cancels out with the

differentiation and we just get p. Explaining it below,

Suppose ∫p. dx = q(x) + c, where c is the constant of integration. Now, when

we differentiate ∫p. dx, basically we are differentiating {q(x) + c} because
both are the same thing, therefore,
d d
( ∫ p . dx ) = [q ( x ) +c ]
dx dx
⇒ [ q ( x ) ]+ d [ c ]
dx dx

⇒ p(x) + 0
⇒ p(x)


 Where a student can go wrong – Sometimes we get confused

between expression for linear differential equation in ‘y’ and expression
for linear differential equation in ‘x’, so you must remember it correctly.

Integrating factor for linear differential equation in ‘y’ = e ∫p. dx

Integrating factor for linear differential equation in ‘x’ = e ∫p. dy

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Que-2. The length of the focal chord of the parabola y2 = 4ax at a distance b from
the vertex is c, then

(A) 2a2 = b c (B) a3 = b2c (C) ac = b2 (D) b2c = 4a3

Solution –
In triangle OAB, sin θ = OA/OB ⇒ b/a
Now, we know that when angle between the focal chord and the x- axis is
given as θ, then length of the focal chord is given by ‘4acosec2 θ’ or ‘4a/sin2 θ’,
c = 4a/sin2 θ ⇒ c = 4a(a2/b2) ⇒ c = 4a3/b2 ⇒ b2c = 4a3

Hence, correct option is (d).


Whenever we are given the distance of any line from any point without any
condition then it means that the given distance is the perpendicular distance
from the given point.

So, first of all, suppose the focal chord makes an angle of ‘θ’ with the x – axis,
then from the origin, draw a perpendicular line to the focal chord. Now, as
given in the question, length of that perpendicular line is ‘b’ i.e. OA = ‘b’. OB
= ‘a’ as B is the focus of the given parabola.
Now, we know that length of focal chord is given by 4a (cosec2 θ), therefore,
from the right angle triangle OAB, we have to find cosec θ,
cosec θ = OB/OA = a/b, putting this value in the formula for length of focal
chord we get,

c = 4a(a2/b2) = 4a3/b2


 Where the students can go wrong - One of the mistakes we

generally make is calculating value of cosec θ in the right angle triangle.
As cosec θ = hypotenuse/ perpendicular, sometimes by mistake while
taking the values of sides from the triangle, we interchange the value of
hypotenuse and perpendicular which results in a completely different

 Tricky answer – To solve this question quickly we can consider of a

special case where focal chord will be a latus rectum, i.e. perpendicular
to x- axis and if it happens, then ‘a’ will be equal to ‘b’.
Now, as we can see in this case, the end points of focal chord are (a,2a) and
(a,-2a), therefore length of focal chord will be 4a and in the question it is
given to be ‘c’, therefore, c = 4a.
As, b = a and c = 4a, putting values of b and c in all the 4 options and then
checking for equality, we find that the 4th option is correct.

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Que-3. Number of words which begins with a vowel and ends with a consonant
by permuting the letters of the word ‘HARSHITA’

(A) 2340
(B) 2700
(C) 1800
(D) 1980

Solution – In total ‘HARSHITA’ consists of total 8 letters, out of which

Vowels – A, A, I
Consonants -H, H, R, T, S

Now in order to find all those letters which starts with vowels and ends with
consonants, let’s make 3 variables,

x – all those words which starts with vowels

y – all those words which starts a vowel and ends with a vowel

z – all those words which starts with a vowel and ends with a consonant

Therefore, z = x – y

(1). Finding x (All those words which starts with a vowel)

Out of A, A, I
Case (a).

When word starts with ‘A’, now remaining letters are A, I, H, H, R, T, S

and 7 places are left.

Therefore, number of ways in which these remaining 7 letters can be

arranged on these remaining 7 places – 7! / 2!

Case (b).
When word starts with ‘I’, now remaining letters are A, A, H, H, R, T, S
and 7 places are left.

Therefore, number of ways in which these remaining 7 letters can be

arranged on these remaining 7 places -- 7! / 2! .2!

Hence, total number of words which starts with a vowel:

⇒ (7! / 2!) + (7! / 2! .2!) = ( + ( = 3780

(2). Finding y (All those words which starts a vowel and ends with a vowel)

In total there are 3 cases for finding ‘y’

Case (a). When word starts with ‘A’ and ends with ‘A’, therefore
remaining letters are I, H, H, R, T, S

Number of ways in which these 6 letters can be arranged in remaining 6

places are 6! / 2!
Case (b). When word starts with ‘A’ and ends with ‘I’, therefore
remaining letters are A, H, H, R, T, S

Numbers of ways in which these can be arranged now are 6! / 2!

Case (c). When word starts with ‘I’ and ends with ‘A’, then remaining
letters are A, H, H, R, T, S

Numbers of ways in which these can be arranged now are 6! / 2!

Therefore ‘y’ = 3. (6! / 2!) = 1080

As we derived a formula above which is z = x – y

Therefore, z = 3780 – 1080 = 2700.

Hence, (B) option is correct.


Where students can go wrong - Questions like this are always

attempted wrong by most of the students. Sometimes it is calculation
mistake, sometimes it is applying wrong concept and mostly going for the
shortcut which do not even exist.

Many students while practicing at home apply wrong concepts and by

chance, they get correct answer and as they got the correct answer, they
also apply that method in exam and there are high chances that it is going
to be wrong.

If in this type of questions if you are getting confused, then always make
cases and then solve the answer, yeah it can take more time but at least
you will get correct answer.
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