Prediksi UAN Part A 2010

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In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are two parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Questions 1 to …………..
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. They
will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. After you hear a dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible
answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Now listen to a sample question.

Listening Section
In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part.

Questions: 1 to 5.
Directions: .
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues
or questions will be spoken once They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers say.
1. a. Thanks for the information d. That’s fantastic
b. Oh... that’s too bad e. I’m happy to hear that
c. It’s OK. It will be better soon.
a. Satisfaction d. Like
b. Disatisfaction e. Surprise
c. Dislike
a. Satisfaction
b. Apology
c. Agreement
d. Offering thing
e. Gratitude


1 2 3
4 5
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

a. b. c.

d. e.

Questions: 6 to 10.
Directions: .
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or questions spoken in English. The dialogues
or questions will be spoken once They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers say.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
9. Mark your answer on your answer sheet!
10. Mark your answer on your answer sheet

Questions: 11 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken two
times. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers say.
After you hear a monologue and the questions about it, read the five possible answers and decide
which one would be the best answer to the questions you have heard.
1 2 3

4 5
11. Narrator: Which picture shows what Mama Ostrich was doing?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5
Questions 12 – 13 refer to following monologue.
12. What is the topic of the text you’ve just heard?
A. Lukito
B. The Earth Quake
C. West Sumatra Province
D. Gunung Sitoli in Nias Sitoli
E. The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency
13. Where was the center of the earth quake?
A. In Gunung Sitoli, Nias Isalnd
B. Under the Indian Ocean
C. Under Gunung Sitoli
D. In North Sumatra
E. In West Sumatra
Questions 14 – 15 refer to following monologue.
14. When are the traffic very crowded?
A. In Jakarta
B. At six in the morning
C. At nine
D. In rush hour
E. At noon.

15. What is the cause of lung cancer?

A. Petrol
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Carbon Monoxide
D. Dirty air
E. Motorcycles

This is the end of listening section.

Text : 1

Rules and regulations for the camping participants.
1. Assemble at the school yard on Friday at 6 a m and report to the
2. Bring the camping kits needed
3. Bring food and drinks as well as drugs/medicine
4. Leave for the camping spot at 6.30 a m
5. Behave well either during the trip or at the camping spot
6. Make good cooperation with the residence and the surroundings
7. Keep the environment clean and healthy
8. Follow the rules and regulations set by the committee
9. return to school on Sunday at 4 p m

16. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the announcement above?

The camping participants should . . . .
a. arrive punctuality in agreement with the time arranged by the committee
b. bring everything they need during the camping activity
c. neglect the rules and regulations set by committee
d. maintain good relationship with the people around
e. show good attitude all the time
17. “Assemble at the school yard on Friday at 6 a m. The underlined word means . . . .
a. get d. disperse
b. gather e. separate
c. scatter

Text : 2

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tom and I visited the Grand Canyon last week. It was great.
The Grand Canyon is in the State of Arizona. Over million of years,
the Colorado River cut through the rock and formed the canyon. It is very
We started our hike on the South Rim. We hiked to the bottom of
canyon to a place called Phantom Ranch. We stayed there overnight. The next
day, we rode mules to the top of the canyon. My mule had thick fur and was
slow, but I was happy that I didn’t have to hike all the way to the top.
I saw a beautiful sunset while I was in canyon. The sky was yellow,
orange and red. I took pictures, so I will show you when I get home.
I bought some presents at the Visitor Center. I bought a bracelet
and a book. I’ll see you next week.


18. ………… So I will show you when I get home (par. 4). The word you refers to …….
a. people d. speakers
b. readers e. writer’s parents
c. listeners

19. What is the second activity of the writer in Grand Canyon?

a. Visiting the Grand Canyon d. Staying overnight
b. Hiking on the South Rim e. Riding mules to the top canyon.
c. Buying some presents

Text : 3


MTI is seeking qualified candidates to manage its Community Health Projects in

Sigli, NAD and Pulau Nias. Candidates who meet the qualifications below are
encourage to e-mail their CVs to: adminã
 Develop an action plan for community health project
 Help recruit, hire, and mentor local community health staff
 Develop a network of community health activities in the targeted area.
Desired Minimum Qualifications:
 University degree, with community health background
 At least four years experience in project work and management
 Proficient in English, Indonesian and preferably Bahasa Aceh or Nias.
Good salary, housing allowance (if relocated) and health insurance.

20. The advertisement above is mainly about . . . .

a. traveling tour to NAD
b. management of Medical Teams
c. Medical Teams International Project
d. a program of health activities in Pulau Nias
e. a vacancy in Medical Teams International INC
21. An applicant should have . . . .
a. an action plan c. three years experience
b. a university degree d. a network in the targeted area
a local community health staf
Text : 4

Don’t Change The World

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One
day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back
to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful because it was the
first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through
was very rough and stony. He then ordered his people to cover every road of the
entire country with leather.
Definitely, this would need thousands of cow’s skin and would cost a huge
amount of money.
Then of one his wise servants dared himself to tell the king, ’Why do you
have to spend that unnecessary amount of money? Why don’t you just cut a
little piece of leather to cover your feet?’
The king was surprised, but later he agreed to the suggestion, to make a
‘shoe’ for himself.

22. What caused the pain in king’s feet?
a. The interesting journey d. The stones in his village
b. The new shoes e. The rough carpet.
c. The first distant journey
23. What made the king’s order to cover all roads with the leather seemed
a. because there was not enough material
b. because it would need high cost
c. because the servant refused to obey
d. because he had a wise servant
e. because there was no better idea
24. What is the antonym of prosperous?
a. wealthy d. hungry
b. rich e. wicked
c. poor
25. What is the moral value that we can take from the story above?
a. We should not walk without shoes in the stony road
b. Sometimes we just need to change ourselves to adjust to the world
c. Never change yourself for others
d. Be confident with everything you have
e. Don’t cut any cow just to cover the road.
Text : 5

JAKARTA: City official will donate their annual bonus worth 330 million in
total to a project helping develop fishing villages on Jakarta’s north coast.
Governor Sutiyoso said, Thursday, that some 80 high-ranking city officials
had agreed to donate their annual bonus, popularly called the 13 th salary because it
equivalent to one month’s pay.
He said that the money would be allocated in the year’s city additional
budget and the paying out would be conducted in September.

26. What is the text about?

a. The plan of Governor Sutiyoso to help other people
b. The project development on fishing villages
c. The annual bonus of high-ranking officials
d. The donation of the annual bonus for the development of fishing villages.
e. The paying out of the donation will be conducted in September
27. What do you call the first paragraph of the text?
a. Orientation d. General classification
b. Thesis e. identification
c. Newsworthy event
28. Which statement is not true based on the text?
a. There is a project helping develop fishing villages
b. Some- high-ranking city officials had agreed to donate their annual bonus.
c. Governor Sutiyoso supported the program
d. The donation would be given directly to the needed people
e. The paying out will be conducted in September

Text : 6

One of my students could not take my university seminar final exam because
of funeral.
I suggested him to make up the following week. That week came, and again he
couldn’t take the test due to another funeral. Then, I insisted him to take exam
early the following week. He said that he might be able to sit in the exam if there
was no one died.
By now I was suspicious how so many people he knew could die in three weeks.
I started to find out what actually happened. I went to administration office to
find what actually the student did, I found out latter that he was a gravedigger,
and of course he didn’t know the people died.

29. Why couldn’t the student take the final exam? Because………..
a. He had to burry the dead d. He had to visit his friend who
person died
b. He had to see the funeral e. He had to visit his lecturer
c. He had to dig the hole for the
dead person
30. What did the lecturer suggest him?
a. Not to take the final exam d. To go to the administration
b. Not to come the following week office
c. To burry dead person e. To take the exam the following
31. “He said that he might be able to sit in the exam …… ( par. 2 ).
What does he refer to?
a. The lecturer d. The reader
b. The student e. The professor
c. The writer
32. What did the lecturer do to find what the student do?
a. He went to the cemetery d. He went to the student’s house
b. He asked the student e. He asked the student’s parent
c. He went to the administration
33. What did the student actually do?
a. He was a lecturer d. He was a farmer
b. He was a teacher e. He was a gravedigger
c. He was an officer

Text : 7
Although Gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes. They live in
family groups in the thickest part of the jungles.
A gorilla’s feet, hand and wrinkled face are bare and black. His fur may be short or
long depending on where he lives.
The short-haired gorilla lives in the hot, damp, tropical forest of western Africa,
and the long haired gorilla lives in the cooler air in the high mountains of central Africa.
Some wild mountain gorillas weigh as much as you, your father and your mother all
weigh together.
At night the father gorilla sleeps on the ground. But the mother and the baby
gorillas sleep in a big nest of stick and leaves on the ground, or in the lower branches of
trees, where they are safer from prowling animals.

34. The text mainly tells us about . . . .
a. father gorilla d. gorillas in brief
b. gorilla’s life e. the origin of gorilla
c. kinds of gorilla
35. The . . . of the gorillas affects the length of the gorilla’s fur.
a. size d. weight
b. food e. habitat
c. habit
36. The following parts of a gorilla are not covered by fur EXCEPT . . . .
a. The chain d. The feet
b. The nose e. The face
c. The arms
37. “Although gorillas look ferocious, they are really rather quiet apes.” ( par. 1)
What does the underlined word means?
a. Rude d. Strong
b. Cruel e. clumsy
c. Rough

Text : 8

For many people, a funeral is a time great sadness, but not for the people
of Southern Sulawesi. For them, a funeral is an important event and a time for
celebration. The Toraja people, who have their religion, believe that after we
die, our soul will become angry and jealous if w do not perform special funeral
ceremonies for the dead person. If the ceremonies are not performed, it will
bring bad luck. That is why many of the Toraja people today still perform their
ancient funeral ceremonies.
Sometimes a Toraja person is not buried immediately after death. The
dead body is preserved in a special way in a coffin, and kept in the traditional
house or it is called Tongkonan until the family is ready to perform the funeral
ceremony. This may be two or three years after the person’s death. Until the
time comes for the funeral, the coffin is taken out of the house, wrapped in a
beautiful cloth and placed inside special construction which is made to carry the

38. The Toraja people believe that …………

a. a funeral is an important event
b. after we die, our soul will become angry and jealous
c. a funeral is always held immediately after a person dies
d. the ceremonies will bring bad luck
e. the dead body is buried in the coffin.
39. How do the Toraja people treat the dead body before the funeral ceremony
comes? They ………..
a. kept in a bed in a house
b. put it in a carved wooden coffin
c. wrap it in a beautiful cloth and in a coffin
d. put in a special way in coffin
e. keep it in the statue called tau-tau
40. The dead body is preserved in a special way in a coffin.
The underlined word has the same meaning to ……..
a. laid d. shown
b. wrapped e. place
c. kept

Text : 9

Do you want to buy a mobile phone? Don’t be hasty. There are many things to
consider. Be reasonable before making a decision.
First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness of the equipment. The
question might be, “Do I want it for prestige or its usefulness?”
Then you should make a choice on the type of the mobile phone. There are
various choices in the market, so you should decide the one that meets your needs
and whether you can afford it or not.
The consequence of using mobile phone is its high operational costs. You have
to pay more for a mobile phone compared to a fixed telephone. Therefore you
should only use the mobile phone only for important talks.

41. What is the text about?

a. The various type of mobile phone
b. How to use a mobile phone effectively
c. The advantages of using a mobile phone
d. The consequences of using a mobile phone
e. Things to consider before buying a mobile phone
42. According to the text which of the following is NOT TRUE about mobile phone?
a. Practical d. Economical
b. Expensive e. Easy to carry
c. Prestigious
43. Which of the following is the most important thing to consider before buying a mobile
a. The type d. Your money
b. The price e. Your prestige
c. Your choice
44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
a. All types of mobile phones are good
b. It is very important for us to have a mobile phone
c. Buying an expensive mobile phone is a wise decision
d. It is wise using mobile phone for chatting with friends
e. It is advisable to use a mobile phone only for important talks

Text : `10

There are several positive and negative impacts of internet on education . One of
the positive impacts of internet to education is when you are curious about
something. You can find out any information to feed your “learning hunger’
immediately from internet. If you are curious about the ants in your background, or
if you want to know more about dinosaurs or any prehistoric animals, there is
abundant of information at your fingertips and you can improve your knowledge.
On the other hand, some would argue that internet degrades the quality of
research, throwing people into areas where the answer they find are low-quality
guesses, at best. Since internet allows anyone to publish, finding high quality
information is sometimes difficult. The internet also can be huge distraction, like
many other thins that distract us fro serious inquiry.

45. What does the text mainly discuss?
a. The impact of internet on education
b. The advance of technology on education
c. The access to information from the internet
d. The distraction of curiosity by the internet
e. The decrease of research quality caused by internet
46. “The internet also can be a huge distraction, . . . “ ( Par. 2)
What is the apposite meaning of the underline word?
a. Few d. Fine
b. Less e. Small
c. Thin
47. Why do some people disagree with the use of internet on education?
a. Internet does not encourage people to serious questions
b. Internet gives low quality answer to questions
c. Internet provides high quality information
d. Internet results expensive education
e. Internet has little access to education
48. Which of the following is NOT a good effect of internet on education?
a. Internet can avoid a serious inquiry
b. Internet can make education cheaper
c. Internet can influence a student’s interest
d. Internet can open the access to information in rural areas
e. Internet can help anyone find the answers to their curiosity.

Text : 11

From : Anna Prahita

Date : Tuesday, March 10, 2009 - 09.15 A.M
To Avila Rosari
Subject : Hellen Forbes, UNICEF Ambassador

Dr. Hellen Forbes, Ph.D, a UNICEF ambassador, will be visiting our company on
Wednesday, March 18th. I’d like you to prepare a program for her. She will arrive in the
morning before noon. Please start with lunch in the cafeteria and then show her your
department. After that, take her to our printing department.

49 What does the message tell about?

a. The schedule of welcoming de. Helen, Ph.D
b. The preparation to welcome dr. Helen Forbes, Ph.D
c. The arrival of dr. Helen, Ph.D
d. Having lunch at the cafeteria with de. Helen
e. Showing the printing department to dr. Helen, Ph.D

50 Who will accompany her to go around the company?

a. Anna Prahita
b. Hellen Forbes
c. No one
d. Both Anna Prahita and Avila Rosari
e. Avila Rosari


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