Referencing Slides 2

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• Referencing lists
• Bibliography
• Referencing different sources
• Harvard referencing
Things to remember
As you find different sources always make a
note of:
• Author
• Date of publication
• Title of source
• Publisher
• Place of publication
• Page numbers for quotes
• For journals articles make a note of the journal title, the year
of publication, the volume number, the issue and the page
• For websites make a note of the home page, the author, the
year the page was created, the link to the specific source and,
Things to remember

• As you read, keep a note of the author’s
• Write summaries of what you are reading as
you do your research, so you can keep track of
what you have read
• Think critically as you read
Referencing List and Bibliography
Reference list:

• A reference list is a list of all the information sources

that you have cited in your text.


• A bibliography is a list of items that you have read,

and has informed your thinking, but not specifically
cited in your assignment.

Both should be in alphabetical order

Harvard referencing
• When writing assignments you must always
ensure that they reference all research
• This avoids plagiarism
• References are placed at the end of the
• ANY material taken from another source must
be referenced, i.e. scores, quotes, images,
tables, etc.
Harvard referencing
• Information on how to reference can be found
on the Library website and is also on Minerva.

Author, T. (2010) Title. Place of publication:

Common sources
Author, T. (2010) Title. 2nd ed. Place of publication:
Books with more than one author:
List both authors in alphabetical order at the start of
the reference.
Edited books:
Put editor at the start of reference with (ed.) in
between name and year of publication.
Reference four books
Common sources
Chapter within a book:
• Author of chapter, T. (2010) Title. In: Author, T. (ed.)
Title. 2nd ed. Place of publication: Publisher: pp. 10-
No author stated:
• Use Anon. in place of the author. Always question
whether the source is suitable for academic work.
Common sources
Single & multiple authors
• (in text) – all author surnames before date:
e.g. Silvertown and Charlesworth (2001)
More than three authors
• (in text) – first surname followed by et al (in
italics): e.g. ...was provided by Nestler et al.
• In the reference list all authors are listed
all authors listed:
Common sources
Journal Articles:
Author, T. (2010) ‘Title of article’. Title of Journal,
Volume(issue), pp. 10-23.

Reference four journal articles
Electronic sources
Electronic books:
Author, T. (2010) Title [online]. Place of publication:
Publisher [date it was accessed]. Available at:
<http://web address>

Electronic journal articles

Author, T. (2010) Title of article. Title of journal
[online]. Volume(issue) pp. 10-11 [date it was
accessed]. Available at: <http://web address>
Referencing music sources
Published (printed) music and recorded sound,
iTunes, Spotify:

TASK: Reference four CDs

‘This is my quote’ (Author, T., 2010, p. 60)
Author states that ‘quote’ (2010, p. 60)

• For long quotations of more than 4 lines, you

should indent the quotation and there is no
requirement for quotation marks.

• You should also reference if you are summarising

an author’s viewpoint.
Web pages:
Organisation or individual author, T. (2010) Title
[online]. Place of publication: Publisher [date it was
accessed]. Available at: <http://web address>

Newspaper articles:
Author, T. (2010) Title of article. Title of newspaper.
26 June, p.25.

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