Business Analyst Skill Assessment

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Q1. What are BA Thumb rules?

Thumb rules of BA:
1) Solve client problems only by our IT solution
2) Be like lotus in the mud
3) Never take tensions but pass on tensions
4) Requirements hurries - Project buried
5) Never criticize any stakeholder - appreciate them even for their small efforts

Q2. Write about a relationship in OOA?

Relationships of OOA
Relationships exists between either between classes or between objects, but not
between a class and an object.
Types of Relationships are:
I. Association
II. Generalization
III. Aggregation
IV. Composition

a) Association has a relationship

b) Unary- One way when you turn on your tv- “Turn On” association is unidirectional
(one way)
c) Multiplicity-an important aspect of associations among objects.
d) Reflexive-Sometimes a class is in an association with itself. Referred to as a reflexive
association, this can happen when a class has objects that play a variety of roles.
Qualified Associations
When an associations multiplicity is one to many, a particular challenge often arises lookup.
When an object from one class has to choose a particular object from another in order to
fulfil a role in an association, the first class has to rely on a specific attribute to select the
current object.
It exists between in generalized class and specialized class

student professor
It is the ‘parts’ and its ‘whole’ relationship. The ‘part’ remains even if the ‘whole’
E.g.: home computer system is an aggregation that consists of a CPU box, a
keyboard, a mouse, a monitor, a CD-ROM drive, one or more hard drives, the CPU
box holds RAM, a graphics card, and a sound card.

It is the ‘parts’ and it’s ‘whole’ relationship. The ‘part’ also dies along with the
‘whole’. A composite is a strong type of aggregation.

Q3. What is RTM? Give a sample RTM and how it is managed through SDLC?
I. Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) is a document that maps and traces
user requirement test cases. It captures all requirements proposed by the
client and requirement traceability in a single document, delivered at the
conclusion of the Software development life cycle.
II. The main agenda of every tester should be to understand the client’s
requirement and make sure that the output product should be defect-free.
III. To achieve this goal, every QA should understand the requirement
thoroughly and create positive and negative test cases.
IV. This would mean that the software requirements provided by the client have
to be further split into different scenarios and further to test cases. Each of
this case has to be executed individually.
V. A simple way is to trace the requirement with its corresponding test
scenarios and test cases. This merely is termed as ‘Requirement Traceability
VI. The traceability matrix is typically a worksheet that contains the
requirements with its all possible test scenarios and cases and their current
state, i.e. if they have been passed or failed. This would help the testing team
to understand the level of testing activities done for the specific product .
VII. Using requirements traceability matrix (RTM) in testing helps teams make
sure that each of the customer requirements is included in SDLC as well as
see if all these needs are covered by test cases. RTM in testing allows
expediting the identification of any functionality missing.
Q4. What are different Documents that can be used in a project, you are aware of?
I. Request for proposal (RFP)
II. Request for information (RFI)
III. Request for Quotation (RFQ)
IV. Business Case
V. Statement of work (SOW)
VI. Stakeholders Document
VII. Kick off meeting report (KOM)
VIII. Project Plan (using MPP)
IX. Quality plan
X. Business requirement document (BRD)

Q5. Why Projects fail?

I. Improper requirement gathering
II. Continuous change in requirements
III. Lack of user involvements
IV. Lack of executive support
V. Unrealistic expectations
VI. Improper planning

Q6. How a BA handles Business Requirements, User Requirements and Functional

BA handles Business Requirements as follows:
 Eliciting Requirements. A major aspect of a business analyst’s job is eliciting and
documenting user requirements.
 Creating the Business Requirements Document.
 Structured Analysis.
 Object-Oriented Analysis.
 Business Process Re-Engineering.
 Testing.
 End-User Support.

Business requirements describe why the organization is undertaking the project. They state
some benefits that the developing organization or its customers expect to receive from the
product. Business requirements may be delineated in several documents such as a project
charter, business case, or in a project vision and scope statements. 

 Problem Statement
 Project Vision
 Project Constraints (Budget, Schedule, and Resources)
 Project Objectives
 Project Scope Statements

User requirements, often referred to as user needs, describe what the user does with the
system, such as what activities that users must be able to perform. User requirements are
generally documented in a User Requirements Document (URD) using narrative text. User
requirements are generally signed off by the user and used as the primary input for creating
system requirements.
Functional requirements define the basic system behaviour. Essentially, they are what the
system does or must not do, and can be thought of in terms of how the system responds to
inputs. Functional requirements usually define if/then behaviours and include calculations,
data input, and business processes. Functional requirements are features that allow the system
to function as it was intended. Put another way, if the functional requirements are not met, the
system will not work. Functional requirements are product features and focus on user requirements.

 Business Rules.
 Transaction corrections, adjustments and cancellations.
 Administrative functions.
 Authentication.
 Authorization levels.

Q7.A customer can make a payment either by credit card or Debit Card or Cash or by Net
banking. Derive Boundary Classes, Controller classes, Entity Classes. Place these classes on
a three tier Architecture and Draw a sequence diagram for payment done by Customer
through Credit Card
 boundary classes are ones at the boundary of the system - the classes that you or
other systems interact with.
 entity classes are your typical business entities like "person" and "bank account"
 control classes implement some business logic or other.
customer card reader bank

purchase item
2: calculate amount

3: swap card

4: verify card

5: acknowledgement

6: process card

7: make transaction
8: acknowledgement

9: submit reciept

10. make signature

Q 8. Explain all elements of an Activity Diagram and What is the difference between Fork,
Join and Branch, Merge in an Activity Diagram? What is difference between Guard
Condition and Event?
An Activity diagram is drawn to model how the system should function in order to
achieve Business Logic, Business Functionality and Business Objectives.
I. Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system. So, the
control flow is drawn from one operation to another.
II. Activity diagrams are not only used for visualizing dynamic nature of a system but
they are also used to construct the executable system by using forward and reverse
engineering techniques.
Activity Diagram – Drawing Elements

I. Initial Node
Start Node Indicates where the workflow begins.

II. Control flow

An arrow showing the direction of the workflow. Generally, control flows from top
to bottom and from left to right.

III. Final node

End Node Indicate that the workflow is completed

IV. Stop Node

When a deadlock happens and no more we can progress in that workflow. Example
three times PIN tried wrong in an ATM

V. Activity
Indicates a step in the process. It is a unit of work done by the system or a consistent state

VI. Decision Box

A diamond symbol, indicating a choice. Workflow will proceed along one of a
number of possible paths, according to the guard conditions
Activity Diagram – Drawing Elements
Branch and Merge
Between a Branch and Merge, we can have n number of paths. For the control to pass from
branch to merge at least 1 path should execute. The condition between the paths will be
“OR” Example: Payment by cash, card, net banking coupons.
Activity 4 Activity 5

Fork and Join

Between a Fork n Join, we can have n number of paths. For the control to pass from Fork to
Join all the paths should execute. The condition between the paths will be “AND” Example:
Cash Withdrawal from ATM

Activity 4 Activity 5
Difference between guard condition and event
Guard Condition: A condition attached to a control flow. When the guard condition is true,
workflow may flow along the control flow. Guard conditions are usually attached to control
flow. Guard conditions are usually attached to control flows that come out of a decision
Event: A trigger attached to a control flow. An event must occur for the flow to move along
the control flow. Declaring something as an event has a stronger implication than a calling it
a guard. An event actually triggers the control flow by forcing the previous activity to end,
whereas a guard only governs whether a flow that was triggered for another reason is
allowed to flow along the control flow.

Q 9. What are the various international Bodies of Business Analysis? And what
certifications on BA is available? Name them along with Qualifications and Exam fees.

1.Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)

The Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)  is a vendor-neutral certification that certifies your
skills and ability to draw valuable insights from complex data sets to help guide strategic
businesses decisions. 

 Exam fee: $495 for INFORMS members, $695 for non-members; a CAP exam: $200
for INFORMS members, $300 for non-members

2. IIBA Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA)

The Entry Certificate in Business Analysis (ECBA) is the first level of certification with the
International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), it’s designed for less experienced and
entry-level business analysts. You will need to complete at least 21 hours of professional
training credits, within the past four years, before you will be eligible for the exam. 

 Application fee: $60
 Exam fee: $110 for members, $235 for non-members
 Retake fee: $89 for members, $195 for non-members
 Renewal fee: Not applicable

3. IIBA Certification of Competency in Business Analysis (CCBA)

Level 2 of the IIBA certification, the Certification of Competency in Business Analysis

(CCBA) requires a minimum 3,750 hours of business analytics work aligned with the IIBA’s
Business Analysis Book of Knowledge (BABOK) guide in the past 7 years, 900 hours in two of
six BABOK knowledge areas, or 500 hours in four of six BABOK knowledge areas.

 Application fee: $125
 Exam fee: $325 for members, $450 for non-members
 Retake fee: $250 for members, $375 for non-members
 Renewal fee: $85 for members, $120 for non-members

4. IIBA Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP)

The Certified Business Analysis Professional CBAP certification is the third level of

certification with IIBA and it’s designed for “individuals with extensive business analysis
experience.” To qualify for this certification, you’ll need a minimum of 7,500 hours of
business analyst work experience in the past 10 years, 900 hours of work experience hours
within four of the six BABOK knowledge areas, at least 35 hours of professional
development in the past four years and professional references.

 Application fee: $125
 Exam fee: $325 for members, $450 for non-members
 Retake fee: $250 for members, $375 for non-members
 Renewal fee: $85 for members, $120 for non-members

5.IIBA Agile Analysis Certification (AAC)

As a methodology, agile has been rising in importance for business analysts over the past
several years, according to the IIBA. The association’s competency-based Agile Analysis
Certification (AAC) exam was designed to address this skillset and to certify business analyst
professionals working in agile environments, which require fast adaption and rapid change.

 Exam fee: $250 for members, $375 for non-members

 Retake fee: $200 for members, $325 for non-members
 Renewal fee: $30 for members, $50 for non-members

6.IIBA Certification in Business Data Analytics (CBDA)

The Certification n Business Data Analytics (IIBA-CBDA) from the IIBA is a new certification

that “recognizes your ability to effectively execute analysis-related work in support of
business analytics initiatives.” To pass the exam, you will need to examine a real-world
business problem, identify the data sources and how to obtain data, analyse the data,
interpret and report results from the data. 

 Exam fee: $450 for members. $575 for non-members

 Retake fee: $400 for members, $525 for non-members
 Renewal fee: $30 for members, $50 for non-members

7.IQBBA Certified Foundation Level Business Analyst (CFLBA)

The International Qualifications Board for Business Analysts (IQBBA) offers the Certified
Foundation Level Business Analysis (CFLBA) as an entry-level certification, which will qualify
you to earn higher levels of certification. It’s a globally recognized certification with
accredited exam and training centres all across the world. It’s designed for “people involved
in analysing business processes within an organization, modelling businesses and process

 Exam fee: $250

Q 10. Draw a Use case Diagram and Activity Diagram Railway Reservation System is a
system used for booking tickets over internet. Any Customer Can book tickets for different
trains. Customer can book a ticket only if the tickets are available. Customer searches for
the availability of tickets then if the tickets are available, he books the tickets by initially
filling details in a form. Tickets can be booked in two ways by I-ticket or by e-ticket
booking. In case of i-ticket booking customer can book the tickets online and the tickets
are couriered to Particular customer at their address. But in case of e-ticket booking and
cancelling tickets are booked and cancelled online sitting at the home and customer
himself has to take print of the ticket but in both the cases amount for tickets are
deducted from customers account. For cancellation of ticket the customer has to go at
reservation office than fill cancellation form and ask the clerk to cancel the ticket than the
refund is transferred to customer account. After booking ticket the customer has to
checkout by paying fare amount to clerk.
enquiry ticket availability

fill form

book ticket


<<include>> railway website
pay fare amount

print form


cancel ticket


refund money

Use case diagram for railway reservation system

search trains

check ticket

No logout


book tickets

fill details

submit details

make payment

print ticket

Activity diagram for railway reservation system

Q 11. What are the roles and responsibilities of Business Analyst in given phases?

Phases Tasks of BA and contributions Resources associated and

Pre Projects Enterprise analysis-SWOT Analysis, GAP Business case
analysis, market research, feasibility SOW (statement of work)
study, root cause, decision analyst, PO (purchase order)
strategy analysis, enterprise
architectural frameworks, project scope,
and business case writing.
Requirements Before Project Kick off PM
Planning Sr. BA
Requirements 1. Stakeholders identify and BRD (business requirement
gathering document document)
2. Client gives BRD or BA prepares BA
BRD by interacting with client-
brainstorming. PM
3. Prototyping can be used by BA
to make the client to give more
specific requirements.
4. Sort the gathered requirements.
Requirements 1. Draws UML diagrams (use case Functional requirements
Analysis and activity diagrams) specification
2. Prepares functional SSD (supplementary support
requirements from business documents)
requirements. SRS (software requirements
3. All architects come up with specifications)
technical requirements.
4. SRS will have functional BA
requirements and technical PM
requirements. Solution-architect
Design 1. From use case diagram test BA
manager or BA will prepare test PM
cases. Solution-architect
2. Communications with client on DB-architect
the design and solution NW-architect
documents. GUI-designer
3. BA will initiate the preparation Test manager
of end user manuals
4. Updates RTM
5. From use case diagram solution-
architect recommends
architecture of the IT solutions.
Coding / 1. BA organizes JAD sessions LDD-CDD
Development 2. BA clarifies queries of technical Application
team during coding.
3. Developers refer diagrams and
transient of BA and code their
unit Development team
4. Update end user manuals BA
5. Update RTM PM
Testing 1. BA prepares test cases from use Test concerning documents
cases or assists test manager to applications with less errors
do so.
2. BA performs high level testing. Testing team
3. BA prepares clients for UAT BA
4. Test data is requested by BA PM
from client client
5. Updates end user manuals
Deployment and 1. Forwards RTM to client or
Implementation the PM which should be
attached to the projects
Closure documents.
2. Coordinates to complete and
share end user manuals.
3. Plans and organizes training
sessions for end users.

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