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Retail Store Management System

The Retail Store Management System is a system designed for managing i.e. for ordering,
arranging and selling goods.
The Retailer checks for the availability of goods in the store. If the stock of goods is less then
retailer places order for goods. While ordering the goods, goods area received at store, the
retailer then arrange them by product or by price, then retailer makes payment. If the stock
of goods is available then he will arrange goods for selling.
The retailer then sales the goods directly to the customer. The customer buys the items
from retailer. The retailer prepares bill for goods purchased by the customer, he receives
amount by credit or by cash from customer. The supplier supplies the goods to the store.
The overall system is used to manage the goods in the store.
Valid Considerations:
• Retailer accepts payment from customer either by Credit card or by cash.
• Arranging Goods in system either by Price or by product
• Before generates bill, retailer should run the sales transaction.
• Retailer makes payment directly or third-party services Supplier supplies goods manually
check availability

place order

make payment

retailer arrange goods

by price by product

prepare bill uses run sales transaction

accept payment

credit card cash

Use case diagram

allow retailer to login

validate login

Valid credentials

allow retailer to
check availability of
allow retailer to
place goods orders to

allow retailer to
Goods available make payment to the

allow goods to
arrange goods in the
allow retailer to allow retailer to
arrange goods by arrange goods by
price product

accept payment by allow reatailers to accept payment by

cash run sales transaction cash

allow retailer to
display the change to prepare bill validate credit card
be given to customer user

Valid pin accept pin

payment successful

Activity diagram
Description: The retailer checks for the availability of goods in the system.

Actors: retailer
Preconditions: 1. retailer has pre-approval in retail store management system.
2. Active network connection.

Postconditions: Successful post condition

1.check stock availability is performed successfully.

Failure Post Condition

2. check stock availability is not performed.
Flow: 1. The use case begins when the retailer signals the system that he/she
wants to check for the availability of the goods in the store.
2. System displays the search form.
3. Retailer enters the goods name and submit the search form.
4. System displays the availability of the goods in quantity.
5. Use case ends.

Alternative Flows: In step 4 of the basic flow

1. If the goods are not available the system displays the message
required not available”.

Exceptions: 1. NA
Special 1. The system must support simultaneous users.


Description: The retailer places order of the goods if they are not available in the store.

Actors: Retailer
Preconditions: 1.The retailer has pre-approval in retail store management system.
2.Active network connection.

Postconditions: Successful post condition

1.order has been placed successfully. (recorded in the system)

Failure Post Condition

2.order has not been recorded.
Flow: 1. The use case begins when the retailer signals the system that he/she
wants to order goods.
2. System displays the order form.
3. System prompts the retailer to fill the order form.
4. retailer enter the goods name and quantity in order form and submits.
5. upon submissions by the retailer system updates the order form in the
Alternative Flows: 1. NA

Exceptions: 2. NA

Special 5. The system must support simultaneous users(RETAILER).



Description: The use case make payment describes the functionality of how
the retailer records the payment information which is made to
the supplier after receiving order.
Actors: Retailer
Preconditions 1.Retailer has pre-approval in POST system.
2.Active network connection.

Postconditions: Successful post condition

1.payment has been recorded which is made to the supplier

Failure Post Condition

2.payment information has not been recorded.
1.The use case begins when the retailer signals the system that
he/she wants to record the payment to supplier information into
the system database.

2.System displays the payment to supplier form.

3.System prompts the retailer to add the payment information to

the form.

4.retailer adds the payment info, which includes supplier name,

payment value.

5.System prompts the retailer to select the mode of payment

from a dropdown menu which includes cash, third party.

6. The retailer clicks on the submit button.

7. Use case ends.

Alternative Flows: 1. NA

Exceptions: 3. NA
Special 8. The system must support simultaneous users.

Description: retailer accepts payment from the customer for the items.

Actors: Retailer
Preconditions: 1.retailer has pre-approval in retail store management system.
2.Active network connection.
3.Ensure enough cash in change is available.

Postconditions: Successful post condition

1.Payment has been received successfully.

Failure Post Condition

2.Paymnet has not been received.
Flow: 1.The use case begins when the retailer signals the system that he/she
wants accept payment.
Case A: accept payment by cash.
1.retailer selects the mode of payment as cash.
2.System prompts the retailer to enter the amount given by customer.
3.retailer enters the amount in denominations.
4. system calculates balance amount to be given to the customer.
5. system displays the amount to be returned to the customer.
“ As Change “.
6.accept by cash ends.
Case B: accept payment by card.
1.Retailer selects the mode of payment as card.
2.system prompts the retailer to enter amount.
3.retailer enters the amount.
4.system prompts the retailer to validate pin.
5.system displays a message payment accepted.
6.accept payment by card ends.

Use case ends.

Alternative Flows: In step 4 of case B of the normal flow, if the card pin is incorrect.

1.The system should send a message “invalid credentials”.

2.System should prompt to re-enter the credentials.

Exceptions: 1.During payment by card if the bank account doesn’t have sufficient funds
payment must abort.

Special 1.The system must support simultaneous users(retailers).


Description: This use case describes the functionality of arrange goods in the system so
that the goods can be arranged by price or by product.
Actors: Retailer
Preconditions: 1.Active network connection.
2. retailer has pre-approval in retail store management system.

Postconditions: Successful post condition

1.goods have been arranged successfully.

Failure Post Condition

2.goods are not arranged successfully.
Flow: The use case begins when the retailer signals the system that he wants to
arrange goods.
CASE A: Arrange goods by price
1. The system prompts the user to select the arrange by price form a
dropdown list which include arrange by price, arrange by product.
2. The retailer selects arrange by price.
3. The system arranges the goods by price.
4. System displays the arranged goods by price.

CASE B: Arrange goods by product.

5. The system prompts the user to select the arrange by product form a
dropdown list which include arrange by price, arrange by product.
6. The retailer selects arrange by product.
7. The system arranges the goods by product.
8. System displays the arranged goods by product.

Use case ends.

Alternative Flows: NA.

Exceptions: NA.
Special NA.

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