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GERMINATION. Journal of Seed Technology, 12(1), 1-15. Retrieved May 25, 2021, from

1.Galyang (Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G.Don.

2Dael’ (Cipadessa baccifera)
3.Amututin’ (Drimys/Tasmannia piperata).
4.kalunay (Amaranthus gracilis)
5.COGON Imperata cylindrica (L.) P.Beauv.
6.apatot (Morinda citrifolia)
7.beltik (Syzygium sub-caudatum)
8.Bieum (Cipadessa baccifera (Roth) Mig.)
9.sapang (Caesalpinia sappan L)
10.Pinus Kesiya

These endemic and or indigenous species in Benguet, in the Cordillera region are
leading to valuable biodiversity being lost. This diversity of indigenous plants are at risk.
We believe that it is important to conserve such indigenous shrubs and trees for
environmental and socio-economic development. The species above were also reported
to provide health benefits and help in stabilizing the soil to avoid soil erosion. This also
helps in reducing pollution, and in giving off oxygen which we need to breathe.
Urban development has a big impact on the physical land causing transformations as
well as the lifestyle and practices of the people. Efforts must be given to protect and
conserve these plants in Benguet but also to maintain and improve the state of their
habitat. Several journals were found, promoting the sustainable use of these plant

Therefore, this study proposes the following: increasing one's level of awareness
regarding the state of edible wild fruits through information dissemination campaigns to
boost the current value of these fruits, additional declaration of protected areas,
especially in the municipalities where the rare fruits mentioned in this study are found,
and promoting the sustainable use of edible wild fruits in the society.

, profiling of these species was conducted. The research focused in identifying and
in obtaining initial information as to the nature of the habitat, flowering/fruiting
periods, and respondents’ indigenous knowledge of the shrubs and trees used as

Recognising the value of many of these species, researchers are working on ways
to conserve and multiply these plants.
Seeds are specialized dispersal units unique to seed plants which are spermatophyta
and come in all shapes and sizes. It’s composition varies widely in different plants.
Seeds structure consists of embryo that will develop into a fertilized plant, endosperm
where the nutrients are stored and a product of double fertilization. It is typically rich in
starch, oils, and protein. seed coat which is the outer covering and cotyledons that are
responsible for seed elevation and absorbs nutrients. Other functions of seeds are
dispersal and survival or dormancy under other unfavorable conditions. Thus, immense
diversity in the internal and external composition of seeds happens.

The seed consists of three components: embryo, endosperm (sometimes perisperm),

and seed-coat. Both endosperm and embryo are the products of double fertilization,
whereas the seed-coat develops from the maternal, ovular tissues. The seed habit is a
significant advancement in the evolution of higher plants.

The inside of a seed contains:

Embryo - will develop into a fully fertilized plant
Endosperm - stored nutrients
Cotyledon - leaf-like structure that absorbs the nutrients and is responsible for elevation
Seed Germination is a process.

It begins in water uptake by the dry seed and ends with the culminating
embryonic axis, usually the radicle, from its surrounding tissues or seed coat.
Germination is not a seedling growth after the occurrence of radicles.
establishment of a seedling. It requires water, temperature, and oxygen, and
often light and nitrate in right amounts. Hence, water is the most important factor
and water uptake is needed for turgor pressure that powers cell expansion and
serves as the basis of vegetative growth and development.

Three phases taht corresponds toe phases of water uptake

Phase I.Rapid water imbibition of a dry seed

Phase II. Water uptake and metabolic processes
Phase III. Water uptake resumes due to a decrease in water potential, stored
food reserves and seedling grows are fully mobilized.

, including transcription and translation, are reinitiated. The embryo expands, and
the radicle emerges from the seed coat.
Phase III. Water uptake resumes due to a decrease in y as the seedling grows,
and the stored food reserves of the seed are fully mobilized.

Scarification softens the seed cover to become permeable to water,

stratification on the other hand is when seeds are held at a low temperature on a
low moist layer; and high temperature treatment is when seeds are placed at a
high temperature, but only for others.

In terms of rapid mobilization of stored food reserves, the seedling is considered

post germination which fuels the initial growth .

Germination requires permissive ranges of water, temperature, and oxygen, and

often light and nitrate as well. Of these, water is the most essential factor. The
water content of mature, air-dried seeds is in the range of 5 to 15%, well below
the threshold required for fully active metabolism. In addition, water uptake is
needed to generate the turgor pressure that powers cell expansion, the basis of
vegetative growth and development. As we discussed in Chapter 3, water uptake
is driven by the gradient in water potential (y) from the soil to the seed. For
example, incubating tomato seeds at high ambient water potential (y = 0 MPa)
allows 100% germination, whereas incubation at low water potential (y = –1.0
MPa), which nullifies the gradient in water potential, completely suppresses

Seed germination inhibitors can be overcome in a variety of ways, including seed coat therapy,
chemical treatment, and embryo treatment. Scarification, stratification, and high-temperature
treatment are all methods of scarification. Scarification softens the seed cover, allowing it to be;
permeable to water; stratification is when seeds are held at a low temperature on a low moist
layer; and high temperature treatment is when seeds are placed at a high temperature, but only
for others. The mobilization of food supplies from the seed storage organs or endosperm occurs
shortly after germination, supplying critical energy to sustain growth before the seedling
becomes photoautotrophic (Ali and Elozeiri, 2017). While in Tropisims is where a plant inhibits
the light from the sun with the help of auxins as it goes down through the shoot. And the shoot
will then grow faster and it can bend through the light due to the amount of auxins it inhibits.
While for the Roots it is not fond of light and is anchored to the soil as it is a negative
gravitropism while for the shoot it is a positive gravitropism.

Lastly in phase 3, water uptake resumes due to decrease in water potential, suggesting that
food reserves and seedling grows are fully mobilized. This is because seed has its food stored
in the starch found in the endosperm. As the embryo grows, it will then release gibberellic acid
(GA) into the endosperm and will diffuse into the aleurone layer.The enzymes will degrade the
starch to be transported to the developing plant embryo.

The first phase of germination involves the rapid intake of water by the seed (Wolny et al. 2018).

In the first phase, the flow of water corresponds with water potential gradient between the
environment and the seed. As water enters the seed,it will cause an increase in size due to
turgidity. As the food reserves are hydrated and will become usable form by the plant
(Woodstock, 1988).

Eventually, the seed stops imbibing water as the water potential of the seed and the
environment reach an equilibrium.
Tropism is the innate ability of an organism to move towards a stimulus. Most tropisms are
classified based on their respective stimulus.

Phototropism is the plant's response to light. Plants will tend to grow towards the light and away
from shaded areas.

Gravitropism is the plant's response to gravity. In a plant, the roots are positive gravitropic (they
grow towards the pull of gravity) while the stems are negative gravitropic (they grow against the
pull of gravity).

A plant is able to "move" due to its ability to laterally transport auxin and redistribute it through
its stem or roots. This was described in the Cholodny-Went model. By moving auxin away from
the light side, the shaded area will grow faster causing the stem to bend towards the light.

A similar mechanism is observed for gravity, wherein auxin will accumulate at the bottom of the
root, and causing the upper section to grow faster. This will direct the growth of the root

In the seed, its food is typically stored in the form of the starch found in the endosperm.

As the embryo grows, it releases gibberellic acid (GA) into the endosperm. GA will diffuse into
the aleurone layer, causing the secretion of amylase and other hydrolases from the aleurone
cells and into the endosperm (Bethke et al. 1997).

These enzymes will degrade the starch into smaller molecules, which are then transported to
the developing plant embryo.

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