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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija of Science and technology

Peñaranda-Off Campus
Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija


1. Identify the kinds of sentence.
2. Write different kinds of sentence.
3. Express ideas clearly.


Topic Kinds of Sentence

Reference: Teaching Guide VII
Materials: Puzzle Pieces, Laptop, Projector, Chart, Flashcards, Dice – box,
and Board
Value Infused: Use of Polite Words.


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Pre – Activity
1. Daily Routine
- Let us all stand and let us pray.
- __________, kindly lead the prayer - The students will pray
- Good morning Class! - Good morning Ma’am,
Good morning
- Before you take your seat, kindly check if - Students will take their
there any piece of paper and trash under sits
your chair. Kindly pick and put it inside your
bag and throw in the trash can later. If you
are done, please be seated.
- Secretary of the class, is there any absent - I am glad to report that no
today? one is absent today

- Very good! I am glad to hear that no one is
absent, and it means no one will miss our
lesson today. But before that kindly read the
words written on the flash cards.
1. Punctuation
2. Exclamatory
3. Declarative
4. Interrogative
5. Sentence
6. Period
7. Exclamation
8. Imperative

- So, class, I want to know if you still
remember previous lesson.
- What do we put at the end of the sentence? - Ma’am, punctuation
- What are the kinds of punctuation marks - Period, question mark,
that we use in the end of the sentence? exclamation point.
- Why it is important to use punctuation - If we use correct
marks? punctuation marks our
sentence will be clear and
not confusing.
- Very good!
- Class, I have prepared some sentences here,
but it does not have already the punctuation
mark. All you must do is to put a proper
punctuation mark on it. Kindly read first the
sentence before you answer. Is it clear class?
- (The students will write a proper
punctuation mark in each sentence.)
1. The plants help detoxify the air
2. May I borrow your pencil 1. Period (.)
3. Who passed the examination? 2. Question mark (?)
4. It is a surprised 3. Question mark (?)
5. The bird lives in the tree 4. Exclamation point (!)
5. Period (.)
- I think everything is clear about punctuation
mark we put at the end of the sentences.

- I need two groups with six members, whos - (STUDENTS WILL FOR A
wants to volunteer? GROUP)
- In two minutes, I want you to solve the
puzzle inside this envelope. Remember that
the winning team will have a reward but the - YES Ma’am
unlucky group will have a consequence. Do
you understand?
- In my count, you will solve the puzzle, and
for the group 1, shout hep! Hep! When you
are done, and for the group 2, shout
Hooray! If you are done. 1-2-3-GO!
- What comes in your mind based on the - It is new year, Ma’am
- Congratulations to the winning group. Take
your sit. The unlucky group please remain
here in front.
- (the teacher will show the big dice)
- I have here a dice, all of the member of the - (students will roll the dice
unlucky group need to roll the dice and and answer or complete
either answer the question or complete the the sentence.)
- How do you greet everybody during New
- If you would ask anyone to stop their bad
habit this year, how it will be?
- Please do not ______________
- Please do not eat junk
- What do you usually ask during New Year?
- What is your ________________. - What is your New Year’s
- Describe your celebration of New Year.
- My New Year is _____________. - My New Year is awesome!
- My prayer this year is ___________. - My prayer this year is
good health.
- When you see your friends/classmates after - How are you?
a long time, how would you greet them?

- All sides are answered, now what have you
noticed in every sentence?
- Yes, __________________ - All has punctuation mark
at the end of every
- Very good!
- How punctuation mark affects every
- Okay, ____________________. - Because of the
punctuation mark, it
expresses clear ideas.
- Very well said, what do you think is our topic
today? Anyone? - Ma’am I think it is all
- Yes, ________________________ about sentences.
- Nice answer!

- But to be specific our lesson today is all

about the types of sentence.

- Okay, repeat, what is our lesson for today? - Ma’am types of sentence
- Awesome!
- The four types of a sentence are declarative,
interrogative, imperative and exclamatory.
- The first type of a sentence is declarative
sentence,_____________Kindly read the - Declarative sentence is a
meaning of declarative sentence. sentence that gives an
idea, states a fact and end
with a period.

- Very good! Thank you _____________.

- It means that declarative sentence states a
fact and it also called a telling sentence.
- I have here some example of sentences.
- ________, please read the first sentence.
- Thank you, ___________.

- Jose Rizal is our national

- Who wants to read the second sentence.
- Yes, _________________. - The family is in the central
- Very good. What type of sentence are park.
these? Yes, _______________. - Those are declarative
- Very good answer. But how can you say that - Those sentences are
these are declarative sentence? declarative because it
- Can you give another example of declarative states an idea and ends
sentence? Yes, _________. with period.
- Excellent!
- Another example? Yes, ___________. - Ma’am, the sun is the
- Excellent! center of the solar system.

- Life is very mysterious.

- (the student will give an

- Let’s move on to the second tyoe of
- Everybody kindly read. - Interrogative sentence. A
- Awesome! Interrogative sentence is also sentence that asked
called asking sentence. questions and ends with
- Example, _______ please read the sentence. question mark.
- Thank you _________
- ___________, kindly read the second - Who do you think the
sentences. suspect?
- What you have notice with these sentences?
Yes, ____________ - What is your telephone
- Very good. What else? Okay ____________ number?
- Correct!____________
- _________ give one example of - Those sentences are ends
interrogative sentence. in question marks.
- Another. Yes, ____________
- Very good. Who else can give an example. - The sentences are asking
- Yes, ___________ questions.
- Excellent!
- What is your name?

- Have you met them?

- May I borrow your pen?

- (the student will give an

- Let’s proceed to the third type of a sentence - Imperative sentence is a
___________. Kindly read sentence that expresses a
request or gives a
command or direction and
it end with a period.
- Thank you ______________
- As you notice, declarative and imperative
sentence both ends with a period. But they
are not similar. The declarative states a fact
while the imperative expresses a request or
gives command. Is that clear?
- Yes, Ma’am
- Here some example of imperative sentence.
- Please, ____________ read the sentence. - Please give the certificate.
- Thank you, ________________.
- Read the next sentence. - Pass your paper now.
- How can you say that these are imperative
sentence. Yes, __________. - Because these are
sentence give command
or request.
- Bravo! _________ will you please give an - Please spare me some
example of imperative sentence. foods.
- Yes, __________ - Bring some flowers
- Another______________ tomorrow.
- Excellent! The last type of sentence is
exclamatory. Kindly read the meaning. Yes,
____________ - Exclamatory sentence is a
sentence conveys strong
emotion and end with
exclamatory mark.
- Example, __________ read the first - Wow! You are so
sentence gorgeous.
- The second one ______________. -
- Ouch! My leg is painful.
- Can you please give some example of - We won! I cannot believe
exclamatory sentence. Yes, ________. it!
- Another ____________. -
- She is young and very
- Let’s give them a yes clap. - (the students will give an
- Let’s have a recap on what we have
- What do you call to the sentence that gives
an idea and ends with a period?
- Yes, _____________________ - Ma’am it is a declarative
- Very good!
- Excellent!how about the sentence that asks
questions and ends with a question mark? - It is an interrogative
What do you call that? Yes, sentence.
- Excellent! What do you call the sentence - It is an imperative
that expresses request or gives command sentence.
and also ends with a period? Yes, ________.
- Nice!
- Perfect! How about the last type of sentence - It is an exclamatory
that expresses a strong feeling and ends sentence.
with an exclamation point? Yes,
- Very good!
- I’m glad that you already know the kinds of

- It seems that all of you are fully understood (the students will do the activity)
our lesson. Now get a partner and all you
need to do is to describe the picture using
the four types of a sentence.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, Ma’am
- (the teacher will give each pair a picture and
then remind again the pupils what they
need to do).
- Marvelous, all of you have done well in
describing each picture.

Direction: identify the kind of each sentence below

by shade the letter of your answer in the chart.
A. Declarative
B. Interrogative
C. Imperative
D. Exclamatory
1. Mrs. Velina is the new
general manager of the
Faculty Club.
2. Inform the others about
the development of the
3. What an awe – inspiring
dance number they
4. Did she really go to
Manila by herself?
5. They are expecting your
presence in the affair.

- What is the lesson you have learned that - Use polite words in asking
you can use in daily living? questions and a request
to somebody.
- Good to know that you learned that.
- Now, let us apply what you have learned
- I guess all of you are understand the four
types of sentence. Now let’s apply what we
- Are you ready class?
- Yes, ___________. Read the instruction - Rewrite the sentence in
the appropriate column.
- Rewrite the sentence in the appropriate
Declarative Imperative Interrogative exclamatory

1. Kindly give me a glass of water.

2. The boy is playing basketball.
3. What grade are you?
4. Happy birthday to you!!
5. Do you know how to cook?
6. You look pale, are you sick?
7. The water in the kettle is boiling.
8. Please, let me explain what happened.
9. You won, congratulations!
10. I am scare of dark!

- Class times up, pass your paper, sideard the

forward then sxchange to the opposite row.
- (checking of paper)
- Who got the perfect score?
- Very good! Keep up the good work.
- Now pass the paper sideward and forward.

- Class gets your assignment notebook and
copy your assignment written on the board.
- Write five (5) sentences of each kind of
sentence in your assignment notebook.
- Are you done? - Yes, Ma’am!!
- Keep your notebook in your bag and get
- Goodbye class! - Goodbye Ma’am Martin.
- Goodbye classmates. See
you tomorrow!

Prepared by:
Vanessa A. Martin

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