SAN Switch Commands For Configuration 2015 10 14 07 22 00 548

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SAN Switch Initialization

Step 1:

1. Login as: user id (admin)

2. Password: ( password )

Step 2: Basic commands:

# switchname – shows the name of the switch (SANSW-1)

# date – shows date (Wed Oct 14 10:34:59 2015)

# fabricshow – shows switch ID, WWN, Domain name

Switch ID Worldwide Name Enet IP Addr FC IP Addr Name


1: fffc01 10:00:00:05:1e:7c:90:b9 >"SANSW-1"

# diagshow – shows diagnostic status

Diagnostics Status: Wed Oct 14 10:43:46 2015

Slot: 0 UPORTS

Port BPort Diag Active Speed FrTX FrRX LLI Errs Loopback

0/0 23 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/1 21 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/2 19 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --
0/3 17 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/4 22 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/5 20 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/6 18 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/7 16 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/8 15 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/9 13 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/10 11 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/11 9 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/12 14 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/13 12 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/14 10 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/15 8 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/16 7 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/17 5 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/18 3 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/19 1 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/20 6 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/21 4 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/22 2 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

0/23 0 OK DN 8G Auto -- -- --

Total Diag Frames Tx: 0

Total Diag Frames Rx: 0

# switchshow – shows the switch

switchName: SANSW-1
switchType: 71.2
switchState: Online
switchMode: Native
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 1
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:00:05:1e:7c:90:b9
zoning: ON (finalzone)
switchBeacon: OFF

Index Port Address Media Speed State Proto

0 0 010000 id N8 No_Light FC
1 1 010100 id N8 No_Light FC
2 2 010200 -- N8 No_Module FC
3 3 010300 id N8 No_Light FC
4 4 010400 -- N8 No_Module FC
5 5 010500 id N8 No_Light FC
6 6 010600 -- N8 No_Module FC
7 7 010700 id N8 No_Light FC
8 8 010800 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
9 9 010900 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
10 10 010a00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
11 11 010b00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
12 12 010c00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
13 13 010d00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
14 14 010e00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
15 15 010f00 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
16 16 011000 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
17 17 011100 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
18 18 011200 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
19 19 011300 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
20 20 011400 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
21 21 011500 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
22 22 011600 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
23 23 011700 -- N8 No_Module FC (No POD License) Disabled
# switchstatusshow – shows the status of switch

Switch Health Report Report time: 10/14/2015 10:47:36 AM

Switch Name: SANSW-1
IP address:
SwitchState: HEALTHY
Duration: 238:21

Power supplies monitor HEALTHY

Temperatures monitor HEALTHY
Fans monitor HEALTHY
Flash monitor HEALTHY
Marginal ports monitor HEALTHY
Faulty ports monitor HEALTHY
Missing SFPs monitor HEALTHY
Error ports monitor HEALTHY
Fabric Watch is not licensed
Detailed port information is not included

# firmwareshow – shows the firmware

Appl Primary/Secondary Versions

FOS v7.1.1c

# version – shows kernel version

Fabric OS: v7.1.1c
Made on: Fri Jan 17 02:02:15 2014
Flash: Sun Oct 4 12:19:46 2015
BootProm: 1.0.10

# firmwaredownloadstatus- shows the status of firmware download

[1]: Sun Oct 4 12:17:33 2015

Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30 minutes.
[2]: Sun Oct 4 12:22:25 2015

Firmware has been downloaded to the secondary partition of the switch.

[3]: Sun Oct 4 12:23:59 2015

The firmware commit operation has started. This may take up to 10 minutes.

[4]: Sun Oct 4 12:27:48 2015

The commit operation has completed successfully.

[5]: Sun Oct 4 12:27:49 2015

Firmwaredownload command has completed successfully. Use firmwareshow to verify

the firmware versions.

# ipaddrshow- shows ip address


Ethernet IP Address:

Ethernet Subnetmask:

Gateway IP Address:


# zoneshow – shows the zone

Defined configuration:

cfg: cfg zone_0_0

cfg: finalzone


zone: testzone

svr1; svr2
zone: zone_0_0

1,0; svr1

alias: svr1 10:00:00:00:c9:90:a5:37

alias: svr2 10:00:00:00:c9:9a:bc:c1

Effective configuration:

cfg: finalzone

zone: testzone



Step 3: Change date & time command:

# date "mmddHHMMyy"
mm = month
dd = day
HH = hour
MM = minute
yy = year

# SANSW-1:admin> date "1014105615"

Wed Oct 14 10:56:00 BDT 2015

Step 4: IP address set command:

# SANSW-1:admin> ipaddrset

# Ethernet IP Address []:

# Ethernet Subnetmask []:

# Gateway IP Address []:

# DHCP [Off]:off
Step 5: Firmware up gradation command:

# SANSW-1:admin> firmwaredownload

Secure mode is enabled. SCP protocol is used for firmwaredownload.

# Server Name or IP Address:

# User Name: riad

# File Name: /

# Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP, 4-SFTP) [1]: 2

# Password: password of Server Name or IP Address

Prepared by,

Md. Riad Hossain

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