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Test I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in a clean sheet of paper.
1. It is taking the main idea from a source. It often focuses on several paragraphs or an entire article. This
need parenthetical documentation or in text citation of source.
a. clarifying b. probing c. paraphrasing d. summarizing
2. The BPO industry started in the Philippines in_______.
a. 1982 b. 2002 c. 1992 d. 1991
3. It includes building rapport with the customer, handling challenges effectively, and using empathy as
a. Standards b. Objectives c. ACD d. Call quality
4. It is a set of measurements to quantify performance and results in the call center world
a. matrix b. rubrics c. metrics d. rating
5. The customer became angry, and speaking to someone of higher authority will be a prerequisite to
calming him down. This example falls under ________________.
a. Average Call Duration b. Escalation Rate c. Call Quality d. Resolution Time
6. The smallest unit of pronunciation that may contain stress.
a. letters b. phrase c. syllables d. words
7. When a Singapore-based company subcontracts a Philippine- based company to do software
programming, it is called _________.
a. Onshore Outsourcing c. Offshore Outsourcing
b. Front office Outsourcing d. Nearshore Outsourcing
8. It includes internal business functions such as billing, purchasing, payroll of employees, and other
similar tasks.
a. FOO b. BOO c. procurement d. ITES
9. This criteria includes things like building rapport and using proactive, service-oriented language.
a. Quality Criteria b. Subjective Criteria c. Standard Criteria d. Objective Criteria
10. “I can understand why you feel the way you do Sir Robert” The statement implies _____.
a. giving responsibility c. empowering staff
b. using the person’s name often, and with care d. controlling of situation
11. HSBC, a US-based finance company, hired an Indian-based BPO to manage its online credit card
inquiry and funds transfer. The type of outsourcing shown here is ____________.
a. Back office Outsourcing c. Offshore Outsourcing
b. Onshore Outsourcing d. Nearshore Outsourcing
12. It refers to tracking the average amount of time spent resolving customer issues.
a. TTR b. ACD c. CSAT d. FCR
13. It refers to the management of one or more specific business processes or functions by a third party.
a. Business Process Outsourcing c. Customer Relationship Management
b. Information Technology Enabled Services d. Knowledge Process Outsourcing
14. It includes customer-related services such as marketing or technical support.
a. Back office Outsourcing c. Offshore Outsourcing
b. Front office Outsourcing d. Nearshore Outsourcing
15. It is system is being carried out online with the data being held at a third party’s premises and
accessed via the web. This type of BPO is a means to save physical office space so one may retrieve
information quickly and easily.
a. Accounting b. Procurement c. Document Management d. Software Development
16. In a call center, this measures how effective your agents are in utilizing their time and how efficient
they are in balancing the various aspects of their jobs.
a. Time Metrics b. Quantity Metrics c. Productivity Metrics d. Quality Metrics
17. It intends to measure a customer's satisfaction with the service received, which is usually expressed as
a percentage between 0 and 100, with 100% as completely satisfied customer rating.
a. TTR b. ACD c. CSAT d. FCR
18. ________ is your own version of what the customer told you. It is an effective way of checking if you
and the customer are on the same page. It assures the customer that you listened to their concerns and
have understood them.
a. Probing b. Paraphrasing c. Summarizing d. Active listening
19. It is an important resource for updated telephone lists and skip tracing, where you can get the persons
address as well as their telephone numbers.
a. Sales b. Booking c. Directory d. Counseling
20. These include assistance that make use of toll-free telephone service designed to assist callers on
matters that may include the physical, mental emotional or spiritual well- being.
a. Data gathering b. Travel advisories c. Counseling d. Sales
21. It is intended to help the presenter think more deeply about the issue by asking a series of questions
and to fully understand where the customers are coming from.
a. Active listening b. Role playing c. Probing d. Paraphrasing
22. In communication, it involves offering back to the speaker the essential meaning, as understood by
the listener, of what they have just said. Thereby checking that the listener's understanding is correct and
resolving any areas of confusion or misunderstanding.
a. clarifying b. probing c. paraphrasing d. summarizing
23. It includes services such as calling customers to confirm their valid purchases and use an online
customer service system to locate customer information, provide refunds and leave notes.
a. Sales b. Booking c. Data gathering d. Directory
24. _______ the call serves two purposes. First, it lets a customer know he dialed the right number.
Secondly, it prevents your company from appearing unprofessional.
a. Receiving b. Transferring c. Branding d. Holding
25. These involve on-line tutorial call centers and other academic institutions such as ESL for Japanese
a. Data gathering b. Sales c. Academic instruction d. Directory

Test II. Identification

Fill each blank with words of the correct answer.
__________26. It is on top of the list for many organizations when it comes to the metrics they are
tracking resolving issues as quickly as possible.
__________27. It refers to a set of rules that apply when people make calls to others or when they are
receiving a phone call.
__________28. Selling upgraded or additional products to existing customers
__________29. It is a subset of BPO which is a centralized office that facilitates large amounts of inbound
and outbound telephone calls
__________30. The first BPO in the Philippines
__________31. Maintaining a calm demeanor and mental state when situations and emotions escalate to
higher levels
__________32. These are hints embedded in a delivered statement that helps one determine the real
meaning conveyed by the speaker
__________33. This involves looking for appropriate suppliers, monitoring supplier performance,
implementing appropriate processes and procedures, managing requests for information or proposals and
recommending the best potential suppliers, selecting suppliers and issuing or managing legal contracts.
__________34. It includes activities that require greater skill, knowledge, education, and expertise to
__________35. This obtains business-critical, high-level services from someone not employed by the
company, but within the same country.

III. BPO Industries

DIRECTIONS: Write BOO if the example describes back office outsourcing and FOO if it describes front office outsourcing. Do
this in your notebook.
______36. A telecommunications BPO firm which deals with repair and maintenance of one’s internet
_____37. A BPO company which accommodates payroll services
_____38. A company which assists customers on US Phone directory services
_____39. A company that takes orders of products
_____40. A BPO accounting firm that manages sales accounts of other companies
_____41. A bank- associate BPO that updates customers on their debit and credit accounts
_____42. An office that deals with purchasing raw materials for another company
_____43. A firm that entertains medical insurance claims
_____44. A document management BPOs that keep copies of financial transactions for filing of taxes
_____45. A call center firm that assists customers on computer hardware repair

Test IV. CCS Terms

DIRECTIONS: Write the complete terms for the following acronyms in your notebook.
46. KPO 51. CCS
47. CSR 52. HR
48. FCR 53. TTR
49. QA 54. CSAT
50. ITES 55. FOO

Test V. Identifying Sensitive Issues

DIRECTIONS: In your answer sheets, identify the sensitive issue being presented in these
________________56. A call center rep stresses the superiority of the religious sect where he belongs.
________________57. An agent calls the caller “African American” and not his actual name due to the
sound of the caller’s voice.
________________58. A call center representative jokes about a “Republican “election candidate.
________________59. An agent calls the caller a “retard” because he could not understand what the
caller was saying.
________________60. The call center agent said, “I’m sorry madam, but the promo isn’t available for
oldies like you.”

Test VI. Essay

61-65 What makes the Philippines a better BPO market compared to other nations?
66-70 What is the implication of the BPO industry in the Philippine economy?

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