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Đáp án Listening

Bài 1:

1) Riverside Village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels
such as coal and firewood.

2) The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by local craftsmen who lived in the area.

3) There were over 160 water-powered mills in the area in the eighteenth century.

4) Woodside Road

5) The Ticket Office

6) The Gift Shop

7) The (main) Workshop

8) The Showroom

9) The Cafe

10) The cottages for the workers

Bài 2:


Two areas of focus:
• the effect of vegetation on the urban climate
• ways of planning our 1 cities / environment better

Large-scale impact of trees:

• they can make cities more or less 2 windy
• in summer they can make cities cooler
• they can make inland cities more 3 humid

Local impact of trees:

• they can make local areas
  – more 4 shady / shaded
  – cooler 
  – more humid 
  – less windy 
  – less 5 dangerous
Comparing trees and buildings
Temperature regulation:
• trees evaporate water through their 6 leaves
• building surfaces may reach high temperatures
Wind force:
• tall buildings cause more wind at 7 ground level
• trees 8 considerably reduce / decrease / filter the wind force
• trees have a small effect on traffic noise
• 9 low frequency noise passes through trees
Important points to consider:
• trees require a lot of sunlight, water and 10 space / room to grow

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