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Original research

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 on 14 September 2020. Downloaded from on September 19, 2020 at University of Rochester
Cadaveric study identifying clinical sonoanatomy for
proximal and distal approaches of ultrasound-­guided
intercostobrachial nerve block
Artid Samerchua,1 Prangmalee Leurcharusmee,1 Krit Panjasawatwong,1
Kittitorn Pansuan,1 Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh2,3

Anesthesiology, Faculty ABSTRACT and axilla.6 7 The ICBN block in combination with
of Medicine, Chiang Mai Background and objectives  The intercostobrachial the brachial plexus block is indicated for surgery
University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, nerve (ICBN) has significant anatomical variation. involving medial/posterior upper arm, such as arte-
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Localization of the ICBN requires an operator’s skill. This riovenous fistula creation in the upper arm, or for
Mai, Thailand cadaveric study aims to describe two simple ultrasound-­ anterior arthroscopic port placement of shoulder
Excellence in Osteology guided plane blocks of the ICBN when it emerges at the surgery.7 Moreover, the ICBN block, as a sole anal-
Research and Training Center gesic technique, is effective to treat postmastectomy
chest wall (proximal approach) and passes through the
(ORTC), Faculty of Medicine,
Chiang Mai University, Chiang axillary fossa (distal approach). pain.8 9 The ICBN is conventionally anesthetized by
Mai, Thailand Methods  The anatomical relation of the ICBN and a blind or landmark-­based approach; however, the
adjacent structures was investigated in six fresh cadavers. ultrasound-­guided technique improves the success
Correspondence to Thereafter, we described two potential techniques of rate and speeds the onset of the ICBN block.10
Dr Prangmalee Leurcharusmee, the ICBN block. The proximal approach was an injection A variety of techniques for ultrasound-­ guided
Anesthesiology, Chiang Mai ICBN blocks have been described and can be
medial to the medial border of the serratus anterior

Medical Center. Protected by copyright.

University Faculty of Medicine,
Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand; muscle at the inferior border of the second rib. The simply categorized based on the location of local
​prangmalee.​l@​cmu.​ac.​th distal approach was an injection on the surface of the anesthetic injection into two groups, the proximal
latissimus dorsi muscle at 3–4 cm caudal to the axillary and distal ICBN blocks. The proximal approach of
Received 6 June 2020 artery. The ultrasound-­guided proximal and distal ICBN the ICBN block is defined as an injection of local
Revised 2 August 2020
Accepted 6 August 2020 blocks were performed in seven hemithoraxes and anesthetic over the anterolateral chest wall where
axillary fossae. We recorded dye staining on the ICBN, its the ICBN emerges from the external intercostal or
branches and clinically correlated structures. serratus anterior muscles. The previously described
Results  All ICBNs originated from the second regional anesthesia that involve the ICBN block
intercostal nerve and 34.6% received a contribution at the proximal approach includes the proximal
from the first or third intercostal nerve. All ICBNs gave off ICBN block,7 8 11 PECS II block,12 13 subpectoral
axillary branches in the axillary fossa and ran towards the intercostal plane block,14 serratus plane block15
posteromedial aspect of the arm. Following the proximal and serratus-­ intercostal fascial plane block.5 The
ICBN block, dye stained on 90% of all ICBN’s origins. distal approach of the ICBN block is described as
After the distal ICBN block, all terminal branches and a deposition of a local anesthetic around the ICBN
43% of the axillary branches of the ICBN were stained. or in the subcutaneous plane at the axillary crease.
Conclusions  The proximal and distal ICBN blocks, In a clinical study, the success rate of the proximal
using easily recognized sonoanatomical landmarks, and distal ICBN blocks with ultrasound guidance
provided consistent dye spread to the ICBN. We varied from 67% to 94% and 51% to 100%, respec-
encourage further validation of these two techniques in tively.4 5 7 10 13
clinical studies. Because of (1) a significant variation of the origin
and branching of the ICBN,1–3 (2) an unfeasibility
of the ICBN visualization at the chest wall8 and (3)
difficulty in the ICBN identification in the axillary
fossa,10 16 17 the sonoanatomy related to the course
INTRODUCTION of the ICBN is needed for describing the technique
The intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) originates for ultrasound-­guided ‘plane’ block of the proximal
mainly from the lateral cutaneous branch of the and distal portions of the ICBN. Accordingly, this
© American Society of Regional second intercostal nerve.1–3 It travels along the axil- two-­phase cadaveric study aims to elucidate the
Anesthesia & Pain Medicine lary fossa and gives off the posterior axillary branch anatomical relationship between the ICBN and the
2020. No commercial re-­use. before passing through the subcutaneous tissue of
See rights and permissions. adjacent structures easily identified under ultra-
the posteromedial aspect of upper arm.1–3 Along sound (phase I) and to examine the effectiveness
Published by BMJ.
with the medial brachial cutaneous nerve (MBCN) of two redescribed techniques of the ultrasound-­
To cite: Samerchua A, and the posterior cutaneous branch of the radial guided ICBN block (phase II).
Leurcharusmee P, nerve, the ICBN supplies the skin of the medial
Panjasawatwong K, et al.
and posterior portions of the arm, the axilla and
Reg Anesth Pain Med Epub
ahead of print: [please the upper lateral chest wall.1 4 5 As it is not part of MATERIALS AND METHODS
include Day Month Year]. the brachial plexus, the ICBN block is required as Phase I of the study involved dissection of 12 hemi-
doi:10.1136/rapm-2020- an adjunct to the brachial plexus block to achieve thorax and axillary fossae of six cadavers to deter-
101783 complete anesthesia of the entire upper extremity mine the relationship between the extrathoracic
Samerchua A, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/rapm-2020-101783    1
Original research

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 on 14 September 2020. Downloaded from on September 19, 2020 at University of Rochester
course of the ICBN and its relevant echogenic structures. Then,
Table 1  Demographic of cadavers and characteristics of the ICBN
the ultrasound-­guided proximal ICBN blocks were performed in
seven hemithorax, and the distal ICBN block was done in seven Phase I Phase II Overall
n=6 specimens n=7 specimens n=13 specimens
axillary fossae during phase II of the study.
(12 sides) (14 sides) (26 sides)
Gender (male); N (%) 4 (66.7%) 4 (57.1%) 8 (61.5%)
Cadaveric dissection
Age (years); mean±SD 69.2±7.2 67.8±2.5 68.4±5.1
The dissection in phase I and II was uniformly performed on
Height (cm); mean±SD 164.9±8.1 162.6±8.5 163.9±8.0
the bilateral anterolateral chest wall and upper arm in all
BMI (kg/m2); mean±SD 23.0±1.6 22.8±1.6 22.9±1.5
cadavers. The cadavers were placed in a supine position with
Pattern of the ICBN’s origin; N (%)
90° arm abduction. The first incision was made over the clav-
icle, extending medially to the sternal notch, then downward  From the 1st, 2nd 2 (16.7%) 1 (7.1%) 3 (11.5%)
intercostal nerves
to the xiphoid process, and laterally along the costal margin.
 From the 2nd 8 (66.7%) 9 (64.3%) 17 (65.4%)
The second incision was made longitudinally along the lateral
intercostal nerve
aspect of the arm, extending into the cubital fossa. Then, the
 From the 2nd, 3rd 2 (16.7%) 4 (28.8%) 6 (23.1%)
skin flap was inferolaterally retracted to expose the thoracic cage intercostal nerves
and axillary fossa. The clavicular head and sternocostal heads
Diameter of the ICBN at the EP (mm); median(min-­max)
of the pectoralis major muscle (PMM), along with the origin of
 T1-­ICBN 2.0 (1.1–2.9) 1.2 (1.2–1.2) 1.2 (1.1–2.9)
the pectoralis minor muscle (PmM) were resected and retracted
 T2-­ICBN 2.2 (0.7–4.5) 2.1 (0.8–2.8) 2.2 (0.7–4.5)
laterally to reveal the deep structures. The origins and branches
 T3-­ICBN 2.0 (1.8–2.2) 2.1 (1.9–2.3) 2.1 (1.8–2.3)
of the ICBN, the infraclavicular part of the brachial plexus (ie,
medial, lateral and posterior cords), the subclavian artery and Presence of the posterior 12 (100%) 14 (100%) 26 (100%)
axillary branch; N (%)
vein, the terminal branches of the brachial plexus (ie, MBCN,
medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve, ulnar nerve, radial nerve, BMI, body mass index; EP, point of emergence; ICBN, intercostobrachial nerve.
median nerve and musculocutaneous nerve) and the axillary
artery and veins were carefully identified and preserved.

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al17 and Feigl et al19 have systematically investigated the sono-
Origin and branching of the ICBN anatomy relevant to the ultrasound-­guided distal ICBN block.
We dissected cadavers from the thorax to the cubital fossa to Our anatomical exploration at the axilla intended to support and
identify the ICBN at the level of its origin, where it emerges at simplify their findings. In our opinion, the easily detected land-
the chest wall, and its branches. The ICBNs that arose from the marks in the axillary fossa are the PMM, the axillary artery, and
first, second, third and fourth intercostal spaces were assumed the conjoint tendon of the latissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) and
to be originated from the first, second, third and fourth inter- the teres major muscle; whereas, the brachial and axillary fascia
costal nerves and labeled as T1-­ICBN, T2-­ICBN, T3-­ICBN and layers, subscapularis muscle and the muscle-­tendon junction of
T4-­ICBN, respectively. We recorded the diameter of the ICBN the LDM are sometimes difficult in visualizing. Therefore, the
at the site where it emerged from the serratus anterior muscle distances between the ICBN and the axillary artery at the level
(SAM) and the presence of the posterior axillary branches. of the LDM’s distal attachment along with the proximity of the
ICBN to the conjoint tendon were recorded in this study.

Phase I: relationship of the ICBN and the adjacent structures

To specify the target for needle placement during ultrasound-­ Phase II: investigation of the techniques of ICBN block
guided proximal ICBN block, the proximity of the ICBN’s origin Based on the results of phase I as shown in table 1 and figure 1,
to adjacent structures has to be identified in two dimensions (ie, two regional anesthesiologists (AS and PL) confirmed the possi-
cranial–caudal and medial–lateral). We speculated that the land- bility to visualize the sonoanatomy related to the ICBN at the
mark of the proximal ICBN block in the craniocaudal direction chest wall and in the axillary fossa. The two anesthesiologists
is the second rib or the second intercostal space as the ICBN then defined certain ultrasound images and specific needle
consistently originates from the lateral cutaneous branch of the targets for the ultrasound-­guided ‘plane’ blocks at the proximal
second intercostal nerve.3 However, the exact location of the and distal parts of the ICBN as following.
needle tip whether on the rib or in between the second and the ►► Ultrasound-­guided proximal ICBN block (figure 2A,C)
third ribs requires further clarification. To determine the land- –– The ultrasound image includes the surface of the second
mark in the mediolateral dimension, we chose the SAM as a rib where the SAM disappears.
reference because its attachment on the surface of the ribs can –– The needle target is on the inferior border of the second
be easily recognized by ultrasound. We expected to find that the rib and just medial to the medial border of the SAM.
ICBN’s origin is lateral to the medial border of the SAM and the ►► Ultrasound-­guided distal ICBN block (figure 2B,D)
potential target for needle placement during the proximal ICBN –– The ultrasound image includes the axillary artery and the
block is underneath the SAM. Therefore, at the chest wall, the surface of the conjoint tendon.
point of emergence (EP) of all origins of the ICBN were marked –– The needle target is along the anterior surface of the
as a reference point.18 The distances from the EPs to the infe- conjoint tendon at approximately 3–4 cm caudal to the
rior border of the upper rib, the medial border of the SAM, and axillary artery.
the midclavicular line were measured in millimeters by a digital Thereafter, the ultrasound-­guided proximal and distal ICBN
Vernier caliper. blocks were performed in seven hemithoraxes and seven axillary
To identify the point of injection for the ultrasound-­guided fossae. In each cadaver, the proximal ICBN block was randomly
distal ICBN block, the relationship between the branches of assigned to one side and the distal ICBN block was performed
the ICBN and the surrounding structures in the cranial-­caudal on the other side. A high frequency (6–13 MHz) linear probe
and superficial-­deep dimensions has to be determined. Varela et (LOGIQ F8, GE Healthcare, Wisconsin, USA) and a 22-­gauge,
2 Samerchua A, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/rapm-2020-101783
Original research

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 on 14 September 2020. Downloaded from on September 19, 2020 at University of Rochester
Figure 1  Schematic drawing of the extrathoracic course of the intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) and the relationship between the ICBN and the
adjacent structures of all six cadavers in phase I. LDM, latissimus dorsi muscle; SAM, serratus anterior muscle.

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50 mm block needle (B Braun Medical AG, Melsungen, Germany) dye on the first, second, third, and fourth intercostal spaces and
were used in all blocks. staining of dye on the origins of the ICBN, the three cords of the
brachial plexus and the long thoracic nerve. For the distal ICBN
Ultrasound-guided proximal ICBN block block, dye stained on branches of the ICBN and the brachial
Each cadaver was placed in a supine position with shoulder plexus were recorded. The staining intensity was categorized as
adduction. The ultrasound probe was initially placed over a no, faint or deep stain.
the upper chest wall in the sagittal plane on the midclavicular
line. After the second rib was identified, the caudal end of the Statistics
probe was rotated laterally towards the axilla. The probe was The data are presented as number (%), mean±SD or median
then moved in a medial–lateral direction to identify the PMM, (min-­max), where appropriate.
PmM, and the attachment of the SAM overlying the second rib.
Using the in-­plane technique from cranial to caudal direction, RESULTS
the block needle was advanced until its tip contacted the inferior The characteristics of cadavers are shown in table 1. All cadavers
border of the second rib at the point where the medial border of were within the age range between 61 and 83 years and the BMI
the SAM disappeared. While injecting 10 mL of 0.1% methylene range from 22.7 to 25.2 kg/m2.
blue, lifting of the PmM and the craniocaudal movement of the
dye towards the axilla in the subpectoral plane were confirmed Anatomical variation of the ICBN
(figure 2A,C). The ICBN was observed bilaterally in all dissected cadavers.
One hundred per cent of the ICBN originated from the second
Ultrasound-guided distal ICBN block intercostal nerve and 34.6% of the ICBN received a contribution
Each cadaver was positioned in supine with 90° shoulder abduc- from either the second or third intercostal nerves. The contribu-
tion. The ultrasound probe was initially placed transversely over tion patterns observed in this study were a single origin from the
the midpoint of the upper arm and then slid toward the axilla to second intercostal nerve alone (65.4%), a combined origin from
identify the distal end of the PMM on the humerus. At this level, the first and second intercostal nerves (11.5%), and a combined
the probe was slid caudally (perpendicular to the skin) to iden- origin from the second and third intercostal nerves (23.1%). There
tify the humeral insertion of the LDM and its conjoint tendon. was no ICBN originating from the fourth intercostal nerve. The
The axillary artery and the terminal branches of the brachial mean diameters of the T1-­ICBNs, T2-­ICBNs and T3-­ICBNs were
plexus were visualized at the cranial part of this ultrasound 1.7±1.0, 2.1±0.9 and 2.1±0.2 mm, respectively. All ICBNs gave
image. Avoiding piercing through the neurovascular structures, off at least one axillary branch to the posterior axillary fold (table 1
the block needle was in-­plane inserted from cranial to caudal and figure 1).
direction and advanced until its tip was 3–4 cm caudal to the
axillary artery and lied on the surface of the conjoint tendon. Relationship of the ICBN and the adjacent structures at the
While injecting 10 mL of 0.1% methylene blue, the dye spread chest wall
in the subcutaneous tissue superficial to the conjoint tendon was All ICBNs origins emerged from the chest wall close to the inferior
visualized (figure 2B,D). border of the corresponding rib and lateral to the midclavicular
In phase II, the dissection started 2 hours after the dye injec- line. The mean distances from the EP of T1-­ICBNs, T2-­ICBNs
tion. For the proximal ICBN block, we recorded the spread of and T3-­ICBNs to the midclavicular line were 0.4±0.6, 3.6±1.2
Samerchua A, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 3
Original research

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 on 14 September 2020. Downloaded from on September 19, 2020 at University of Rochester
Table 2  Dye staining following ultrasound-­guided proximal and
distal ICBN blocks
Deep Faint
staining, N staining, N No staining,
Structure (%) (%) N (%)
At the chest wall (after proximal ICBN block)
Intercostal space
 1st 7 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)
 2nd 7 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)
 3rd 1 (14.3) 2 (28.6) 4 (57.1)
 4th 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (100)
Origin of the ICBN (at the EP)
 T1-I­ CBN 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)
 T2-I­ CBN 6 (85.7) 1 (14.3) 0 (0)
 T3-I­ CBN 0 (0) 1 (50) 1 (50)
Brachial plexus, infraclavicular part
 Medial cord 0 (0) 2 (28.6) 5 (71.4)
 Posterior cord 0 (0) 2 (28.6) 5 (71.4)
 Lateral cord 1 (14.3) 1 (14.3) 5 (71.4)
Long thoracic nerve 7 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)
In the axillary fossa (after distal ICBN block)
Branch of the ICBN
 Terminal branch 7 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)

Medical Center. Protected by copyright.

 Axillary branch 0 (0) 3 (42.9) 4 (57.1)
Brachial plexus, axillary part
 Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve 4 (57.1) 3 (42.9) 0 (0)
 Medial brachial cutaneous nerve 3 (42.9) 2 (28.6) 2 (28.6)
 Ulnar nerve 1 (14.3) 3 (42.9) 3 (42.9)
 Redial nerve 0 (0) 6 (85.7) 1 (14.3)
 Median nerve 0 (0) 1 (14.3) 6 (85.7)
 Musculocutaneous nerve 0 (0) 0 (0) 7 (100)
EP, point of emergence on the chest wall; ICBN, intercostobrachial nerve.

between the ICBN and the axillary artery was 3.7±0.8 cm (a

range from 2.7 to 4.5 cm) (figure 1).

Dye spread following the proximal ICBN block

The first and second intercostal spaces were accurately stained
Figure 2  Ultrasound probe’s position and ultrasound image for the from the point of injection towards the lateral chest wall. Dye
proximal (A, C) and distal (B,D) intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) blocks. seldom spread to the third intercostal space and consequently, it
In D, a horizontal 4.7 cm scale (black marks 1 cm apart) represents unpredictably reached the ICBN that originated from the third
the size of the ultrasound transducer footprint. The point of injection intercostal nerve. Dye injection with this technique occasionally
of the distal ICBN block is 3 cm caudal to the axillary artery. * point involved the brachial plexus; however, it certainly approached
of injection; white arrow, needle position; Ax, axillary artery; CBM, posteriorly to the long thoracic nerve (table 2 and figure 3A,C).
coracobrachialis muscle, ICM, intercostal muscle, LDM, latissimus dorsi
muscle; PMM; pectoralis major muscle; PmM, pectoralis minor muscle.
Dye spread following the distal ICBN block
The ICBN gave off the axillary branches proximal to the point
of injection. Dye deeply deposited in the subcutaneous fat
and 4.3±0.1 cm, respectively. We failed to measure the distance located superficial to the conjoint tendon and surrounded the
between the EP and the medial border of the SAM because the main branch of the ICBN for a 3.5–14.2 cm distance. It spread
first and second serrations of the SAM were not always clearly 1.0–12.7 cm proximal and 5.7–12.2 cm distal to the injection
identified.20 Therefore, we instead recorded whether the loca- point. Because of its inconsistent proximal distribution, the
tion of the EP was lateral or medial to the medial border of the dye reached the posterior axillary branches in only 57.1% of
SAM. Interestingly, 50% of T1-­ICBNs and 25% of T2-­ICBNs the blocks. The communication of the ICBN and the MBCN
appeared medial to the SAM attachment (figure 1). was not detected in this study. The course of the MBCN was
regularly along with the ICBN. Therefore, the MCBN was often
Relationship of the ICBN and the adjacent structures in the stained with dye when it passed through the medial aspect of the
axilla fossa arm. Regarding a visualization of the ICBN under ultrasound,
The terminal branch of the ICBN consistently lay superficial to we unintentionally recognized the ICBN or the MCBN in two
the conjoint tendon and caudal to the axillary artery. At the level specimens (28.6%) after the dye injection completed (table 2 and
of the distal border of the LDM insertion, the mean distance figure 3B,D).
4 Samerchua A, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/rapm-2020-101783
Original research

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 on 14 September 2020. Downloaded from on September 19, 2020 at University of Rochester
Medical Center. Protected by copyright.
Figure 3  Distribution of dye following ultrasound-­guided proximal (A,C) and distal (B,D) ICBN blocks. ICBN, intercostobrachial nerve; MBCN, medial
brachial cutaneous nerve.

DISCUSSION in women.1 19 Our result that was distinct from previous studies
This cadaveric study demonstrated that all ICBNs entirely or was the relationship between the EP of the ICBN and the SAM.
partly derived from the second intercostal nerve. The ICBN From our knowledge, the ICBN pierced through the SAM at the
mostly appeared on the chest wall close to the lower border of the midaxillary line1 18; however, our study demonstrated that 25%
corresponding rib and lateral to the medial border of the corre- of the ICBN arose medial to the medial border of the SAM.
sponding serration of the SAM; however, some of them arose
medial to the latter. Therefore, our proposed needle target for
the proximal ICBN block was just medial to the medial border of Ultrasound-guided proximal ICBN block
the SAM at the inferior surface of the second rib. This technique The ICBN pierces through multiple muscular layers of the chest
showed an 85.7% success rate as indicated by complete staining wall and heads laterally towards the axilla. Previous studies
on all origins of the ICBN. At the level of the distal border of have described dissimilar needle targets (eg, on different ribs
the LDM insertion on the humerus, the distance between the and muscular planes) and volumes of injection. The injection
ICBN and the axillary artery was approximately 3–4 cm. There- on the second or the third ribs showed constant dye spread
fore, our proposed needle target for the distal ICBN block was over the second and third intercostal spaces in cadaveric
at 3–4 cm caudal to the axillary artery on the anterior surface studies and provided the predictable sensory loss of the T2 and
of the conjoint tendon. This technique demonstrated 100% and T3 dermatomes in clinical studies.5 7 8 11 13–15 23 24 Concerning
42.9% dye staining on the main branch to the upper arm and the the depth of the needle target, either an injection in the plane
axillary branches of the ICBN, respectively. between the PMM and PmM,24 the PmM and SAM,7 8 13 the SAM
Various anatomical variants of the extrathoracic course of the and rib,5 11 or the PmM and rib14 resulted in effective blockade
ICBN have been reported over the last two decades. Even though of the ICBN. Therefore, the plane of the needle injection might
we had a small number of cadavers, our results were consistent be a minor factor affecting the ICBN block’s outcomes. Another
with previous large anatomical studies. In general, the ICBNs factor that potentially influences the success of the proximal
were present bilaterally in all specimens.2 All ICBNs received ICBN block is the injectate volume since the proximal part of
a contribution from the second intercostal nerve and 24.5% of the ICBN could not be visualized under ultrasound guidance.
these specimens had another contributing origin from either The volume of local anesthetic used in clinical studies aiming
the first or the third intercostal nerves.21 The ICBN emerged to selectively anesthetize the ICBN varied from 6 to 20 mL.5 7 8
from the second intercostal space at approximately 0.5 cm infe- With six mL of local anesthetic, complete sensory loss in the
rior to the second rib and 3.3 cm lateral to the midclavicular medial side of the upper arm was achieved in 91% of patients.7
line.18 The posterior axillary branch of the ICBN existed in all The proposed technique of the proximal ICBN block in the
specimens and sometimes divided early before it entered the present study derived from the location of all ICBNs observed
axillary fossa.1 22 Along the posteromedial aspect of the upper in the phase I. The target for dye injection was within close
arm, the ICBN passed superficial to the LDM and the average range among all ICBN’s origins. We speculated that 10 mL of
distances between the ICBNs and the axillary artery previously dye could spread towards all ICBNs when they arose from the
reported by Varela et al17 were around 3.5 cm in men and 2.7 cm external intercostal muscle. Our results demonstrated consistent
Samerchua A, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 5
Original research

Reg Anesth Pain Med: first published as 10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 on 14 September 2020. Downloaded from on September 19, 2020 at University of Rochester
staining on the T1-­ICBNs and T2-­ICBNs. However, one out of such as hemodialysis catheter or pacemaker. One previous study
the two T3-­ICBNs was spared. This incomplete stained ICBN mentioned that the distribution of injectate following the prox-
was eventually soaked with dye when the nerve traveled on the imal approach was promising even though a vascular port or a
lateral chest wall before entering the axilla. If we assumed that pacemaker was situated on the chest wall.14
this ICBN was successfully blocked, the success rate of this tech- The limitations of this cadaveric study arose from a limited
nique would be 100%. number of samples which might not account for a high variation
of the ICBNs. Nonetheless, our findings were reliably consistent
with previous studies. In phase I, the true origin of the ICBN
Ultrasound-guided distal ICBN block at the nerve root was not dissected. We assumed that the ICBN
The target of the distal ICBN block was commonly in the subcu- arising from the second intercostal space (close to the inferior
taneous plane superficial to the conjoint tendon.10 17 19 With a surface of the second rib) originated from the second intercostal
nerve localization technique, the success of the block was achieved nerve which originated from the T2 nerve root. In phase II, the
with a 1–5 mL volume of injection.10 17 19 However, specific sono- spread pattern of dye after the ICBN block in fresh cadavers
graphic landmarks described in these previous studies required might not mirror clinical practice. Moreover, regarding the
operator’s expertise and/or high-­resolution ultrasound.16 18 In intensity of dye staining, we assumed that both faint and deep
this study, we proposed a simplified ultrasound-­guided plane stains on the nerves represented a successful nerve blockade. If
block because the ICBN in this area sometimes branches off a manner of dye staining on the nerves was not similar to the
small cutaneous nerves resulting in difficulty in visualizing. nerves bathed in local anesthetic, and faint staining was insuf-
After 10 mL of dye injection, we found consistent staining on ficient to suppress the nerve conduction, the rate of success
all terminal branches of the ICBN. However, dye occasionally reported in this study would be lower. Besides, because the ICBN
spared the axillary branches because they branched off proximal has complex communication with the brachial plexus,3 26 bene-
to the injection point. None of the previous studies assessed the fits of anatomical studies are limited and further clinical studies
area of sensory loss in the axillary region. Further well-­designed are encouraged to elucidate functional outcomes (eg, the area of
clinical studies are suggested to verify the use of the distal ICBN a sensory block) following the ultrasound-­guided proximal and
block for surgery involving the axilla. Another concern about distal ICBN blocks.

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the technique of the distal ICBN block is a potential injury to
the brachial plexus and the axillary artery because these neuro-
vascular structures are usually on the needle trajectory when the CONCLUSIONS
block needle approaches in cranial-­to-­caudal direction. Our findings suggested that ultrasound-­ guided proximal and
The ICBN block is indicated for controlling acute and chronic distal ICBN blocks, which were performed using simple sono-
pain involving the axilla and the posteromedial aspect of the anatomical landmarks, provided reliable dye spread to the ICBN.
arm. As a sole anesthetic technique, the ICBN block is an effec- Because of variations of the ICBN and its complex connections
tive alternative treatment for intercostobrachial neuralgia and to the brachial plexus, further clinical studies are encouraged
persistent pain after breast cancer surgery.8 9 As an adjunct to the to validate these techniques of the ICBN block when combined
brachial plexus block, the ICBN block alleviates surgical pain of with the brachial plexus block for surgery at the upper arm and
the upper arm surgery, such as arteriovenous fistula formation, the axillary regions.
and attenuates pain or discomfort from the pneumatic tourni-
quet.12 13 25 Also, it is known that the ICBN often contributes Acknowledgements  The authors would like to thank Pagorn Navic, Naraporn
Maikong and Perada Kantakam for their assistance with cadaveric dissection.
to the brachial plexus by anastomosing to the medial cord or
the MBCN.3 26 Therefore, combined brachial plexus and ICBN Contributors  AS, PL, KrP, KiP and PM designed the trial and reviewed the
manuscript. AS, PL, KiP and PM conducted the study and collected the data. AS and
block is necessary for entire upper limb anesthesia.7 13 The choice PL wrote the manuscript.
of approaches for the brachial plexus block depends on surgical
Funding  This work was supported by the Faculty of Medicine Research Fund,
area, patient’s anatomy, and anesthesiologist’s preference. Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Besides its benefits, the risks of the ICBN block have to be
Competing interests  None declared.
taken into account. The ICBN block is not routinely performed
in clinical practice because there are alternative pain management Patient consent for publication  Not required.
modalities such as administration of oral/intravenous sedative Ethics approval  The Ethics Exemption was granted by the Ethics Committee of the
Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University.
and analgesic medications, and subcutaneous infiltration of local
anesthetics. If the risks of needle placement and local anesthetic Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
deposition following the ICBN block outweigh its benefits, the Data availability statement  All data relevant to the study are included in the
block should be studied only for academic purposes. However, article. The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of this study are
available within the article.
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Samerchua A, et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2020;0:1–7. doi:10.1136/rapm-2020-101783 7

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