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Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Unit 10 test 40 marks

Global listening
Understanding speaker attitude (5 marks)

Listen and number the five phrases which show you Sean’s
(the program presenter) attitude to hypnotherapy.
A Dr. Cusk is going to explain a form of persuasion… ______
B …a, let’s say, interesting therapy… ___1___
C Thank you for joining us today. ______
D …let’s start with the basic question… ______
E …what is hypnotherapy? ______
F …that sounds very controlling. ___2___
G How is that supposed to work? ___3___
H …sounds too good to be true. ___4___
I You mentioned some evidence to show it works. ______
J It’s sounding more promising now. ___5___

Close listening
Listening to how an argument is supported (5 marks)

Listen again and match the phrases for supporting an argument with the points Dr.
Cusk makes.
1 It’s a fact that…d
2 Most people know that…a
3 For instance…e
4 According to…c
5 Another report claims that…b
A we learn to respond in a certain way
B counseling treatment with hypnotherapy works the best
C a report about hypnotherapy and stopping smoking
D hypnotherapy works
E the example of having a negative experience at the dentist

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© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016.
Vocabulary (5 marks)

Complete the sentences with take in the correct form and a word from the box.
notes a class a seat a chance charge

1 I’m ______________ in social psychology next term. Do you want to join me?
2 I tried to ______________ as I listened but I found it very difficult. Thankfully,
I recorded the lecture as well.
3 Someone needs to ______________ . If we carry on arguing like this, we’ll
never finish the project.
4 He knew he was ______________ by arriving for the appointment without confirming
it. So, it wasn’t too surprising when he found out it was cancelled.
5 The lecture was just starting when she arrived, so she quickly ______________
and got her books out.

Reported speech (5 marks)

Report the sentences using the verb and person in parentheses. Backshift the
1 She has to go now because of the meeting at 12. (say / Sara)
2 They will get here a little later. (explain / Noora)
3 They ate in that new café in the shopping mall. (Dave & Ahmet / say)
4 He is moving to a new apartment next week. (Zak / mention)
5 We have finished that part of the course already. (Joe / point out)

Speaking skill
Refuting an argument (5 marks)

Put the words in the correct order.

1 claimed / people / You / follow instructions. / that / always
2 not true / we / That’s / strong evidence / because / showing the opposite. / have
3 afraid / not / that’s / I’m / since / accurate / shows the opposite. / most research
4 the general argument / may / That / be / but / is different. / in fact / true,
5 some / There’s / to your argument. / truth / totally convinced. / I am not / However,

Speaking task
Talking about persuasion (15 marks)

Discuss the questions.

1 Describe a time you persuaded someone to do something.
2 Are you good at persuading people?
3 What kind of information do you use to make your decisions?
4 Should people be allowed to make their own decisions in life?
5 What kind of problems could be caused if you persuade someone to do something?

Skillful Level 2. This page is photocopiable, but all copies must be complete pages.
© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2016.

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