Procrastination Worksheet

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Procrastination Checklist: Focus Areas

This worksheet can help you identify which domains of your life are being impacted by procrastination.
The following checklist has been adapted from Procrastination: Why You Do It, What to Do About It
(Burka & Yuen, 1983). State University (2017). Mark areas where procrastination seems to affect you
the most.

❏ Going to class on time ❏ Finding/organizing a study group

❏ Completing readings ❏ Making tutoring/coaching appointments
❏ Completing assignments ❏ Communicating with instructors
❏ Preparing for exams ❏ Making an advising appointment
❏ Writing papers ❏ Registering for next semester
❏ Starting/finishing long-term projects ❏ Selecting a major and/or minor
❏ Setting short-term goals ❏ Utilizing campus resources
❏ Setting long-term goals ❏ Other: _____________________________


❏ Eating ❏ Doing chores

❏ Exercising ❏ Laundry
❏ Sleeping ❏ Cleaning/dishes
❏ Maintaining personal hygiene ❏ Grocery shopping
❏ Fulfilling financial responsibilities ❏ Relaxing (hobbies, meditation, journaling,
❏ Paying bills etc.)
❏ Creating a budget ❏ Making health-related appointments
❏ Sticking to a budget ❏ Figuring out living arrangements
❏ Submitting financial aid forms (apartment hunting, getting roommates,
(FAFSA, scholarship applications, etc.)
etc.) ❏ Other: _____________________________


❏ Finding a job (while in school) ❏ Writing a cover letter

❏ Finding internships ❏ Submitting application materials
❏ Making it to work on time ❏ Preparing for interviews
❏ Visiting the Career Services Center ❏ Finding a job (career / post-graduation)
❏ Preparing a resume ❏ Other:_________________________


❏ Talking with friends ❏ Ending a relationship

❏ Keeping in touch with family members ❏ Other: _____________________________
❏ Responding to emails ❏ Other: _____________________________
❏ Going out/socializing ❏ Other: _____________________________
❏ Dating
Procrastination Management
Steps you can take to move from procrastination to progress.



Am I working on it?


What am I doing How am I justifying What does my progress look like?

instead? NOT getting to work? What are my goals?

What are my underlying reasons?

Strategies to break my inaction:

Adapted from: The Academic Success Center, Oregon State University, 2010

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