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27/2/2019 your favorite TV series is..

(part 4 of 7)

Bastian Ernst shared

your favorite TV series is.. (part 4 of 7)

Bastian @ WildAudience
To: Bastian
May 28, 2017 10:59am PDT

Have you read my previous email, Bastian?

If you haven't ..

Do it now.


Because all my emails are part of ONE BIG STORY.

It's like your favorite TV series ..

Like Lost and Breaking Bad. Or Gossip Girl .. hell, even Gilmore Girls.


How would you feel if you would watch episode 1 & 2 of your favorite TV series ..

.. Miss episode 3 & 4 and then continue with episode 5.

You would feel lost ..


It's the same with my emails :-)

If you miss one ..… 1/8
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You won't understand the context.

Even the content.

Because each email is part of one big EMAIL SEQUENCE.

And that's what I call an RBS.

RBS = Relationship Builder Sequence.

Think about an RBS as a TV series ..

Like a TV series has a sequence of episodes ..

.. An RBS has a sequence of follow-up emails.

A sequence is the reason why you start a new TV series ..

.. And can't stop.

You have to watch the next episode.

And the next one ..

.. And the next one.

.. Until you're done.

An email sequence exists of a series of stories .. all connected to each other.

The story starts in email #1 ..

.. And continues in email #2.… 2/8
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If you want to know what's happening next ..

.. You need to read the next email.

An RBS is the core engine to deliver value to your tribe.

Do you see the dots E1, E2, E3 .. in the graphic above ..?

Each dot represents an email.

Theoretically, an RBS doesn't have an end.

An RBS is indefinite.



Every time you send out an email to deliver VALUE to your tribe ..
You work on creating a deeper relationship with each tribe member.

Each RBS email is ..

Sent out automatically.
Part of your email sequence (RBS).
Sent out on a pre-defined interval (for example 1 day).
Sent out based on your email subscriber's behavior (like clicking a link).

Forget about monthly newsletters ..

That's so 2008.

You need to re-think the concept of email marketing.

Relying on broadcasting doesn't do it anymore.

Wish marketing - aka NO FUNNEL - is dead for good.

People have too much choice.… 3/8
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Too much noise.

Businesses fight for their attention.

Aiming for their wallets on day one.

It's dog eat dog out there.

But Bastian, let me tell you ..

There is a better way.

A more personal way.

It's very simple.

Entrepreneurs forget that we (consumers) buy from people.

From people we have a relationship with.

And email automation well done is your delivery vehicle to build

that relationship with your audience.

How do you build that relationship?

Well ..

You need to care about each email subscriber on your list.

Email subscribers are not numbers ..

They are real humans with problems, questions & objections.

Like you ..

And me :-)

Once you understand that ..… 4/8
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You send your tribe extremely valuable educational content via email on a
regular basis.

Like I do right now :-)

This email is the fourth email of my RBS.

And in the next days, you will receive a couple of more follow-up emails.

These emails are all part of one email sequence.

And this sequence has one goal ..

To establish a relationship with you and create trust.

And of course ..

To teach you the basics of my "Relationship Funnel" ..

(I'm running a funnel implementation workshop soon ..
.. You can add yourself to the workshop here ..)

The best part ..?

All these emails are automated :-)

So you write them once. Set 'em up. And forget 'em.


Pretty cool, huh?

One more thing before we wrap this up ..

All RBS emails are behavior based.… 5/8
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Yap ..

It means that emails are triggered by a specific behavior of your subscribers.

- Clicked on a specific link in an email.

- Opened email #2.

- Didn't open email #4.

- Visited sales page of your product.

These are all examples of behavior ..

It's time to add the next piece of the puzzle Bastian ..

It's time for ..

Behavior. Based. Email. Baby.

But more about this behavior stuff in the next email.

I've been rambling on for too long already.



But let me leave you with a little introduction ..

This stuff works.

(click the video screenshot ..)… 6/8
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Talk soon.


Nothing down here today ..

But thanks for checking anyway :-)

Unsubscribe (aww seriously, we've fallen out of "love"?)

These awesome emails have been handcrafted on a sunny beach in Costa Rica.

Silicon Valley Mind: Wild Audience LLC, 2361 Carmel Dr, Palo Alto, CA 94303, United States… 7/8
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