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Panel Discussion

1. How much do you worry about epidemics, terrorism, and crime? Discuss
the problems and explain why you worry/ don’t worry about them with your

2. Arts (music, art, dance and theater) are just a waste of time. Do you agree
or disagree? Discuss the benefits of them.

A: Hi. Long time no see

B: Hi. How’s it going?
A: I’m Good. how about you
B: I’m fine. Hey, I have a sencence that want to listen the answers from you. It’s about Arts
(music, art, dance and theater) are just a waste of time. You disagree or agree about this?
A: Well, I;m afraid I don’t agree with this , I think when I listen to music or dance. It’s don’t
makes me waste of time because I love it and want to spend my free time doing it so it makes
me feel more happy, ralax and comfortable
B;…….. so what about beniefits? Do you think about them?
A: To me, I think creating these painting and drawings would obviously lessen the negative
emotions within an individual. This would be relaced by positive thoughts and feelings as color
and drawings would be exemplified so this may make an individual feel good about their
B: ……
A: I love this. By the way, I have to go to library right now. Hope to see you again and have a nice

3. What are some reasons people donate money to or volunteer for charities?
Only for good purpose?

A: Hi, long time no see

B; hi how’s it going?
A: I’m good. How about you?
B: I’m fine. By the way, do you go charity
A; yes, I always donate some money for charities. I would like to help people
who have dificult in their life such as homeless or poor people or , the children
who can’t go to school,…. They need a hand, I feel so bad when seeing
them.How about you?
B; ……so What are some reasons you donate money for the charities?
A: because I think when doing this, it help improve their life and they don’t
worry about one part of their life and I can connect to many people all around
the world

4. Money has nothing to do with happiness. Do you agree or disagree with this

A: Hi A
B: Hello B. How are you
A: I'm good. Why did you invite me here today?
B: Oh I have a few questions for the next exercise so I want to ask your opinion
A: Okay, let me see.
B: Okay. Some people say that Money has nothing to do with happiness. In your opinion, do
you agree with it?
A: Oh that's a good question. In my opinion, I agree with that. Because in my opinion, money
is a symbol of material value, so it is only possible to buy material things. Happiness is a
typical type of spiritual value. Money can only provide the factors that make it easier to create
happiness, be it for you, your family or higher than the people around you. Silver is just a
catalyst that helps us create happiness. What about you?
B: Okay, in my opinion, I don't agree with that. Money, for me, can make us happy. People
often say that money cannot buy happiness, but now in life and our economy, finance is an
urgent matter that affects. serious for the happiness of all of us. Money is not everything but
without money then you do not get what you want, money is just a means like having to spice
in life to Help us find our happiness.
A: Oh that's a good idea
5. Do our clothes tell others about us?

A: Hi, Ngoc Anh

B: Hello Yen. How are you today?
A: I'm good. Why did you invite me here today?
B: Oh. I have a few questions for the next exercise so I want to ask your opinion
A: Okay, let me see.
B: Okay. Do you think our clothes can tell others about us?
A: Well, In my opinion, our clothes can tell others about us because how to dress will be a
message, an introduction to the person who is using it for the opposite person. And our
clothes also show our personal impression, as well as our style of clothing to other people.
And how about you? what do you think about that?
B: I disagree with that opinion because we shouldn't judge a person through their clothes.
And there are also people who are modest, less expressive of who they are through dress. So
clothes can't tell what a person's personality is like.
A: Oh, it is not a bad idea.

6. Discuss on cosmetic procedures (cosmetic treatments). Are there any

cosmetic procedures you think should be illegal?

A: Hi, Ngoc Anh. what are you doing?

B: Hello, Yen. I am looking for some cosmetic treatment. Any suggestion?
A: Uh… What do you think about Swiss Chocolate Mud Wrap?
B: What do you mean?
A: Well, You can soak in the luxury of the finest Swiss chocolate mixed with sticky
Mississippi River mud- the ultimate full-body mask to hydrate your skin, slim your
silhouette, and stimulate your circulation all at once.
B: Oh, really. So the effect of that method like?
A: The effects are achieved by the natural essential oils in the chocolate that is released as the
mud dries and contracts. Emerge from a series of three treatments a newer, smoother,
slimmer you.
B: That a good cosmetic treatment. But I'm going to try a snake massage. I have heard that
this method will bring a lot of unexpected effects on my skin.
A: Snake masage? I had never known this method before.
B: Sure. I will learn more about these two cosmetic treatments and decide which cosmetic
treatments should I use. Thanks for your suggestion.

7. Discuss ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime.

A: Hey, do you know that in recent day, there are some criminals appearing
in our city
B: yes, I know. And the neighbor next to my house has just tellen me that “ a
pickpocket had taken her wallet unnoticed”
A: What a shame! Is she ok?
B: yes, she’s ok. Thank goodness for that. so To avoid to become a victim of
urban crime what do you think we should do?
A: I have some tips for you to stay far away them . Firstly, when walking on
the street, better yet, Don’t walking alone, be with somebody else or a dog
because a criminals just attack you when you look weak and alone.
Secondly, while riding in a car, Keep the doors locked and windows up and If you’re
harassed at a stop, drive away as soon as possible. Don’t pick up hitchhiker. Also, before
driving a car, you should check the back seat of your car and make sure nobody is hiding
there. How about you?

B: it’s not a bad ways. To me , I think think Firstly, we should not carry a lot of assets in our bag,
instead of sending them to your credit or debit cards and be careful with local people.
Secondly, our personal information should be protected, for example, ID cards, passport, debit
or credit cards to avoid violent crimes or muggers

A: sound good!
8. Do you think animals have to be used for medical research and
for food?
A: Do you think animals have to be used for medical research ?
B: Actually, from my point of view, on one hand animals shouldn’t be treated that way, I
think it’s morally wrong but on the other hand animals needed in research to develop drug
to protect us and animals from diseases
A: Well, I couldn’t agree with you more. And we can’t experiment on humans right. So
how about for food by slaughtering animals? What do you think about this?
B: It’s so hard for me to answer this question. I think we should slaughtering for food
although it’s cruel to do this to them but we need to eat them to exist. However just
animals such as fish, chicken or duck
A: I see what you mean but we can eat other available food instead of slaughtering them
such as vegetables or non-animals products
B: You’re so right

9. Pets bring a lot of benefits to people. Do you agree or disagree

with this?
A: do you love any animals ?
B: yes, I’m really into animals, especially pets such as dog, cat, parrot
and guinea pig. And I’m having 2 cats. They are playful but
sometimes they are so destructive
A: Great! but I don’t like any animals
B: really? Why don’t you like them? They’re vary lovely
A: I know that. But I feel scared around them.
B: So Do you think pets bring a lot of benefits to us?
A: Well, I’m afraid I don’t agree. I think they
B: I couldn’t agree more. I think They’re good- natured with kids, it can teach
social skills for kids and kids growing up with pets are less self- centered, especially to cats.
And playing with them helps to lower blood pressure, reduce stress and make us happier

10. Shopping behavior doesn’t cause any problems to us. Do you

agree or disagree with this idea?
A: Good morning. Where are you off to?
B: Good morning..I’m shopping to buy something. How about you?
A: yahhh me too. By the way. do you think Shopping behavior doesn’t cause
any problems to us ?
B: well, I couldn’t agree more. I’m a careful shopper. Because I don’t really
have a lot money to spend so I just things I need and sometimes I bargain hunt
so I can buy something cheaply for less than their usual price. What about you?
A: Actually, I often buy things on impluse. I’m realy into shoppping for clothes
and shoes. When I go shopping. I can’t resist the temptation to buy something. I
just can’t come home empty-handed. So I think someday I may drown in debt
but I always lose control when shopping, what should I do?
B: Firstly, when you shop, Always try to be aware of your motivations. Don’t
go shopping when you’re angry or upset. Secondly, focuse on things you really
need and want ok?
A: sound good! I’ll try to do this and thanks for your advice

11. Discuss advertising techniques to persuade people to buy a

A: Hello
B: Hello. how are you these days
A: I’m not good. I am struggling with a series of presentation questions about
the impact of advertising
A: Oh advertisement?. Pretty good subject
B: That's true but there are some questions that are a bit difficult for me
A: is there anything I can help you with?
B: Alright So, according to my partner, does the current advertising method
help businesses or companies sell more products?
A: oh. That is a good question. In my opinion, yes. Businesses today are very
active in advertising their products because thanks to advertising, their products
are promoted more widely and their advertising almost always creates their
products. should be more interesting and attractive. Thanks to advertising,
consumers can have a broader and more sympathetic view of the item. Also, the
aesthetics of an ad will help businesses sell more products, more consumers
often buy the products that they like when they see the ad even if they don't
need it.
B: Alright But some people think that advertising is sometimes not the same as
the real product? What do you think about this?
A: In my opinion, this problem really does not exist but today I think it is very
few. Most products when advertising a bit nicer but still have to remain the
same as the actual product. Because if consumers feel they are cheated when
buying products on advertising, this will be a disaster for that company. This is
a moral issue in business.
B: Okay, thanks for your help
A: No problem. I'm glad those things helped you
12. Parents should let their children have or do anything they want. Do you
agree or disagree with this opinion?
A: A: What do you think parents should let their children have or do anything they want?
B: Well, I hate to say it but there's not much they can do.
A: Why's that?
B: Well, Teenagers want their parents to let them have or do whatever they want, but not all they
want is what they need or what they should do.
A: I suppose. But teenagers do not always want to have or do unnecessary things or should not do.
B: Maybe... I think you right but in my opinion. parents should make rules for teen behavior so
teens learn right from wrong.
A: I don't completely agree with your ideas. Because teens need to learn by making their own
B: But I think if parents do not observe or control what teens do, they may be in danger. For
example, on the internet. there are many things that are not good for teens, such as some violent
films, or some videos that are not suitable for their age.
A: I suppose. But teenagers have the right to privacy, and the parents ought to respect it. What
teens do on the Internet should be off-limits to parents.

13. Discuss some consequences of the increase in the global population of older
A: Hi, Thai and Nam
B: Hello, Guy. How are you today?
C: hi my friend
A: I'm good. Why did you invite me and Nam here today Thai?
B: Oh. I have a few questions for the next exercise so I want to ask your opinion.
A: Okay, let me see.
A: How do you think the global population growth of older people is like?
B: Well, is the increase in the median age of a region's population due to falling birth rates and
increasing life expectancy. Average life expectancy increases and the population is gradually
C: What do you think about the consequences of this?
B: In my opinion, aging of the population will have many consequences for social and economic
development, such as a decrease in the workforce and the elderly will suffer from diseases such
as dementia of Alzheimer's disease.
A: You know, population aging also changes family structure, increases post-retirement life, puts
pressure on the health system, and the pension system. Ad the next question, do you think it will
suffer from some other serious illness?
B: The Elderly people there are cases where they will have heart-related diseases. stroke,
diabetes, and cancer there will be and these problems are still being sought by society
C. So low do they need help?
B: They need the help of Enmiły members and care from the care agency,
A: oh thanks for answer my question.
C ok Thai
14. Do mobile devices save us time or waste more of our time?
A: Do you think mobile devices save us time or waste more of our time?
B: To me, I think mobile devices waste more of our time because at work,
Some people on their phone texting, chatting and surfing facebook while
working and it make them distract in working
A: You’re right. And I think many people use their devices before going to
bed, they keeps them up at night for facebook, watching movie and playing
game, and they don’t get enough sleep. this habit can have a huge effect on
our performance the next day. We feel tired on following day. And once in
a while I wake up during the night and check my messages , I know it’s
not good but I can’t feel sleepy
B: me too. And I always check messages every time. I’m almost always
connected, and I rarely spend time doing anything else but I wish I weren’t
A: I see and I think we should switch off moblile devices and spead less time
on it
B: I completely agree with you

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