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We live in a society that values self-love and encourages individuals to pursue their own
happiness, comfort, and tranquility. Such a path is the result of Satan's power and delusions, and it
runs counter to Scripture's direction and injunctions for Christian living. Now, in our culture, the
word "freedom" can be a very dangerous one, as it has been misconstrued in numerous ways. We
live in a world where complete freedom is required. We’re living in a world that demands total
freedom. They not only want what they want, they want it to be tolerated. They not only want it to
be tolerated, they want it to be celebrated. And they want it to be propagated. And they want it to
be normalized. This is how the world pronounce liberty.
However, in Galatians chapter five, the scripture declares, “For you were called to freedom,
brethren; only do not turn your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve
one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, ‘You shall love your
neighbor as yourself.’ But if you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed
by one another. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”
We have already learned in this epistle that we (Christians) have been set free because of the Lord
Jesus Christ. Our liberty and overwhelming grace in Christ must never be exploited as a
justification to behave as we want and disregard our calling and responsibility to God and men.
Liberation in Christ does not imply independence from the existence of the flesh or from the
struggle with indwelling sin. Freedom is not the power to do whatever we want; but the ability to
will and do what one ought to do. It is a sense of inner fulfillment in who we are in Christ and
what we have. It covets only heavenly treasure. It refers to your willingness and ability to
surrender the control of your life to God. The things that the Bible forbids us from doing were
some broad instances of Christian liberty's limit. If we are aware that doing so is contrary to the
Lord's will, then it will categorically not meet the conditions of Christian liberty. However, there
are several intricate factors that we must be aware of that are not clearly described in the Bible.
Traditional cuisine and ethics, for example. Although it isn't explicitly stated in the Bible, the
Word warns us not to be a stumbling block. That is how complex Christian liberty may seem, but
in learning the Word and through the help of the Spirit, we can understand it well.
Therefore, even if the rest of the world does not recognize Christian liberty as freedom, we know
that all we do here on earth will be held accountable to us. They may enjoy earthly freedom,
feeding their cravings and flesh, but they will not be able to do so indefinitely. So, we must be
conscious of our freedom. According to the Bible, we are now free from God's anger, which is the
highest liberation. Let us see earthly freedom as a bondage from sin and judgment, rather than
eternal freedom. Let us increase the love and all that God's children can have and enjoy, since our
purpose is to freely praise the Lord rather than ourselves.



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