Chuyên Đề 12: Giới Từ + Mạo Từ

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1. Although the team was both mentally and physically exhausted, they
________ on walking.
a. stopped b. kept c. took d. put
2. Don't forget to ________ your gloves on. It is cold outside.
a. let b. make c. put d. fix
3. If you don't pay your rent, your landlord is going to kick you out!
a. lend you some money b. play football with you c. give you a kick d.
force you to leave
4. Yesterday I ran into Sam at the grocery store. I had not seen him for years.
a. met b. visited c. said goodbye to d. made friends with
5. Let's go over that report again before we submit it.
a. dictate b. print c. read carefully d. type
6. Who will __________ the children when you are away ?
a. take care on b. take care of c. take care d. care on
7. She is looking _______ a new place to live because she does not want to
depend _______ her parents any more.
a. for / on b. after / with c. up / forward d. at / into
8. I was brought _______ in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had
pass _______.
a. on / over b. for / on c. on / off d. up / away
9. Due to industrialization, we have to cope _____the fact that many species are
____ danger ______extinction.
a. over / at / for b. at / upon / over c. for / on / with d. with / in / of
10. Boys! Put your toys ______. It is time to go to bed. Don't stay _____ late.
a. off / on b. away / up c. down / off d. around/ for
11. She intended to quit her job to stay _______ home and look _______ her
sick mother.
a. in / at b. at / after c. for / over d. up / on
12. He is very worried _______ his new job because he is not quite prepared
_______ working.
a. on / over b. to / off c. about / for d. in / at
13. Instead _____ petrol, cars will only run ____ solar energy and electricity.
a. of / on b. for / by c. in / over d. from/ upon
14. She has a promising future ahead _______ her.
a. for b. from c. on d. of
15. What are your plans for _______ future?
a. a b. an c. the d. Ø
16. You have to study harder in order to _________________ your classmates.
a. keep pace into b. keep pace on c. keep pace at d. keep pace
17. If you have ever watched television, you have seen plenty ___ drug ads.
a. with b. of c. for d. about
18. The space shuttle crashed and went _______ in flames.
a. of b. for c. over d. off
19. Elevators in tall building make the top floors accessible _____ everybody
a. to b. with c. about d. at
20. While I am waiting _______ my bus, I often listen _______ music.
a. on / at b. for / to c. toward / about d. upon / in
21. Will you take care _______ my little dog when I am _______ business?
a. through / away b. about / at c. for / over d. of / on
22. According _______ Bill, there's something wrong _______ my computer.
a. after / for b. on / about c. to / with d. upon / at
23. He depends _______ his sister _______ assistance.
a. to / from b. from / in c. on / for d. at / with
24. By 2015, it will be widely accepted that schools and pre-schools have
_______ extremely important role to
play in future of our world.
a. an / a b. an / the c. the / the d. Ø / Ø
25. On _______ Internet and with cable television w e can select information
from _______ wide variety of
sources. a. the / a b. an / the c. the / Ø d. Ø / the
26.They arrived _______ that train station late because their taxi had broken
a. at / down b. for / off c. on / over d. on / up
27. Those workers are in difficulty because wage increases cannot keep up
_______ inflation.
a. with b. for c. over d. on
28. They argued _______ us _______ the problem last night, but we could not
find _______ the solution.
a. with / about / out b. on / for / off c. upon / with / in d. to / on
I up
29. Although I did not totally agree ________ feminist's policies, I certainly
admired their audacity, dedication
and courage.
a. for b. with c. along d. up
30. I didn't get to see the end of that mystery movie on TV last night. How did it
________ out?
a. go b. make c. bring d. turn
31. When you are finished using the computer, can you please ______ it off.
a. take b. turn c. do d. go
32.When the alarm went off, everyone proceeded calmly to the emergency exits.
a. fell b. exploded c. called d. rang
33. Look out. There is a rattlesnake under the picnic table!
a. Listen b. Be carefulc. Go d. Watch
34. Mrs. Jones's husband passed away fast Friday. We are all shocked by the
a. got married b. divorced c. died d. were on business
35. Williams is working _______ an export company. He intends to apply
_______ another job because he is not
satisfied _______ the salary.
a. in / on / at b. for / for / with c. at / out / into d. from/ on/ for
36. Is Miss Wilson very fond _______ French food? - No, she is not used
_______ having French food.
a. over / with b. of / to c. off / for d. in / about
37. Look _______! The tree is going to fall.
a. over b. off c. in d. out
38. I think we maybe run _______ natural resources some day.
a. in to b. up to c. out of d. away from
39. _______ whom do these English books belong?
a. From b. To c. For d. With
40. Thanks _______ the inventions _______ labor-saving devices, women have
more free time to take part _______ social work.
a. through / over / for b. on / from / with c. forward / for / from d.
to / of / in
41. She looked _______ to see who was going _______ her.
a. round / after b. up / off c. at / to d. for / with
42. She is a friendly girl who gets _______ everyone she meets.
a. out of b. on with c. away from d. into
43. I had my sister take care _____ my children while I was _____ business.
a. with / for b. in / away c. for / in d. of / on
44. He took a lot of interest _______ our work and he promised to help us
_______ any troubles.
a. in / with b. for / on c. about / at d. for / from

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