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The Hidden Secrets of Indus Valley

 The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a
Bronze Age civilization (3300–1300 BCE mature
period 2600–1900 BCE) located in the western
region of South Asia, and spread over what are
now Pakistan, northwest India, and eastern
What should people know about
Indus Valley Civilization?

 The Indus is the longest river in Pakistan. The Indus
River begins in the Himalaya Mountains, and flows
nearly 3,000 kilometres to the Arabian Sea.
 In the Sanskrit language of Ancient India, the Indus
was called the Sindhu. A valley is a physical feature.
It's the land shaped by a river. The Indus Valley was
shaped by the Indus River.
Way of life
 What were Indus cities like?

 An Indus city was made of mud-brick
buildings. It had walls and roads.

 Water was very important to Indus people, so

the builders started by digging wells, and
laying drains.

 Some cities had a citadel high on a mound. In

the citadel were bigger buildings. Most Indus
people did not live in cities at all. Perhaps 9
out of 10 people were farmers and traders who
lived in small villages
Trade and Travel

 Indus Valley cities lived by trade. Farmers

brought food into the cities. Traders
brought the materials workers needed.
Trade goods included terracotta pots,
beads, gold and silver, coloured gem
stones such as turquoise and lapis lazuli,
metals, flints (for making stone tools),
seashells and pearls.
Home life

 An Indus Valley house was cool inside. Thick
walls kept people cool in the heat of summer.
 All that are left today are the ground floors of
houses that once had two or three floors. Stairs led
to the upper floors and roof. Walls were covered
with mud plaster. It is not clear if people painted
the walls.
Why do historians call it the most advanced
civilization of that era?

 The earliest traces of civilization in the Indian
subcontinent are to be found in places along, or close, to
the Indus River. Excavations first conducted in 1921-22, in
the ancient cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro, both now
in Pakistan, pointed to a highly complex civilization that
first developed some 4,500-5,000 years ago, and
subsequent archaeological and historical research has
now furnished us with a more detailed picture of the
Indus Valley Civilization and its inhabitants.
Why should we preserve remains of Indus Valley

 Imagine a city built 4000 years ago, with three storied houses
and bathrooms attached. Having an elaborate drainage system
and magnificent public baths. Then suddenly around 1700 BC
this city is abandoned, leaving ample traces of it existence but
no hints for its disappearance that is the mystery of Mohenjo-
Daro which literally means ‘Mound of the dead'.
 We should preserve remains of Indus valley civilation because
this is the only way we can study more about this civilization
and researches can be done in future to find its mysterious
 It would history students to study more and more about such
an advanced yet old civilization.

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