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Say no to plastic.

Ans: as human beings, we crave convenience.

We want our day-to-day life to be very easy,
sometimes even at the cost of effecting the
nature hazardously, in this long run. We have
made some discoveries that are beneficial for
us, but can be proved harmful for our nature.
Such a discovery is plastic. It has become so
popular, that imagining our day-to-day life
without plastic seems impossible. plastic has
made our life easy. But as it is not
decomposable, where it gets stagnant, the
soil of that place gets polluted. If it is burnt,
certain toxic gases are released which pollutes
air and further harms the animal and plant
kingdom. Plastics cause harm to the sea too.
The most visible and disturbing impacts of
marine plastics are the ingestion, suffocation
and entanglement of thousands of marine
species. Marine wildlife such as seabirds,
whales, fishes and turtles, mistake plastic
bags for prey, and most die of starvation as
their stomach is filled by plastic debris.
In the conclusion, I would like to say that
plastics can cause a traumatic disturbance t
our nature, and we should try to replace the
plastic bags or any other materials of plastic
with easily decomposable substances.

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