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AGI Educational Series:

Electrical Geophysics
in use for

© Advanced Geosciences Inc 2021

March 2021

An Introduction to ERI, IP, and SP

What are these methods generally used for?

Why use these methods for bioremediation?

How can these methods be applied

to bioremediation?

Who is qualified to use these methods?

Sources & Links

An Introduction to
ERI, IP, and SP
You may have already noticed the common factor between the three methods we’re discussing.
They all rely on an electric current. Of course, there are other geophysical methods, but in
our experience, electrical methods have provided either the best results—or have served as a
complement to other methods. 

ERI Electrical Resistivity Imaging

ERI, which you may also know as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT),
is the measurement of ground variations gathered by applying a small
and highly-controlled electric current across an array of electrodes. In
the simplest of terms, you’re testing what is resistive to an electric
current. This geophysical technique is used to create an image of a
specific portion of the Earth’s subsurface. This image’s size, depth, and
resolution can be controlled by the number of electrodes used, and the
spacing of the dipoles. 

IP Induced Polarization
IP is the Earth’s capacity to hold an electric charge over time. IP
measures the voltage decay curve after the injected current is shut
off. The higher the IP, the longer the charge is held over time. IP
always decays and disappears over time, typically a few seconds—but
sometimes up to a couple of minutes. IP is a derivative of resistivity—so
in order to measure IP, first, you must measure resistivity.

SP Streaming Potential
You may have seen various iterations of “SP”. SP can stand for Self
Potential, Spontaneous Potential, and Streaming Potential. Since
Self Potential and Spontaneous Potential are mostly used in mineral
exploration, for the purpose of discussing bioremediation, we’re only
referencing Streaming Potential. 

SP is an electrical surveying method used when fluids or electrolytes—

typically water—move through porous areas in the ground. This creates a
change in voltage that can be read using a voltmeter and two electrodes.

What are these methods
generally used for?
Electric-based geophysical methods are used for various applications. Again, the versatility
of these methods is one of the main reasons why Advanced Geosciences only manufactures
equipment that does this kind of work. Below are just a few of the many applications these
methods can be used:

• Construction Projects

• Groundwater Exploration

• Geotechnical Applications

• Dam, Levee, and Pond Monitoring

• Saltwater intrusion mapping

• Pollution and Waste Mapping

• Cathodic Protection

• Cave Exploration

• Subsidence, Karst, and Landslide Mapping

You may be able to already see how some of

the applications listed above could translate to
agricultural use cases and bioremediation projects.

For instance, the basic principles of a groundwater

survey and a saltwater intrusion mapping project
can translate directly into a subsurface wastewater
exploration project. The same methodology one
would take for dam monitoring would be taken
for heap leach pond monitoring or water well
monitoring. You can see what we mean by the

versatility of these methods.  
Why use these methods
for bioremediation?
There are a few reasons why you may want to use these methods—either alone or in conjunction
with other subsurface imaging methods.

Precise Mapping & Monitoring

Electric geophysical methods can give you a clear interpretation of what is below the
surface. This is especially useful when looking for a specific target like an underground
plume or an aquifer. After all, half of the battle of bioremediation is finding the target.

Low Environmental Impact

Devices, such as the SuperSting™, that let you employ these electrical methods run on
electricity themselves. As such, there is little to no carbon footprint associated with
these methods. It is also categorized as an in-situ solution—in which the equipment is
set up on-site and does not require heavy machinery or invasive techniques.

Reduces the cost of Bioremediation

All three of the methods we’re discussing can be deployed by using one device—a
SuperSting™ System. With the precision of these methods, the risk of starting
treatment in the wrong place—or even worse, missing a location that needs
treatment—is greatly reduced. Reducing the chance of mistakes will save a lot of
money, effort, and environmental impacts. And as we mentioned above, this process
doesn’t require massive drilling machines or other invasive equipment.

Low Barrier to Entry

Devices like the SuperSting™ are all-in-one machines when it comes to using ERI, IP,
and SP. As such, there isn’t much equipment that one would need to learn how to use
to operate a system. The system itself can fit in a couple of pelican cases, so there’s
no heavy machinery to worry about taking up a lot of space. And as we’ll get into later,
anyone can be trained to use these methods for the purpose of bioremediation. 

How can these methods be
applied to bioremediation?
ERI, IP, and SP are great for two aspects of bioremediation: mapping and monitoring. It’s an
unfortunate truth that most projects require mapping (i.e, after a problem occurs), but we’re
strong advocates for monitoring projects that can catch problems before they arise. In fact, an
aspect of these geophysical methods that could use more awareness is that they can be used in
time-lapse monitoring—where one can keep track of changes over time.

Wastewater, Saltwater, & Similar

In environments like farms, wastewater

is a common issue. Similarly, saltwater
intrusion into a freshwater aquifer can
have devastating effects on soil. Manure
contains about 5 to 10 percent salt
by dry weight, which comes from salt
supplements in cattle feed. (Source:
Roger A. Eigenberg, Bryan L. Woodbury
(2011), “With Feedlot Manure, It Pays
To Be Precise” May/June 2011 issue of
Agricultural Research magazine) Because
salts are an excellent conductor of
electricity, ERI surveys can be used to
map out underground wastewater. 

How can these methods be
applied to bioremediation?
Pond/Leach Field Monitoring

Structures like feedlot runoff ponds and leaching fields have a high tendency to pollute the
surrounding soils. As such, it’s important to keep a constant eye on these structures in the event
that a leak or seepage occurs. In
addition to monitoring wells, ERI
and SP have proven to be effective
ways to monitor any movement
of liquids below the surface.
Whereas monitoring wells are
dependent on groundwater, ERI
can detect seepage in the soils
near and around ponds. (Source:
Woodbury, B.L., Eigenberg, R.A.,
Koelsch, R. 2015. Early warning
wastewater pond monitoring
system. Nebraska Agricultural
Experiment Station Bulletin. Date
first used: September 2015.)


Hydrocarbons such as chlorinated

solvents and oils need to be
monitored at certain facilities. For
example, there are many countries
that produce olive oil. As such,
olive oil mills can be a serious
source of contamination—especially mills that dispose of waste into open ponds. In Greece,
there have been experiments to use a saline tracer, coupled with time-lapse ERI monitoring, to
track and monitor oils in the subsurface. (Source: S. Kirkou, et all, “3D time-lapse ERT monitoring
of an experimental simulation of olive-oil mills’ waste movement“ Berichte Geo/. 8.-A., 112, ISSN
1017-8880, 3rd Internal)

Aquifer, Water Table, & Water Well Monitoring 

As we mentioned above, ERI can be used in time-lapse monitoring. This means that with ERI and
SP, you can track underground water levels over time. Not only that, but you can track when and
where contaminants have polluted fresh groundwater. 
Who is qualified to use
these methods?
It may seem like you would need to employ the help of a geophysicist to complete a survey that
uses these methods. While that would definitely help, it’s not totally necessary. 

For instance, when Advanced Geosciences sells a SuperSting™ System to our customers, we
always include a training seminar with the purchase. We have trained hundreds of users to use
the system within the span of 8-24 hours. The backgrounds of our customers can vary from
geotechnical engineers to ranchers.

With that said, seeking out help from local experts in the geoscience field can help projects go
smoothly. Making connections with professors, geotechnical engineers, and geophysicists are
recommended. Even a cursory knowledge of your surrounding geology goes a long way. 

Training Seminar hosted by Advanced Geosciences, Inc.

Sources & links


• Roger A. Eigenberg, Bryan L. Woodbury (2011), “With Feedlot Manure, It Pays To Be Precise”
May/June 2011 issue of Agricultural Research magazine)

• Woodbury, B.L., Eigenberg, R.A., Koelsch, R. 2015. Early warning wastewater pond monitoring
system. Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. Date first used: September 2015.)

• S. Kirkou, et all, “3D time-lapse ERT monitoring of an experimental simulation of olive-oil

mills’ waste movement“ Berichte Geo/. 8.-A., 112, ISSN 1017-8880, 3rd Internal)

Advanced Geosciences, Inc.




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