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Work Placement Report 1 (1)

4 November 2019

1. Report goals You must write a work placement report for Specialization WP be it 15 or 30 ects. For the
Basic WP 15 ects, a 2-page-essay is adequate.

By writing the work placement report, the student shows that she/he is familiar with the
company’s activities even outside the scope of her/his own work and can describe the
company’s activities as well as her/his own tasks.

The emphasis of the report is on the writer’s own work placement experiences. The aim is
to give the wp coordinator relevant information on the work and responsibilities during the
work placement. The length of the report is about 5 pages. Like other assignments, Haaga-
Helia’s work placement coordinator stores the reports for six months.

In addition, the student answers the work placement feedback questions on Moodle.
This information is available to all students who want some help as for looking for the work
placement opportunities.

2. Report contents Your report should include the following:

• basic facts on the company (e.g.industry, size, annual turnover, organizational structure)

• an overview of the way ICT is applied, application areas, systems, hardware etc. within
the company

• an extensive job description of the work placement

• a comparison between the contents of studies and the contents of the tasks: what skills
acquired during the studies were actually needed and what else would have been useful

• a plan how the student will complete his/her studies after the placement: the course
names and semesters when you will complete the courses, the potential topic of your thesis
and your planned graduation time.

Submit your report and the copy of your original work testimonial within two weeks’ time
after the end of the work placement to your work placement coordinator and also answer
the work placement feedback questions on Moodle.

Use the Haaga-Helia reporting structure & layout if applicable (cover page, table of
contents, bibliography, NO abstract needed).

3. Report grading Work placement is assed with a passing mark H.

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