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When I divided 987 the largest number and 610 the smaller the result was the golden ratio. Therefore
if we divide two consecutive Fibonacci numbers the result will the golden ratio.

9. If you look all the dimension of the Parthenon, you’ll see numerous numbers and proportions. If you
look closely the height and width of the Parthenon results to Golden Ration proportions, the top of the
width and height of the columns, the height of the roof with the horizontal lines across it. Some
proportions were close to a golden rectangle but not exactly a golden rectangle.

10. Eyes – 79%, nose- 98%, ears- 97%, chin- 97%

11. You will find 34 clockwise and 55 counterclockwise spirals of the sunflower.

12. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,…
- Every fifth number is divisible by 5
- Every sixth number is divisible by 8
Therefore, it can be proven that this pattern will continue forever since nth Fibonacci number was
divided equally to nth number. Thus, it will not be concluded as coincidence.

13. 36 degrees

14. 137.5 degrees

15. There are 8 gently-sloping spirals (left), 13 steeper spirals (middle), and 21 spirals of every steep

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