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Moving Rehabilitation Forward™ Hydrocollator HEATING UNITS Service/User Manual 120- Volt Units Cag HATTANDOGA bal? Hydrocollator” Heating Units Foreword. Safety Precautions. . Precautionary Definitions Cautions. Warnings . fee Description of Device Markings Nomenclature. Technical Specifications ... Setup ‘Operation.......... Troubleshooting. Replacement Parts . Maintenance ........- Warranty. Hydrocollator” isa registered trademark of Chattanooga Group HotPac" isa trademark of Chattanooga Group Comet* of Prestige Brands, In. Soft Scrub* of the Dial Corporation Scotch-Brite™ of 3M, ©2008 Encore Medical, LP, and its affllates, Austin, Texas, USA. Any use of editorial, pictorial or layout composition of this publication without express written consent frorn Chattanooga Group of Encore Medical, LLP Is stctly prohibited. This publication was written, illustrated and prepared for print by Chattanooga Group of Encore Medical, LP. Ae) Bie Hydrocollatee” Heating Units This manual contains general instructions for operation, precautionary instructions, and maintenance recommendations for the owners and operators of the Hydrocollator $S, SS-2, +1, £-2, M22, and M-4 Heating Units. In order to obtain maximum life and efficiency of the Hydrocollator Heating Units, please read this manual thoroughly and follow all instructions prior to operating the unit. Specifications put forth in this manual were in effect at the time of publication. However, owing to Chattanooga Group's policy of continual improvement, changes to these specifications may be made at any time without obligation on the part of Chattanooga Group. Panacea Precautionary Definitions ‘The precautionary instructions found in this section and throughout this manual are indicated by specific symbols. Understand these symbols and their definitions before operating this equipment. The definitions of these symbols are as follows: CAUTIONS ~Text with a“CAUTION" indicator explains possible safety infractions that could have the potential to cause minor to moderate injury or damage to equipment. AA = wasvancs Text in WARING ndcatorexpins posible safety inaction that wl pote cause serous iy and equipment damage. DANGERS Text wth DANGER ndcator exons posi sft acon hat are minentiy paras state tat wed entin death oes gy NOTE: Throughout this manual, "NOTE" may be found. These notes are helpful information to aid in the particular area or function being described. Hydrocollator” Heating Units SAFETY PRECAUTIONS so /\ CAUTION + Read, understand and practice te precautionary and operating instructions, Know the limitations associated with the Fiycractistor 3, 58 £7, €2, Wa and Mea Heating Unis Observe the citionory and operational decals nsaled on the + DONOT operate this unit in an environment where ater devices af being used that intentionally radiates electromagnetic ergy a ried manner Saabs ane Weommuristncqupment on at cea Cece quipment + The idrocolator Heating Unt generates, uses, andl can raat rac frequency energy and, not stalled and used in $ccordance withthe nsfdctions,may cause harmful ntererenceto other devices in he vicinity, However there sno. tne fa ete wl ot 9 arn saloon a mrerence deve cy be deerined uring the Hyrocallator Heating Unt on and of Try to caret the neference using one or more of he fll ‘eorent of eigeate the receliing device, ncreace the separation between the equipment carnect the equipment to ah ‘utleton a diferent cncu from that wih te other devel) are connected and consul the Chattanooga Group Service Bepariment for help + Darnot use accessories ater than thoxe supplied withthe Hydrocollator Heaing Uni or recommended by Chattanoo roup The sty of oer praductshas no been etablue ar tre se coureaut nny tothe patent + Never agjust the thermostat 00 high. The thermostat i extremely ensive and the slightest adjustment later the {emperature several degroes. The eccrtmended operating temperatures 160'F to 16s" F (1s to 74-C). The emperaure of the watey should be checked with a thermometer ater every agustment, before using the HotPac Always allow sufclent tne or the water temperature to stabie “The Hydrocollator Heating Unit should not be installed above a surface thats susceptible to casual water damage “Always kep the water evel over the top f the HotPacs to avid burning or scorching ofthe packs. + Newer alow the HotPac ta dry after use * Check water level daly as thas antral loss due to evaporation + Clean the tankeas described inthe maintenonce portion af his manual + Check unit perodiealy for signs of leaking and contact service leaks are noted + Always replace Hycrocalatoe HotPacs 35 Soah a they show sighs of wea + ifthe units to be le unattended for a period of time, unplug the unit emove the packs, empty the water at clean the + Da not mave the iyacaater Heating Unit we filed wth heted water Tipping over could est in buns fo the we ot + Always unplug the Hydrocollator Heating Unit fram the power source before attempting to empty water fom unit + Always use factory authorized replacement parts, = Aways destroy and replace HotPacs which re exposed to contamination: hazardous r cleaning materi, body Mids + This unit should be operated, vansported, and stored in temperatures between 0° Fand 140° F (18°C and 60° Chand ‘tmospherc pressure nge between 50 KPa 160 ha, wih eatve hurt ranging rom TOs: YEOH «Treatment time should not exceed 30 minutes. + DO NOT retrieve HotPac rom tank or eplace HotPas in tank with unprotected hand, + Avoid dtect contact with maunting rack Tank + Always wrap HotPac with towel or tery cover before handling or applying to patent. + Constantly manor HotPac application to ensure that she skin fe nat becoming Yoo hot * Damage to skin can accu fom expasure to extreme heat or cod, Note instructions fr proper use + DO NOT apply over insensitive skin or inthe presence of poor culation. + Never lay or ston tap ofthe HotPac + DO NOT use HotPac directly aver cuts, abrasions or wound. + Consult heal cae professional before using HotPacs on non-cammunicative individuals, + Berise extreme caution when using HotPacs on non communicative individuals. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: ef Hydrocollator” Heating Units A WARNING 7 Grounding the Hydrocolletor S552 E-1, £2, M2, and M-4 Heating Units: Wake conan hociselaccaly grounded by page Semel ghar clecmes ecdec na growed coil eepane Wound te Polow te Nand etl Coke “+ The water temparature in the Hydocaator Heating Unit approximately 60" F(71* Cand the water sealing temperature Is proximately 120 9h + Care must be taken when operating the Hydrocollator Heating Unit adjacent f0 of stacked with other equipment. Potential sitomagnetic oder lence thd asf her ther eupert y shniethe mtereney no weg oor fsipment conjunction ef “The Hydrocollator Heating Unit should be paced on smooth evel surface: The surface should support upto the Filled Weight (weight ‘ot heting uni ited with water found i the Tecicl Speciation pages 810 of tis mands + Use only accesories that ae specially desaned for the Hydrocollator Heating Unt. Do nat use accestoies manulctred by other ‘ompates on he Hyco Hing Ont Chatpaag Gow rot regs ry crsequenc eng Fam wi fits manatarued by oer companes The tse of ether acceseoies or eibes may suo teed emssons er Gecrease Irhmunty of he HysocooorHestng Uni + Pesiodcaly inspect unit for sgns of damage and pting dung regular clearing intervals as descrbed in maintenance porn of his Fan. Contac sence any gps of damage fe dseoveres * DONOT applyHotPac deci to skin + Iris with circulatory problems should consut tha physician bef ung this product, + DONOT stare onthe HotPac. ‘+ DONGT add chlorine adie to water + DONOT stlow HotPac to come in contact wth hydocatons eq, Comet, Soft Serb ee) Description of Device Markings @ ATTENTION: Refer to Instruction Manual/Booklet 2 Fe eeBeswipment f ‘Thermostat Intensity Control NOMENCLATURE Hydrocollator” Heating Units WHITE LAMP, when illuminated, indicates that main power is connected, the switch is on and unit is operating. RED LAMP (M-4 units), when illuminated, warns of an overheat/low water condition, Actio necessary to correct the condition. White Lamp IMPORTANT: Some models (M-4 units) are fitted with a thermal cut-out thermostat wt acts as a “non self-resetting” thermal cut-out. In the unlikely event of a fault condition, this device is designed to open the power circuit between 190° F + 14°F (88°C « 8°C).Itis not possible to alter its operating range. The operation of the unit may be restored by depressing the red button after the water/element temperatures have been allowed to cool. If the fault condition persists, please contact Chattanooga Group or an authorized agent, NOMENCLATURE Hydrocollator” Heating Units Diagrarn 1. Lid 8. Heating Element 2. Lid Rod 9. Drain 3. Pilot Lamp, Clear 10, HydraulicThermostat 4. Power Cord 11. Bracket (Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B 5. On/Off Switch Assembly) 6. Thermostat Intensity Control 12. Internal Wiring Harness 7. Drain Valve 13. Drain, Copper Tube Inside View 2 3 Underneath View (U-Box Cover Removed) E-1 Rear View NOTE: €-2 and E-1 models shown above; models wil vary. Nomenclature also applies to SS, S52, 6 Uses te Meats Hydrocollator” Heating Units Diagram (CONTINUED) 14. Lid Knob/Handle 20. Overtemp Thermostat* 15. Ud Rod Nuts 21. Overtemp Reset Button* 16. Side Handle 22. Overtemp Light Cover* 17. Casters, 3-inch 23. Pilot Lamp, Red* 18. Neck Pak Insert 24. Junction Box J-Box) Cover 19. HotPac 16 ‘Notillustrated: 25 Stainless Steel Wire Rack 26. Drain, Hose. ib 27, Replacement Tank 28, Outer lacket 29, Mater Thief 30. Plastic Feet 31. Hose, Drain 32. Drain, Copper, Part B(SS on) 33. Bracket, Element Support NOTE: M-4 mode shown above; models will vary. Nomenclature also applies to E-1, £2, $5, $S-2,and M-2 models, “Nt units only TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Hydrocollator” Heating Units SS Model Power Supply 110-120 V~ Rated Frequency, 50 Hz Power Consumption 1000 W Tank Capacity 31.64 Liters Filled Weight 56 kg (120 Ibs) ‘Temperature Range 160° F- 165° F (71°C - 74°C) Thermal Cut-out Temp 190° F + 14° F (88°C + 8°C} Heating Up Time. Time to 160° F (70° C}- 3 Hours Cool Down Time Time from 160° F (70° C) - 2 Hours Safety Class TypeB + Safety Tests UL 544 Dimensions 20 in Hx 18 in Lx 16 in W (51 cmH x 46 cm Lx 41 cm W) Product Weight 51 Ibs (23.1 kg) Shipping Weight 54 Ibs (24.5 kg) Standard Accessories: Includes eight Standard size HotPacs. 'SS-2 Model Power Supply 110-120 Rated Frequency 60 Hz Power Consumption 1000 w Tank Capacity 49.32 Liters Filled Weight 85 kg (140 Ibs) Temperature Range 160° F - 165° F (71°C - 74°C) Thermal Cut-outTemp ‘190° F- 14° F (88° C+ 8° C) Heating Up Time Time to 160° F (70° C)- 4 Hours Cool Down Time Time from 160° F (70° C) - 2 Hours Safety Class TypeB * Safety Tests UL 544 Dimensions 33 in Hx 21 in Lx 16 in W (85 cm H x 52. cm Lx 39. cm W) Product Weight 68 Ibs (30.8 kg) Shipping Weight 74 Ibs (33.6 kg) Standard Accessories: Includes eight Standard size HotPacs. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Hydrocollator” Heating Units E-1 Model Power Supply Rated Frequency Power Consumption Tank Capacity Filled Weight Temperature Range Thermal Cut-out Temp Heating Up Tire Cool Down Time Safety Class Safety Tests Dimensions Product Weight Shipping Weight Standard Accessories: E-2 Model Power Supply Rated Frequency Power Consumption Tank Capacity Filled Weight Temperature Range 110-120 V~ 50 Hz 1000 W 15.44 Liters 25 kg (55 bs) 160° F - 165° F (71° C- 74°C) 190° F + 14° F (88° C+ 8° C) Time to 160° F (70°C) - 2 Hours Time from 160° F (70° C) - 1 Hour TypeB & UL 544 16 in Hx 13 in Lx 8 in W (41 cmH x 33 cm L x 20 cm W) 14 Ibs (6.4 kg) 16 lbs (7.3) Includes four Standard size HotPacs, 110-120 V~ soz 1000 W 43.23 Liters 60 kg (125 Ibs) 160° F - 165° F (71° C - 74°C) ‘Thermal Cut-OutTemp ‘190° Ft 14° F (88° C+ 8°C) Heat Up Time Cool Down Time Safety Class Safety Tests Dimensions Product Weight Shipping Weight Standard Accessories: Time to 160° F (70° C) - 4 Hours Time from 160° F (70° C) - 2 Hours TypeB * UL 544 20in Hx 15 in Lx 13 in W (51 cmH x 38 cm Lx 33 cm W) 31 Ibs (14.1 kg) 35 Ibs (15.9 kg) Includes two Oversize HotPacs, three Standard size HotPacs and 1 Neck Contour HotPac. M-2 Model Power Supply Rated Frequency Power Consumption Tank Capacity Filled Weight ‘Temperature Range Thermal Cut-Out Temp Heat Up Time Cool Down Time Safety Class Safety Tests Dimensions Product Weight Shipping Weight Hydrocollator” Heating Units 110-120 ¥~ 60 Hz 1000 W 6881 Liters 110 kg (190 Ibs) 160° F - 165° F (71° C- 74°C) 190° F 14°F (88° C+ 8°C) Time to 160° F (70° C) - 6 Hours Time from 160* F (70° C) - 3 Hours TypeB & L544 33 in Hx 27 in Lx 16 in W (85 cm Hx 67 cm Lx W) 86 Ibs (39 kg) 93 Ibs (42.2 kg) Standard Accessories: Includes twelve Standard size HotPacs. M-4 Model Power Supply Rated Frequency Power Consumption Tank Capacity Filled Weight Temperature Range Thermal Cut-out Temp Heating Up Time Cool Down Time Safety Class Safety Tests Dimensions Product Weight Shipping Weight 110-120 V~ 60 Hz 1500W 135,76 Liters 200 kg (340 Ibs) 160° F - 165° F (71° C- 74°C) 190° F 14°F (88°C 8° C) Time to 160° F (70° C) - 8 Hours Time from 160° F (70° C)- 4 Hours Type 8 & UL S44 33 im H x 35 in Lx 20 in W (85 cm Hx Lx 50.cmW) 135 Ibs (61.2 kg) 143 lbs (64.9 kg) Standard Accessories: Includes twenty-four Standard size HotPacs. 10 Su Remove all of the contents inside the Hydrocollator Heating Unit and then replace the wire rack, Make certain the drain valve is closed before filling the tank with water. The tank should be approximately 3/4 full with packs removed, The tank may be filled from any standard type faucet. Hydrocollator” Heating Units Check the voltage rating on the serial decal plate which is located on the back of the unit. To turn the unit on, simply plug the unit into a 120 Volt~, 60 Hz outlet as indicated on the decal plate. To turn the unit off, simply unplug from outlet. Do not attempt to use direct current. Follow the procedures indicated in the Precautionary Instructions, Do not attempt to use the unit ifit is not properly grounded. OPERATION ‘The Hydrocollator Heating Unit is simple and easy to operate. The controls are located in the rear, near the bottom of the unit. The thermostat controls the temperature of the water, It is located near the bottom of the unit on the control panel. It has been tested and preset at the factory to normal operating temperature. If further adjustment is necessary, it can be easily accomplished by turning the adjusting screw located on the thermostat. Turming the outer screw countenJockwise lowers the temperature, while turning it clockwise raises it. NOTE: Do not turn the inner stem under any circumstance! Stem is preset by the manufacturer. The Hydrocollator Heating units operate through the use of a hydraulic capillary-type thermostat and can be left plugged in and turned on to provide a ready supply of heated HotPacs . “The HotPac rack accommodates different sizes and types of packs. ‘$5 Unit — Includes eight Standard Size packs. Special rack holds two Neck Contour packs. $S-2 Unit — The unit comes complete with eight standard HotPacs. E-1 Unit - With the insert in, the rack accommodates four Standard Size packs. £-2 Unit ~The E-2 unit comes complete with two Oversize, three Standard Size packs, and ‘one Neck Contour pack. M-2 Unit- The M-2 unit comes complete with 12 standard HotPacs. ‘Mc4 Unit -The M-4 comes complete with 24 standard HotPacs. n TROUBLESHOOTING Ee Hydrocollator” Heating Units ‘The following are solutions to minor performance problems. Only qualified personnel should service equipment problems. Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution Unit plugged in, 1. Breaker for electric circuit off |1. Turn breaker on Weter doesnot gethot | 2, Thermostat not functioning 2. Replace thermostat 3. Heating element burned out | 3, Replace element loudness of water 1. Filler from packs is seeping 1. Replace packs 2. Toolong. period between 2. Drain and clean cleanings. Packs too hot 1. Thermostat set too high 1. Adjust thermostat 2. Thermostat failure 2. Replace thermostat Packs too cool 1. Thermostat set too low 1. Adjust thermostat 2, Thermostat failure 2. Replace thermostat Unitboils 1, Thermostat failure 1. Replace thermostat AustDiscoloration 1. Contact with ferrous material | 1. Remove the ferrous metal item from ‘the unit (staple, paper clip, safety pin, tongs, etc) and clean thoroughly. Add a dechlorinating agentif local water has high chlorine content. 2. Deposits on inside of tank 2. Thoroughly clean tank and remove all deposits. 3. Toomuch chlorine in water 3, Clean tank and rinse thoroughly. Add a dechlorinating agent iflocal water has high chlorine content, 12 tages iy LS) : Model SS - Standard Cat. No. - 2202 w/packs Hydrocollator” Heating Units Key Part Description 1 tid | 2 Lid Rod 3 Pilot Lamp, Clear 4 Power Cord 5 On/Off Switch 7 Drain Valve 8 Element, Heating 120 Volt, 1000 Watt 10 Hydraulic Thermostat n Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B Assembly (2 each)** 2 Internal Wiring Harness B Drain, Copper Tube Part A 4 Handle, Lid kit*** 15 Lid Rod Nuts (2 required) 2 Junction Box (Box) Cover 25 Stainless Steel Wire Rack 29 Water Thief 30 Feet, Plastic 31 Hose, Drain 32 Drain, Copper, Part B * Key numbers refer to Nomenclature Section (pages 5 and 6). ** Used to hold the hydraulic thermostat to the heating element. Includes decorative handle, nut 10-32 acotn brass, screw 10-32x2, red logo decal, and flat, plastic washer. 13 REPLACEMENT PART, Hydrocollator” Heating Units Model SS-2 - Standard Cat. No. ~ 2302 w/packs Key* Part Description Part No, 1 tid 2219 2 Lid Rod 2231 3 Pilot Lamp, Clear 22048 4 Power Cord 20568 5 ‘On/Off Switch 23406 7 DrainValve, Ball -1/2 in Replacement 21085 8 Element, Heating 120 Volt, 7000 Watt 10630 10 Hydraulic Thermostat 10631 u Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B Assembly (2 eachy"* 21023 R Internal Wiring Harness 61579 1B Drain, Copper Tube Part A 21286 14 Handle, Lid kit*™* 2171 15 Lid Rod Nuts (2 required) 21737 16 Handle, Side (2) 20237 v Caster, 3inch 21259 2 Junction Box (J-Box) Cover 22087 2B Stainless Steel Wire Rack 22259 26 Drain, Hose, Bib, 23392 7 Replacement Tank 23385 28 Outer Jacket 22425 29 Water Thief 21982 31 Hose, Drain 21635 * Key numbers refer to Nomenclature Section (pages 5 and 6). + Used to hold the hydraulic thermostat to the heating element. "** Includes decorative handle, nut 10-32 acorn brass, screw 10-32x2, red logo decal, and flat plastic washer. 14 REPLACEMENT PARTS a Hyaroclisor” Heating Uns Model E-1 - Standard Cat. No, - 2102 w/packs Part Descti Part No. 1 fr 21004 2 Lid Rod 22668 3 Pilot Lamp, Clear 22148 4 Power Cord 20568 5 On/Off Switch 23406 8 Element, Heating 120 Volt, 1000 Watt 21007 10 Hydraulic Thermostat 10631 u Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B Assembly (Zeach}** 21023 2 Internal Wiring Harness 21031 “ Knob, Lid 21025 15 Lid Rod Nuts (2 required) 20737 2 Handle, Side kit*™* 21994 24 Junction Box (J-Box) Cover 21005 25 Stainless Steel Wire Rack 21062 * Key numbers refer to Nomenclature Section (pages 5 and 6). ** Used to hold the hydraulic thermostat to the heating element. “"* Includes E-1 side handle, 10-24x3/8 screw, nylon washer, 10-32 acorn nut, 10-32%1/4 screw, and handle adapter. 15 tS Pe SSS 7S Model E-2- Standard Cat. No. - 2802 w/packs Hydrocollator” Heating Units kK Part Descri 7 id 3 Pilot Lamp, Clear 4 Power Cord 5 OnvOit Switch 7 Drain Valve 8 Element, Heating 120Vok, 1000 Watt 10 Hydraulic Thermostat " Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B Assembly (2 each)*** 2 Internal Wiring Harness 1B Drain, Copper Tube Part A 4 Handle, Lid kit u Junction Box (-80x) Cover 25 Stainless Stee! Wire Rack 29 Water Thief 31 Hose, Drain * Key numbers refer to Nomenclature Section (pages 5 and 6) Used to hold the hydraulic thetmostat to the heating element. + Includes decorative handle, 1/4-20x1-1/4 screw, and red logo decal 16 SUNS ey Model M-2- Standard Cat, No. ~ 2402 w/packs Hydrocollator” Heating Units Key" Part Description Part No. 7 Lid —_ 22297 2 Lid Rod 22303 3 Pilot Lamp, Clear 22148 4 Power Cord 20568 5 On/Off Switch 23406 7 Drain Valve, Batt 1/2 in Replacement 21085 8 Element, Heating 120 Volt, 1000 Watt 10630 10 Hydraulic Thermostat 10631 n Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B Assembly (2 each)** 21023, 2 Internal Wiring Harness 61579 3 Drain, Copper Tube Part & 21286 4 Handle, Lid Kit*** 2171 15 Lid Rod Nuts (2 required) 21737 16 Handle, Side 20237 v7 Caster, inch 21259 24 Junction Box (J-80x) Cover 22087 25 Stainless Stee! Wire Rack 2304 26 Drain, Hose, Bib 23392 7 Replacement Tank 56314 2B Outer Jacket 22421 29 Water Thief 21882 31 Hose, Drain. 21635 * Key numbers refer to Nomenclature Section (pages 5 and 6) “Used to hold the fydraulc thermostat to the heating element. ** Includes decorative handle, nut 10-32 acom brass, screw 10-32x2, logo decal, and flat plastic washer. 7 iS NSS 7 Nie Model M-4 - Standard Cat. No. ~ 2502 w/packs Hydrocollator” Heating Units Key" Part Description Part No. lid 22348 2 Lid Rod 22361 3 Pilot Lamp, Clear (Serial # Above 5840) 22148, Lamp, Ind (Serial # Below 2550) 21665 Lamp, Pilot Light (Serial # Above 2549) 20042 4 Power Cord 20568 5 On/Off Switch 23406 7 Drain Valve, Ball - 1/2 in Replacement 21085 8 Heating Element M-4, 120VVolt, 1500 Watt 22267 10 Hydraulic Thermostat 10631 u Bracket & Bulb Thermostat A/B Assembly (2 each)** 21023 R Internal Wiring Harness 21617 13 Drain, Copper Tube Part A 21286 4 Handle, Lid Kit®** 22171 15 Lid Rod Nuts (2 required) 21737 16 Side Handle (Serial # Above 5149) 20237 7 Caster, inch 21260 20 ‘Thermostat Low Water Kit"™** (Overtemp Thermostat) 20548 B Pilot Lamp, Red 2149 24 Junction Box (-Box) Cover 22360 2s Stainless Steel Wire Rack 2374 26 Drain, Hose, Bib 23392 7 Replacement Tank 22343 28 Outer Jacket 23384 29 Water Thief 21882 31 Hose, Drain 21635 33 Bracket, Element Support (2 each) 22356 * Key numbers refer to Nomenclature Section (pages 5 and 6) ** Used to hold the hydraulic thermostat and overtemp thermostat to the heating element, *** Includes decorative handle, nut 10-32 acom brass, screw 10-3232, red logo decal, and flat plastic washer. “"*" Includes gasket thermostat, nut 1/2-20 brass, and overtemp thermostat. 18 MAINTENANCE a ‘The Hydrocollator Heating Unit is equipped with an immersion type heating element and a hydraulic capillary- type thermostat which evenly maintains the HotPac temperature in the water and provides a ready supply ‘of heated packs.Itis critical to maintain the water level over the top of the HotPac to avoid damage to the heating element, the stainless steel, or the HotPac. Water is constantly lost during operation due to evaporation, Therefore, iis essential that water be added daily. The tank should also be drained and cleared systematically, ‘at minimum intervals of every two weeks. Hydrocollator” Heating Units Always unplug the unit from the power source when emptyiig or cleaning the unit. Drain the unit by the drain valve located at the bottom rear of the unit. Either move the unit toa floor drain or attach the extension hose to it when draining. (E+ units have na drain and can be emptied by turning unit upside down.) A\ WARNING Chattanooga Group does not recommend the Hydrocollator Heating Unit be moved while filed with heated water. Tipping over could result in a burn to the user or others. Ifthe Hydrocollator must be moved while filled, exercise extreme caution! It's recommended to allow the water to cool below 12°F (49°C) before moving the unt. » Always unplug the Hydrocollator Heating Unit from the power source before attempting to empty water from unit ‘The Hydrocollator Heating Unit is made of high quality stainless steel that, with proper care and maintenance, could easily last a lifetime, Improper care could allow the stainless steel to wear prematurely. Follow these simple steps to ensure that the Hydrocollator Heating Unit remains in excellent condition, 1. Excessive chlorine can be detrimental to the stainless stee! in the Hydrocollator Heating Unit .No bleach or any cleaner with high chlorine content should be used under any circumstance. 2. Clean regulaly for optimal service and operation. 3._ Fill daily with water. Water is constantly ost during operation du to evaporation. Chlorine in regular tap water may be present in high enough concentrations to damage the unit. If you suspect high levels of chlsrine are detected in the Hydrocollator Heating Unit, the addition of a

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