Photography: Sasuke - Masahisa Fukase

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Sasuke - Masahisa Fukase

Atelier EXB 2021 ISBN 9782365113106 Acqn 31529
Hb 18x26cm 192pp ills £47

Following the survey monograph, this publication is dedicated to Masahisa Fukase's emblematic
series on his two cats: Sasuke and Momoe, combining unpublished and iconic images. In 1977,
Fukase turned his lenses on his new companion Sasuke. Growing up with felines, he decides
with the arrival of this new cat in his life that it would become a photographic subject in his own
right, fascinated by this creature full of life named after a legendary ninja. Sasuke disappears
after ten days and the photographer sticks hundreds of small posters (as featured on the cover of
the book) in his neighborhood. A person brings back his cat, yet it is not Sasuke but never mind
he welcomes this new cat with as much affection. One year later, he takes a second cat named
Momoe, entering the frame as well and he will never get tired of photographing their games. They
become for the Japanese photographer a boundless experimental field leading to an
extraordinary body of work in its technical and visual inventiveness.

As often in his work, this series shows a form of projection of the photographer into his subject.
The cat, a faithful companion who never leaves him, takes the place of his wife, eternal
heartache, later represented by the iconic fleeing crows.

His cats have been the subject of several books in his lifetime and Tomo Kosuga has dug into the
photographer's archives to conceive this ultimate book as the achievement of a series of
publications devoted to his cats.

Rinko Kawauchi - Des Oiseaux

Atelier EXB 2021 ISBN 9782365112772 Acqn 31220
Hb 21x26cm 96pp col ills £36.50

To celebrate the 10th title of the collection, we are publishing a new series of photographer Rinko
Kawauchi. Last spring, she turned her lenses on swallows at the the birth season, and more
particularly, on small nests the birds build away from prying eyes, made of ground, clay, water
and dry herbs to protect their clutches. With all the poetry and sense of detail that characterize
her work, Rinko Kawauchi reveals the magic of our daily life and the ephemeral beauty of
suspended moments. The swallows, thanks to their sharp wings, perch everywhere with great
ease and elegance, filled with an opalescent light.

Byung-Hun Min - Des Oiseaux

Atelier EXB 2020 ISBN 9782365112840 Acqn 30999
Hb 21x26cm 120pp col ills £37.50

Making visible the silence, the simplicity of nature and a sense of passing time. The photographs
of Korean Byung-Hun Min, made between 1998 and 2020 throughout he world, take on the
evanescence of a pencil sketch. With their subtle contrasts, their play of silky tones, they seem to
show a fleeting instant between clarity and dissolution.

Aassmaa Akhannouch - La Maison Qui M'Habite Encore

Atelier EXB 2021 ISBN 9782365112918 Acqn 31629
Hb 16x24cm 96pp ills £30

Inspired by her childhood house in Morocco, Aassmaa Akhannouch has conceived this series
around the exploration of memories. The photographer brings back to life the spirit of the place by
replaying scenes in this home, like suspended moments, where remains the old broken-down
television set, the telephone that would no longer ring, the dress long since forgotten, in the

Cyrus Cornut - Chongqing. Sur les Quatre Rives Du Temp Qui Passe
Atelier EXB 2021 ISBN 9782365112925 Acqn 31630
Hb 19x24cm 104pp col ills £30

Cyrus Cornut has photographed with a 4x5 chamber the Chinese city of Chongqing, undergoing
one of the world's highest demographic and economic growth rates with its population of 34
million. Also known as the "capital of fog" due to its natural mist and to the endemic pollution that
has accompanied its rapid development. Working with a chamber, the photographer, an architect
by training, takes a contemplative look at the city attentive to the signs of the urban landscape
explosion in Asia.

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