Article 2 - Managing Millineals at Work

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Reg. No.18233161102045
Research Scholar,
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli,
Tamilnadu, India.


Associate professor, Scott Christian College,
Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India.


In organizations, millennial has a great chance to offer more with their confidence. They
became trusting and optimistic generations for technical savvy too far from earlier generations.
They can easily absorb enormous amount of data and can be band together with all others to
achieve their goals or change by placing great value on social causes. Although they get
impatient of times, they are highly educated and are eager to have contribution for some extend.
Hence it is a challenge to the manager how to understand this generation of millennial and make
a role that how to inspire them instead of managing them or just make a deal with them. So foe
the better development of the organization managers must learn how to make truly inspiring the
millennial to successfully contributing their own talents. In order to address a lot, challenges
facing today to outperform with their competitors in organizations.

Keywords: Organization, millennials, technology, competitors, innovation, feedback


A reality of millennial who offers a set of various skills and their mind-set that makes to
fit better with today’s challenges facing organizations. Millennial are very tech savvy, and are
great desire to make the world in a better place and they wish to do their work in their own style
or way. The millennial generation born from 1981-1995 is found to be 76 million strong from the
study. By the time many managers seem to be tough for understanding and encouraging them
involving their work in true heart. If so that makes a problem, because millennial comprises of
just 36 percentage of today’s workforce, In the year 2020, the percentage of workforce has
grown to 46 percentage. So they are willing to do their work in team. Unfortunately, very few
managers look at them as a self-focused, lazy entitled, impatient because of difficult to manage

Today’s world is very challenging than ever, hence most of the organizations needs people who
are like millennial, can absorb of it. Complex challenges require team work to solve the
problems. Millennial who have their own technological power which makes the valuable
resources for the business? Normally the organizations do not make better use of technology.
Organizations are socially responsible that they may have every changing nature will surely have
fallen behind their competitors. Millennial were raised by the time of relative prosperity.
Millennial have rights to do their work in their own style but not affecting the organization.
Managers make sure of knowing their team working and make use of them for the better
development of the organization. Millennial have a test for innovation and the ability to make
use of information to generation innovation. In a way they tend to view their team workers and
their manager as people with whom to collaborate. They treated as colleague those who have
something to contribute. With this in mind, the following objectives were raised for this study:

1. To determine the factors inspiring millennial

2. To identify the different ways to manage millennial.


Manager must know how to inspire people to use their ability, knowledge and internal
motivations, by making survey to explore what they would say without any useful guided
prompts. With the content analysis, the collected survey materials from about young employees
their yield in item questionnaires with the use of point Linkert scale ranging. By collecting
proper survey from various employees, millennials want to be more peaceful. The analysis shows
how to encourage millennial to take part in developing organizations. Only by the use of this
survey the managers know the response from various employees and they make use of these data
to inspire millennial to show the ability to work with the team worker. Millennial must be treated
as valued colleagues who use proper definitions of expectations, formal feedback and the
respective ear by the mangers about their fruitful ideas. They want to be feeling empowered and
trusted worthy. Manager must give the opportunity to contribute their ideas for the development
of an organization.


Millennial need proper management to make use of their knowledge and ability in their
work. They want to believe that they have something to contribute in their work and expect more
response from the manager acknowledge their belief. Mostly millennial are well educated in this
generations and they have a large offer from the companies in the twenty-first century, specially
the millennial who have technology and innovative thinking have lot of offers from various
companion. So, they want to feel better comfort in their works as they are inspired by the
Manager. In most of the studies Millennial want to contribute their own ideas and keeps the
innovations by generating game changing innovations. They are motivated and provide to drive
company for their development. If they are inspired they must do their work more satisfactory.
They set a high bar for Managers if they are inspired.


Getting Feedback from Millennial is important so that the manager can easily understand
everyone, their aim and scope of involving work. Taking time to give feedback for a job in
improve the feel of people, valued by the manager and makes them to develop into a top-notch
worker. Basically Millennial have strong desire to improve their own work, when it is deserved
they offer positive feedback and they show more interest in learning a new task or offers lot of
ideas for the benefit of the company. Millennials needs to contribute lacking the fear of criticism,
as this leads to a decline in motivation (Brack, 2012). They are well advanced in knowing their
own mistakes, but they are interested in knowing the fact of feedback as a person in respect who
wants to grow or develop better than from the old. In most care Millennial wants to contribute
their own ideas without any fear of criticism as they are motivated. The common difference
between criticism is that which comes across negative thoughts, but in corrective feedback which
comes across explaining or showing an employee how to develop or improve Millennial wants to
feel engaged so they need coaching that helps them to grow. By providing regular feedback, they
may open up their own possibility of obtaining extra ordinary result through various creativity
and productivity with ethic work.


To persist and exist as major business entities, on behalf of the major population of the
labour force, millennials affect the employing outcomes and workforce planning of current and
future employers aspiring. Leading to the minimization and inhibition of costs professional
leaders must report issues associated with millennial employee high revenue rate, recruiting
exertions, and on boarding. Correspondingly, in American history millennials are the most
culturally and nationally varied generation (Espinoza et al., 2010; Pew Research Center, 2015;
Zemke et al., 2013). Owing to the higher education standards, they are also high achievers; they
trained during their primary and secondary education packages (Ferri-Reed, 2013). They are very
confident, because their parents created an environment for which they could succeed (Ferri-
Reed, 2013; Pew Research Center, 2015).

Regardless of traditions or gender, Members of the millennial cohort in America, have

been designated as possessing assured distinct traits because of the way they were raised. The
worlds in which they live millennials feel special, vigorous, and full of potential and hope
regarding themselves (Ferri-Reed, 2013; Pew Research Center, 2015).

To determine the specific opportunities and practices, more intellectual research was
required because there is existing literature on millennials in the workplace. To be retained long-
term Millennials in the workplace desire and demand for a situation (Howe & Strauss, 2003;
Kowske et al., 2010; Taylor, 2014).
Millennials are team-oriented because they were frequently raised in the midst of their
peers; perhaps, most millennials played numerous sports, contributed on several teams, and
learned collectively in group learning systems. In the success of the organization, Millennials
want to play an important role where they work. Millennials want to have a friendly relationship
with their supervisors which, to older generations, may seem a slight unexpected and
discourteous. The millennial generation wants to perform quality work in the least amount of
work hours versus spending copious hours at work and not accomplishing quality work.

When supervising a millennial employee managers are frequently overwhelmed. Since

they have developed in the digital age and were absorbed in digital technology from birth
millennials can practice and recognize digital information more rapidly in most cases than other
generational co-workers.


For instance, workplace managers of millennials must realize how essential social media
networking for mental well-being and their psyche. The millennial generation wishes regular
feedback at work to make sure that they are on right track to finish the work for the expectation
of their supervisors. They would like to work in an extremely relaxed working environment and
need to be on a given name beginning with their supervisors and co-workers. Since millennials
are consequently technologically savvy, they supposed to utilize computers, the Internet, and
some other technological possessions as much as possible in the workplace. The ability to
collaborate and Flexible work hours are of greatest importance to the millennial generation
additionally, because personal time is one of their goals and having balanced lives of work.

Immediately after they are hired, Millennials wish for leadership that will devote in them and
tolerate them to formulate a difference in the workplace nearly (Caraher, 2015; Taylor, 2014).
The millennials do not desire to be judged by their ages but by the abilities and skill-sets they
fetch to the workplace. In accordance with the research by Walsh (2015), to create optimistic
distinctions in their workplace organizations, millennials expect more training, responsibility and
opportunities. In order to allow them time for community service and social life, millennials also
need very flexible workplace schedules. They are extremely talented and self-assured generation.
Unexpectedly however, millennials also supposed to take delivery of feedback from co-workers
and mentorship from supervisors. Sensitivity means a great deal in the workplace as well as in
life. Millennials must work with the tone in which they communicate and on their body language
in the workplace therefore they will not be supposed as superior or impolite to others.



Millennials want workplace flexibility because they grew up in an entrepreneurial

culture. They like to complete tasks at home or by teleworking, which allows them to be more
innovative (Ferri-Reed, 2014). The key to success for millennials will be their ability to
communicate with their co-workers and supervisors. They want their supervisors and co-workers
to make an attempt to connect with them on both personal and professional levels. Millennials
are looking for guidance, but they may not realize their guarded behavior and social skills are
building walls, preventing their predominately baby boomer generation supervisors from
approaching them with opportunities for mentorship. Millennials want to attend training sessions
to grow and develop their skill-sets for their organizations to use as needed for financial gains
and success (O’Keefe, 2016).

Millennials want to work smarter, not harder and shorter, not longer. Millennials want
workplace flexibility because they grew up in an entrepreneurial culture. They like to complete
tasks at home or by teleworking, which allows them to be more innovative. This flexibility
affords them the ability to collaborate with their social network of contacts (Caraher, 2015).
Millennials want to be allowed to leverage new technologies at all times, and they want the
latitude to accomplish their tasks outside of the normal way of doing business, as long as it
sensible and more efficient. Millennials are a valuable part of the American workforce. It is
important that corporate America understands what millennials expect at the workplace and
strives to provide it to them to ensure they are retained long-term by their current employers.
Today’s workplace needs to embrace the millennial generation and discover ways to
communicate, mentor, and learn from them as well. The millennial generation will soon be the
senior leaders and managers in corporate America, so it is important that businesses not overlook
opportunities to invest in them.

The millennial generation is concerned with several factors in the workplace in which
they choose to work. The factors may be external factors, such as economic factors and
technology, or internal factors, such as job satisfaction and career development opportunities.
Millennials are making an impact in the workplace, and businesses should be aware of this
generation’s particular skills and desires in order to successfully integrate them into their
organizations. Millennials are the first generation completely raised in an advanced digital age.


People often misunderstand the motivations of millennials, but once we learn to take the
good from the bad, we’ll find that millennials in the workplace will help take your business to
the next level. They are hard-working, over-achievers who are passionate about their work. Lead
them right and they will surely perform beyond your expectations. Consider millennial
management training for employees to ensure that the organization can handle the surge of
millennials in the coming years.

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