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Technology and
Home Economics
Quarter 1 –Module 4:

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

TLE-Grade 6
Alternative Delivery
Mode Quarter1 – Module 4:Analyzing Information Using ICT
First Edition, 2019

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Technology and
Quarter1– Module 4: Analyzing
Information Using ICT

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

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email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the
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We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines


Message (For the facilitator)

(This module is designed for learners to learn at home. It is composed of
lessons in electronic spreadsheet tool. The flow of the lesson is designed for
learners to continue learning despite of difficulty in coming to school due to
various factors that impede attendance to physical classroom. Learners will
be guided by their parents and older siblings in reading and learning the
different lessons in this module. Pre-test, self-check exercises and post-test are
included to test the knowledge of the learners in each lesson before, during and
after learning to be answered in a separate sheet. Feedbacking shall be done
online between you and the learners to ensure the attainment of the
objectives of this module.

(For the learner

This module is designed for you to learn at home in times of difficult situations
that will affect your attendance in class. It is composed of lessons in different
solid figures in geometry. You have to take the pre-test before moving to the
different lessons in this module. In each lesson, there are activities that will
help you check your learnings. After you have done learning this module,
answer the post-test. Use a separate sheet in answering the post-test, self-check
and post-test.
The tests that you will answer will help you determine your knowledge before,
during and after learning the different lessons.

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the different topics included in this lessons. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used
recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to
follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read
them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is composed of one (1) lesson:

 Lesson 1 – ICT: Electronic Spreadsheet tool

After going through this module, you are expected to:

◊Uses functions and formulas in electronic spreadsheet tool to perform
advanced calculations in numerical data.( TLEIE6Of-12)
What I Know

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a tool application program is designed to perform basic mathematical and

arithmetic operations.

A. Online survey C. Electronic Spreadsheet

B. Analyzing Data D. Evaluating Data

2. Are used to calculate values in an electronic spreadsheet program.

A. Tool C. Function
B. Formula D. Text

3. It is one of the function use in Microsoft Excel that calculates the total of the
values of range of cells.

A. Sum C. Quotient
B. Product D. Average

4. The symbol in operation formula that connects two strings of text?

A.* C. &
B.() D. +

5. These are letters, symbols, numbers and spaces or any combination that can enter
into a cell of spreadsheet program?

A. Formula C. Function
B. Text D. Symbol

6. It is the first must know formula in Excel?

A. Quotient C. Sum
B. Difference D. Product

7. It means that cell does not exist(such as deleted cell)?

A. #REF# C. #DIV/O

8. The following are the operations in formulas. Which of the following is the
symbol of the greater than or equal?

A.>= C. <=
B. = D. /=

9. It calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells or values?

A. Average C. Max
B. Count D. Min

10. Formula Error Messages that attempts the undefined operations of

dividing by zero?

A. #Num C. #DIV/0


1 ICT: Analyzing Information

Using ICT

Data analysis is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, informing

the gathered data, supporting and also a process of getting unanalyzed data and
changing it into information useful for decision-making of users. The data is
gathered and analysed to answer questions or disprove theories.

This lesson will discuss about Electronic Spreadsheet Tool: Uses Functions
and Formulas in electronic spreadsheet tool to perform advanced
calculations in numerical data, that are useful in analyzing data and improve
the services or performance when it comes to work and and also improve the
products, services and management regarding the business.

What’s In
Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer on a
separate paper.

1. It is done through internet using online a. survey
survey tools.

2. Sharing of designed form to your

respondents who will answer your survey. b. online survey

3. A word processor in ICT tool used to

create, edit, and print documents. c. survey form
4. It enable you to gather data on a d. dissemination of survey
specific topic.

5. A survey tool where the respondents

are required to answer. e. writer

Before going through this lesson, answer the following questions.

What are the formulas and functions in electronic

spreadsheet tool to perform advance calculation on
numerical data?
 How do you make computations in an electronic

Notes to the Teacher

This activity aims to .
What’s New
Did you experienced using MS Excel or speadsheet in calculating your
expenses? Spreadsheet or MS Excel is one way of calculating easier.

Below is the example of MS Excel or Spreadsheet. Analyze and study the then
aswer the following questions.



What is It?

What is Electronic Spreadsheet tool?

An Electronic Spreadsheet tool application program is designed to

perform basic mathematical and arithmetic operations. MS Excel is one
example of the most commonly used computerized worksheets. Spreadsheet
can help you to do the following: a. format the columns titles with text. b.
enter textual information in each cell aside from numbers, c. delete, add, or
emerge, d. select printing options.(Excel by Microsoft)

Functions- are built –in formula used in making the worksheet

construction easier and in performing mathematical operations.

Formula- are used to calculate values in an electronic spreadsheet

program. They are arithmetic calculations that can perform in spreadsheet. In
MS Excel, the formula is always begins with an equal(=) sign.
-formula consists of numbers and spaces or any combination
that can enter into a cell of a spreadsheet program.

Texts- are letters, symbols, numbers and spaces or any combination

that can enter into a cell of spreadsheet program.

The following are the functions used in Microsoft Excel

A. SUM- it calculates the total of the values of range of cells.

B. AVERAGE- it calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells or values

C. MAX- it gives the maximum value in a range of cells or values

D. MIN- it gives the minimum value of cells or values

E. COUNT- it counts the number of cells in a range of cells or values

F. IF- it shows a series of calculations using the same formula but a different
value for each calcualation to define whether the formula is true or false

G. Product-multiples all the numbers given arguments

H. Quotient- returns the integer portion of a division

I. Power- returns the sum of the corresponding ranges or arrays

J. SUMSQ- returns the sum of the squares of the arguments

K. SUMIF- adds the cells specified by a given set of conditions or criteria

L. Round- rounds a number to a specified number of digits

Activity 1: Arranging Words

The following are scrambled words. Read and understand the definition
given as clues to arrange it in correct spelling.

(ONTUC)- it counts the number of cells in a range of cells or values.

(ERAVAGE) - it calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells or values.

(CODPTRU) -multiples all the numbers given arguments.

(UMS) - it calculates the total of the values of range of cells.

(NETQIOU) - returns the integer portion of a division.

5. _____________

Activity 2. GUESS WHAT

Read the statement below. Give what is being asks. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a tool application program designed to perform basic mathematical and

arithmetic operations?__________________.

2. These are letters, symbols, numbers and spaces or any combination that can enter
into a cell of spreadsheet program?__________________.

3. Are used to calculate values in an electronic spreadsheet program?________.

4. It returns the sum of the corresponding ranges or arrays?_____________.

5. Are built –in formula used in making the worksheet construction easier and
in performing mathematical operations.__________________

Basic Formulas in MS Excel for Beginners

1. SUM Function
● To get sum of column R of the table

● To get the sum of column R and column C


● To get the sum of the values in the table


2. PRODUCT Function

● To get the product of values in column A of the table


● To get the product of the values in the first row of the table


● To get the product of the values in the first and third row of
the table


3. QUOTIENT Function

● To get the quotient of the value in the first cell of the table as
the numerator and 2 as the denominator


● To get the quotient of the value in the first cell of the table as
the numerator and the second cell to the right as the denominator


4. POWER Function

● To get the square of the value in the first cell of the table


5. MOD Function

● To get the remainder of the value in the first cell of the table

● To get the remainder of the value in the first cell of the and
the second cell to the right as the divisor


6. SUMPRODUCT Function

● if you want to multiply the values in column R and C of the

table and then add the products


7. SUMSQ Function

● if you want to get the sum of the squares of the values in

column R


8. SUMIF Function
● to add the only the values in column R that are larger than 5


● to add only the values in column G, where the

corresponding cells in column R is larger than 5

FORMULA- =SUMIF(A2:A6,”>5”, C2:C6)

9. SUMIFS Function
● to add the values in column G only if two conditions are
met: the corresponding cells in column R is larger than 5, and the
corresponding cells in column C is smaller than 5

FORMULA- =SUMIFS(C2:C6,A2:A6,”>5”, B2:B6,”<5”)

● to add the values in column Z only if two conditions are

met: the corresponding cells in column R is smaller than 10 and the
corresponding cells in C is larger than 5.

FORMULA- =SUMIFS(C2:C6,A2:A6,”<10”,B2:B6,>5”)

10. ROUND Function

● after dividing the value in the first cell of the table by the
value in the second cell to the right of the table, you want to round the
result to two decimal places


● after dividing 5 by 6 and you want to round the result to two decimal

● to round 0.6489 to two decimal places

FORMULA- =ROUND(0.6489. 2)

11.. TRIM FUNCTION- The TRIM function makes sure your functions do not return
errors due to unruly spaces. It ensures that all empty spaces are eliminated. Unlike
other functions that can operate on a range of cells, TRIM only operates on a single
cell. Therefore, it comes with the downside of adding duplicated data in your

FORMULA- =TRIM(text) example: =TRIM(R2)

12. MAX & MIN - The MAX and MIN functions help in finding the maximum number
and the minimum number in a range of values.

FORMULA- =MAX(number1,number2)
Example: =MAX(R2:R6)


Example: =MIN(R2:R6)

Activity 1: Look at the sample data below on the MS Excel and read the
questions carefully. Write your answer on the separate sheet of paper.


1. In getting the sum of column A, what is the formula?

2. To get the quotient of column B, what formula you use?
3. What formula you will use in getting the product of column A?


4. What formula you are going to apply in order to return errors

due to unruly spaces of words or to trim?

5. From the sample data above, after dividing 34 by 21, and you
want to round the result into 2 decimal, what formula is needed?


Activity 2: Get Me

From the sample table of MS Excel,

Operations in Formulas

Symbols Names
: Colon
Single space
, Comma
- Negation (as in -1)
% Percent
^ Exponentiation
* Multiplication
/ Division
+ Addition
- Subtract
& Connects two strings of text
= Comparison(equal to)
< Less than
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
<> Not equal to
() grouping
MS Excel Chart

A chart is a visual representation of data in worksheet of the

spreadsheet. It makes easy to study and interpret data.


+ Addition =A1+B2 It adds values of A1 cell and B2
- Subtraction =A1-B2 It subtracts the values of cell A1
and B2
* Multiplication =A1*B2 It multiplies the values of A1
and B2
∕ Division =A1/B2 It divides the values of cell A1
and B2

Formulas Error Messages

#REF#- it means that cell does not exist(such as deleted cell)

#VALUE- tries to calculate something which is not a value (such as


#DIV/O- attempts the undefined operations of dividing by zero

# NUM- attempts an impossible mathematical operations

What is It?
Based from the illustration above, answer the following questions and give what is
being asked.
What’s More.

Let’s have more understanding

Activity 1: Explain Me

Explain the following questions based on your understanding.

1. What do you think is the most difficult part in conducting online survey?

2. How will you interpret the data you have collected from a survey?

3. Why is there a need to conduct a survey?

4. How can you process the online survey to have a results?

5. Does online survey helpful to us? How?

Activity2: Sequence the following steps in creating an online survey.

_____ Give your survey a title and choose the appropriate category

_____ Click on create survey to start you project.

_____ Add page title by clicking on (Edit). Type in the (Page Title) box.

_____ Sign up to a free online survey tool. You need your email address to

_____ Slide down the (Builder) tab to choose the question Format. Each format
is like and how each one should be used appropriately.
What I Have Learned

Based from your own understanding about the lessons, answer the
following activity to test of what you have learned.

I. What are the steps in creating online survey?

II. Give the advantages and disadvantages of online survey?


III. Complete the following:

◊ 1 question: I would like to ask about the dissemination of online survey.
◊ 1 idea about the process of online survey.
B. Write only one sentence that explain the following tools for gathering and
organizing data?


2. iFormBuilder-____________________________________________________________.

3. Magpi-___________________________________________________________________.

4. CommCare-______________________________________________________________.

5. Textlt-___________________________________________________________________.

6. TeleRivet-________________________________________________________________.

7. Writer-___________________________________________________________________.

8. Calc-_____________________________________________________________________.

9. Base-_____________________________________________________________________.

10. Dropbox-________________________________________________________________.

11. Geospatial mapping tools-________________________________________________.

What I Can Do
Make your own sample of survey form using the traditional or online survey
form. Write a brief introduction for your respondents.


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. _____ are accessible to anyone who visits the website and it is done
through internet and used to gather data.

A. Google C. Online Survey

B. Blog D. Facebook

2. Which is NOT the advantages of online survey?

A. It takes time and money C. Easy way of gathering data

B. Face-face interview of the respondents D. Lack of computer skills

3. An ICT tool in gathering data used in online survey which is a word

processor used to create, edit, and print document?

A. Writer C. Base
C. Calc D. Textlt

4. What treatment used to analyse data in order to derive from the


A. Statistical C. Quantitative
B. Qualitative D. Educative

5. The following are disadvantages of online survey, which is not included

from the group?

A. Survey Fraud C. Duplication of Survey

B. Minimal Cost D. Absence of Interview

6. It is a process where you are going to share a designed survey form to

your respondents?

A. Process C. Disseminate
B. Design D. Click

7. An example of online survey and questionnaire tool?

A. Dropbox C. SurveyShare
B. Calc D. Base

8. The collected data and information from the survey can be_____________?

A. Analyze and Interpret C. Distribute and Compute

B. Organized and Evaluated D. Gather and Validate

9. Online survey can be done through the ___________ using online survey

A. Google C. Blog
C. Video D. Internet

10. Used in collecting records or data that have been organized so that it is
easy to access, manage and update?
A. Dropbox C. Writer
B. Calc D. Base
Additional Activities

Develop a survey from for a product being sold in your school canteen (you can
based it in your previous grade). Conduct the survey among your classmates
using online survey. Submit your observations and findings after one week.

Answer Key

What I Know

1.C 6.B

2.A 7.D

3.B 8.B

4.A 9.A

5.C 10.C
What I Know What’s In What’s New Let’s Try It What’s More What I have Assessment
1.C 1.YES Activity 1: Learned 1.C
6.B 6.YES Activities 1 1.False Activity 1: 2.D
2.A 2 .YES and 2 2.True Answer may Activities 1,2 3.A
7.D 7.YES Answer 3.True vary and 3 4.A
3.B 3.YES may vary 4.False 5.B
8.B 8.FALSE 5.True Activity 2 Answers 6.C
4.A 4.FALSE 3 may vary 7.C
9.A 9.YES Activity 2 2 8.B
5.C 5.YES 1. Commcare 4 9.D
10.C 10.YES 2. Magpi 1 10.D
3.TeleRivet 5
4. Calc

Gloria A. Peralta, EdD, Ruth A. Arsenue, Catalina R. Ipolan, Yolanda L. Qiambao,
Helenay Ann C. Ariola, LIFE SKILLS THROUH TLE 6, Quezon City Philippines,
VIBAL Group Inc.,2006, pages22-31.

Gloria A. Peralta, EdD, Ruth A. Arsenue, Catalina R. Ipolan, Yolanda L. Qiambao,

Helenay Ann C. Ariola, THE BASICS OF BETTER FSMILY LIVING, Quezon City
Philippiones 2016, pages 22-30.

Sample Online Survey

Mr. Steven L. Leosala, ICT Coordinator, Dila Elementary School


Life Skills Through TLE 6 Text, pages 27-28


https:/ graphics-organizer &psig


Sarah Mae Sincero (October 16, 2020). Online Surveys. Retrieved May 13, 2020 from
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