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Ms. Truong Anh Nguyen

6. Maps 24-04-2021: The maps give information about a university
sports court.
The layouts illustrate the changes that
have taken place in a beachfront area in
Austriala from 1950 until today.

Maps ~ layouts ~ designs ~ pictures ~ plans The plans indicate the developments taking place in a
Show ~ demonstrate ~ illustrate ~ compare ~ indicate beachfront area in Austriala from 1950 until today/present.
Overall, this area has undergone/ gone through many
significant changes. The most noticeable/ remarkable ones are
the extension of the main road and appearance of more
entertainment facilities.
Stay unchanged
Remain the same
Remain unchanged

Body 1:
From 1950 to the present, the road connecting the city to the car park
Road => mở rộng/ nối car park +
Has been lengthened and connected/ linked the car park to the
Playground phá => a new car park
The playground in the northwest area has been destroyed and a new
Dining tables + pavilion: giữ nguyên
car park has been built in its original place.
Over the period, dining tables and pavilion [which were between the
playground and car park] have remained unchanged.
The layouts illustrate the changes that
have taken place in a beachfront area in
Austriala from 1950 until today.

Maps ~ layouts ~ designs ~ pictures ~ plans The plans indicate the developments taking place in a
Show ~ demonstrate ~ illustrate ~ compare ~ indicate beachfront area in Austriala from 1950 until today/present.
Overall, this area has undergone/ gone through many
significant changes. The most noticeable/ remarkable ones are
the extension of the main road and appearance of more
entertainment facilities.
Turning to other facilities/ amenities, a new restaurant has
been constructed to the west of the area/ in the western
area. The 25-meter pool to the south of the playground
has been doubled in size.
The remaining/ The other pool near the lighthouse stayed
unchanged. The same thing happened to the lighthouse.
Body 2:
Restaurant The lighthouse and the other pool near it both have stayed
Pool (western area) mở rộng gấp đôi unchanged.
2 surf club: xây dựng mơis. 1 cái ở gần restaurant There have been two surf clubs built in two opposite sides
1 cái gần lighthouse of the area.
Two surf clubs have been built/ constructed, with the first
one being near/nexto the restaurant and the other near
the lighthouse
Necessary structures & vocab
1. Population
2. Road
3. Location
4. Length
5. Change
5.1. Widen, lengthen
5.2. Shorten, narrow
5.3. Destroyed and replace
5.4. Move
5.5. Newly build
5.6. Remain the same
1. Population
1. Population

- Canterbury has a population of 11,500 people/inhabitants/residents/citizens.

- The population of Canterbury is 11,500 people.
- Canterbury has 11,500 inhabitants.
2. Road
Run through
Pass through
Go through

runs through
The main road passes through A (location) from west to east
goes through
3. Location
Be located in
Be situated in
a. Vị trí tại, nằm ở
Lie in
Is in

b. Ở giữa, trung tâm In the middle of....

In the central part of.....

c. Phía tây/nam/bắc/trái In the left/right of....

In the northwest of.....

To the left/right of....

To the northwest of.....
4. Length

A has a total length of 10,000 km

A’s total length is 10,000 km
A is around 10,000 km long
A is around 10,000 km in length
5. Change
5.1. Widen, lengthen

- Be extended
- Be expanded
- Be widened
Slightly - Become bigger
Dramatically - Be lengthened (prolong?)
... - Be enlarged
(spread, stretch...)
5. Change
5.2. Shorten, narrow

- Be shortened
Dramatically - Be narrowed
... - Become smaller
5. Change
5.3. Destroyed and replace

• Buildings (library, hospital, theatre....)

= Facilities
= Amenities
• Brige, road, railway, port, seaport,
• Goft course
• Skating ring
• Forests/trees
5. Change
5.3. Destroyed and replace
Buildings are demolished and replaced by something
knocked down to make way for

Buildings are built to replace something

Buildings are built on the original site/location of something
5. Change
5.3. Destroyed and replace
Chặt đi, trồng thêm

and replaced by something
Trees/forests/ cut down
to make way for
Gardens be... chopped down

Be planted
Be grown

Biến mất, xuất hiện

Disappear Disappearance
Appear Appearance
5. Change
5.4. Move

Be moved to
Be relocated to
5. Change
5.4. Newly built/renovated

A new XYZ is built ....

A new XYZ constructed....

A is newly built/ constructed in.....

XYZ is renovated
rebuilt into
5. Change
5.6. Remain the same

- Remain unchanged
- Remain the same The main entrance to the south of the
- Stay unchanged auditorium remained the same throughout the
- Still existed period

The storage (located in the northwest)

was relocated to the north east corner of the theater.
Widen Narrow Destroy & Move Newly built Same

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