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গণ জাত ী বাংলােদশ সরকার

মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র
বাংলােদশ, ঢাকা

২০ াবণ ১৪২৮
ারক ন র: ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৭.৩৭.০০৩.২১.৪৪০ তািরখ:
০৪ আগ ২০২১
িবষয়: ২০২১ সােলর এস.এস.িস পরী ায় অংশ হ েণ িশ াথ েদর জ অ াসাইনেম ( ইংেরজ ী
ভাস ন ) রণ ।

উপ িবষেয়র ি েত জানােনা যাে য, কািভড-১৯ অিতমািরর কারেণ িশ া ম ণালেয়র িনেদশনায় জাতীয় িশ া ম ও

পা ক বাড (এনিস িব) ক ক ণয়ন ত ২০২১ সােলর এস.এস.িস পরী ায় অংশ হণকারীেদর জ নিব াস ত পা িচর
আেলােক অ াসাইনেম ও ি ড (ইংেরজী ভাস ন) থম ধােপ ০৩ (িতন) স ােহর জ িবতরণ করা হেলা। ইংেরজী ভাস ন
অ াসাইনেমে র ে ও মাউিশঅ ক ক ারক নং- ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৬.২৭(অংশ-২).০০১.২০-২৯৪; তািরখ: ১৮/০৭/২০২১ ি .
জারী ত িনেদশনা ও কাভার া (ন না কিপ) যথাযথভােব অ সরণ করেত হেব।

এমতাব ায়, ২০২১ সােলর এস.এস.িস পরী ায় অংশ হেণ িশ াথ েদর জ নিব াস ত পা িচর আেলােক িবতরণ ত
অ াসাইনেম ও ি ড (ইংেরজী ভাস ন) সকল িশ াথ েদর দান ও হেণর ে সরকার ক ক ঘািষত া িবিধ সং া িবিধ-িনেষধ
যথাযথভােব অ সরণ বক েয়াজনীয় ব া হেণর জ সংি সকলেক িনেদশ েম অ েরাধ করা হেলা।

সং : অ াসাইনেম ও ি ড (ইংেরজী ভাস ন)।

মাহা দ বলাল হাসাইন
িবতরণ :
১) উপপিরচালক, মা িমক ও উ িশ া, সকল অ ল
২) জলা িশ া অিফসার, সকল জলা
৩) উপেজলা/থানা মা িমক িশ া অিফসার, সকল
৪) অ / ধান িশ ক, ...................................

২০ াবণ ১৪২৮
ারক ন র: ৩৭.০২.০০০০.১০৭.৩৭.০০৩.২১.৪৪০/১ তািরখ:
০৪ আগ ২০২১
সদয় অবগিত ও কাযােথ রণ করা হল ( জ তার মা সাের নয়):
১) সিচব, িশ া ম ণালয়, মা িমক ও উ িশ া িবভাগ, বাংলােদশ সিচবালয়, ঢাকা
২) চয়ার ান, জাতীয় িশ া ম ও পা ক বাড , ঢাকা
৩) চয়ার ান, মা িমক ও উ মা িমক িশ া বাড , সকল
৪) জলা শাসক, সকল জলা
৫) িসিনয়র িসে ম এনািল , ইএমআইএস সল, মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র, বাংলােদশ, ঢাকা

[অ াসাইনেম ও ি ড (ইংেরজী ভাস ন) মাউিশ অিধদ েরর ওেয়বসাইেট কােশর অ েরাধসহ]
৬) উপেজলা িনব াহী অিফসার, সকল উপেজলা
৭) িপএ মহাপিরচালক, মা িমক ও উ িশ া অিধদ র, বাংলােদশ, ঢাকা
৮) সংর ণ নিথ

মাহা দ বলাল হাসাইন

Assignments for the Examinees of SSC 2021
Subjects 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Number of
week week week week week week week week week week week week Assignments
History of Bangladesh and
World Civilization
1 /Physics/Business 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

Geography and
2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

3 Finance and Banking 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

Civics and citizenship/

4 Higher mathematics 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8

Total 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 32

N.B.: Every Learner has to develop 8 assignments per subject. Thus she/he has to complete 24 assignments in 3
elective subjects. Students do not need to do any assignment on any optional (4th) subject.
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: History of Bangladesh and World Civilization

Subject Code: 153
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: History of Bangladesh and World Civilization Subject Code: 153 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps/
Chapter extent)
Chapter Title
1 An essay on “History Learners will Explanation Rating Scale
in human life” of history Score
Chapter One: (Within 300 words) - be able to and heritage 4 3 2 1
Introduction to explain The The explanation The explanation Unclear/vague
History concepts, Explanation a)
explanation of of history and of history and explanation of
nature, and of the Explanation
history and heritage is heritage is history and
scopes of sources of of history and
heritage is mostly partially heritage.
history and writing accurate. accurate. accurate.
heritage; history b) The sources Most of the The sources and The sources
(written or Explanation and sources and classification of and
-be able to unwritten) of sources classification classification of writing history classification of
describe and its and of writing writing history has been writing history
elements and classification classification history has has been presented has not been
classification of of writing been written presented. partially. presented
history Explanation history accurately. properly.
of the c) The The importance The importance The explanation
-be interested in importance Explanation importance of of history has of history has of the
history and of history of the history has been explained been explained importance of
importance been explained mostly. partially. history has not
of history accurately been proper.
Analysis of
The necessity The necessity The necessity of Ambiguous
the necessity d)
of studying of studying studying history analysis of the
of studying The necessity
history in history in in human life necessity of
history in of studying
human life has human life has has been studying history
human life history in
been analyzed been analyzed partially in human life.
human life
accurately. mostly. analyzed.
Total marks for this assignment: 16
*Accurate- 80-100%, mostly accurate- 60-79%, partially accurate- 40-59%,ambiguous: below 39%

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very good
08-10 Good
00-07 Needs improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: History of Bangladesh and World Civilization Subject Code: 153 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps/
Chapter extent)
Chapter Title
2 A written Learners will Description Rating Scale
comparative of the Score
Chapter Two: discussion - know the background, 4 3 2 1
World between the story of identifying If the If the
Civilization urban planning of discovery the If the If there is lack of
description of description of
(Egyptian, Indus civilization and the geographical a) Back- description of accuracy and
background, background,
Indus, and the urban geographical location and background, continuity of
ground, identification identification
Greek and planning of your location of determining identification information in the
geogra- of of
Roman) own locality the Indus the period of of description of
phical geographical geographical
civilization; Indus geographical background,
location location and location and
Civilization; location and identification of
and the period of the period of
- be able to the period of geographical
period Indus Indus
analyze the Analysis of Indus location and the
Civilization Civilization is
political, the socio- Civilization is period of Indus
is mostly partially
socio- economic accurate. Civilization.
accurate. accurate.
economic condition of b) If the
and the Indus If the analysis
Analysis If the analysis analysis of If the analysis of
religious Civilization; of the socio-
of the of the socio- the socio- the socio-
conditions of economic
socio- economic economic economic
the Indus Analysis of condition is
economic condition is condition is conditions is not
Civilization; the partially
condition accurate mostly logical.
similarities accurate.
-be able to between the The analysis The analysis The analysis of If the student
describe the urban of the of the the similarity cannot analyze
roles of planning of c) The
similarities similarity between the the similarity of
urbanization, the city of similarity between the between the urban planning the urban
arts and Indus of urban urban urban of Indus planning of the
sculpture of Civilization planning planning of planning of civilization and Indus Valley
the Indus (Harappa Indus Indus the urban Civilization with
Civilization and civilization civilization planning of the urban
in the Mohenjo-
development Daro) and and the urban and the urban learner‟s own planning of
of human the urban planning of planning of locality is his/her own area.
civilization; planning of learner‟s own learner‟s own partial and
your own locality is locality is doesn‟t reflect
locality accurate and accurate but creativity
(Ward/ reflects does not
municipality creativity. reflect
/Upazilla) creativity
with the Learner
creativity Learner
identifies the Learner
identifies the
dissimilaritie identifies the
s between the dissimilarities Learner couldn‟t
between the
urban between the identify the
d) The urban
planning of urban planning dissimilarities
dissimila planning of
the Indus of the Indus between the
rity of the Indus
Valley Valley urban planning of
urban Valley
Civilization Civilization Indus Civilization
planning Civilization
and that of and that of the and that of the
and that of the
the student's student's own student's own
student's own
own locality locality to locality.
locality to
to present present in a
present in a
without a table.
Total marks for this assignment: 16

Accurate- 80-100%, mostly accurate- 60-79%, Partially accurate- 40-59%,

Ambiguous - below 39%

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent

11-12 Very good

08-10 Good
00-07 Needs improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Physics
Subject Code: 136
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Physics Subject Code: 136 Level: SSC

Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts

Number, Outcomes (cues/steps
Chapter or stages)
Chapter Title
Assignment Simple instrument and its usage Students Follow the
number: 01 You need a thick art paper to prepare a model will be able text on Rating Scale
project. On the other hand, the stationary to pages 18- Score
Chapter 01: store you know is not even opening due to determine 27 of the 4 3 2 1
Physical Covid- 19 pandemic. The only stationary the area textbook. a) Dimension If Students
Quantities and store that is open now has a bad reputation in and volume can write the
Their the locality for being dishonest. But you are of the dimension
Measurement somewhat compelled now to buy paper from uniform b) S I Units If If Students
him. The shopkeeper is claiming that the body by Student can write S I
value of the paper which he supplied you is using s can unit
160 gm/m2. simple change
The size of per sheet of modeling paper is instruments in Kg
65cm X 75cm. You decided that you will c) If If If Students
verify the shopkeeper. The measuring tape Measurement Students Student can write
you have at home cannot measure anything can show s can any number
that is less than 2 cm. And also, the digital logic in write
favour of the
balance which you have in your house for
the correct
measuring the mass of the cooking calculatio number
ingredients does not record any mass bellow n
20gm. This means that if you want to d) Final If Students If If If Students
measure the mass of an 8 grams object Measurement can write Students Student can write the
accurately, you have to take 5 objects. So accurate can write s can equation of
that their combined mass is 40 grams which calculation accurate calculat accurate
with units calculatio e measuremen
is a multiple of 20 grams. You have no scope
n t
to use any other instrument. Total
a) What is the dimension of the unit by which Total marks for this assignment:10
the value of the paper is being measured? (1)
b) What will be its unit if it is measured in
Kilogram? (2)
c) What is the least number of papers you
need to buy to be sure about this matter?
Give logic in favour of your calculation. (3)
d) If the value of each paper written on the
packet as (120±0.5) gm/m2, it means that the
value is actually in between 119.5 to120.5
units. Here the final error is 0.5 units.
Determine the accuracy of your measured
value? (4)

Marks Obtained Comments

09-10 Excellent
07-08 Very good

05-06 Good

0-04 Needs improvement

Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Physics Subject Code: 136 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps
Chapter or stages)
Chapter Title
2 Speed and its quantities Students will Follow the
Two engineering university be able to text on pages
Chapter 02: admission test examinees, Rabbi analyze the 45-52 of the Rating Scale
Motion and Sajol, live in two different inter textbook. Score
houses located on a straight relationship 4 3 2 1
street along the examination between the a)Distance If Students If Students
hall. They have been asked to quantities can find can write the
report to the examination hall related to out the equation to
gate by 9 am - after which the motion. value of determine
gate will be closed. The house distance the distance
of Rabbi is 200 m more away with
than that of Sajol‟s house from correct unit
the exam hall. Sajol woke up b) Velocity If Students If Students
late in the morning due to can write can write the
overnight Facebooking. the value of value of
Somehow, after having a hurried velocity velocity
breakfast and a few harsh words with
from his parents, Sajol came to explanation
the gate of his house and saw c) Distance, If students can If Students If Students If Students
that Rabbi was walking at a Velocity properly can find out can relate can write the
constant velocity and if he explain whether the value of velocity equation of
walked at this velocity, he they, Rabbi & distance with distance
would reach the gate just in Sajol, can enter with distance
time. But it is impossible for the exam hall or correct/exact
Sajol, in a full stomach, to not unit
advance more than 10 seconds d) Graph If Students If Students
at the maximum uniform can show can draw the
acceleration 1 m/sec2. And for the graph
the rest of the time he will be positions of
able to run at half of this total 8
maximum velocity. It is now points on
8:58 in the morning. If Sajol the graph
continues in this way, he will be correctly
able to enter the exam hall at the Total
last moment. Total marks for this assignment:10
a) How far is Sajol's house from
the examination hall? (2)
b) Rabbi decided night before
the exam that he would leave the
house at 8:44amand will arrive
at the exam hall by 8:55
a.m.Then at what velocityhe has
to move forward? (2)

c)At this velocity, after

advancing 50 meters crossing
the gate of Sajol‟s house,
suddenly Rabbi's ankle sprained.
And, after that Rabbi started
moving at a velocity of one
fourth of his previous velocity.
In such circumstances, will
Sajol pass him over before
entering the exam hall? (4)
d)Draw a graph showing the
road location of Rabbi and Sajol
between 8:58 am to 9 am. For
each of them you have to show
at least four points (in total 8
points). (2)

Marks Obtained Comments

09-10 Excellent
07-08 Very good

05-06 Good
0-04 Needs improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Business Entrepreneurship

Subject Code: 143
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Business Entrepreneurship Subject Code: 143 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines (cues/steps or Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes stages)
Chapter Title
1 The affects of Students will be Students will write answers
business in following manner: Rating Scale
able to: Score
environment  Explain concept of Indicator
Chapter 1:
Introduction in expansion  Explain the business 4 3 2 1
to Business of business in concept of  Show and describe types a. Concept of Explained Explained Explained Wrote only
Bangladesh business of business
Business concept of concept of concept of definition
 Describe types  Explain the concept of
business business business mostly business of the
of business
 Identify the  Explain the business correctly with with example partially with concept of
aspects of environment in example example business
business Bangladesh b. Types of Explained Explained Explained any Only wrote
environment Business industry, trade industry, trade two of about the
that have (If necessary and
and service with and service with industry, trade types of
affects on possible, collect
business information/experience charts and charts showing and service business
from examples the types of with charts
teacher/classmate/relative showing the business but no and examples
s/known businessmen types of example showing types
using phone/ internet) business of business
c. Concept of Correctly Mostly Correct Partially Wrote only
Business Explained the in explaining Explained the the
Environment concept of the concept of concept of definition
business business business of business
environment environment environment environmen
with example with example with example t
d. Elements Correctly Elements of Partially Wrote the
of Business presented the business presented the names of
Environment elements of environment are elements of elements of
business not presented business business
environment in consistently in environment in environmen
chart chart properly. chart t only
e. Affects of Explained four Explained three Explained two Explained
Business elements of elements of elements of one
Environment environment environment environment element of
in that affect the that affect the that affect the environmen
Bangladesh business and business and business and t that affect
trade in trade in trade in the
Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh business
along with along with and trade in
examples examples Bangladesh
Total marks for this assignment: 20
Perfect: 80-100%, Mostly Perfect: 60-79%, Partially Correct: 50-69%

Marks Obtained Comments

16-20 Excellent
14-15 Very Good
10-13 Good
9 or less than 9 Needs Improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Business Entrepreneurship Subject Code: 143 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion (Rubric) Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
Identifying the Students will be Students will
role of Rating Scale
2 able to: write answers in Indicator Score
Entrepreneurship  Explain following 4 3 2 1
in the socio entrepreneurship a. Concept of Correctly Moderately Partially Wrote the
Chapter 2: manner:
economic and business Entrepreneurship explained the explained the explained the definition of
development of entrepreneurship and Business concept of concept of concept of entrepreneurship
Business Bangladesh  Explain
Entrepreneurship &  Explain the Entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship and business
favorable entrepreneurship and business and business and business entrepreneurship
Entrepreneur and business
environment for entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship only
business entrepreneurship with examples with examples with examples
entrepreneurship  Explain the b. Favorable Correctly Correctly Correctly Correctly
favorable Environment for explained the six explained five explained four explained one to
environment for Business favorable favorable favorable three favorable
 Describe the business Entrepreneurship environment for environment for environment for environment for
characteristics entrepreneurship business business business business
and necessary  Describe the entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
actions of characteristics of c. Characteristics Correctly Correctly Correctly Correctly
business business of Business explained the explained six to explained three explained one to
entrepreneurship entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship eight seven to five two
 Describe the  Describe the
characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of characteristics
importance of business business business of business
importance of
business entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship d. Importance of Correctly Correctly Correctly Correctly
entrepreneurship Business explained the four explained three explained two explained one
in the socio-
in the socio- Entrepreneurship importances of importances of importances of importances of
economic context
economic in the Socio- business business business business
of Bangladesh
context economic entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship entrepreneurship
Total marks for this assignment: 16
Perfect: 80-100%, Mostly Perfect: 60-79%, Partially Correct: 50-69%

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very Good
08-10 Good
7 or less than 7 Needs Improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Geography & Environment

Subject Code: 110
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Geography & Environment Subject Code: 110 Level: SSC

Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts

Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title

01 Write an essay Students will Students would Rating Scale Score

showing the be able to -take help from Indicators
4 3 2 1
Chapter: 01 interrelations -explain the textbooks/teachers a) Concepts of Concepts of Concepts of Concepts of -
between concepts of (through mobile geography
Geography and geography are geography are geography are
geography and geography and phones/online);
Environment written mostly written. partially
the the -take assistance
appropriately. written.
environment. environment; from the Internet
-describe the if it is required;
Concepts of the Concepts of the Concepts of -
scopes of -describe concepts
b) Concepts of environment are environment the
geography; of geography and
the written are mostly environment
the environment;
-to analyze the environment appropriately. written. are partially
-describe scopes
interrelations written.
of geography;
geography and Scopes and Scopes of Scopes and Only scopes of
branches of c) Scopes and
elements of the branches of geography are branches of geography are
geography and the branches of
environment. geography are written geography are partially
elements and geography written completely and partially written.
types of the
appropriately. branches of written.
geography are
-analyze the mostly written.
d) Elements and Elements and Elements and Only elements
Interrelations types of the types of the types of the of the
geography and the between environment are environment environment environment
elements of the geography and written are written are partially are partially
environment. the elements of completely and completely and written. written.
the interrelations interrelations
between between
geography and geography and
the elements of the elements of
the environment the
are analyzed environment
appropriately. are analyzed


Total marks for this assignment: 16

Appropriate- 80-100%, Mostly- 60-79%, Partial- 40-59%,

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very Good
08-10 Good
0-07 Needs improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Geography & Environment Subject Code: 110 Level: SSC

Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts

Number, Outcomes (Cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
Assignment Write an Students Students would
number: 02 essay on the will be Rating Scale
able to -take help from Indicators Score
season- 4 3 2 1
Chapter: 02 change in analyze textbooks/teachers
a) Reasons Appropriately Appropriately Partially Appropriately
Bangladesh the causes (mobile phone/
The Universe and effects online); for the explained five explained three explained two explained one
during the
and Our Earth of season- changes of causes of causes of causes of cause of seasonal
four states of
change. -take assistance from seasons seasonal change. seasonal change. seasonal change. change.
the earth
the Internet if it is Appropriately Appropriately Partially Appropriately
while rotating
around the explained the explained the explained the explained one
-explain the reasons b) Four
sun. four states of the three states of two states of the state of the earth
for the changes of states of the
seasons; earth in the the earth in the earth in the in the process of
-explain the process process of process of process of changing
of changing seasons changing changing changing seasons.
with a figures of the seasons. seasons. seasons.
four states of the earth Could accurately Could accurately Could accurately Could accurately
due to annual motion;
draw the figures draw the figures draw the figures draw the figure
-explain the seasons
of the four of the three of the two states of one state of
of Bangladesh during
the four states of the states of the earth states of the of the earth in the earth in the
c) Figure
earth while rotating in the process of earth in the the process of process of
around the sun changing process of changing changing
(annual motion) seasons. changing seasons. seasons.
Appropriately Appropriately Appropriately Appropriately
explained explained explained explained
seasons of seasons of seasons of seasons of
d) Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh
Prevailing during the four during the three during the two during the one
seasons in states of the earth states of the states of the earth states of the earth
Bangladesh while rotating earth while while rotating while rotating
around the sun. rotating around around the sun. around the sun.
the sun.

Total marks for this assignment: 16
Appropriate- 80-100%, Mostly- 60-79%, Partial- 40-59%,

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very Good
08-10 Good
0-07 Needs improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Chemistry
Subject Code: 137
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Chemistry Subject Code: 137 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
Number of neutrons in Students‟ will ●Has to find Rating Scale
01 four different elements, be…. out the number Indicator
Figure of structure of ● Able to of neutrons in 4 3 2 1
Chapter atom according to the determine the four elements Has found out Has found out Has found out Has found out
Three: Bhor’s model, number of a) Calculation the correct the correct the correct the correct
Electronic electrons, ● Has to draw of neutron number of number of number of number of
Structure of configuration of energy protons and the figure of number neutrons of neutrons of 3 neutrons of 2 neutrons of 1
Matter level and sub-energy neutrons in an structure of four isotopes isotopes isotopes isotope
level(orbitals) atom atom according Has drawn the
Has drawn the Has drawn the Has drawn the
to the Bhor‟s b)Drawing of exact figure
● Able to structure of
exact figure of
of three
exact figure of exact figure of
Prepare a report on the describe the model four structure two structure one structure
number of neutrons in atom structure of
structure of of atoms of atoms of atom
the mass numbers of the ● Has to write according to atoms
atom in according to according to according to
Bhor’s model according to
elements mentioned next the electronic Bhor‟s model Bhor‟s model Bhor‟s model
relation to the Bhor‟s model
to the symbols, the theories of configurations
Has written Has written Has written
diagram of the structure Rutherford of energy level Has written
the electronic the electronic the electronic
of atoms according to of four c) Electronic the electronic
and Bohr configurations configurations configurations
Bohr model, their elements configuration configuration
atomic model of energy level of energy of energy level
electronic configuration of an energy of energy level
of four level of three of two
at energy levels and sub- ● Able to ● Has to write level of one element
elements elements elements
energy (orbitals) levels. write the the electronic correctly
correctly correctly correctly
electronic configurations Has written Has written Has written Has written
Na(11), Mass number-23 configurations of sub-energy the electronic the electronic the electronic the electronic
P(15), Mass number-31 of different level (orbitals) d)Sub- energy
configurations configurations configurations configuration
K(19), Mass number-40 orbits and of four level(orbitals)
of sub-energy of sub- energy of sub-energy of sub- energy
Cu(29), Mass number-63 different sub elements electronic
level of four level of three level of two level of one
levels of configuration
elements elements elements element
orbits of an correctly correctly correctly correctly
atom Total
Total marks for this assignment: 16
Marks Obtained Comments
13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very good
08-10 Good
0-07 Needs improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Chemistry Subject Code: 137 Level: SSC

Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts

Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
Position of the Students‟ will ● Has to find
02 elements in the be ….. out the periods Rating Scale
periodic table ● Able to of the four Score
Chapter Four: according to the determine the elements in the 4 3 2 1
electronic relation of periodic table Has Has Has Has
Periodic Table configuration, major groups according to determined determined determined determined
Comparative of periodic the electronic the exact the exact the exact the exact
ionization energy and table with the configurations a)
periods of periods of periods of periods of
Characteristics of outer most Determination
four elements three elements two elements one element
group or class of energy level ● Has to find of period
with with with with
relevant elements electronic out the groups electronic electronic electronic electronic
configurations or classes of configurations configurations configurations configuration
of the four Has Has Has
Li Be elements(first elements in the Has
determined determined determined
Na Mg 30 elements) periodic table determined
the exact the exact the exact
according to the exact
b) groups or groups or groups or
In accordance to the ●Able to find their electronic Determination classes of classes of classes of
group or class
electronic configuration out the period configurations of one
of group four elements three elements two elements
of the 4 elements, of an element element with
with with with
prepare a report on their ● Has to electronic electronic electronic
position in the periodic ● Able to get compare the configurations configurations configurations
table, comparative the ionization Has
ionization energy and knowledge energy of same Has compared Has compared
Has compared compared
the characteristics of the about period and appropriately appropriately
physical and same group or appropriately appropriately
groups they are in. the ionization the ionization
chemical class of the ionization the ionization
energies of energies of
properties of adjoining c) Comparative energies of energies of
four pairs of two pairs of
an element elements in the ionization three pairs of one pair of
elements elements in
by knowing periodic table energy elements in elements in
the position in interms of terms of
terms of terms of
the periodic ● Has to write group and group and
group and group and
table the period period
period period
characteristics differences differences
differences differences
● Able to say of the group or
d) Has written Has written Has written Has written
about the class of a Characteristics the the the the
special relevant of a group or characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
naming of elements class of of two groups of two groups of one group of one group
elements relevant or classes or classes or class with or class
elements with special properly special names properly
● Able to names properly
show the properly
eagerness to Total
guess the Total marks for this assignment: 16
properties of
elements by
following the
periodic table

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent

11-12 Very good

08-10 Good

0-07 Needs improvement

Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Accounting
Subject Code: 146
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Accounting Sub. Code-146 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
01 Introduction to Business Students Students Indicator Rating Scale Score
Transaction ●will be able should 4 3 2 1
Chapter Two: to explain the ● read the a) Nature or If 6 features If 4 features If 2 features If 1 feature
Transaction Helping Information concept of necessary Features of written with written with written with or min.
Following events took place transactions. information transaction explanation explanation explanation concept of
in the business of Sadaf ●will be able properly. transaction
Enterprise as of June, 2020: to identify the ● discuss the written
June 1- Invested in business nature of nature or b) Explain If 4 If 3 If 2 If 1
by owner: Cash tk.20,000 & transactions. features of with reasons transactions transactions transactions transaction
Furniture valued at tk.35,000. ●will be able transaction. all the events explained explained explained explained
June 9- Rent paid tk.8,000. to explain the ● identify the occur on the with reasons with reasons with reasons with reason
June 13- A laptop purchased impact of transactions basis of
for own use by selling transactions from events. transactions
owner‟s personal asset over ● describe the c) The effect If 4 effects on If 3 effects on If 2 effects on If 1 effect on
tk.30,000. accounting effect of of transaction transactions transactions transactions transaction
June 20- Goods purchased on equation. transactions on on accounting shown shown shown shown
credit from Radif & sons ●will be able accounting equation
tk.7,000. to prepare equation. d) Preparing If invoice If 1 error If 2 errors If Max. 4
June 23- Paid to a creditor correctly ● prepare an an invoice for prepared available in available in errors
tk.7,000. essential invoice as a the taking all invoice invoice available in
June 26- A contract signed documents documentary transactions information invoice
for selling of goods tk.4,000. related to source of on June 20
June 30- A manager transactions. transaction. Total
appointed at a salary per Total marks for assignment: 16
month tk.18,000.

Marks Obtained Remarks

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very Good
08-10 Good
0-07 Needs Improvement
2Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Accounting Sub. Code-146 Level: S.S.C
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion (Rubric) Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
02 Concept and Importance of Students will Students should Rating Scale Score
General Journal be able to ● read the Indicator
Chapter Six: ●explain the helping 4 3 2 1
Journal Helping Information: concept and information a) Concept Concept & Max. Min. Min.
Following are the transactions importance properly. and Importance Concept & Concept & Concept or
of Shams Brothers as on of Journal ● explain the importance of discussed Importance Importance Min.
January , 2020: ●classify the concept and Journal properly discussed discussed Importance
Jan 1- Started business with Journal importance of (any one)
Cash tk.20,000, Bank deposit ●provide the Journal. discussed
tk.40,000 and Goods values general ● describe the b) Any 4 types Any 3 types Any 2 types
of tk.15,000. Journal entry classifications of Classification Classification of Special of Special of Special
Jan 5- Sold Goods values of Special and of Special of Special Journal Journal Journal
tk.20,000 of which 40% in Proper Journal. Journal Journal discussed discussed discussed
cash. ● record the discussed
Jan 7-Withdrew from bank transactions in properly
tk.12,000. the General c) Classification Any 3 types Any 2 types Any 1 type
Jan 10- Incurred Expenses for Journal Classification of Proper of Proper of Proper of Proper
publicity tk.8,000. following of Proper Journal Journal Journal Journal
helping Journal discussed discussed discussed discussed
information. properly
d) 4 3 transactions 2 1
Journalizing transactions recorded transactions transaction
the recorded properly recorded recorded
transactions properly properly properly
Total marks for assignment: 16

Marks Obtained Remarks

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very Good
08-10 Good
0-07 Needs Improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Economics
Subject Code: 141
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Economics Subject Code: 141 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines (cues/steps Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes or stages)
Chapter Title
1 „Private and  will be able  Concept of different
public to describe economic systems Rating Scale Scor
Chapter One: enterprise the identity  Characteristics of the Indicator e
Introduction to work together of different mixed economic 4 3 2 1
Economics in the economic system a) Proper Proper Proper
economic systems  Evaluation of Economic explanation of 4 explanation of 3 explanation of 2
system of  will be able explanation of 1
comparative system economic economic economic
Bangladesh‟- economic system
to evaluate advantages and systems systems systems
Mention the the disadvantages of b)
characteristic Proper Proper
comparative different economic Characteri Proper Proper
explanation of explanation of
s of the advantages systems stics of
7/8 features of 5/6 features of
explanation of explanation of
economic and  Arguments in favor mixed 3/4 features of 1/2 features of
the mixed the mixed
system disadvantag economic the mixed the mixed
of the good economic economic
economic system economic system
indicated in es of economic system system system system
the statement different
and evaluate Proper Adequate Partial
economic c)
comparative comparative comparative
the systems Comparati
evaluation evaluation evaluation
Ambiguity in
comparative ve comparative
mentioning mentioning mentioning
advantages evaluation analysis
advantages and advantages and advantages and
and disadvantages disadvantages disadvantages
disadvantages d)
Mentioned the Mentioned most Mentioned the
of different Arguments
logics in favor of the logics in logics in favor of Ambiguity in
economic in favor of of the answer favor of the the answer logics
systems the answer properly answer partially

Total marks for this assignment: 16

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very good
08-10 Good
00-07 Needs improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Economics Subject Code: 141 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
2 Whether  will be  Concept of Rating Scale
sunlight, land, able to economic
Chapter Two: river water are illustrate resources 4 3 2 1
The Important resources or not, the concept  Explanation Proper Partial
Ideas of explain with of of the 4 Proper
illustration of illustration of Ambiguity in
Economics their features economic characteristic a) Economic illustration of
the concept of the concept of illustrating the
from the resources s of resources resources the concept of
resources resources concept of
 resources with
economic point will be  Explanation without without resources
of view and able to examples
of whether examples examples
classify those compare land, river Proper Proper Proper
resources on the among water and b) 4 Proper
explanation of explanation of explanation of
basis of their natural sunlight are characteristics explanation of
the 4 the 3 the 2
origin resources, resources or of resources 1 characteristic
characteristics characteristics characteristics of
human not in the of resources
of resources of resources resources
resources light of the 4 Correct Correct Correct
and characteristic c) Identifying identification identification identification of
produced s of resources Ambiguous
the given of 3 objects of 2 objects 1 object based
resources  Classifying three objects based on the based on the on the
resources on of resources
characteristics characteristics characteristics of
the basis of of resources of resources resources
their origin Proper Proper Proper
d) explanation explanation explanation
Classification having having having examples
classification of
of resources examples of 3 examples of 2 of 1
classifications classifications classification of
of resources of resources resources
Total marks for this assignment: 16

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very good
08-10 Good
00-07 Needs improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Biology
Subject Code: 138
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Biology Subject Code: 138 Level: SSC

Assignment Learning
Number, Outcomes
Chapter Assignment Guidelines (cues/steps or stages) Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
1 Determining Learners  Step-1 See the pages 20-21, 23-24 and 28-33 of the
Chaper-2 the will be text book Indicator Rating Scale Score
Cell and characterist-  Step-2 Draw the two tables mentioned below
able to
tissues of cs of cell  Observation Table 4 3 2 1
organism and labour 25-28 15-24
- explain mesurment of rigidity a) 5-14 boxes 1-4 boxes
division of boxes of boxes of
tissues the Observat- of the of the
the table the table

Sample no.

Less rigid

vely rigid
functions ion table table filled table filled
observable Colour filled up in filled up in

of main of up in an up in an
through an an
organelles samples acceptable acceptable
bare eyes acceptable acceptable
in plant at step-2 way way
way way
cell’s 1. Ripe mango- Causes
Stalk Causes Causes
b) cited in Causes
- evaluate cited in 4- cited in
Epicarp Causes of each 6-7 cited in 2-
the 5 boxes of one box
Endos- different boxes of 3 boxes of
usefulness the table in of the
perm colors in the table table in an
of cell in an table in an
Seed the grid in an acceptable
organism acceptable acceptable
2.Green Papaya at step 2 acceptable way
way way
-explain Stalk way
the plant Epicarp c) Causes Cause cited Causes Causes
tissue Endos- Causes of Cited in in 4-5 cited in 2- cited in
perm different each 6-7 boxes of 3 boxes of one box of
-evaluate rigidity boxes of the table in the table the table
Table or determination of cause
the in the table in an an in an in an
function mesurment of rigidity acceptable acceptable acceptable
grid at acceptable
Sample no.

of tissue step-2 way way way way

Less rigid

on the
ely rigid

Colour Total

basis of
type of Total marks for this assignment:12
cell and
1. Ripe mango-
2. Green Papaya
 Step -3 Observation table is to be filled up first. Fruits
and vegetables that are mentioned are to be peeled off
or sliced by using hands, knife or chopper. Put tick
marks in the required boxes of the table by observing
the rigidity of each part. If the given features do not
match, then put cross mark in those boxes. But the
colour names are to be mentioned in the colour boxes.
 Step-4 : The causes of whatever mentioned in
observation table should be stated in the similar boxes
of the table of determining the causes. In each box
there will be one reason for color variation which will
be seven in total. In case of rigidity variation, causes
should be mentioned only in the boxes that indicate
tick marks. No need to cite the causes in the boxes
that refer to cross marks. So causes of rigidity
variation also will be total seven in number. Other
boxes of the table of determining causes will remain
 Precaution: Take caution to aviod any accidental cut
while using sharp tools.The job must be carried out
under the supervision of any elderly family member.

Marks Obtained Comments

10-12 Excellent
08-09 Very good
06-07 Good
0-05 Needs improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Biology Subject Code: 138 Level: SSC
Number, Assignme
g Guidelines (cues/steps or stages) Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Chapter nt
2 Analysing Learners  Firstly, read page no 33-42 of Biology text book. Indicator Rating Scale Scor
Chaper-2 the will be  Now, observe the list of features. e
Cell and structure able to (No need to include the list in the assignment) 4 3 2 1
tissues of and At least
At least 25 At least 5-
organism function of -explain No. of Characterist No. Characterist- a) Filling up the 15-24 Less than 5
boxes out 14 boxes
animal cell animal char- -ics of ics boxes of the boxes out boxes out of
of 30 of out of 30
and animal cell acter- char- table of of 30 of 30 of the
the table of the table
tissue istics acter characteristics the table table filled
filled up filled up
-evaluate -istics from the given filled up up from the
from the from the
the list from the given list
1. Secration 2. Absorption given list given list
function given list
3. Single layered 4. With tubules
of tissue Characteris
5. Modified 6. With single b) Repetition of Characteris
tics are
on the nucleus characteristic in No tics are
repeated in Characteristi
basis of 7. Sensation 8. Multilayered the same round repitation repeated in
half or cs are
similar 9. Columner 10. Constriction of less than
more than repeated in
types and 11. More than 12. Mesoderm (If one or more characteris half of the
half of the al the rounds
functions one nucleus boxes of the tic in any total
total that show all
of cells 13. Ciliated 14. Branched table remain one round rounds that
rounds that three
blank in four or that show all
15. Movement 16. Giving rigidity show all complete
-explain more rounds, completes three
17. Without 18. Cuboidal three characteristic
no marks will three of complete
the nucleus complete s
be allocate in them characterist
cellular  Table should be drawn in assignment page characterist
this indicator) ics
structure Rou Chara Chara Charac Tell who I ics
in tissue, At least 8 At least At least
nd cter -1 cter -2 ter -3 am
organ boxes out 5-7 boxes 2-4 boxes Only one
and 1. of 10 of out of 10 out of 10 box out of
c) Filling up the
system 2. the table of the table of the table 10 of the
boxes „Tell
filled up filled up filled up table filled
3. who I am‟ from
-explain from the from the from the up from the
the text book.
the 4. selected selected selected selected part
function 5. part of text part of text part of text of text book
of tissue book book book
7. d) Similarities
8. between
9. and „Tell who I
10. am‟
 Collect a dice with 1 to 6 number marked as a (Similarities or
Compatibil Compatibil Compatibil Compatibilit
probability to get an integer in each throwing. If ity in at ity ity in y in
least 8 out in at least at least 2- only one out
dice is not found then total 6 cards could be to the
of ten 7 out of ten 4 out of ten of ten
prepared with 1-6 marked on them each and could terminology
given in the
be used as a dice for lottery.
particular parts
 Dice should roll thrice and that three numbers of text book not
found will be considered as a round. As for be considered
example 3, 6 and 4 are rolled. Then no: 3 character here)
(single layered) from the character list is to be
slected as Character 1 in that round. For Character Total marks for this assignment:16
2, 3+6=9 no. character (columner) is to be
selected, and for character 3, 9+4=13 no. character
(ciliated) is to be selected. These are to be written
in the particular boxes of the table. Animal tissue
or animal cell containing three characteristics is to
be writen in the box titled ‘Tell who I am’. To fill
up this column, bold letter names should be
selected from particular pages no 33-42 of the text
 If animal tissue or cell containing three
characteristics is not available then the dice is to
roll once again and the character is to be noted
roughly in a sheet until the three characters of real
animal tissue or cell are found. For example, if
even after number 9 character there is no
matching, then again the dice has to be rolled, digit
1 is found, and then it is to be observed whether
no:10 character matches with any two of the
previous three characters to form an acceptable
animal tissue or animal cell. In that case, it will be
considered as a round.
 If no: 18 crosses in this way, then again counting
will start from character no: 1. e.g., after no: 16 if
the dice rolls 5 then it is 16+5=21. But the
character limit is upto18, so for 21, it will be
considered as no: 3 character after 18.
 Such 10 rounds should be played where any
animal tissue or animal cell characteristics must
match and that should be written in the given table.
 If more than one is found, it is sufficient to write
only one animal tissue or cell containing three
characters in the box under the column „Tell who I
 Exact similar three characters round should not be
written more than once. Similar character should
not be recognised more than once in a single
round.In that case dice should roll again and
different character needs to be chosen. But in
different rounds, similar character may exist.
 Lastly, filled in table is to be submitted as an

Marks Obtained Comments

13-16 Excellent
11-12 Very good
08-10 Good
0-07 Needs improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Finance & Banking

Subject Code: 152
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Finance & Banking Subject Code: 152 Level:SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
A financial Students will The assignment Rating Scale
manager‟s be able to - should serially cover Indicator
knowledge of  define the topics mentioned 4 3 2 1
First Chapter : financial finance below in a 250 word Appropriately Explained
Explained Partially
management is description explained concept of
Finance and Concept of concept of explained
helpful while  explain  Concept of concept of finance
Business Finance finance with concept of
making a the Finance finance with without
Finance example finance
decision - justify importan example example
the statement. ce of  Importance of Importance
Appropriately Appropriately Appropriately Appropriately
Business explained 4 explained 3 explained 2 explained 1
finance of Business
Finance functions of functions of functions of function of
 describe finance finance finance finance
 Functions of a Appropriately Explained Explained Partially
financial Income or explained income income decision explained
functions Financing income decision decision of of finance income
of a manager:
Decision of finance with finance with without decision of
financial example example example finance
1) Income or
manager Appropriately Explained
financing Expenditure Explained Partially
explained expenditure
decision or expenditure explained
expenditure decision
Investment decision with expenditure
2) Expenditure or decision with without
Decision example decision
example example
Appropriately Explained other Partially
decision Explained
Other explained other decisions explained
other decisions
Decisions decisions with without other
3) Other decisions with example
example example decisions
Total marks for this assignment: 20
Appropriate - 80-100%, maximum - 70-79%, partial - 50-69%, not appropriate - below 49%

Marks Obtained Comment

16-20 Excellent
14-15 Very good
10-13 Good
0-9 Needs improvement
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Finance & Banking Subject Code: 152 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
2 Determining Students will be The assignment Rating Scale
the role of able to should cover the Score
Third Chapter : future value  explain the appropriate 4 3 2 1
Time Value of of money concept of explanation and Appropriately Explained the
Money while taking proper solutions to Explained Partially
Time Value explained the concept of
investment the problems in Concept of the concept of explained the
of Money concept of Time Value
decisions topics mentioned Time Value Time Value concept of
Time Value of of Money
 identify the below: of Money of Money Time Value of
Money with without
 explain the with example Money
relationship example example
between concept of time Appropriately Explained
Explained Partially
present value value of money explained Future Value
Future Value Future Value explained
and future with example Future Value of Money and
of Money and of Money and Future Value of
value of Money and Compounding
 explain future Compounding Compounding Money and
Compounding method
method method with Compounding
 make value of money method with without
example method
investment and annual example example
decision by compounding Appropriately Explained
Explained Partially
calculating method with explained Annual
Annual Annual explained
future value example Annual Compounding
Compounding Compounding Annual
of money Compounding and
and and Compounding
 explain with and Compounding
Compounding Compounding and
example the Compounding more than
more than more than Compounding
method of more than once once in a year
once in a year once in a year more than once
calculating in a year with without
with example in a year
future value example example
through Calculate On the basis of On the basis
compounding Future Value problem of problem On the basis On the basis of
of Money by properly properly of problem problem
more than once
Annual followed the applied applied applied formula
in a year
Compounding process and formula to formula to to calculate the
Problem: and applied formula calculate the calculate the future value of
An employee got Tk. Compounding to calculate the correct future future value money
10 lac taka by selling more than correct future value of of money partially
a piece of land. He once in a year value of money money
wants to deposit the Made the right Made the
money for 5 years in Made the Made the
decision based right decision
2 banks. He will right decision wrong decision
Make on the result of without
deposit in one bank on the result without
Investment mathematical mathematical
Tk.6 lacs and in of mathematical
Decision calculation and calculation
another bank Tk. 4 mathematical calculation and
proper and any
lacs. When calculations any explanation
explanation explanation
approached to X Total
Bank and Y Bank for
Total marks for this assignment: 20
this, X Bank offered
9% annual
compounding profit
and Y Bank offered
8.5% weekly
compounding profit.
In this situation he is
confused about
which amount of
deposit in which
bank will give him
more benefit. Give
logical advice to him
for making an
investment decision
Appropriate - 80-100%, maximum - 70-79%, partial - 50-69%, not appropriate - below 49%

Marks Obtained Comment

16-20 Excellent

14-15 Very good

10-13 Good

0-9 Needs Improvement

Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Civics and Citizenship

Subject Code: 140
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Civics and Citizenship Subject Code : 140 Level : SSC

Learning (cues/steps or Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Chapter Assignment
Outcomes stages)
Chapter Title
01 Analyse the Students will Students would Rating Scale
existing be able to Indicator Score
Chapter One: family -explain the -take help from 4 3 2 1
Civics and system and concepts of textbooks/teachers a) Family Family and the Family and the Family and the Family and the types
Citizenship the functions family, (through mobile and types of types of the types of the types of the of the family are not
of an ideal society, state phone/ online); the family family are family are family are explained
family in and explained mostly partially appropriately.
Bangladesh government -take assistance of appropriately. explained. explained.
internet if it is
b) Causes Causes for Causes for Causes for Causes for decreasing
- explain the for decreasing decreasing decreasing joint joint families and
-describe the
relation of decreasing joint families joint families families and increasing unitary
formation of a
the family, joint and increasing and increasing increasing families are not
,society, state families and unitary unitary unitary families explained
- describe the
and increasing families are families are are partially appropriately.
classification of
government unitary explained mostly explained.
Families appropriately. explained.
-analyse causes for
decreasing joint c) Functions Functions of Functions of Functions of an Functions of an ideal
families and of an ideal an ideal family an ideal family ideal family are family are not
increasing nuclear family are explained are mostly partially analyzed
families; /analyzed explained/ explained/ appropriately.
-analayse functions appropriately. analyzed. analyzed.
of an ideal family. Total
Total marks for this assignment: 12
Appropriately- 80-100%
Mostly- 60-79%
Partially- 40-59%
Marks Obtained Comments
10-12 Excellent
08-09 Very good
06-07 Good
0-05 Needs improvement
Assignments for SSC Examinees, 2021

Subject: Higher Mathematics

Subject Code: 126
Assignment for SSC Examinees, 2021
Subject: Higher Mathematics Subject Code: 126 Level: SSC
Assignment Assignment Learning Guidelines Assessment Criterion /Rubric Com’ts
Number, Outcomes (cues/steps or
Chapter stages)
Chapter Title
The solution of the polygon Students will be Students will Rating Scale
01 related problem by using able to: answer the Indicat Score
coordinate Geometry.  Explain the question in the or
following manner: 4 3 2 1
Chapter 11: rectangular Found the
Cartesian a. Determine the a Determined
value of
Coordinate coordinate angle that line the slope
connecting the angle
Geometry system. Wrote the
points B and E Determine Determine
 Find the distance form with the d the d the area Determined
formula of
between two positive side of the b area by the
coordinate and found the area in
points. x-axis. vertices of
of the the terms of t.
b. If the area of the
 Explain the point D equation.
pentagon ABCDE pentagon.
concept of slope is 236 square units Found the
(gradient) Name of Found the Drew the
then determine the length of
of a straight line. coordinate of D. c ABCF length of quadrilateral
the sides
quadrilate one side or ABCF
 Find the equation c. If the coordinate and
ral one diagonal. properly.
of a straight line. of the point F is (- diagonals.
2,4) then draw the Determine
 Determine the quadrilateral ABCF Determine
d the Determined Determined
In the figure, A(-12,10), B(-4,-2), area of a triangle considering any d the
d coordinate the equation the equation
C(6,-8), D(t,3), E(6,8) are the using coordinate unit and determine equation
of the of the lines of the lines
vertices of a pentagon and system. the characteristic of of the line
points P AB and AE. AB or AE.
vertices are arranged in quadrilateral. PQ.
 Find areas of and Q.
anticlockwise order. d. If the two points
triangular and Total
P(h,k) and Q(k,h) Total marks for this assignment: 14
quadrangular lies on the lines AB
regions by and AE then
measuring the determine the
lengths of the equation of straight
sides. line PQ.

Marks Obtained Comments

11-14 Excellent
09-10 Very good
07-08 Good
00-06 Needs improvement

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