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Word Meaning Example

assimilation the process of becoming The assimilation of
similar to others by taking immigrants into American
in and using their customs culture has been a constant
and culture feature of US history.
cluster a group of things of the The telescope is focused on
same type that grow or a dense cluster of stars at
appear close together the edge of the galaxy.

comparative connected with studying a comparative study of the

things to find out how educational systems of two
similar or different they are countries
concentric Concentric circles and A purely elastic instability
rings have the same centre apparently also occurs by a
similar mechanism in other
rotational shearing flows,
namely concentric plate-
and-plate flow and
concentric cone-and-plate
conceptualization the act or process of Doctors must have a broad
forming an idea or conceptualization of end-
principle in your mind of-life care and the legal
issues that support it.
convergence the fact that two or more Depending on the
things, ideas, etc. become convergence thresholds and
similar or come together basis sets used, this can be
a factor of 2-5 faster for
medium-sized systems.
dispersal the action of spreading We have seen the violent
across or moving away dispersal of crowds of
over a large area, or of protesters.
making people or things do
dynamics forces or processes that The fight for the leadership
produce change inside a gave a fascinating insight
group or system into the group's dynamics.
empirical based on what is His research aims at
experienced or seen rather understanding
than on theory consciousness as a natural
biological phenomenon and
at fruitful interaction
between philosophical and
empirical research in the
study of consciousness.
entrepreneurship skill in starting new Extraordinary public
businesses, especially when entrepreneurship is
this involves seeing new required : innovations and
opportunities good ideas must be sought
and used.
exacerbate to make something that is This attack will exacerbate
already bad even worse the already tense relations
between the two
homogeneous consisting of parts or The population of the
people that are similar to village has remained
each other or are of the remarkably homogeneous.
same type
manifest to show something clearly, The workers chose to
through signs or actions: manifest their
dissatisfaction in a series of
metropolitan relating to a large city The deflationary policies
enacted in response to the
depression led to severe
cutbacks in metropolitan
army effectives in the early
predominant having more power or a way of thinking that is
influence than others predominant in modern
social life
prevailing existing in a particular The chief executive said
place or at a particular time the poor figures resulted
from the prevailing
economic conditions.
spatial relating to the position, Since the image synthesizer
area, and size of things has a 7-bit resolution for
the spatial phase, it
permitted gratings to be
displayed at 128 distinct
spawn to cause something new, or Those which did not spawn
many new things, to grow sufficient theoretical
or start suddenly accompaniments were
more quickly ignored.
transnational used to describe companies Many good hits are made
or business activities that on the soft targets of
exist or take place in more transnational
than one country pharmaceutical companies.

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