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Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design participants of the study, sampling technique,

data gathering procedure, and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

The researchers used case study research design because it is the most appropriate

method to achieve the purpose and goal of the research.

Yin (2014) defined case study as "an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary

phenomenon (the 'case') in depth and with its real-world context".

The utilization of case study research is helpful to distinguish the correlation of learning

difficulties to the student-participants.

Participants of the Study

The first participant was given a code name "Zeus" is a 16- year old male who lives in

Zone IV, Socorro. He gets good grade in General Biology. However, he still encounters learning

difficulties in General Biology 1 because of the abstract terminologies and the traditional

teaching method of the teacher. Nonetheless, Zeus' attitude towards learning biology remained

positive. He used this attitude as a mean to study the subject more. He has a general average

score of 96.

The second participant was given a code name "Zoey". She is female, residing in

Subaan, Socorro. Zoey finds General Biology 1 as a hard subject because of the terminologies

that led her to led her to lend more time in studying the subject. As a result, Zoey excels in
General Biology 1. Contrarily, she gets a failing mark because she was often influenced by her

classmates who does not study in Biology. Due to this, she studies hard to maintain her grades.

She seeks help from her teachers and classmates and gets motivation from her parents' moral

support and financial support. She has a general average score of 94.

The third participant was given a code name "Puyo". Puyo is a 16-year old male student

and lives in Subaan, Socorro. Puyo's parents are separated. His mother suffers from sickness that

forced him to work while going to school at the same time to provide for their needs. Due to this,

he was not able to cope up with the lessons because he is mostly absent in his class. He, then,

ended up having a failing grade in General Biology 1. Nonetheless, he still tries to comply in

every requirement and asks help from his classmates. Also, Puyo's positive attitude towards

studying is not affected because he receives moral and financial support from his mother.

The fourth participant was given a code name "Mikko". He is a 17-year old male

dwelling in Zone II, Socorro. He is often distracted by social media that made him unable to

review his lectures. He got a low mark in General Biology 1. He also finds it hard to learn the

subject because of the pedagogical method of the subject teacher. Nevertheless, he studies before

examinations and receives moral support from his parents and friends which gave him the

motivation to study Biology 1. He has a general average score of 88.

The fifth participant was given a code name "MJ". He is a 17-year old male and lives in

Matungao, Socorro. MJ has a general average score of 87. He gets distracted by other school

works in General Biology 1 class. As a result, he was not able to catch up the lessons. However,

he seeks help from his friend and search for some information about the lessons in General

Biology 1.

Sampling Technique
This study used non-probability sampling technique, also called judgement sampling, is

the deliberate choice of an informant due to the qualities the informant possesses. It is a

nonrandom technique that does not need underlying theories or a set of number of informants.

Simply put, the researcher decides what needs to be known ad sets out to find people who can

and are willing to provide the information by virtue of knowledge and experience".

Data Gathering Procedure

The research permit was obtained by the assistant principal of Leuteboro National High

School with the proper approval by the research adviser.

The researchers selected the student-participants after the approval of request. Upon

receiving informed consent from the student-participants, the researchers interviewed the

identified student-participants for the administration of the research tool in collaboration with

their teachers and parents.

Student-participants were guided by the researchers on the features and goals of the

schedule and observation and their respective name code was given in order to cover up their


Data Analysis and Interpretation

The research questions represent together a framework for collection and analysis of data

given. The data analysis was guided by four main categories: (a) kinds of learning difficulties;

(b) causes of learning difficulties; (c) effects of learning difficulties; and (d) coping mechanism.

Based on the aforementioned categories, the following steps in the process analyzing and

interpreting qualitative data were performed: prepare and organize the data for analysis, explore

and code the data, coding to build description and themes, represent and report qualitative

findings, interpret the findings, validate the accuracy of the findings. (Creswell, 2012)

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